Common Stocks: Analysis and Strategy

Common Stocks: Analysis and Strategy
Chapter 11
Impact of the Market
The single most important risk affecting the price movement of common
stocks is the market
 Particularly true for a diversified portfolio of stocks
 In diversified portfolio, market risk accounts for 90% of the
Investors buying foreign stocks face the same issues on market risk of the
foreign country
 i.e. Japanese stock prices drastically fell in the 90’s
 Overall market (Nikkei) peaked at end of 1989 at 39000 and
by mid-1992 had dropped to below 15000 --- 60% drop
 1999 still around 13,000
Required Rate of Return
Minimum expected rate of return needed to induce investment
 Given risk, a security must offer some minimum expected return to
persuade purchase
 Required Rate of Return =Rf +Risk premium
 Investors expect the risk free rate as well as a risk premium to compensate
for the additional risk assumed
Understanding the Required Rate of Return
Risk-free rate
 Rf =Real Rate of Return +Inflation premium
 Real rate of return is basic exchange rate in the economy
 Nominal Rf must contain premium for expected inflation
The risk premium
 Reflects all uncertainty in the asset
Level of interest rate changes:
 Shifts due to changes in inflation
 Slope changes due to risk premium changes
Investment Decision
Asset allocation
 Determine
 Asset classes investing in
 Percentage of portfolio to allocate to each asset class
Security selection
Passive Stock Strategies
Natural outcome of a belief in efficient markets
 No active strategy should be able to beat the market on a risk-adjusted
 Passive strategies do not seek to outperform the market but to do as well
as the market
 Emphasis is on minimizing transaction costs and time spent in
managing the portfolio because any expected benefits from active
trading or analysis are less than the costs
Passive Strategies:
 Buy-and-hold strategy
 Buys stocks and holds them until some time in the future to meet some
 Belief that active management will incur transaction costs and involve
inevitable mistakes
 Odean and Barber Study
 Of 60,000 investors from 1991-1996—avrg investor earned
15% while active traders averaged 10% return
 Important initial selection needs to be made
 Functions to perform over life of the portfolio:
 reinvesting income
 adjusting portfolio to maintain asset allocation criteria
 maintain risk-level of portfolio
 Index funds
 Mutual funds designed to duplicate the performance of some
market index
 No attempt made to forecast market movements and act
 No attempt to select under- or overvalued securities
 Low costs to operate, low turnover
 Reasons why indexing works (Malkiel)
 Securities market extremely efficient
 Cost efficient
 Avoids heavy trading expenses
 Tax advantage
o Low turnover and thus deferring realization of capital
Active Stock Strategies
Assumes the investor possesses some advantage relative to other market
participants (superior analytical skills, judgment skills, superior information,
 Most investors favor this approach despite evidence about efficient
 Individuals not required to own diversified portfolios and are typically not
prohibited from short sales or margin trading
Security Selection
Identification of individual stocks as offering superior return-risk tradeoff
Selections part of a diversified portfolio
 Use of fundamental analysis
 Use of technical analysis
Majority of investment advice geared to selection of stocks
 Value Line Investment Survey—largest investment advisory service
 Studies:
 Latane,Tuttle, & Jones
 Results—widely differing performance of stocks in a given
 McEnally and Todd
 Results—during 1946-1989 period stocks in the highest
quartile would have largely avoided losing years, those in the
lower quatrterile-55% of the time results are negative
 Lynch
 Results: “small stocks make big moves…”
Security analyst’s job is to forecast stock returns
 Estimates provided by analysts based upon presentations by top
management of companies, 10-K reports, annual reports, etc.
