View Minutes

DATE & LOCATION: Thursday 18th July 2013 at Edgars house, Meltham
PRESENT: Edgar, Richard, Ann, Christine, Wendy, Graham, Martin, Tom
Apologies: Ally, Jean
New members or Resignations: None
1. Welcome & introduction
2. Notes and items from last meeting were discussed as follows:
Report on mapping:- Wendy has scanned grid maps so can be emailed to new members or
given out again if needed.
Martin has prepared two spreadsheets. One for recording any problems on our 10 walk routes
and the other for recording problems on the grid areas we have been allocated.
Martin has agreed to record and manage this process – so please report any problems
encountered on routes to Martin. He will add these to his spreadsheet and bring them to a
subsequent meeting so action can be discussed. Please also copy Edgar in to any problems
reported so he can contact the PROW officer, although anyone in group could report a
problem to PROW officer or ROSS (number to be advised).
3. Edgar met with Tom and Wendy to give instructions on how to upload information onto
website. Wendy added route walk text and Tom has added the photographs onto the
route walks. These are now available to view and can be downloaded by the public. We
just require photographs for walks 6, 7 and 8. If anyone can get out and take these while
the weather is good and send them to Tom, that would be great. Please send email round
to all in group to say which one you are doing.
Any new walks can be easily added to the website, please send details to Tom, Wendy or
Edgar for uploading.
4. Preparation and printing of the walk leaflets update – Tom is on with preparing leaflets.
Again could do with photographs of walk 6, 7 & 8. He encountered a problem with finding
a suitable map to add to the printed route walks but has managed to solve this and is
sending it out for us to look at. We would like to get 3 or 4 maps printed before our launch
5. Facebook page – This is working well. Tom will add Ann and Wendy as administrators so
can upload and update page. Please click on to Like and Share this facebook page as this
will spread word to others.
6. Planning of WAW Special Day – Richard and Ann had meeting. Decided to run launch event
from middle of Meltham. Ann has emailed the Examiner. Insurance and St Johns being
looked at by Ann. National Trust have said they will bring a stall. Ann has contacted the
heavy horses at Hinchliffe’s farm. Will look into cost. Various walks going ahead. Christine
will lead long walk. Richard and Ann to progress marketing of launch day.
7. Finance Report – last meeting had £1520 in bank. Have spent £350 this month = £1,170.
8. Developing Supporters – Edgar to email out at end of July to everyone who gave their
email address to support our petition. This will let them know of our launch event, about
our Walking Meltham website and facebook page, ask them if they would like to join our
group, volunteer as a supporter, or be advised of any future planned walks , events or
activities we organise.
Please ensure any remaining emails are added to spreadsheet and sent to Edgar ASAP.
Richard mentioned about having a contact form on website. Richard and Tom to discuss
developing something that would capture contact names and keep them in the loop.
9. Any other business - Ann had contacted Pink Elephant re fund raising. They were willing to
help and would like to discuss more once they had settled in to village. Pam at Waggon
confirmed they would be happy for us to host a quiz night. Ann had also contacted the
Woodland Trust who said it was OK to mention Meltham Wood on literature and were
happy for Ann to clean up their sign.
We can take over Notice board in centre of Meltham once the photographs from Meltham
Memories come down. We need to think about what we want to put on there and how to
display it. Possibilities were to show walk routes, ask for volunteers, how to get people
involved. Add a programme of walks starting October/ November/December.
Richard reported that Walkers are Welcome had declined our application to become
members on the grounds of the strength of our committee. They mentioned that we only
had 3 members!. This is not correct and was due to the way their form was written.
Richard will reply to this and to put our case forward again.
Christine had received some feedback from Marsden Walkers are Welcome to say they
recommended that we only use signs on walks saying Walking Meltham on the routes so
they can be placed anywhere rather than actual route names. They also confirmed that it
took them a while to get associated with the Walkers are Welcome group.
10. Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 15th August at 7.30pm at Conservative Club.