House keeping Poster competition Introduction to day Paul Rowlands Head of School of Psychiatry Can we cultivate compassion? . =player_detailpage&v=t0GESlaVNdE it is from playing the lyre that both good and bad lyre-players are produced …is true of builders and of all the rest For if this were not so, there would have been no need of a teacher, but all men would have been born good or bad at their craft Moral virtue (‘ethikearete’) comes about through habit (‘ethos’) ‘…we become just by doing just acts…’ It makes no small difference, then, whether we form habits of one kind or of another from our very youth; it makes a very great difference, or rather all the differencein the world (Arisotle 4th Century BC) (Aristotle 4th Century BC) For many patients, compassionate care and nursing makes all the difference ….together the responses to the inquiry’s recommendations seek to build and strengthen a culture of compassionate care. Response to Francis 2013 er_detailpage&v=t0GESlaVNdE You become good at taking free-kicks by taking free-kicks Personal example Leadership at every level Day to day attitudes and behaviour training programmes institutions and structures Culture We become compassionate by doing compassionate acts And working within a culture in which compassion is expected All of us create that culture Enjoy the day!