 Forecast expected change in earnings per share, expected return
on equity, and industry outlook
 One of most important forecast is the earnings per share because of
its linkage between expected earnings and stock price/returns
 Recommendations by analysts: Buy, Hold, or Sell
 Rare to see sell recommendations but see buy, hold or speculative
 Reason for few sell recommendations ---pressure from the
investment banking side and their customers to avoid see
 Sell recommendations result in an average 2-day
decline of almost 5% and an additional 9% decline
over the next 6 months
Sector Rotation
Similar to stock selection, involves shifting sector weights in the portfolio
 Benefit from sectors expected to perform relatively well and de-emphasize
sectors expected to perform poorly
Classification of Sectors:
 Large-group classifications
 Cyclical
 Growth
 Value
 Four broad sectors:
 Interest-sensitive stocks
 Housing, banks, finance companies, savings and loans,
utilities, and residential construction firms
Adversely impacted during high rates (usually occur at the
latter stages of the business cycle)
 consumer durable stocks
 Cars, washers, dryers, computers,
 capital goods stocks
 Manufacturing equipment, precision machinery
 defensive stocks
 food production, soft drinks, beer, pharmaceuticals
 not as badly hurt during the down side of the business cycle
Success depends on accurate assessment of current economic conditions
Indirect investing through sector funds
 Roughly 500 sector funds in such sectors as Real Estate, utilities,
health care, etc
 Popular with momentum traders
Market Timing
Market timers attempt to earn excess returns by varying the percentage of
portfolio assets in equity securities
 Increase (decrease) portfolio beta when the market is expected to rise (fall)
Success depends on the amount of brokerage commissions and taxes paid
 Can investors regularly time the market to provide positive risk-adjusted
Empirical Evidence based on mutual funds:
 Biggest risk of market-timing is that the investor will not be in the market
at the critical times
 No evidence that funds were able to time market changes and change their
risk level in response
 Veit and Cheney (82)
 Results: not able to successfully change risk levels based
on timing strategies
 Chang and Lewellen ( 84)
 Results: little evidence of market timing success
 Henriksson (84)
 Results: little evidence of market timing success
Efficient Markets and Active Strategies
If EMH true:
 Active strategies are unlikely to be successful over time after all costs
 If markets efficient, prices reflect fair economic value
EMH Proponents argue that little time should be devoted to security analysis
 More time spent on reducing taxes, costs and maintaining chosen portfolio
Approaches to Stock Selection
Technical analysis
 Refers to the method of forecasting changes in security prices by
identifying recurring stock price patterns
 Prices assumed to move in trends that persist
Changes in trends result from changes in supply and
demand conditions
 Old strategy that can be traced back to the late nineteenth century
 Value of a stock is primarily a function of supply and demand
 Not concerned with the underlying economic variables that affect a
company or the market
 The causes for the demand and supply conditions are not important
 Basic Question: Does excess demand or supply exist for a stock and can
such a condition be detected by studying either the patterns of past price
fluctuations or the movements of certain technical indicators or rules?
 Technicians use graphs and charts of price changes, volume of trading
over time, and other indicators
Momentum Strategies
 Investing on the basis of recent movements in the price of a stock
 Basic Premise: if a stock outperformed the market over some recent
period, it is likely to continue to do so
 Short-run approach
 Value Line Investment Survey ranks stocks on both price and earning
 Merrill Lynch Survey on fund managers’ styles found most popular style
is momentum
Fundamental Analysis
 Assumes that any security (and the market as a whole) has an intrinsic
value as estimated by an investor
 Intrinsic value a function of a firm’s earnings, sales, risk, etc.
 Intrinsic value compared to the current market price of the security (SML)
 In equilibrium, the current market price of a security reflects the average
of the intrinsic value estimates made by investors
 Profits are made by acting before the market consensus reflects the correct
 Fundamental Approaches
 Bottom-Up Approach
 Investors focus on a company’s basics or fundamentals
 Company’s products, its competitive position, and its
financial status leads to company’s earnings potential,
and ultimately its value
 Emphasis is on finding companies with good long-term growth
prospects, and making accurate earning estimates
 Classic common stock selection strategies involve growth
stocks and value stocks
 Growth stocks carry investor expectations of aboveaverage future growth in earnings and above-average
valuations as a result of high price/earnings ratio
 Value stocks feature cheap assets and strong balance
Top-down approach
 First, analyze the overall economy and conditions in security
 Economy/Market Analysis
 Assess the state of the economy and the outlook for
variables such as corporate profits and interest rates
 The status of economic activity has a major
impact on overall stock prices
 Investors cannot go very well against market
 If markets move strongly, most
stocks are carried along
 25% to 50% of variability in annual earnings
attributable to the overall economy
 economy significantly affects what happens to
various industries
 Second, analyze the industry within which a particular company
 Industry Analysis
 An industry factor is the second component, after
overall market movements, affecting the variability
of stock returns
 The degree of response to market movements can
vary significantly across industries
 The business cycle affects industries differently
 Down-turn—heavy goods industries decline
 Inflationary periods---regulated industries that
can not pass on costs may be hurt
 Finally, analyze the company, which involves the factors affecting
the valuation models
 Company Analysis
 Security analysts are typically assigned specific
industries but reports deal with individual
 Close relationship between earnings per share and
share prices
 Dividends are closely tied to earnings, but
not necessarily the current earnings
 Forecasting earnings and dividends is
important in arriving at the current price
(price based on expected stream of cash
flows and required rate of return)
 Earnings are key to fundamental analysis
Behavioral Finance
 Investment behavior based on belief that investors may act irrationally
 “Investor overreaction hypothesis”—investors overreact to events in a
predictable manner, overvaluing the best alternatives and undervaluing the