Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah Personal Profile ---------------------------------------------------------------------Full name Place and date of birth Age Sex Nationality Marital status Name of Husband Health Hobbies : Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah : Banyuwangi, April 4, 1975 : 37 years old : Female : Indonesia : Married : Realino Nurza, MSi : Excellent, non-smoker : traveling, reading Personal Objective --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am seeking wide cooperation with multi sectors in strengthening capacity among women regardless religions, ethnicities, genders and class socials, so they could play significant role in building sustainable peace. I am interested to develop self resilience among women, so they can be independent in making decision about their life and community. Therefore they need to be sharpened their leadership skill and organization, and open their horizon and connection with different groups. When women have better knowledge, she will deliver better generation, who has commitment to seed peace. Awards and Scholarship ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asia Development Fellows Program 2014 for Young Asia Emerging Leaders on Development by The Asia Foundation Fletcher Institute on Non Violent Civil Resistance 2012 National University of Singapore for 6 months Course in Malay Studies 2009 East West Center Scholarship for Women Leaders in Peacebuilding 2007 Ford Foundation Scholarship for Master Degree 2003 Education and Skill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Formal Education Master of Art on Health and Social Science, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mahidol University, Thailand 2003-2005 Bachelor of English department, Faculty of literature, State University of Jember 1994-1999 Informal Education Training on Collective Advocacy by UNDP in Bangkok 5-9 May 2014 Leadership Training of Asia Development Fellows held by Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy held on 4-8 April 2014 Training of Mobilizer: Review and Testing Module, held by UNDP (inclusive Security) Bangkok 18-21 November 2013 Fetcher Summer Institute, Non Violent Civil Resistance 24-30 June 2012, Tufts University, Masssachuset, USA Women and Family, Tehran International School for Women, Tehran, 6th -10th September 2011 Training on tool of Reflecting Peace practice, Yogyakarta, August 2010 Training on framework of Do No Harm for Relief and peacebuilding held by CDA, in Jakarta 23 February 2010 Training on Strategic Financial Management for NGOs: Managing for Financial Sustainability by Manggo-Trocaire, in Jakarta on 18-20 January 2010 Training on ToT Peacebuilding held by Center Studies of Religion and Culture (CSRC) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, in Bogor-Indonesia.13-17 December 2007 Changing Faces Women’s Leadership program –women and peacebuilding in Asia, the pacific and the united state, held by East-West Center Hawaii, 8-19 2007 Disaster Risk Reduction Training, 29 August -1 September 2007 Participatory Risk Appraisal Training, held by AMAN Indonesia 22-26 October 2007 Peace and Conflict Transformation held by Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), Bangkok & Chiangmai 7-28 February 2006 Community Based Peace Study held by Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) Bangkok, 1924 September 2005 Short course on sexuality, culture, society held by TARSHI (Talking about Reproductive Sexual Health Intensively) and GAYa NUSANTARA, Surabaya (Indonesia) 22 February – 1st March 2005 1st Leadership training on sexuality and sexual and reproductive health in Southeast Asia and China held by Mahidol University, Thailand 2002 Mediation and Reconciliation Training held on 2001 Journalist for women in racism and discrimination issue held by ISIS Manila 2001 INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION --------------------------------------------- International Youth Multi faith Assembly, held by Global Peace Festival (GPF) in Makasar 2528 October 2013 Young Scholar Conference held by Asian Muslim Action Network on 5-6 March 2013 with title of paper “the role of women in conflict transformation: Reflection of theory and practice” HLP Meeting in Bali, CSO forum for HLP meeting in Monrovia held by African Working Group on 28-30 January 2013, representing Asia-Pacific. The fifth minority forum of United Nation, “Implementation