BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH (TCR) PARTNERSHIP GRANT CALL 2010 Grant Application Form CLOSING DATE: 17 September 2010, 5pm IMPORTANT: EVERY SECTION AND FIELD MUST BE COMPLETED. PLEASE INDICATE ‘NA’ WHERE A PARTICULAR SECTION OR FIELD IS NOT APPLICABLE. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE REJECTED. Application must be submitted by the above closing date. Also submit one duly signed original hardcopy to BMRC through your Office of Research to: Biomedical Research Council 20 Biopolis Way, Centros, #08-01 Singapore 138668 Tel: 68266111 Fax: 64789580 E-mail: BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 1 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP This document contains THIRTEEN (13) separate sections. Please complete ALL sections. Please use Font: Arial 10 pt, SINGLE spacing for your text SECTION I. II. DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIVE TITLE AND SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT OF PROPOSED RESEARCH PROJECT DETAILS OF CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS (Co-PIs) AND COLLABORATORS III. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF PROPOSED RESEARCH AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT IV. VALUE OF THE COLLABORATION V. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS/EXPLOITATION VI. DESCRIPTION OF PLANS FOR INTERACTION AMONG PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN THE COLLABORATION VII. WORK CONTRIBUTION OF TEAM MEMBERS VIII. CURRICULUM VITAE IX. BUDGET OUTLINE & JUSTIFICATIONS X. MILESTONES AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS XI. OTHER SUPPORT XII. SUGGESTED NAMES OF INTERNATIONAL REVIEWERS XIII. DECLARATION BY CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS AND ENDORSEMENT BY HOST INSTITUTION BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 2 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP I. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE AND SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT OF PROPOSED RESEARCH PROJECT Applicants to add in appropriate number of boxes. Proposal Title of Research Project: Scientific Abstract of Research Project : List specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the research proposal Do NOT exceed 300 words BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 3 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP II. DETAILS OF CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS (Co-PIs) AND COLLABORATORS The Lead Investigator should be nominated from one of the co-PIs in this project. His role will be to coordinate research activities carried by research team. He will make presentations and submit progress and scientific reports on behalf of the research team. The Co-PIs will be the persons who leading and managing a particular aspect of the collaborative effort. A. Lead Investigator and Co-PIs LEAD INVESTIGATOR (Title, name and research institution, email address and contact no.) BMRC CO- PI : (Title, name and research institution, email address and contact no.) BMRC CO- PI : (Title, name and research institution, email address and contact no.) NON-A*STAR CLINICAL CO-PI: (Title, name and research institution, email address and contact no. ) NON-A*STAR CLINICAL CO-PI: (Title, name and research institution, email address and contact no. ) BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 4 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP B. Collaborators (to include Industry collaborators) 1. Title and name Affiliation (i.e. Dept, Faculty and Home Institution/Organization) Email address and contact no. Postal Address Role in proposed project 2. Title and name Affiliation (i.e. Dept, Faculty and Home Institution/Organization) Email address and contact no. Role in proposed project 3. Title and name Affiliation (i.e. Dept, Faculty and Home Institution/Organization) Role in proposed project 4. Title and name of researcher Affiliation (i.e. Dept, Faculty and Home Institution/Organization) Role in proposed project 5. Title and name Affiliation (i.e. Dept, Faculty and Home Institution/Organization) Role in proposed project 6. Title and name Affiliation (i.e. Dept, Faculty and Home Institution/Organization) Role in proposed project BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 5 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP III. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF PROPOSED RESEARCH AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT List main objectives in order of priority. Describe the project clearly and succinctly Describe the main methodology and innovative approaches. Please do NOT exceed ten (10) pages for this section. Aim . Hypothesis Methodology BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 6 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP IV. VALUE OF THE COLLABORATION Demonstrate how the research could not be done without the joint inputs of all the co-PIs in this research team for the full term of the project. BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 7 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP V. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS/EXPLOITATION State clearly the likely applications of the work (technological, social, scientific, and economic) and when these applications are likely to occur. Technological – Social – Scientific – Economic – BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 8 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP VI. DESCRIPTION OF PLANS FOR INTERACTION AMONG PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN THE COLLABORATION Briefly describe the plans for interaction among the team member(s) and with industry collaborators in achieving the research objectives. Include a qualitative description of the team member(s)’ commitment to the project. BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 9 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP VII. WORK CONTRIBUTION OF TEAM MEMBERS Provide the expected percentage effort within the project, as well as within his/her other work commitments for the Co-PIs and Collaborator(s). Name Role in project (e.g. Co-PIs and Collaborators) Institution % effort within project1 Total 100% % effort within own work commitments2 1 NOTE: Represents percentage effort spent by the team members in the project relative to his/her other team members. The total in this column must add up to 100%. 