Investigation of the Structure of IMF Substorm Triggers Using Multi-Satellite Observations T.-S. Hsu and R.L. McPherron Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, 90095-1567 Tel: 310-825-1882 / Fax: 310-206-8042 e-mail: / ABSTRACT An outstanding question in magnetospheric physics is whether substorms are always triggered externally by changes in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) or solar wind plasma, or whether they sometimes occur spontaneously as a result of internal processes. While the association of IMF triggers and substorm onsets has been demonstrated, it is also found that not all of substorms are triggered. Previous study has shown that the ratio of triggered and non-triggered substorm is about 60% and 40%. A surprising result is that triggered substorm show a stronger response than non-triggered substorm. It was suggested that this may be due to undetected small scale structures in the IMF, which have weak driving fields of short duration and hence transfer less energy to the magnetosphere. We use a large database of 1978 ~1979 ISEE 2 and IMP8 IMF observation to examine whether the IMF small scale structure occur frequently to account for the 40% non-triggered substorms. It was found that the probability of observing IMF small scale structures is less than 13%. The low probability (13%) does not match the occurrence frequency of 40% of the nontriggered substorm onset. It is thus unlikely all of the non-triggered substorm can be attributed to a missing small scale IMF triggers. INTRODUCTION To understand the magnetospheric substorm, it is necessary to determine whether substorm onset is always externally triggered by the interplanatery magnetic field (IMF) or whether substorm onset sometimes occurs spontaneously as a result of internal processes. Lyons [1995; 1996] argued that substorms must be triggered by external changes in the IMF and/or the solar wind. Specifically, Lyons [1996] argued that events without apparent triggers were likely to be a nonsubstorm disturbance such as a convection bay [Pytte et al., 1978]. The hypothesis that most or perhaps all substorms are triggered has initiated considerable interest in substorm triggering studies. Over the past decade, several studies have demonstrated that a majority of substorms (~60%) appear to be triggered by the IMF. However, 40% of all substorms appear to begin without obvious IMF perturbations. A statistical study performed by Hsu and McPherron [2002] has demonstrated that the association between IMF triggers and substorm onsets is a real physical phenomenon. A statistical analysis determining the average characteristics of triggered and non-triggered substorm in the magnetotail and geosynchronous orbit was performed by Hsu and McPherron [2004]. It was found that the average response in the tail field and plasma suggests no qualitative difference between the two classes of events. However, the magnitude of the response is different. Triggered substorm exhibit a larger response than non-triggered ones. This surprising result has been suggested to be a manifestation of undetected small scale structures in the IMF. Small structures are suggested to have weak driving fields of short duration and hence transfer less energy to the magnetosphere. To investigate this hypothesis, multi-satellite observations are required to eliminate the possibility of missing IMF trigger structures. In this study the authors will use multi-satellite observations to examine how frequently different IMF structure are observed at different locations in the solar wind. Specifically, data from 1977 to 1984 when two spacecrafts, ISEE2, and IMP8 were in the solar wind is used to examine the size and scale of the structures IMF triggers that may trigger substorm onsets. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS During the fall season of 1978 ~1985 ISEE 2 provide solar wind observation near the subsolar region, while IMP 8 was circling the earth. ISEE2 orbit was near the subsolar region during fall season of this time span. A schematic orbit diagram is shown in Figure1. An automatic procedure [Lyons et al., 1997] was used to identify possible IMF triggers of substorm onset for ISEE 2 and IMP 8 solar wind observation. Both ISEE 2 and IMP 8 IMF triggers were visually inspected to reject false identified events. Finally, two set of IMF triggers were time propagated to the subsolar region to determine whether they are associated. We have Figure 1: Schematic diagram for the ISEE-2 and IMP8 data for IMF triggers structure analysis. 