appendix VIII - Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies

Report for A.M.A.N Web Site
2008 –2009
In the last Report presented to 17th AMAN General Assembly in Lisbon June 2008 the
unique visitor of AMAN website were 23 900 . On June, 10, 2009 statistic shown that we
are at 27
789 Hits as Unique Visitor.
Accordantly we can deduce that in the last 12 months we had an increase of
New Unique Visitors
to AMAN Website; Comparing to statistic to same period of
time last year, an increase of 1008 hits is note in unique visitor
As graphic descriptions for the AMAN website traffic during the past 12 months it can
be shown as follows:
This traffic come from all over the world in the 5 continents and presented
graphically as follows:
(Only the top 22 countries will be presented)
As for continent the following Graphic presentation can be drawn
In conclusion the over all Summery for Unique Visitor can be
deduce as follow:
: 427 visitors per Month (350 last year)
Highest Month
: March 2009 - 401 Unique Visitors. (435 last year)
Highest Hour of the Day
: 12:00 - 12:59
Highest Day of the Week
: Wednesday
Domain / Country
: fr. / France
: Europe
: Mediterranean
Unique Visitors are being referred to AMAN Website from Website Link (99, 35 %)
and Search engine (0.64 %).
Search engine that are mostly use: Google (98%) and Yahoo (2%)
Queries mostly use in search engine are :
Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies
‫وكالة أنباء البحر األبيض المتوسط‬
Key word used within website search engine are :
Status, Syria, Francais, Mauritanie, Alliance, Maroc.
Mednews Contribution:
In the Mednews session most members are making a daily contribution for at least 2
stories a day for the exception of:
- AA: After the complain from AA in the last general assembly about not being able to
open AMAN website, I exchange some emails in the subject but never received any
reply or contribution.
To be noted that AA was till 2007 the highest contributor in MedNews Session
- TANJUG & LUSA contribute very rarely
- AFP: - As usual statistics show that France is the highest domain from which AMAN
website is being visited (12.5%), and AFP still never contribute to MedNews session.
1- In the last General Assembly hold in Lisbon June 2008, It had been decided that the
contribution to the MedNews session in AMAN website can be done in 3 languages
(English, French and Arabic); But at the exception of AMI ( who contribute in French)
all other members are still contribute in English only.
2- Also in Lisbon June 2008, During the General Assembly it had been decided that the
MedNews session will more friendly to use and be published directly on the Main Page.
This Step did not been accomplish cause we had been informed by The Secretary
General That a new Website is under construction. The news design will take into
consideration the direct publication of MedNews Session on the Main Page.
Roger Semaan
Webmaster AMAN
Director of the Internet & Satellite Dept. – NNA- Lebanon