2 NOTE: Represents percentage effort spent by the team members on this project out of total work commitments (eg. other grants, other teaching and administrative responsibilities, clinical work, etc). BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 10 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP VIII. CURRICULUM VITAE In no more than 1 page per team member, please provide the following information on all the CoPrincipal Investigators and Collaborator(s): Name Current position and past employment history (Please provide full details, eg, joint appointments, percentage of time spent in Singapore every year, if applicable) Academic qualifications (indicate institution’s name and year degree awarded) Latest 10 publications Patents held (related or unrelated to study) Recent awards (Scientific awards) Current and previous support from A*STAR/BMRC/NMRC/NRF or other sources Research outcomes from other grants (e.g. publications, patents, awards, etc.) BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 11 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP IX. BUDGET OUTLINE & JUSTIFICATIONS Instruction: A. State the estimated funding required for the proposed research under each of the co-PIs for categories listed in the table below. Add or delete depending on the number of co-PIs. 1. BMRC Co-PI’s Budget Manpower (EOM) Qualifications No Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) No Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Research Fellow Research Assistant Research Nurse Laboratory Technician Others (Please specify) EOM Sub-total Equipment (please state) Capped at a total of $100k Equipment Subtotal Other Operating Expenses (OOE) Materials & Consumables (Capped at $35k/Research Personnel/year) Animal Cost Conferences Maintenance Publications Others (please state) OOE- Overseas Travel (This is capped at $6k/year and includes overseas conference travel & overseas travel for purposes directly related to the research project) OOE Subtotal3 GRAND TOTAL 3 OOE Subtotal should include that of OOE and OOE- Overseas Travel expenses. BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 12 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 2. BMRC Co-PI’s Budget Manpower (EOM) Qualifications No Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) No Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Research Fellow Research Assistant Research Nurse Laboratory Technician Others (Please specify) EOM Sub-total Equipment (please state) Capped at a total of $100k Equipment Subtotal Other Operating Expenses (OOE) Materials & Consumables (Capped at $35k/Research Personnel/year) Animal Cost Local Conferences Maintenance Publications Others (please state) OOE- Overseas Travel (This is capped at $6k/year and includes overseas conference travel & overseas travel for purposes directly related to the research project) OOE Subtotal4 GRAND TOTAL 4 OOE Subtotal should include that of OOE and OOE- Overseas Travel expenses. BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 13 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 3. Non-A*STAR Clinical Co-PI’s Budget Manpower (EOM) Qualifications No Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) No Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) PI EOM5 (capped at $100K) Research Fellow Research Assistant Research Nurse Laboratory Technician Others (Please specify) EOM Sub-total Equipment (please state) Capped at a total of $100k Equipment Subtotal Other Operating Expenses (OOE) Materials & Consumables (Capped at $35k/Research Personnel/year) Animal Cost Local Conferences Maintenance Publications Others (please state) OOE- Overseas Travel Overseas Travel (This is capped at $6k/year and includes overseas conference travel & overseas travel for purposes directly related to the research project) OOE Subtotal6 GRAND TOTAL 5 Co-PI needs to fulfil certain conditions in order to qualify for funding. 6 OOE Subtotal should include that of OOE and OOE- Overseas Travel expenses. BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 14 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 4. Non-A*STAR Clinical Co-PI’s Budget Manpower (EOM) Qualifications No Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) No Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) PI EOM6 (capped at $100K) Research Fellow Research Assistant Research Nurse Laboratory Technician Others (Please specify) EOM Sub-total Equipment (please state) (Capped at a total of $100k) Equipment Subtotal Other Operating Expenses (OOE) Materials & Consumables (Capped at $35k/ResearchPersonnel/year) Animal Cost Local Conferences Maintenance Publications Others (please state) OOE- Overseas Travel Overseas Travel (This is capped at $6k/year and includes overseas conference travel & overseas travel for purposes directly related to the research project) OOE Subtotal7 GRAND TOTAL 6 Co-PI needs to fulfil certain conditions in order to qualify for funding. 7 OOE Subtotal should include that of OOE and OOE- Overseas Travel expenses. BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 15 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP B. Provide the details and justifications why these items are critical for the success of the research project: Proposed budget for PI EOM Equipment (where cap has exceeded $100k or if co-PIs wish to pool equipment budget to purchase equipment OOE for consumables exceeding the cap of $35k/research officer hired in the grant/year; animal costs and maintenance. BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 16 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP X. MILESTONES AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS A. Propose detailed scientific milestones for the research proposal. These will be used to assess the progress of the study. The progress of the project will be taken into consideration for continued disbursements of funds. Research Milestones/ Deliverables Q1 Year 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Year 2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Year 3 Q2 Q3 Q4 BMRC Co- PI (1) Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Etc. BMRC Co- PI (2) Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Etc. Non-A*STAR Co-PI (1) Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Etc. *Please use shading for the time points BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 17 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP Research Milestones/ Deliverables Q1 Year 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Year 2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Year 3 Q2 Q3 Q4 Non-A*STAR Co- PI (2) Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Etc. Collaborator (1) Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Etc. Collaborators (2) Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Etc. BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 18 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP B. Indicate the final expected targets for proposed research project. Please state ‘NA’ where indicator is not applicable. Performance Indicators Industry Relevance Indicators R&D collaboration Outcomes Number / value R&D projects with industry cash funding Industry dollars received to fund R&D projects ( includes in-kind contribution ) Revenue from royalties and licensing agreements Spin-off companies registered New products/processes commercialised Capability Indicators Training R&D manpower for industry Developing long term R&D capability Master’s research students trained PhD students trained Master’s research and PhD students trained and spun out to local industry as RSEs8 Research staff spun out to local industry as RSEs Post-doctoral (within 3 years of the PhD award) researchers hired Joint programs/projects with prestigious international research organisations Joint programs/projects with local universities Invention disclosures Proof-of-concept studies in man Progress to Clinical trials Kick-start clinical treatments/therapeutics Patents filed/granted/licensed/commercialized Papers published in international journals (To state impact factor) Presentations at international conferences External awards for research at international level 8 RSE: Research Scientist and Engineer BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 19 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP XI. OTHER SUPPORT Provide the following details for the grants currently held or being applied for by the Co-PIs. A. Support from any industry partner(s) Provide details on the funding/drug(s) or other resources provided by any participating industry partner(s) for the applied grant. Items Supported Funding Source Amount of Fund ($) Support Period (Year) B. Grant Support Provide the details for all currently held or applied grants by the Co-PIs. These include those supported by / applied to BMRC, NMRC, Universities, Clusters and other public funding agencies. Attach the scientific abstract of each grant listed below for Council’s reference. Title of Research Funding Agency Amount of Fund Approved/ Received ($) BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP Balance Available ($) Support Period (Year) Expiry Date of the grant 20 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP XII. SUGGESTED NAMES OF INTERNATIONAL REVIEWERS Suggest names of reviewers who may be suitable to review the proposed project, and state the relationship with the PI(s). Reviewers who are co-authors with the PI(s) in publications are generally not to be included. Note that reviewers must not have conflict of interest or involvement (direct and indirect) with the proposed project. BMRC has the final discretion whether to select the suggested reviewers for the evaluation of the grant proposal. S/N Title Names of Reviewers Details of contacts (Please provide mailing address, e-mail address, tel and fax numbers.) Relationship to Principal Investigator 1 2 3 4 5 The application should not be sent to the following reviewers. 1) 2) 3) BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 21 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP XIII A. DECLARATION BY CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS We declare that the facts stated in this application and the accompanying information are true and that this is an original proposal. In signing the Grant Application, we UNDERTAKE, on any Grant Award, to the following: Not send similar versions or part(s) of this proposal to other agencies for funding. Submit supporting documents of ethics approval obtained from the relevant Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Animal Ethics Committee for studies involving human subjects/human tissues or cells, and animal/animal tissues or cells respectively. Be actively engaged in the execution of the research and comply with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Ensure that BMRC’s funding is acknowledged in all publications. Ensure that all publications arising from research wholly or partly funded by BMRC will be forwarded to BMRC. Co-operate with BMRC to develop interests in biomedical sciences among students and teachers. Obtain approval from BMRC before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded by Council. Signature Date Non-A*STAR Co-Principal Investigator Non-A*STAR Co-Principal Investigator BMRC Co-Principal Investigator BMRC Co-Principal Investigator BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 22 BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP B. ENDORSEMENT BY HOST INSTITUTIONS In signing the Grant Application, the Institution UNDERTAKES, on any Grant Award, to: Provide appropriate support during the grant period. Ensure that the funds provided are used for the appropriate purposes. Ensure that the study complies with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Ensure that approval from BMRC has been obtained before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded by the Councils. Have in place code of practice for research integrity and procedures to deal with unethical research practices. Name and Signature Date Head/Director of Dept/Institution/ non-A*STAR (pls specify): Head/Director of Dept/Institution/ non-A*STAR (pls specify): Head/Director of BMRC RI (pls specify): Head/Director of BMRC RI (pls specify): BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 23