DIFFUSION IN GAS PHASE Mental Experiment Consider a container of gas in thermal equilibrium and introduce a very small amount of different gas (“special” gas) in some place of the container. Consider an imaginary plane of unit area (A diagram on your page 1) perpendicular to the X direction and compute the net flow of the molecules of the special gas across that plane during time t . In order to count the number of special molecules that cross the plane in a time t we first count the number of molecules in a volume t from the plane. Here is the average actual molecular velocity in the X direction. The number of special molecules that passes from left to right is nt and from right to left n t . Here n-, n+ are the number density (number in unit volume) of special molecules to the left and to the right of our dividing plane. The net molecular current (molecule/cm2s) from left to right, i.e. in the direction of the xaxis then is jx nt n t (n n ) t (1) The question arises where do we count our densities, n-, n+? We must count at positions where molecules started their flight, i.e at a distance equal to the mean free path from plane. Now we would like to use a continuous function c to represent the concentration of molecules. Then 1 away n n dc dc x 2 dx dx (2) Ignore the factor 2 and substitute eq. (2) into eq. (1). jx dc dc D dx dx (3) Hence, molecular diffusivity D is proportional to the mean free path and mean molecular velocity D (4) The above development uses many approximations, instead of x , n+ and n- measured at distance , while for molecules that do not travel perpendicularly to our plane it is a slant distance that counts. A more careful analysis reveals 1 dc jx 3 dx (3a) 1 3 (4a) so that D The mean free path expresses how far the molecules travel between collisions (on the average). We can also talk about the average time between collisions . Then (5) By collision cross section we mean the area within which the center of our particle (molecule) must be located if it is to collide with a particular other molecule. c2 (r12 r22 ) . Then c2 no 1 (6) There is one collision on the average when the particle goes a distance gathering molecules could just cover the total area. Some additional comments: 2 in which the If we have special molecules (S) and background molecules, then there is a specific force F acting on S imparting an average velocity on S. drift F m (7) Drift velocity is proportional to this force! (no general name for constant of proportionality). In electrical problems where F qE (charge x field) drift qE where is mobility). Let us adopt that name drift F Then (7a) (8). m Ionic conductivity drift qE q V b ( ddrift x t ) ions arrive at a plate. There are ci ions per unit volume. The number reaching the plate is (c i A drift t) . Each ion carries charge q. The charge collected = qc i A drift t. Current I V V I q 2c i b R b R 2 q c i ch arge collcted qc i A drift unit time Relationship between resistances and molecular properties m ____________________________________________________________ So referring to the diffusion flux of (3a) we can represent it as: j x i kT dc dx (3b) D i kT (4b) The diffusion coefficient is kT times the mobility coefficient. The consequence of Ficks first law is the expression for the flux repeated below. 3 jx D dc dx Ficks 2nd law then states: ( Acc) (in ) (out) c x j x x j x x x t Upon dividing with x and taking the limit one gets: c j x 2c D 2 t x x The response to an impulse at x = 0 at t= 0 is felt instantaneously at all x (although exponentially small). Infinite speed of signal propagation by diffusion equation is a paradox due to the theoretical nature of the diffusion equation. However, the molecules do not cover the free path instantaneously. So the time when concentrations are counted at the left and right side of the plane differs from the time when the molecular current is measured by approximately the mean time between collisions or / . Mathematically, the flux is evaluated at t based on concentration difference that existed at t. j x (t ) D c(t) x (9) This yields (by expansion in Taylor series) jx (t ) jx (t) jx c D t x (10) This formulation avoids the infinite speed of propagation. It has been derived by Maxwelll (1867) Fock (1926) Davidov (1935) Goldstein (1951) Davies (1954) Cattineo (1948) Vermotte (1958) 4 Derivation of equation (10) is valid if c varies slowly so that one term Taylor expansion is permissible. When that is not the case and concentration changes noticeably during or on the length a more general approach is needed. - Consider 1D general case when c can change considerably during a time period of or on the length of mean path . - No convective flow Consider particles in random walk along x axis, v+, v- are velocities in each direction. Particle interacts instantaneously with surroundings and as a consequence changes directions. Each particle has the probability p+ that it will move with v+ and probability p = 1 – p+ that it will move with v-. Time spent moving in a certain direction is a random variable characterized by probability depending on this period. We count again particles crossing from left to right and those from right to left, at a plane at x. The particles reaching x from the left at time t had their last collision at the time t , and at the point x - v ( 0) and obtained the velocity v+ in the direction of plane at x, moved during time without collisions and did not disappear during time of travel due to reaction. The total number of collisions at point x v and at time t , in terms of continuous function c(x,t) describing the distribution of particles along the x-axis, is equal to c( x v , t ) / where is the mean period of time between collisions. The flux of particles at x and at t from left to right is pv j ( x, t) G( )H( )c( x v , t )d (11) o where G() = probability that a particle survives a time without collisions H() = probability that a particle survives a time without reacting. Similarly 5 p.v p j ( x, t) G()H()c( x v ;t )d (12) o If the probability that a particle moves without collision during time longer than a certain value does not depend on the history of particle movement, then for arbitrary t1 and t2. G(t1 )G(t 2 ) G(t1 t 2 ) (13) so that G(t) e t / If we consider a first order reaction , then H(t) ekt (14) Now Mass balance requires pv pv (15a) The concentration is defined by c j j v (15b) The net flux in the positive x-direction is: j j j (15c) Probabilities of all permissible events sum to one: p+ +p- = 1 (15d) Consider now j+ and for ease of writing drop the subscript + for now. Then, upon substituting equations (13) and (14) into equation (12) we get: j pv e a c( x v, t )d (16) o with 1 a (k ) (17) Integration by parts of equation (16) can be performed as indicated below: dv ea d u c( x v, t ) 1 a ea du (v c c )d x t to yield: 6 j pv 1 a 1 e c( x v, t ) a a o ea (v o c c )d x t (18) Upon substituting the integration limit in the first term above and splitting the second term into two, on multiplication by constant a one gets: aj pv c( x, t) pv ve o a c pv ( x v, t )d x c e t d a (19) o Differentiation of equation (16) with respect to position and time yields: j pv x j pv t e a o e a o c d x c d t (20) (21) (1 Substitution of eqs (20) and (21) into eq (19) yields: aj pv c j j x t (22) Now this has been derived and is valid for j+. A similar expression, only with the sign for j changed, because now one deals with c( x v ;t ), can be derived for j- . The x resulting equations are shown below: 1 p j j (k ) j c t x (23) 1 pv j j (k ) j c t x (24) Divide equation (23) with and (24) with v- and add them up. 1 j j p p 1 j 1 j j j (k ) c t t x x 7 (25) Recall and use in eq (25) eqs (15b) (15c) and (15d) to obtain: 1 1 c j (k )c c t x (26) Upon cancellation of a common term this becomes: c j kc 0 t x (27) Subtract now eq (24) from (23) to get: p 1 p v j j (k )( j j ) c ( j j ) t x x (28) Upon substitution of eqs (15a) (15c) we get: 1 j j j (k ) j t x x (29) Now we can add and subtract the following terms, given by expression (30), hence effectively adding zero) to eq (29). Upon, use of (15c) and regrouping we get equation (31): j j j j v v x x x x (30) 1 j j j j j v v k j v t x x x x However from eq (15b) it follows that v v c j j v v x x x (31) (32) Substitution into eq (31) yields: j j c (k ) j (v v ) v v t x x 1 (33) Upon multiplication by we get: (k 1) j j j c (v v ) v v 0 t x x In summary hyperbolic equations with finite speed of propagation describe the “diffusion” process more accurately. These equations are: 8 (34) c j kc 0 (35) t x j j c (1 k ) j (v v ) v v 0 (36) t x x These equations (35) and (36) need to be solved for concentration c(x,t) and flux j (x,t). 9