of the declaration of the rights of people belonging to national or ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities”, Geneva 26th 28th November 2012 International Seoul Welfare Forum 2012, “Organizing Women, Organizing Community: Studies of Dynamics of Grass Root Women Organization in Indonesia” , held in Seoul 24 October 2012 Peacebuilders Forum 2012 “Towards New Paradigm: CSOs-government engagement in Peacebuilding, From Exclusive to Inclusive Peace” Timor Leste, 18-21 September 2012. Peace studies course of AMAN, Bangkok March 2011 International Interfaith Forum in AMAN Assembly, Pattani-Thailand, 26-28 January 2011 2nd Peacebuilders Forum of Action Asia, Siem Riep-Cambodia, 23-25 October 2010 Global Peace Conference, Jakarta 10 April 2010 Kartini Asia conference on Feminist Asia Confronting Fundamentalism, neoliberalism and Globalisation, Bali, 2-5 November 2008 Pre ICAAP inter faiths conference 17-19 August 2007, Colombo Pre ICAAP Muslim Responding to HIV/AIDS 14-16 August 2007, Colombo, Srilanka Workshop on “Multi Ethnic in Asia: Peace and Sustainable Development held by Southern Institute of Social Science (SISS) University of Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam on 13-15 April 2007 The 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health, Kualalumpur-Malaysia 17-21 November 2005 Interfaith Workshop in Southeast Asia “the Role of Religion in Building Community of Peace; Field Study at Tsunami Area in Thailand” Bangkok –Pang Nga, 18-24 July 2005 FACILITATION EXPERIENCE ------------------------------------------------------ ASEAN Youth Assembly, held by Indonesia Muslim Student Movement (PMII) in Jakarta 2629 August 2013 Workshop Synergy using Reflecting Peace Practice (RPP) held by Board of Coordinator in Bogor, 22-24 November 2013 Facilitation of workshop on CSO synergy using Reflecting Peace practice (RPP) held by AMAN Indonesia in Bogor, April 2012 Strategic Planning and strengthening Institutional Capacity of KIAS, a network for gender justice in December 2011-December 2012 Training on strengthening women grass root organization held in Salatiga, 2011 Gender Awareness training for American Red Cross Aceh, 4-6 September 2007 Short Course on Peace and Conflict Transformation (session The Role of Women in Building Peace) held in Bangkok-Chiangmai on 7-28 February 2006 Short Course on Children and youth participation (session community based approach) held in Bangkok on 14 January 2006 South and Southeast Asia course on Population and Sexual reproductive rights held by Health and Social Science, Mahidol University on 22 -23 September 2005 in Bangkok Workshop for violence against women in Tasikmalaya and Indramayu (2004) Training on providing advocacy for survivor of Violence Against Women in Tasikmalaya 2004 Halaqah (Thematic discussion) for Muslim leaders in Java (2001-2002) Leadership training on women and 30% quota for college activist in Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University) (2002) Building networking for Advocacy on Implementation of Shariah Law in Tasikmalaya, Cianjur and Garut (2002) “Madrasah Emansipatori” (Emansipatory Study) program of Desantara (Institute for cultural Studies) (2002) Training of Gender Sensitivity in Education for SMU (senior high school) teachers in JemberEast Java (2001) Training of Gender Sensitivity for Muslim leader in all-West Java collaborating with Department of Religion (Depag) program (2001) Training for gender sensitivity for teachers of senior high school in Jember-East Java (2001) Training of Gender Sensitivity (issue: Reforming Education System) in TK (elementary school) ISLAMIC VILLAGE (2001) Training of Gender Sensitivity for staff of several non governmental organizations such as LBH FAS, LBH APIK, LBHIuWK, SEROJA (2001) Training of Gender Sensitivity in Senior High School Santa Ursula (as permanent team trainer with other institution in Jakarta) (2001) Training of Gender Sensitivity for staff of IAIN Ciputat collaborating with Women Studies Center (PSW) (2001) Training of Developing Education for all in three towns (Cirebon, Jember, and Tasikmalaya) (2001-2002) Training of Gender Sensitivity for teachers in Islamic Boarding School in three towns (Cirebon, Jember, and Tasikmalaya) (2001-2002) Professional skill ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Cycle Management Financial Management Program Monitoring and Evaluation Program Development on impact-oriented