Stage 6 Biology: Patterns in Nature Student: __________________ Date: ___________ First Hand Investigation: Investigating requirements for photosynthesis Purpose: To demonstrate the need for chlorophyll and light in photosynthesis DOT POINT: plan, choose equipment or resources and perform first hand investigations to gather information and use available evidence to demonstrate the need for chlorophyll and light in photosynthesis. Introduction To find out what plants need in order to photosynthesise, we can test what factors allow the plant to produce starch—starch is one of the common end products of photosynthesis (glucose is stored as starch). It has been suggested that plants need light, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and water to produce starch by the process of photosynthesis. Factors such as these affect the ability of a plant to photosynthesise and so are termed the limiting factors of photosynthesis. The syllabus requires you to test whether light and chlorophyll are necessary for photosynthesis. You can do experiments to find out if chlorophyll and light are factors needed for starch production. You will need to do a separate experiment for each factor, since only one factor at a time can be varied in any experiment to make it scientifically valid. Part A: Light and Photosynthesis Aim To determine whether light is necessary for starch formation. Materials: Plant left in dark for several days Plant in light Geranium plant 250mL beaker Forceps Scalpel Petri dish Iodine solution Methylated spirits Method Using a leaf from a plant that has been placed in the dark and a plant which is exposed to the sun, (or an alternative is to place foil over some leaves on the plant for several days), Stage 6 Biology: Patterns in Nature Student: __________________ Date: ___________ Results: Leaf Tested Colour of leaf after boiling in methylated spirits and immersing in iodine Geranium leaf exposed to light Geranium leaf left in the dark Discussion: 1. What is the control in this experiment? __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do the leaves stained with iodine relate to the conditions under which the plant was kept? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Explain why a leaf that has been left in the dark is ‘destarched’. Propose a suggestion as to what may have happened to the starch that was originally present in the leaf. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Discuss why it is safer to use a hot water bath to heat ethanol, rather than using a Bunsen burner. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Explain why, if a destarched leaf is covered with foil and the remainder of the plant is left exposed to sunlight for three or four days, the results of your experiment may show that starch is present in the covered leaf. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Stage 6 Biology: Patterns in Nature Student: __________________ Date: ___________ Part B: Chlorophyll and Photosynthesis A variegated leaf is a leaf which contains green and non-green parts. As the green parts contain chlorophyll they can photosynthesise, but the non-green parts do not contain chlorophyll so they cannot photosynthesise. Aim To determine whether chlorophyll is necessary for starch formation. Method Results: Diagram of leaf before experiment Diagram of leaf after experiment showing areas where starch is present Stage 6 Biology: Patterns in Nature Student: __________________ Date: ___________ Discussion: 1. Discuss why the students chose a variegated plant for their experiment. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the control in this experiment? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is chlorophyll soluble in ethanol? Justify your answer using evidence from your experiment. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Identify which part of a variegated leaf contains starch. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Overall Discussion: From your investigations, are chlorophyll and light necessary for starch formation? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________