St Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi, Pottery Lane, Notting Hill, London W11 4NQ
Telephone 020 7727 7968, Fax 020 7727 6390
Parish Priest: Fr. Gerard Skinner e-mail:
Parish Website:
Parish Administrator: Mrs Paula Lopes McDermid e-mail:
Parish Office Open Monday-Friday 09.30am – 13.30pm in the Presbytery
4thSunday of Lent ~ 10thMarch 2013
Prayer for the Election of a Pope
O God, eternal shepherd,who govern your flock with unfailing care, grant in your boundless
fatherly love a pastor for your Church who will please you by his holiness and to us show
watchful care. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. — Roman Missal
Mass Times
Sunday 10am,
11.30am & 6pm
Monday 9.30am
Tuesday 9.30am
Wed Church open
for private prayers
Thursday 9.30am
Friday 9.30am
Saturday 9.30am
6pm (Vigil)
10am – 10.30am
Holy Days of
9.30am & 7.00pm
Adoration of the
Thursday &
Friday from Mass
until 11am
After Saturday
morning Mass
Marriages and
Baptisms by
Parish Notices
New Vestments - Sometimes people like to give donations to the Church for specific purposes. Over the
last few months I have bought some new vestments for our church that fit in well with the beauty of the
building. Some additional vestments would further enhance the beauty of the liturgy. If anyone would like
to give a donation towards the cost of these vestments, perhaps in memory of a loved one or in
thanksgiving for something, please do let Fr Gerard or the Parish Office know. Any donations are
appreciated as vestments are not cheap. That being said, good quality vestments can last a very long
time indeed. If you are a tax payer, the value of a donation can be increased by 25% if it is Gift Aided.
Many thanks!
Forty Hours - Beginning on Tuesday 19th March there will be the annual Deanery Forty Hours of Prayer
before the Blessed Sacrament. This will take place in five churches in the Deanery between the 19th & the
23rd March. Exposition will take place in St Francis from 10am to 6pm on Tuesday 19th, the Solemnity of
St Joseph. Please sign up to watch for an hour before the Blessed Sacrament on this day. A list is
available at the back of the Church as is a poster on which are details of Exposition in the other churches
of the Deanery.
Adopt a Cardinal! - As the Sacred College of Cardinals prepares for the Conclave during which our new
Pope will be elected it is undoubtedly a god thing that we all pray that the Cardinals involved are docile to
the promptings of the Holy Spirit as they prepare to cast their votes. There is a rather enjoyable inititiative
available on the internet at the moment that encourages us to do this. By simply sending in your name
and e mail address to you will be assigned the name of a Cardinal to pray for
over the next few weeks. Remember, you'll be praying for him to vote wisely, not to win - it's not
Big Clean for Easter Could all cleaning teams be available to get the Church ready for the Holy Week
services on Saturday 23rd March at 10.30am.
Baptism Parishioners who want to have their children baptised in our Parish are asked to attend a
Baptismal Course. The next planned courses will be on Saturday16th March and 25th May 2013. Please
pick up a pack from the Parish Administrator, your forms will need to be completed and returned in
advance of the course to guarantee your place. Spaces are limited.
PRAYING THE ROSARY FOR PEACE every Tuesday after the 9.30am Mass. This is a specially
adapted form of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary to pray for peace.
Lenten Alms This year during Lent the box at the back of the Church will be for Lenten Alms. Each year
the Archbishop chooses beneficiaries and for 2013 the division will be split as follows between St John
Southworth Fund and Aid to the Church In Need. The box will be there each weekend for you to donate.
JPII Institute for Sport is looking for a volunteer who would be willing to do some administrative duties
for about 12 hours a week if this is of interest please contact Mgr. Vladimir Felzmann Catholic Chaplain for
Sport a.k.a Father Vlad on 020 8981 9697 or 07810116508 to discuss it further. This Charity will be
based here at St Francis of Assisi in an office above the Parish Centre.
Planned Giving The new boxes of envelopes for planned giving are available at the back of the Church.
Please take a few minutes to collect your box. If you are new to the parish or would like a box of
envelopes, or to join the Gift Aid Scheme or would prefer to pay by Bankers Order, please complete one
of the cards and post it through the Presbytery letterbox. These new boxes start on the 06th / 07th April.
