Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Larimer, Mary E., Ph.D. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE Davis, Kelly Research Assistant Professor eRA COMMONS USER NAME KellyDavis EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) DEGREE (if applicable) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION Trinity University, San Antonio, TX University of Washington, Seattle, WA University of Washington, Seattle, WA Veterans’ Affairs Hospital, Portland, OR B.A. M.S. Ph.D. NA YEAR(s) 1992 1995 1999 1998-1999 FIELD OF STUDY Psychology Psychology Clinical Psychology Pre-doctoral Clinical Internship Please refer to the application instructions in order to complete sections A, B, and C of the Biographical Sketch. A. Positions and Honors Professional Experience: 2000 Research Consultant, R & R Research, Boulder, CO 2001-2002 Statistical Analyst, Office of Admissions, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 2003-2007 Research Scientist IV, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 2007-present Research Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Honors and Awards: 1988-1992 Murchison Scholar, Trinity University 1991 Mortar Board Honor Society, Trinity University 1991 Blue Key Honor Society, Trinity University 1991 Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Trinity University 1992 University Honors in Psychology, Trinity University 1992 Summa Cum Laude Graduate, Trinity University 1994-1996 Wagner Travel Fund Award, University of Washington 1998 Bolles Fellowship Award, University of Washington B. Professional Affiliations American Psychological Association - Divisions 35, 50, 51 Research Society on Alcoholism International Society for Research on Aggression Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality C. Publications (Publications are under the names K.C. Davis or K.L. Cue.) George, W.H., Davis, K. C., Norris, J., Heiman, J. R., Stoner, S. A., Schacht, R., Hendershot, C. S., & Kajumulo, K. (in press). Indirect Effects of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Sexual Risk-Taking: The Roles of Subjective and Physiological Sexual Arousal. Archives of Sexual Behavior. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 10 Biographical Sketch Format Page Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Larimer, Mary E., Ph.D. George, W.H., Davis, K.C., Schraufnagel, T.J., Norris, J., Heiman, J.R., Schacht, R.L., Stoner, S.A., & Kajumulo, K.F. (in press). Later that night: Descending alcohol intoxication and men’s sexual arousal. American Journal of Men’s Health. Davis, K.C., Hendershot, C.S, George, W.H., Norris, J., & Heiman, J.R., (2007). Alcohol’s effects on sexual decision making: An integration of alcohol myopia and individual differences. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs, 68, 843-851. Schacht, R. L., George, W. H., Heiman, J. R., Davis, K. C., Norris, J., Stoner, S. A., & Kajumulo, K. F. (2007). Effects of alcohol intoxication and instructional set on women’s sexual arousal vary based on sexual abuse history. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 655-665. Stoner, S. A., Norris, J., George, W. H., Davis, K. C., Masters, N. T., &. Hessler, D. M. (2007). Effects of alcohol intoxication and victimization history on women’s sexual assault resistance intentions: The role of secondary cognitive appraisals. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 31, 344-356. Lopez, P.A., George, W.H., & Davis, K.C. (2007). Do hostile sexual beliefs affect men’s perceptions of sexual interest messages? Violence & Victims, 22, 95-111. Davis, K.C., Norris, J., George, W.H., Martell, J., & Heiman, J.R. (2006). Men’s likelihood of sexual aggression: The influence of alcohol, sexual arousal, and violent pornography. Aggressive Behavior, 32, 581-589. Davis, K.C., Norris, J., George, W.H., Martell, J., & Heiman, J.R. (2006). Rape myth congruent beliefs in women resulting from exposure to violent pornography: Effects of alcohol and sexual arousal. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 1208-1223. George, W. H., Davis, K. C., Norris, J., Heiman, R. J., Schacht, R., Stoner, S. A., & Kajumulo, K. (2006). The effects of alcohol and instructions to maximize sexual arousal on erectile response. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 14, 461-70. George, W.H., Stoner, S.A., Davis, K.C., Lindgren, K.P., Norris, J., & Lopez, P.A. (2006). Postdrinking sexual perceptions and behaviors toward another person: Alcohol expectancy set and gender differences. Journal of Sex Research, 43, 282-291. Norris, J., George, W.H., Stoner, S.A., Masters, N.T., Zawacki, T., and Davis, K.C. (2006). Women's responses to sexual aggression: The effects of child trauma, alcohol and prior relationship. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 14, 402-411. Davis, K.C., George, W.H., Heiman, J.R., & Norris, J. (2006). Sexual risk behavior: The role of alcohol intoxication and sexual arousal. Journal of Sex Research, 43, 33. Zawacki, T., Norris, J., George, W.H., Abbey, A., Martell, J., Stoner, S.A., Davis, K.C., Buck, P.O., Masters, N.T., McAuslan, P., Beshears, R., Parkhill, M.R., Clinton-Sherrod, A.M. (2005). Explicating alcohol’s role in acquaintance sexual assault: Complementary perspectives and convergent findings. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 29, 263-269. Davis, K.C., George, W.H., & Norris, J. (2004). Women’s responses to unwanted sexual advances: The role of alcohol and inhibition conflict. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 28, 333-343. Norris, J., Davis, K.C., George, W.H., Martell, J., & Heiman, J.R. (2004). Victim’s response and alcohol-related factors as determinants of women’s responses to violent pornography. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 28, 59-69. Norris, J., Davis, K.C., George, W.H., Martell, J., & Heiman, J.R. (2002). Alcohol’s direct and indirect effects on men’s self-reported sexual aggression likelihood. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63, 688-695. Abbey, A., Zawacki, T., Buck, P.O., Testa, M., Parks, K., Norris, J., Martin, S.E., Livingston, J.A., McAuslan, P., Clinton, A.M., Kennedy, C.L., George, W.H., Davis, K.C., & Martell, J. (2002). How does alcohol contribute to sexual assault? Explanations from laboratory and survey data. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 26, 575-581. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 11 Continuation Format Page Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Larimer, Mary E., Ph.D. Martinez, L.J., Davis, K.C., & Dahl, B. (2000). Feminist ethical challenges in supervision: A trainee perspective. Women and Therapy, 22, 35-54. Norris, J., George, W.H., Davis, K.C., Martell, J. & Leonesio, R.J. (1999). Alcohol and hypermasculinity as determinants of men’s empathic responses to violent pornography. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 14, 683-700. George, W.H., Lehman, G., Cue, K.L., Martinez, L., Lopez, P.A., & Norris, J. (1997). Postdrinking sexual inferences: Evidence for linear rather than curvilinear dosage effects. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27, 630-649. Cue, K.L., George, W. H., & Norris, J. (1996). Women’s appraisals of sexual assault risk in dating situations. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 20, 487-504. George, W.H., Cue, K.L., Lopez, P.A., Crowe, L.C., & Norris, J. (1995). Self-reported alcohol expectancies and postdrinking sexual inferences about women. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25, 164-186. Dozier, M., Cue, K.L., & Barnett, L. (1994). Clinicians as caregivers: Role of attachment organization in treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 793-800. D. Research Support Ongoing New Investigator Grant (Kelly Cue Davis, PI) 12/01/06 – 11/30/08 Center for AIDS Research, University of Washington 1.20 cal months Heterosexual HIV Risk: Alcohol and Intimate Partner Violence This project involves a national online internet survey of 300 heterosexual male drinkers. The survey will assess participants’ alcohol consumption and other alcohol-related factors, their use of physical and sexual violence against women, and their engagement in HIV/STI-related risk behaviors. New Investigator Grant (Kelly Cue Davis, PI) 3/1/06-8/31/08 Alcoholic Beverage and Medical Research Foundation 3.00 cal months The Effects of Alcohol Consumption, Partner Drinking, and Violence on Heterosexual HIV Risk The specific aims of this project are to investigate the effects of alcohol consumption, female partner’s drinking, and sexual violence history on men’s likelihood of using violence or coercion during a risky sexual encounter. R21 AA016283 (Kelly Cue Davis, PI) 9/30/06-8/31/08 NIAAA/NI 4.44 cal months Heterosexual HIV Risk: Effects of Men’s Alcohol Use and Sexual Violence Using a sample of men with prior or current sexually transmitted infections, this project investigates the effects of alcohol expectancies, moderate and high alcohol doses, and sexual violence history on heterosexual men’s likelihood of engaging in coercive or forceful means to obtain unprotected sex from an unwilling female partner. R01 AA014512 (Jeanette Norris, PI) 9/22/03 –8/31/08 NIAAA/NIH .60 cal months Alcohol and Women's Cognitive Mediation of HIV Risk Taking This project is conducting a series of experimental studies to examine the effects of alcohol consumption on cognitive mediation processes involved in women’s perceptions of risk and decisions regarding HIV risk taking. R01 AA016281 (William H. George, PI) 9/27/07 – 8/31/12 NIAAA/NIH 2.40 cal months Women’s HIV Risk: Alcohol Intoxication, Victimization History & Partner Factors The major goals of this project are to examine how alcohol and contextual factors such as partner characteristics operate in-the-moment to affect sexual decision-making processes of women with and without a history of either childhood or adult sexual assault, potentially affecting their risk of contracting HIV. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 12 Continuation Format Page Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Larimer, Mary E., Ph.D. Completed R01 AA13565 (William H. George, PI) 9/26/01-8/31/07 NIAAA/NIH Alcohol Myopia, Sexual Arousal, & HIV/AIDS The major goals of this project were to examine the linkages among alcohol, sexual arousal, and risky sexual behavior in men and women using six controlled laboratory experiments. Kelly Davis was supported on this project through a Supplement to Promote Re-entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research (R01 AA01356504S1). PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 13 Continuation Format Page