1 assumed the magnetic structures are aligned along the average spiral direction. Since ISEE-2 was near the subsolar region, we have used the ISEE-2 IMF triggers as the base of comparison. The statistics of point process is used to create the association list and to determine the optimal time association window [Hsu and McPherron, 2002]. An optimal time association window is found to be ± 10 minutes, which is consistent with a study conducted by Hsu and McPherron [2002]. After all of the above data processing, we found there are 2531 ISEE2 IMF triggers and 1873 IMP8 IMF triggers without regard to the existence of simultaneous IMF observation in both satellites. If we restrict ourselves to the time interval which both ISEE2 and IMP8 have simultaneous IMF observations, we have 1455 ISEE2 IMF triggers and 871 IMP8 IMF triggers. It is obvious that ISEE2 has higher identification rate of IMF triggers than IMP8. This is very possibly due to the better quality (few data gaps) of ISEE2 magnetic data. These event lists are used to study the dependence of IMF triggering and small scale structure of IMF perturbation. spatial distribution and the blue line shows the IMP8 spatial distribution. Since this rho distribution is calculated for all IMP8 and ISEE2 solar wind observations, the percentage in each rho bin can represent the time IMP8 and ISEE2 spent in that particular rho bin. It is obvious that IMP 8 has a very little observation from -15 to 15 Re to the Earth-Sun line, a factor attributed to the IMP8 high inclination angle respect to the ecliptic plane. In the ISEE2 IMF triggers distribution, most of the observations occur inside 15 Re to the Earth-Sun line. The (b) and (c) shows the identified IMF triggers distribution in IMP8 and ISEE2, which is very similar to the spatial distribution in Figure 2 (a). The IMF triggers spatial distribution must be weighted by the number observed in each bin by the reciprocal of the fraction of time is spent in a given bin. This “normalized ratio” for both satellites observations is defined as follow: n f (1) N tot f T R T t (2) Ttot f fT n N tot Ttot t (3) where is the distance from IMP-8/ISEE2 to earth-Sun line, n is the number of identified IMF triggers for each bin, Ntot is the total number of identified IMF triggers in this analysis, t is the time IMP-8/ISEE2 spent in each bin, and Ttot is the total time of solar wind observation in this analysis, f is the occurrence probability for IMF triggers in each bin, f T is the fraction of time IMP8/ISEE2 spent in each bin. R T Figure 2: SEE-2 and IMP8 IMF triggers spatial distribution. DEPENDENCE OF TRIGGEING ON LOCATOIN OF SOLAR WIND MONITOR Hsu and McPherron [2003] examined the spatial distribution of IMF triggers and found that there is no significant spatial dependence of IMF trigger identification, i.e., the detection of IMF triggers is not a strong function of the distance from solar wind monitor to the earth-sun line. In this study, we reinvestigated this problem with almost 10 years data. The spatial distribution of both satellites is presented in Figure 2. (a) The Rho is the distance from satellite to the Earth-Sun line defined as Rho=sqrt(Y^2+Z^2). The +/sign, which is correspondent to GSM coordinate was added to the spatial distribution to examine the foreshock effect. The green line represents the ISEE2 is the time normalized ratio for each bin for triggered or non-triggered events. It should be noticed that the time-normalized ratio is not a probability function. The most obvious features in Figure 2 (d) is that, except for fluctuations probably due to noise, the ratio for both IMF trigger distribution is near 1.0. From the definition of this ratio in equation (3) it can be seen that this implies the number of events observed in a bin is proportional to the time the spacecraft spend in the bin. Furthermore, the constant of proportionality does not change with rho, contrary to the Lyons hypothesis [Lyons, 1996; Lyons et al., 1997] that states that the detection of IMF trigger is a strong function of rho. It is noted that, however, a slightly higher rate of identification at the dawn side of the magnetosphere. This slightly higher ratio of IMF triggers identification may be due to waves in the foreshock region and these waves have caused some “additional” IMF triggers. Nevertheless, the overall ratio is almost the same without regard to dawn or dusk region. In order to further examine the uncertainty of the 2 Figure 3:Examination of triggering spatial dependence by Bootstrap statistics. Both ISEE-2 and IMP8 IMF triggers has been combined. identification of IMF triggers, we have used bootstrap method to estimate the fluctuation in each rho bin [e.g. Efron and Tibshirani, 1993]. The bootstrap is a procedure that involves choosing random samples with replacement from a data set and analyzing each sample the same way. Sampling with replacement means that every sample is returned to the data set after sampling. The range of sample estimates you obtain enables you to establish the uncertainty of the quantity you are estimating. In this study, the resample iteration is 10000. The combined bootstrapped estimation of ratio is shown in Figure 3 for both IMP8 and ISEE2 IMF trigger distribution. The shaded region represents the uncertainty (± 1 standard deviation). It is clear that the detection of IMF trigger is unlikely to be a strong function of distance to the earth-sun line. TIME ASSOCIATION BETWEEN TWO SET OF IMF TRIGGERS A more critical examination is to use the time period which both satellites have IMF observations. In order to associate both IMF observations, we use a technique called point process to estimate the association of IMF triggers [Hsu and McPherron, 2002]. The point process analysis shows that the optimal