Exercise 7: Pigment Separation, Starch Production, and CO2 Uptake ______________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVES: 1. Describe the differences between the light-dependent and light-independent reactions of photosynthesis 2. Separate photosynthetic pigments using paper chromatography 3. Describe fluorescence and its role in photosynthesis 4. Describe the process of electron transport in chloroplasts and its role in photosynthesis 5. Describe the change in pH that occurs as plants take up CO2 from their environment 6. Describe the distribution of starch in leaves relative to the amount of light they receive and the distribution of pigments _____________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Photosynthesis is a very important series of chemical reactions that convert light energy to chemical energy and leads to the production of food and oxygen necessary for life: 6 CO2 + Carbon Dioxide Light 12 H2O C6H12O6 Water Chlorophyll Sugar + 6 H2O Water + 6 O2 Oxygen Thus photosynthesis is a light- and chlorophyll-dependent conversion of carbon dioxide and water to sugar, water, and oxygen. Oxygen is released to the environment and sugar is used for growth or is stored as starch. Water is present on both sides of the equation, but they are not the same. The reactant water (left side) is split to release electrons during the photochemical (lightdependent) reactions. The product water (right side) is assembled from hydrogen and oxygen released during the photochemical and biochemical (light-independent) reactions (Calvin cycle). Photochemical "Light" Reactions Fast (almost instantaneous) Light-dependent Splits water to release oxygen, electrons, and protons Biochemical "Light-Independent" Reactions Slower, but still fast Light-independent Converts carbon dioxide to sugar In today’s lab you will investigate some of the major aspects of photosynthesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 1 - PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY Light must be absorbed before it can be used, and a pigment is a substance that absorbs light. The primary photosynthetic pigments that absorb light for photosynthesis are chlorophyll a and b. However, chlorophylls are not the only photosynthetic pigments; accessory pigments such as carotenes and xanthophylls also absorb light and transfer energy to chlorophyll a. Paper chromatography is a technique for separating dissolved compounds, such as chlorophylls, 1 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc. carotene, and xanthophylls. When a solution of these pigments is applied to strips of paper, they absorb into the fibers and the distance a pigment travels dependents on the size, polarity, and solubility of the pigments within the solvent - each pigment has a characteristic rate of movement. In the following procedure, up to four bands of color should appear on the strip - a yellow band of xanthophylls, a yellow-orange band of carotenes, a blue-green band of chlorophyll a, and a yellow-green band of chlorophyll b. The relationship (Rf number) of the distance moved by the pigment compared to that of the solvent is specific for a given set of conditions: Rf = Distance moved by pigment Distance between pigment origin and solvent termination (i.e. where solvent stopped on paper) Paper chromatography can be used to identify each pigment by its characteristic R f number, which is constant for each pigment in a particular solvent-matrix system. Procedure: 1. Obtain a strip of chromatography paper and make sure to only touch the edges so that oils from your skin do not contaminate it. 2. Apply a strip of plant extract ~2cm from the tip of the paper. Blow the strip dry and repeat 15 times - for the application to work you must start with a highly concentrated application of extract on the paper. 3. An alternative is to place a fresh leaf directly on the paper, then press and roll the edge of a coin over the leaf to crush the cells and form a stripe on the paper. Your lab instructor will tell you which procedure to follow. 4. Place the chromatography paper in a test tube containing 2 mL of chromatography solvent. Position the chromatography strip so that the tip is submerged in the solvent, but not the strip of extract. Make sure the test tube is capped to prevent the solvent from evaporating. 5. Place the tube upright and watch as the solvent and the extract move up the paper. 6. Remove the paper before the solvent reaches the top. Mark the position of the solvent front with a pencil and set the strip aside to dry. Observe the bands of color and draw the results on Figure 1, including pigment labels for each band. Use a ruler to measure the distance (in cm) from the pigment origin to the solvent front and from the origin to each pigment band. Use these values to calculate the Rf number for each pigment, and record this in Table 1. 2 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc. Pigment Carotene Xanthophyll Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll b Rf Table 1: Rf numbers Figure 1: Chromatography paper results Questions a. What does a small or large Rf number tell you about the characteristics of the moving molecules? b. Based on your results, which are more soluble in chromatography solvent xanthophylls or chlorophyll a? c. Would you expect the Rf number of a pigment to change if you altered the composition of the solvent? Why? d. If yellow xanthophylls were present in the abstract, why did the extract appear green? 3 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc. Task 2 - FLUORESCENCE Light produces reactions only if it is absorbed by a molecule. When sunlight strikes a plant, the chlorophyll absorbs some of the light and reflects some of the light. The green light is reflected and is responsible for the plant’s green color. The absorbed light “excites” the chlorophyll by boosting electrons to a higher-energy orbital. During photosynthesis, the energy of these excited electrons from chlorophyll and chlorophyll’s central magnesium atom are passed to another pigment molecule and photosynthesis proceeds. To observe these energy electrons we can disrupt the photosynthetic system by blending the cells during the preparation of the plant extract. The chlorophyll electrons in the extract are still energized if you shine light on them, but they are left with nowhere to go. They quickly release their energy by falling back to their original orbitals rather than continuing photosynthesis as they fall back, they emit a photon of red light. This release of energy is fluorescence. The wavelength of reemitted light is determined by the structure of the molecule