UNIT 4: Reproduction, Heredity, and Evolution My BIG goal for this unit is to earn a(n) _____ % on the Unit 4 Test! BIG Ideas: 1. The nucleus of a cell contains all of our genetic material, including chromosomes which are bundles of DNA that contain our genes which carry instructions for our inherited traits. 2. Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring, and the DNA inside your cells’ nuclei helps determine nearly everything your body is and does. 3. Mitosis is the process where 1 nucleus of a body cell divides to form 2 identical body cells with the same DNA used for repair and growth, while meiosis is the process where the nucleus of sex cells divide twice resulting in egg and sperm cells that have half of the chromosomes from each parent. 4. Some plants and animals can reproduce on their own which produce genetically identical organisms, while some plants and animals reproduce with others to make genetically different organisms. 5. Organisms with helpful adaptations are more likely to survive and reproduce which eventually may become a separate species over time. AIMS- How many can you master?! 80%= SCIENCE STAR & McDonald’s Coupon!! $*$*$*$*$*$*$$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$* 1. How is technology going to help us reach our Science goals? 2. (Review) What are the function of cell parts? 3. How and why does mitosis happen? 4. How and why does meiosis happen? 5. How do plants and animals reproduce asexually? 6. How do some plants and animals pass on their genes to their offspring sexually? 7. Review!! 8. QUIZ! SHOW OFF WHAT YOU KNOW! 9. What are inherited traits? 10. How can we predict what traits we will have? 11. What is an adaptation? 12. What are sources of variation within species? 13. What is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution? 14. Review!! 15. UNIT TEST! BECOME A SCIENCE STAR! 80%= SCIENCE STAR & McDonald’s Coupon!! $*$*$*$*$*$*$$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$* LAB- How can we use the microscopes to study our inherited hair? LAB- How does chance affect combination of genes? Homework- Use your NOTEBOOK & RAFT to answer!!! Each HW is worth 4 points (except Quiz Review- 10, Test Review- 20). You get credit for trying and you may e-mail your answers to msowin@gmail.com!! 1. What is your BIG goal for this unit? How is technology going to help you succeed in this unit? 2. Describe the functions of the cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast, nucleus, and chromosomes. 3. Describe the 4 main steps of mitosis. 4. How is meiosis similar and different than mitosis? 5. Describe how some plants and animals reproduce asexually. What is the outcome? 6. Compare and contrast how some plants and animals reproduce sexually to form a genetically-different zygote. 7. UNIT 4 QUIZ REVIEW SHEET & STUDY for QUIZ! 8. What did you get on your quiz? How are you going to make sure you do just as well or even better on your test? 9. What inherited traits do you have? How are cells, nuclei, chromosomes, DNA, and genes related to your traits? 10. Can the offspring of two parents with heterozygous brown (Bb) eyes have blue (bb) eyes? Why or why not? 11. What is an adaptation? Give an example. 12. How do sexual reproduction, mutations, natural selection, and genetic engineering create differences in the same species? 13. What is Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection? What are some clues that evolution really happened? 14. UNIT 4 TEST REVIEW SHEET & STUDY!!! 15. What did you learn about reproduction, heredity, and evolution? What did you like and/or dislike about this unit? Did you reach your big goal? Why or why not? Make sure you hand in your Microscope Lab Work! Make sure you hand in your “GENES with BEANS” project!! Science Star? *