choice to select IMF triggers association is ± 10 minutes. To further quantify the comparison, we have used cross correlation analysis to study the structure of the IMF at ISEE2 and IMP8, and to correct errors in time propagation. An additional criterion of 75% data presence for two set of IMF triggers is used. Furthermore, because ISEE2 was near the subsolar region, ISEE2 is used as base for comparison. After time propagated both IMP8 and ISEE2 IMF triggers to the subsolar region, we found that some triggers have simultaneous triggers observed at both satellites but some were seen only on or the other. With the simultaneous data and data presence criterion, we found 725 ISEE2 IMF triggers and 433 (60%) of these ISEE2 triggers have simultaneous IMP8 triggers with +/- 10 minute window. In figure 4, the upper left panel is an example of simultaneous observation of IMF triggers by ISEE2 and IMP8. It is obvious that both satellites observe the same IMF structure in this example. The bottom half shows the scatter plot of maximum cross correlation coefficient vs. separation between ISEE2 and IMP8). Two dotted line of 0.8 and 0.4 has been added for reference of examination, which was used in Crooker et al [1982]. Majority of the events with simultaneous IMF trigger observations has a high correlation coefficient. However, it is noted that a small fraction of events has poor correlation coefficient while IMF triggers were observed at both satellite. After further examination, we found that these events are caused by the data gap in the observation and the visual inspection suggests that these are almost the same IMF structure. The upper right panel of figure 4 shows an example of this class of events, simultaneous IMF trigger observation but poor correlation coefficient. Overall, we found that 60% of the events have simultaneous IMF trigger observation and 40% of the events have no IMF trigger associated within ± 10 minutes. We have a further examination of these 40% of non-associated events. Figure 5 bottom panel shows the scatter plot of correlation coefficient vs. satellite separation. We found that most of them have a very high correlation coefficient (bottom panel of figure 4), which suggest very similar IMF observations. Yet, the identified IMF triggers was outside the association selection criterion ± 10 minutes. Two examples of this class are shown in Figure 5 upper panels. In order to clarify whether these non-associated events is due to different IMF structure or time propagation error, an Figure 4 The upper panel shows examples of ISEE2 IMF trigger with simultaneous IMP8 triggers. The bottom panel shows the scatter plot of maximum cross correlation between ISEE2 and IMP8 IMF observation vs. satellite separation. 3 additional time delay is applied. We have added the time delay of the maximum cross correlation to the time shift, i.e., the final time propagation = solar wind time propagation + time delay of maximum cross correlation It was found 70% (27% of over all) of these nonassociated IMF triggers have trigger associated if cross correlation time shift is added and these events have a very high correlation coefficient. If rule out of these events, we only found 13% of the over all events have no IMF trigger association. Out of these 13% overall non-associated events, we found that 8% have high correlation coefficient. These 8% events may be caused by some irregular point in the data. Figure 6 shows an example at upper left panel. Finally, only 5 % of the overall events have a different IMF structure (Figure 6 upper right panel). Figure 5: The upper panel shows examples of ISEE2 IMF triggers with simultaneous IMP8 triggers. However, these IMF triggers was not registered because the time difference between IMF triggers are larger than 10 minutes. The bottom panel shows the scatter plot of maximum cross correlation between ISEE2 and IMP8 IMF observations vs. satellite separations. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION A preliminary examination to associate two set of IMF triggers (ISEE2 and IMP8) shows that 60% of ISEE2 triggers have simultaneous IMP8 triggers. The 40% of non-associated events are not actually observing a different solar wind structure. As a matter of fact, a further examination shows that only 13% of the nonassociated events can be attributed to different solar wind observations. Majority of the non-associated events are due to the selection association time windows ± 10 minutes. This immediately suggests that time propagation algorithm is not accurate for the IMF triggering study, a factor has been suggested by Hsu and McPherron [2002]. A more accurate solar wind time propagation method should be used such as the algorithm developed by Weimer et al. [2002]. Nevertheless, even with a crude solar wind time propagation method, we did not find supporting evidence for a small scale solar wind structure occur frequently. Overall, there is only 13% of different solar wind observation can be seen in this study. The low probability (13%) does not match the occurrence frequency of 40% of the non-triggered substorm onset. 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