reemitting the light. Procedure: 1. Place a glass test tube of chlorophyll extract in front of a bright light. View the extract from the side. Question a. What color light does the extract fluoresce? Task 3 - ELECTRON TRANSPORT IN CHLOROPLASTS The photochemical reactions of photosynthesis transfer electrons among various compounds within chloroplasts, but do not require CO2 if provided with an alternate or artificial electron-acceptor. Thus, electron transport does not require CO2-fixation to occur and each involve separate sets of reactions. A dye called 2, 6-dichlorophenol-indolphenol (DCPIP) can be used to detect electron transfers during photosynthesis. In its oxidized state, DCPIP is blue, but after accepting electrons it becomes reduced and colorless, and the rate of decoloration depends on its concentration and the rate of electron flow. By measuring decoloration of DCPIP we can indirectly measure the rate of some photosynthetic reactions. Procedure: 1. Prepare four test tubes according to Table 2. 2. Mix the contents of each tube well and place tubes 1-3 approximately 15 cm in front of a high-intensity light bulb. Wrap tube 4 in aluminum foil and place it with the 4 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc. other three test tubes. Put chloroplasts in the test tube last. Do not position tubes behind each other. 3. Observe the contents of the tubes intermittently and describe the changes in color you see: Tube Chloroplasts 0.1 M PO4 Buffer (pH 6.5) H20 0.2 mM DCPIP 1 0.5 mL 3 mL 1.5 mL 0 2 0.5 mL 3 mL 0.5 mL 1 mL 3 0 3 mL 1.0 mL 1 mL 4 0.5 mL 3 mL 0.5 mL 1 mL Table 2: Solutions for comparison of photosynthetic reaction rates Questions a. What was the purpose of each tube used? Task 4 - UPTAKE OF CARBON DIOXIDE DURING PHOTOSYNTHESIS Phenol red is a pH-indicator that turns yellow in an acidic solution (pH < 7) and becomes red in a neutral to basic solution (pH > 7), and can be used to detect the uptake of CO2 during photosynthesis. To detect CO2 uptake, you will put a plant into an environment that you have made slightly acidic with your breath. CO2 in your breath will dissolve in water to form carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of the solution: H2O + CO2 Water Carbon dioxide ↔ H2CO3 Carbonic Acid ↔ H+ + HCO3Hydrogen Ion Bicarbonate Ion As the plant fixes CO2 the pH will rise, and the solution will change from yellow to red. 5 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc. Procedure: 1. Fill one test tube one third (1/3) full with the dilute solution of phenol red (~2mL of phenol red + tap water). 2. Use a straw to gently blow your breath into the solution - stop blowing as soon as the solution turns yellow. 3. Add pieces of Elodea (about 10 cm within each tube) and pour out excess solution above the Elodea. 4. Cover the tubes with plastic film or foil to prevent gas exchange with the atmosphere. Place each tube ~50 cm in front of a 100-watt light bulb for 30-60 minutes. 5. Observe the tubes every 10 minutes Questions: a. What happens to the color of the indicator b. What is the reason for the color change Task 5 - USE OF LIGHT AND CHLOROPHYLL TO PRODUCE STARCH The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur on photosynthetic membranes. In plants and algae, these membranes are called thylakoids and are located within chloroplasts. Thylakoids are stacked to form columns called grana, and are held in place by lamellae. A semiliquid stroma bathes the interior of the chloroplast and contains the enzymes that catalyze the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis. Sugars produced by photosynthesis are often stored as starch, thus starch production is another indirect measure of photosynthesis. To produce starch, photosynthesis requires light as an energy source and chlorophyll to capture the light energy (in the absence of light and/or chlorophyll starch is not produced). In this task you will detect the presence of starch by staining it with a solution of iodine and observe the requirement of light and chlorophyll for photosynthesis. 6 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc. Procedure 1: 1. Place separate drops of water, glucose, and starch solutions on a glass slide. 2. Add a drop of iodine to each and describe your results. Procedure 2: 1. Remove a leaf from a geranium plant that has been illuminated for several hours. 2. After immersing the leaf in boiling water for 1 minute, bleach the pigments from the leaf by boiling it in methanol for 3-5 minutes - this will remove the pigments so that you can see the color changes of the iodine starch test. 3. Place the leaf in a petri dish containing a small amount of water, and then add five to eight drops of iodine. 4. Observe any color change in the leaf. 5. Record the color of the leaf after each successive treatment in Figure 2. Questions a. Was starch formed in the leaf? b. Would you expect leaves to be the primary area for starch storage? Procedure 3: 1. Obtain a geranium leaf that has been half or completely covered with foil or thick paper for 3-4 days. 2. Repeat the bleaching experiment above. 3. Describe and explain any color change in the leaf: 7 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc. 4. Record the color of the leaves after each successive treatment in Figure 2. Question: Does a leaf produce starch if it has been deprived of light. Procedure 4: 1. Obtain leaves of a variegated coleus plant and a purple-leafed coleus plant. Make sketches of their original pigmentation patterns 2. Extract the pigments and stain for starch as with the geranium leaves above - boiling the leaves in water will remove the water-soluble pigments such as the red cyanins, and boiling the leaves in alcohol will remove chlorophyll. These pigments must be removed for you to see the color changes of the iodine starch test. 3. Record the color of the leaves after each successive treatment in Figure 2. Questions a. How does the pattern of starch storage relate to the distribution of chlorophyll? b. Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll (green), but some of the coleus leaves that you tested were purple. How do explain your results? 8 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc. Fresh geranium leaf in light Boiled in water Boiled in methanol Stained with iodine Fresh geranium leaf in dark Boiled in water Boiled in methanol Stained with iodine Coleus leaf in light Boiled in water Boiled in methanol Stained with iodine Purple Coleus leaf in light Boiled in water Boiled in methanol Stained with iodine Figure 2: Color change in leaves as indicators of starch production during photosynthesis. 9 Courtesy McGraw-Hill, Inc.