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DATE & LOCATION: Thursday 18th June at Meltham Sports and Community Centre at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Edgar, Brian, Martin, Wendy, Ann, Christine
New members or Resignations: None
1. Welcome & introduction
2. Apologies – Graham
3. Notes and items from last meeting (not on agenda)
The Himalayan Balsam Working party event last month was attended by Chris, Martin,
Brian, Graham, Wendy and Ann. Unfortunately Edgar and some other volunteers could not
locate the area where we were working so it was agreed that for the next event we should
arrange a place and time to meet. The balsam will be flowering shortly so it was agreed to
hold another event next year and to publicise it more widely.
4. Guided Walks Programme – All walks are agreed for next few months up to September.
Ann and Chris are looking at 4.5 mile routes for the Wills O Nats walk and doing a pre-walk.
We will arrange the Autumn walks at next meeting. Ann has had an email from South
Pennine Walkers about the Wessenden Walk and this has been added to the South
Pennine Walking Festival promotions.
5. Plans and Activities:
Christine is planning an antique fair to raise funds for Meltham Walkers are Welcome to
support the Pleasure Ground project. She will arrange a date at the Community Centre for
later in the year.
Christine has an idea to develop notice boards along the Meltham Way to recognise Tony
Dawson who developed the route.
Project Pleasure Grounds – Ann and Chris are organising a tea party at the Carlile Centre on
29th September at 1pm to 3pm to raise funds for the Pleasure Grounds Project. They
intend to interview people to get memories of the Pleasure Grounds in order to add to the
Notice Board. Christine has put an article in Meltham Mercury and Home Valley Review to
publicise this.
Wendy had an idea for getting local school children involved by creating a notice board
showing trees that are in the park then asking children to draw a picture of a tree leaf and
putting these on small plaques in the park so the children could find them and identify the
6. Royd Edge Adopt a Path – Brian has identified four issues with the path.
a) Vegetation overgrowth, b) mud, c) poor state of steps, d) erosion
Brian has written to Kirklees to seek help with upgrading the path. Will Progress.
b) Footpaths and Grid – Brian brought an Excel spreadsheet he has developed to the
meeting and Martin agreed to keep the master file. We agreed that a lot of the paths
were covered by the various walks we do during the year but that we would endeavour
to walk the remaining paths on our grid areas once a year and report back to Martin
who will update the master list.
c) Development Discussion Document– Brian handed out a draft document for everyone
to review and come back with comments at next meeting. A 1-5 year plan can then be
created from this.
7. Finance: - Ann confirmed that all is same as last month. The total we have in the account is
8. Any Other Business – Richard Noon contacted us to look at a path near Royd Edge where a
resident was concerned about motorbike use. Ann and Chris went with Richard to look at
the path. Some concrete blocks have been put in place by Brooks Mills at the bottom end
of the path. We agreed our group would have no objection to a gate being put at either
end to prevent motorbike use however Wendy suggested that there would need to be
‘Footpath’ signs in place to show the path is still in use.
9. Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting will be our AGM. This will be held at Anns house
at 74 Pavillion Way, Meltham 7.30pm.