BMRC TRANSLATIONAL CLINICAL RESEARCH (TCR) PARTNERSHIP GRANT CALL 2010 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS General Grant Information Q: When will the BMRC Translational Clinical Research Partnership Grant Call 2010 be launched? When is the closing date? A: The BMRC TCR Partnership Grant Call 2010 will be launched on the 16th July 2010 and will close on the 17th September 2010 at 5pm. Q: Besides the area of Eye Diseases, are there other upcoming disease oriented grant calls? A: Future TCR Partnership grant calls are likely to focus on other disease areas. The specific themes will be determined by A*STAR BMRC in consultation with the clinical community, EDB and the BMS industry sector. Q: When would the BMRC TCRP be awarded? A: BMRC expects to award the successful grants arising from this 2010 Grant Call in February 2011. Q: It is stated that applications with partnerships with industry collaborator(s) will be considered more favorably. Must this be an existing partnership? A: New partnership(s) with industry collaborators are eligible for consideration as well as existing ones. The nature and duration of the partnership should be described in the grant application form. Q: Must the industry collaboration encompass financial support from the industry partner? A: Both financial and in-kind contribution by the industry partners will be considered favorably. Details of the industry collaborator’s contribution should be specified. The industry collaborator should sign off on the application. Q: Will BMRC assist in sourcing for an industry collaborator? A: Co-PIs are expected to link up with industry partners on their own. BMRC Translational Clinical Research Partnership (TCRP) Grant Call 2010 - FAQ 1 Funding Q: How much funds are set aside for this TCRP Grant? Is there a cap to the funding? A: BMRC has set aside a budget of $20M for the pilot TCRP in eye diseases. Depending on the complexity of the research project, it is envisaged that each project will be funded in the range of $3M to 5M for a 3 year period. Q: How is the funding be disbursed? A: Each co-PI will propose the budget necessary for his part of the work. This budget will be disbursed to each co-PI provided they fulfil the eligibility criteria. Q: How much funds will be allocated to each of the Co-PIs? A: Based on the applicant’s proposed budget required by each Co-PI, the Local Review Panel will scrutinize the requirements and decide on how much each co-PI requires for his contribution to the research project. In general, this should not exceed $1M/3 years. Q: Is there a cap for the equipment vote? A: Yes. The equipment is capped at a total of $100k per co-PI. However, coPIs can pool their equipment budget to purchase equipment that is necessary for the research project. Details of the equipment and justifications must be submitted for consideration. Q: Is there a cap for materials and consumables? A: Yes, this is capped at $35k/year/research staff employed under the project. If there is a need for additional materials and consumables budget beyond this cap, details of the type of materials and consumables necessary and justifications must be submitted for consideration. Q: Will there be funding for indirect cost? A: Yes, but only the non-A*STAR PIs will be awarded 20% of his approved budget for indirect cost. A*STAR PIs will not be entitled to any indirect cost funding as these costs are already covered by their institute’s core budget. Q: Will extension of grant funding be accommodated if there is a delay in starting the project? A: BMRC allows a flexible start date for up to 6 months from the date of BMRC Translational Clinical Research Partnership (TCRP) Grant Call 2010 - FAQ 2 award. PIs will be given a total of 3 years from the start date to complete their research. There will be strictly no extension beyond this period. Lead Investigator Q: Who should be the Lead Investigator? What is his role? A: The Lead Investigator should be nominated from within the group of co-PIs that makes up the research team. He will be responsible for coordinating the various components of the research project. He will also submit the progress and final report for the project. He will be asked to make presentations to the Scientific Review Panel as and when necessary. Co-Principal Investigators’ Eligibility Q: I am from a non-A*STAR entity, can I collaborate with a PI from a SERC RI? A: Yes.You must also find a BMRC co-PI to be part of the research team to be eligible to apply. Q: I am a basic scientist from a non-A*STAR entity. Can I be eligible for this grant? A: Yes, you will need to find a co-PI who is a clinician from a non-A*STAR entity and another basic scientist in a BMRC RI to be eligible. Q: Are there any guidelines to the number of Basic Scientists / Clinical Co-PIs? A: Each proposal must involve a demonstrable collaboration between 3 to 5 co-PIs. There are no restrictions with regards to the number of Basic Scientists / Clinical Co-PIs as long as one Co-PI is a basic scientist from BMRC and one co-PI is a clinical scientist from a non-A*STAR public sector entity. Q: Do applying Co-PIs have to be from different institutions? A: Yes, Co-PIs must be from at least 2 different institutions - one from a BMRC RI and another from a non-A*STAR public sector entity. If there are 3 or more co-PIs applying for the same grant, it is acceptable