Master Class in Strategy: This course draws heavily on the on the new book Beyond Crisis: Achieving Renewal in a Turbulent World. (John Wiley 2010) Here you will find an a summary of the book that explains the model in which the course is based. Summary: The world enjoyed very unusual conditions during the so-called Great Moderation. Interest rates and inflation were at historical lows, global political disputes appeared to be resolving themselves and the world's work force doubled. Science and technology rained down new possibilities, and the future appeared unbounded. Organisations responded in ways that suited the times. They cut costs, outsourced activities and focused on what they did best. Asset prices soared to levels which made a large number of people in the industrial world feel rich, and able to borrow. Consumers borrowed as never before. Employment remained high, inflation low and even the Internet bubble was unable to dislodge the underlying confidence in the economic model. This period is not going to return. The business model that underpinned organisational behaviour is also obsolete. In its place, there is an anxiousness, a frantic pulling on the levers that used to work and a universal malaise. Beyond Crisis offers a diagnosis of this problem and a solution to it. Overview The Great Moderation enveloped us with a period of false tranquillity, finally dispelled by the financial crisis. The world ahead of us will be very different, fastmoving and innately challenging. The Great Moderation concealed an important trend. This concerns the style with which many large organisations were managed. This style is not so much obsolete as irrelevant and a distraction from to the issues which most organisations face. It will still need to run in the background, but supplemented by a huge change of emphasis. The orthodoxy of the pre-crisis world held that everything that could be delegated beyond the bounds of an organisation should be; and that what remained when this was complete should focus on uniformity, on reducing its costs and bureaucratising its processes. Organisations pursued these goals through increasingly generic procedures and so, inadvertently, became increasingly similar to their peers in cost profile, customer offer and internal organisation. In the case of commerce, this situation leads to what called 'commoditisation'. One of the consequences of commoditisation is evaporating profits. However, this reductionist management style fossilises the organisation, and greatly weakens its capacity to renew itself. The world will not return to the conditions of the Great Moderation. Very fast change is upon us. We turn, therefore, to the responses that organisations can make to this. At the centre of any viable response lies the idea of renewal, the continued change within the portfolios of activity that the organisation undertakes. This change affects what it does, how it does it, why it does it and for whom. The deep roots of renewal Renewal has to satisfy a range of requirements. It must be coherent, in the sense that the organisation remains a rational whole, or becomes an even more rational whole, as renewal proceeds. This rationality has to answer to two deep sources of insight: First, it must respond to the nature of the external environment - that is, to everything from competition to customers, regulators and voters. Rationality emerges from the application of Insight, which is the first of five key qualities which we are going to advance. Second, renewal is a journey that has to go where the organisation "wants" to go. This seemingly obvious statement conceals many complications. For example, how does it know what it wants? What is actually practical and possible? What, and judged by which criteria, is the "best" kind of destination: what it wants, or something else? Renewal is a demanding requirement on any organisation. In addition to doing what maintains its current position, it also has to divert resource to undertake tasks which, of their very nature, are uncertain and unknowable. The source of renewal: productivity, innovation Many organisations rely upon spontaneous ideas, happy propinquity, acquisition and outside assistance to generate renewal. Ideas are thought to be so plentiful that they can be scattered like seed. In the world in prospect, however, renewal cannot be left to chance. It has to be as professional as any other process in the organisation; indeed, as it is leading the charge, it has to be the strongest element. Organisations access an enormous body of knowledge. Attempts to systematise this have not been hugely successful, as measured by contribution to renewal and output. Rather, what is needed is a form of organisation that clarifies Insight into what matters, Values around what the organisation "wants" to do, Options that reflect practical possibilities and absolute imperatives that impose themselves on the organisation. Good ideas do not "just happen", or not very frequently. Organisations have spent decades cutting their costs and inadvertently making themselves more and more like their peers. Renewal reverses this process, making organisations uniquely fitted to their niche, and resilient when that niche undergoes change. We now introduce a new term: the Purposeful Self-Renewing Organisation, or PSRO. The PS-RO is continually and actively changing its nature. It is doing this in order to meet anticipated conditions. The PS-RO model defines the broad shape of the organisation that is fitted succeed in the turbulent, fast-flowing river of change. The book and the course are concerned with the details of the PS-RO, and the tools that you can apply in building one. Almost by the definition of renewal, there can be no single correct form for a PS-RO. Anything which is remotely generic is immediately susceptible to commoditisation, to being made out of date. The PS-RO permanently strives to adapt itself to its precise circumstances, which are unlike those of any other organisation. How is all of this to be put in place? Curiously, implementation is relatively easy once the understanding is in place as to what needs to be done. This book/course offers you precisely such a perspective. We cannot, however, offer a more detailed blueprint, both for the reasons already offered – that there is no one right answer, except for this particular organisation within the context of its current circumstances - and also because matters do not stand still. There will be times when technology changes rapidly, or perhaps when stakeholders are particularly demanding. Your structure - your Machinery - will need to shift its focus in order to accommodate this. In the same way that education teaches us how to think as much as what to think, this book is intended to show how to organise for a Purposeful Self-Renewing Organisation. What’s our authority to do this? Why listen to us? Between us, the authors have over 100 years of experience, working as senior managers in multinationals, and as consultants to major corporations, governmental departments and third sector organisations. We have worked with hundreds of organisations across the world, enabling them. You will see that we use many examples and case studies; most of them come from our direct experience. In this book/course we demonstrate how the future organisation will work and why this will be successful. Every organisation is different, however, and there is no single, generic solution. But we do know that to be successful, a PS-RO will need to have five qualities: Values, Insight, Options, Narrative and Machinery. To that end, we provide a tool kit which provides you with the necessary tools to create your own PS-RO. We believe that the future need not be overwhelmingly daunting; ‘getting the job done’ can be challenging, stimulating, inspiring, rewarding and enjoyable. PS-RO staff are respected and responsible, informed and insightful, exhibiting qualities of confidence and leadership that lead to long term success – and, crucially, profitability. Finally, to create your own PS-RO we do not ask you to establish planning groups or other cost centres because we believe that the wisdom of the organisation must be tapped directly. What is needed are long, purposeful conversations, backed by insight into which everyone with something to say has their voice. Then you will see renewal: establishing clarity, hunting out useful ideas and capabilities, creating options for the future and exploiting new abilities for the present. As you can see this goes beyond traditional strategic planning; what we envision is the desire - and the will - to create an environment which encourages and enables a whole organisation to take charge of its destiny. We hope that you enjoy reading Beyond Crisis, and/or attending our Master Class in Stragety.