Mass Times and Intentions
10.00 People of the Parish
11.30 Dessy Hynes (Int)
18.00 Karl Edward Harrison (RIP)
09.30 Mary Mackin (RIP)
Tues. 09.30 In Thanksgiving
Weds. 09.30 Church Open for Private Prayer
Thurs. 09.30 Murphy & McGing Families Past & Present
09.30 Mary Murphy (RIP)
09.30 Kodjo Yenga (RIP-Anniv)
18.00 Josie Hines (Birthday)
Sunday 17th March 2013
10.00 People of the Parish
11.30 Josie Hayes (Int)
18.00 Rosario Roque (RIP)
Helping in the Community next Sunday
Counters: M Moncherie, M Asefaw
Church Cleaning: Team F Mercy-James
Church Linen: Nancy D’Souza
Hand in Hand: P Kelsey, E Taylor (Sat) A Ferreira, N Costa
Hospitality: 10am: Filipino Community
11.30am: Filipino Community
Gift Aid We have now received gift aid envelopes, which
are now available from the back of the church. These
envelopes are to be used for one off donations to the
church which can be gift aided. What is gift aid? If you
are a UK taxpayer, you can add 25p to every £1 that you
give to this parish with Gift Aid. All you have to do is to
complete the form on the envelope (in capital letters) and
place your donation inside the envelope. Agreeing to Gift
Aid does not cost you any more than your donation, it
simply means that your money which has already been
taxed through employment does not get taxed again when
we receive it. You do however need to complete the form
for us, so that this process can happen. If you are a
member of our planned giving scheme, through envelopes
or standing order, you can also gift aid but will require a
separate form. Please contact the parish administrator if
you wish to Gift Aid or would like to receive a set of
envelopes or a standing order form.
From the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic
Faith –
22. What importance does the New
Testament have for Christians? The New Testament,
whose central object is Jesus Christ, conveys to us the
ultimate truth of divine Revelation. Within the New
Testament the four Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and
John are the heart of all the Scriptures because they are
the principle witness to the life and teaching of Jesus. As
such, they hold a unique place in the Church.
Diocesan Notices
Year of Faith: Faith Matter Series of Talks for Lent 2013
Celebration of Faith: Sacraments. Redeeming Beauty
14th & 21st March 2013, 7pm – 8.30pm, Westminster
Cathedral Hall, Ambrosden Avenue, SW1P 1QJ. ‘O
Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness’: Art and
Architecture, Poetry and Music at the Service of the
Liturgy by Archbishop George Stack, Diocese of Cardiff
Eucharist: Sacrament of Healing, of Unity and of Life
by rev Dr Andrew Cameron-Mowat SJ, Heythrop College
Reconciliation. Wasted Sacrament or Valued Gift? by
Bishop John Arnold, Diocese of Westminster
‘A Treasure of Inestimable Value’ – Music as Liturgy
and Prayer by Andrew Carwood, St Paul’s Cathedral
Liturgical choir Schola Cantarum, Heythrop College &
students of J.F. Kennedy Catholic School will perform at
selected talks. These are public lectures and all are
welcome. There will be an opportunity to discuss the talks
with tea and coffee provided. Registration is required at, by email or telephone 020 7931 6078.
Suggested donation per lecture is £3.
Cathedral Choir's performance of JS Bach's St John
Passion taking place on Wednesday 20th March at
7.30pm in the Cathedral. Tickets are NOW ON SALE from
Ticketmaster and the Cathedral Gift Shop. Renowned
tenor James Gilchrist will sing the part of the Evangelist and
the well-known bass-baritone Robert Davies is
Christus. The Cathedral Choir and Westminster Baroque
Orchestra will be conducted by Martin Baker. This is a
wonderful chance to hear our superb choir performing one
of the greatest pieces of Easter music ever written, with
world-class soloists and baroque orchestra. Tickets are
priced from £10 - £40, and are available from or 0844 847 1524. You can also
buy tickets in person from the Cathedral Gift Shop.
Christians in the Holy Land – Improving their lives.
Archbishop Vincent Nichols is chairing a meeting from 79pm on Tuesday 19 March at Westminster Cathedral Hall,
organized by the Friends of the Holy Land. No charge.
Refreshments provided. Details are on the noticeboard. For
tickets, call the FHL office on 01926 512980 or email
Churches Together in Notting Hill are pleased to
announce that the first Prayer Lunch of 2013 will be held at
St John's Church, Ladbroke Grove, W11, at 12:30pm on
Wednesday 13th March. Everybody is welcome - please
bring your own food to eat or share but drinks will be
Enjoy singing? Then come along to a free choir workshop
with the All Sing! Harrow Road Community Choir. Tuesday
19th March 2013 At The Westminster Academy, 255 Harrow
Road, W2 5EZ Arrival 6.45pm for a 7pm start and finishing
with a short performance for friends and family at 8.30pm
Offertory Collection
Collections amounted to £588.21 Envelopes, £675.66
Loose. Total £1263.87
February Bankers Orders £3,108.83
Many Thanks. Fr Gerard