to have 2 of the co-PIs come from the same institution. Q: Are clinicians in private practice eligible to apply for this grant call? A: No. Clinical Co-PIs have to be primarily employed by a local publicly BMRC Translational Clinical Research Partnership (TCRP) Grant Call 2010 - FAQ 3 funded restructured hospital, national specialty centre or medical school. Q: Are clinicians in private practice with adjunct positions in local publicly funded institutions eligible to apply for this grant call? A: The clinical Co-PI has to be primarily employed by the local publicly funded institution. Clinicians in private practice with adjunct positions can participate as collaborators. Q: When must the joint appointment for the clinical co-PI from restructured hospitals/disease centres commence in order that EOM funding can be considered? A: Proof of joint appointment for the clinical co-PI should be submitted by the project start date. Q: If the applying Co-PI has a joint appointment at a SERC RI instead, would he/she be considered for EOM funding? A: No. The Co-PI must have a joint appointment at a BMRC RI to be eligible for EOM funding. Q: If the joint appointment is obtained after the grant has started, would the Co-PI still be able to be considered for EOM funding under the grant? A: Yes. However this would depend on the amount of EOM funding available under the grant and would be pro-rated accordingly. Q: If the Co-PI is being partially funded under the grant, would this affect the chances of having other research personnel employed under the grant? A: There is no cap to the number of research personnel fundable under the grant. The EOM budget will be moderated based on justifiable needs. Q: Are industry research scientists eligible to apply as a Co-PI? A: No. Researchers from overseas institutions and private biotechnology companies can participate as collaborators. Collaborators will not be entitled to funds and the terms of collaboration would have to confirm with the Council’s prevailing IP policies. Q: Do industry collaborators have to be Singapore-based? A: No. Overseas industry collaborators are eligible to act as collaborators on BMRC Translational Clinical Research Partnership (TCRP) Grant Call 2010 - FAQ 4 the project. Contributions by the industry collaborator must be elaborated in the application. Grant Assessment Q: What would the Review Panel be looking for in the applications? A: The Panel would be assessing applications based on the quality of the science, novelty of project, and relevance to eye diseases. A greater emphasis would be placed on applications with significant and potential benefit to solving a healthcare need through development of a clinically validated biomarker, diagnostic, medical device, or therapeutic modality. Q: What is the review process? A: Proposals will be put through a rigorous 2-step review process. They will first be evaluated individually by international reviewers, followed by a collective review by a local review panel (LRP) appointed by BMRC. Q: Who will be on the Local Review Panel? A: The LRP will consist of a local panel of clinicians, basic scientists and industry researchers appointed by BMRC. Q: What are some of the assessment criteria that the Panel will be using to judge the applications? A: The quality of the science, novelty of the project, and relevance to a clinical problem will be of paramount importance in evaluation of each proposal. Some of the key criteria include: Significance and potential benefit to solving a healthcare need through development of a clinically validated biomarker, diagnostic, medical device, or therapeutic modality. Scientific merit Impact Value for money Soundness of design and methods Expertise and track record of the co-PIs Whether aims and objectives are achievable and achievable within the 3 year timeframe Quality and complementarity of the partnership between the team of co-PIs and industry collaborator BMRC Translational Clinical Research Partnership (TCRP) Grant Call 2010 - FAQ 5 How convincing and coherent the proposal is with respect to project management (e.g. whether there is provision for adequate sharing of information, tissue samples, equipment between the co-PIs). Potential for commercialization and exploitation within 3 to 5 years Q: How would the progress of project be monitored? A: Each research team would be required to submit a yearly progress report at the end of each funding year. A Scientific Review Panel will assess the report and evaluate the project progress. The research teams may be asked to present updates to a Scientific Review Panel at the end of each funding year. Continued funding will depend upon the research team’s success in meeting the yearly milestones. Poor or no progress in achieving these milestones may result in funding being terminated. Grant Application Q: How do I apply for the grant ? A: Applicants are required to submit both a soft (Word format) and hard copy of the grant proposal. An original application (hard copy) endorsed by the Host Institution must be submitted to BMRC, A*STAR through the Host Institution’s research office. Q: Can I submit the soft copy application via email? A: Soft copy applications can be submitted either in a CD format of via email. For email submissions, please address them to : BMRC Translational Clinical Research Partnership (TCRP) Grant Call 2010 - FAQ 6