approach Skillful in some tools such as Do No Harm, Reflecting Peace Practice, Peace and Development Analysis Gender specialist Facilitator of Women and Peacebuilding, Gender Justice, Reproductive and Sexual Rights and health Feminist Research and Ethnography studies Career Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------Engagement with International Network Member of Working Group of Asia Pacific Women Alliance for Peace and Security – February 2014- Now Action Asia Leader in Indonesia, since 2013- Now Moderator of AMAN Women Commission (http://aman-womencommission.blogspot.com/)- Since 2013- Now Co-Chair of CSOs Global Forum on Post 2015 Development Agenda in Bali 22-24 March 2013 Working Experience Since February 2013, I was appointed as co-chair for CSO forum on High Level Panel (HLP) on Post 2015 Development Agenda, will be held in Bali 23-25 March 2013. 2007-present Director of Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) Indonesia Be responsible for work performance of overall staff in different level Ensure the functional of organizational structure, regulation implementing relating to financial organizational matter Conduct staff performance appraisal and decide increasing salary based on input from finance and program manager Build and strengthen relationship with donor and other partners with same concern Be responsible for overall money spend in organization by applying regular monitoring Authorize a document of money liquidation from based on the need of organization June 2005- June 2008 Coordinator of Research Fellowship Program of AMAN based in Bangkok-Thailand Promoting Research Fellowship to young Muslim scholars in SEA Selecting Proposals in the first level before submitting to advisors team Holding Research workshop for selected researchers Supervising research result to meet standard of AMAN International Providing inputs to research report (standardization of research report writing) Strengthening networking among young Muslim scholars in SEA March 2000-April 2003 Coordinator of Training and Education of Rahima, Center for Information on Women’s Rights and Islam Developing concept of education for women Preparing manual of training on gender and Islam Preparing manual of halaqah for Islamic leaders in Java Facilitating all training on gender and Islam in three city Cirebon, Tasikmalaya and Jember Representing organization in national and international forums regarding to issue of gender and Islam Writing progress and final report Involving in proposal development 1999-2001 Secretary of Branch Executive Body of Solidaritas Perempuan Facilitating program development in East Java Documenting all activities Facilitating for member capacity building of Solidaritas Perempuan (SP) Representing SP in local and national forums regarding issue of women’s rights, migrant workers, globalization, feminism etc Publication Books Injustice, Gap and Inequality: Long Road To Post-2015 Sustainable Development, published by Kemitraan, Jakarta, first Edition, March 2013 Catatan Awal Tahun 2012, Kondisi Kebebasan Beragama di Indonesia (Annual Report on Freedom for Religion in Indonesia) published by Board of Coordinator , 2012 The Future of Asian Feminisms: Confronting Fundamentalism, Conflict and Neoliberalism, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012 Contesting Discourses on Sexuality and Sexual Subjectivities among Single Muslim Women in Pesantren, published by Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010 Journals and Articles Ketimpangan Non Pendapatan; Menakar Kesetaraan Gender dalam Agenda Pembangunan Pasca MDGs, will be published by AKATIGA Journal, 2013 Inter –religious dialogue: The Posonese Women Way, published by Journal of Asian Women’s Resource Center for Culture and Theology , Vol. 30, No.1, June 2011 Bibit Media Transformasi Akar Rumput, Edisi Bulan Juli Majalah Potret Perempuan Poso Merajut Damai, Majalah Potret Edisi Juni Many articles relating with women and peacebuilding published by SALAM Bulletin (www.amanindonesia.org ) Contributor website amanindonesia.org dan DK-Insufa.info Language -------------------------------------------------------- Javanese Language; local dialect in Java Island Bahasa Indonesia : excellent writing, speaking and reading English : Excellent writing, speaking and reading Media http://womenandminority.blogspot.com/ http://muslim-women-sexuality.blogspot.com/ http://aman-women-commission.blogspot.com/ ***