Title of the Study Program Title of the Module Faculty, Department Instructor Address Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Department of Physics and Chemistry Assoc. Prof. Dr. Audronė Gefenienė Studentų 39, LT-08106; tel. 370 5 2790478; audrone.gefeniene@leu.lt English Language of Instruction General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Required Prerequisites Suggested Academic Cycle Bachelor degree studies (4th year of studies) or Year of Studies Autumn/spring Semester 6 ECTS Credits 5 Contact Hours per Week Compulsory Compulsory/ Elective Lectures, seminars, experimental work, individual Methods of Teaching consultations Exam (50%); practical work (30%); individual work (20%) Form of Assessment Course Description The course is an introduction to the principles of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis with emphasis on classical methods. It is designed to give the fundamental knowledge of analytical chemistry and the ability of application of this knowledge and practical skills for the solution of theoretical and practical problems including educational activities. Lectures will stress the chemical equilibria of acid-base and oxidation-reduction systems, metal ion complexes and solubility, and their relationship to chemical analysis. The laboratory practice covers commonly used classical chemical analytical techniques: gravimetry, titrimetry, introductory UV-visible spectroscopy. The main aim of a laboratory course is to develop good skills for the performance of analytical procedures. Students also extend their knowledge of analysis of data and their statistical evaluation. The laboratory includes one research project. Readings 1. Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., Holler, F.J. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. Saunders College Publishing, USA, Philadelphia, 1992. 2. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry. John Willey & Sons, Inc., 1994.