Twig plants

Plant Twig Films
Twig Film: Parts of a Plant- Leaves
What is the name of the chemical process involving sunlight that occurs in leaves?
a. Osmosis
b. Respiration
c. Photosynthesis
d. Transpiration
2. What is the name of the organelle where photosynthesis takes place?
a. The nucleus
b. The chlorophyll
c. The cytoplasm
d. The chloroplast
3. What is the name of the leaf pigment which absorbs sunlight?
a. Chlorophyll
b. Mesophyll
c. Epidermis
d. Stomata
4. What are the small pores in the underside of a leaf called?
a. Guard cells
b. Epidermis
c. Stomata
d. Chloroplasts
Twig Film: Photosynthesis
1. What is the name of the gas that plants need for photosynthesis?
a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbon Dioxide
2. What is the name of the green pigment that absorbs sunlight?
a. Chloroplasts
b. Chlorella
c. Chlorophyll
d. Chlorine
3. Which of the following is produced by photosynthesis?
a. Carbon Dioxide
b. Water
c. Glucose
d. Energy
Twig Science Glossary Film:
Why are plant leaves green? They absorb ____________ and ______________ wavelengths of
light and reflect __________________ wavelengths.
2. Definition of Chlorophyll: A ______________ pigment found in all plants and algae that enables
energy from _____________________ to be converted to _________________ energy through
the process of _____________________.
Twig Experiment Film:
What do plants store glucose as? ________________________________
2. What is the point of the third plant in the experiment? (not under the jar or box)
3. What were the results of the experiment?
a. Deprived of Light- _________________________________________________________
b. Deprived of Carbon Dioxide- ________________________________________________
c. Both Light and Carbon Dioxide- ______________________________________________
4. Which of the 3 plants leaves turned color? ___________________________________________
5. Why? _________________________________________________________________________
6. During photosynthesis plants use _________________ and ________________ _____________
to produce ___________________. _______________ can be stored as _______________.
Twig Film: Amazing Plants1.
How big is the largest flower? ______________________________
2. What is the tallest plant? _______________________________
3. How old was the oldest seed to germinate? _____________________________
4. What has the largest leaf? _________________________________________