Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) 30 TAC 350 Regulatory Issues and Potential Solutions Revised: August 9, 2005 No. Citation Regulatory Issue Potential Solution '350.2(m)(2) The last sentence, regarding not returning to 30 TAC 335 once in 30 TAC 350, should be extended to all grandfathered situations. Move the last sentence to '350.2(m)(4). 1 2 Figure 30 TAC '350.3(4) In the Remedy Standard B Reporting flowchart, the last sentence of box #2 is nonsensical, and the reference to 120 days is not in proper context of modified groundwater response objectives. Revise last sentence to improve readability, and add context of modified groundwater response objectives. The anthropogenic background text should be revised to include surface water and sediment situations. Add text to background definition that reflects that non-point source pollution in general can be a source for anthropogenic background chemical of concern (COC) concentrations in surface water and sediment. 3 '350.4(a)(6) 4 '350.4(a)(7) Typo: the word Athan@ should be Athat.@ Amend Athan cannot@ to Athat cannot.@ The rule definition should be changed just to avoid confusion over the use of domestic help in a private household. Change end of last sentence to A. . . 81 except 814; and . . . .@ 5 '350.4(a)(13) The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), code 81 inclusive, is part of the definition of commercial/industrial land use. NAICS code 814 is Aprivate households.@ Although this code suggests an incorrect land use classification could result, it actually refers to the hiring and employment of domestic household help such as maids, butlers, etc. 6 '350.4(a)(45) Update the referenced document title, Implementation of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Standards via Permitting, as amended. Change to correct title: Procedures to Implement the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, as amended. **Items 22 and 33 do not require revisions to the rule and will be removed from the list of proposed revisions. Additional details will be provided during the August 17, 2005 meeting. Page 1 Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) 30 TAC 350 Regulatory Issues and Potential Solutions Revised: August 9, 2005 No. Citation Regulatory Issue 7 '350.4(a)(62) Definition is too general with regard to governmental entities. Implies that governmental entities are not regulated. The definition should be amended to say that governmental entities are exempt only from certain requirements. The term Asample quantitation limit@ (ASQL@) is misleading and confusing. Revise rule to use better term to fit the definition. The better term is the sample detection limit (SDL) which is analogous, as stated in the rule, to the SQL. This change will require a wholesale address for all places where the term ASQL@ is used in the rule. '350.4(a)(88) The definition of what constitutes surface soil is not consistent for both residential and commercial/industrial land uses. Currently, surface soil depths are 0-15 feet and 0-5 feet for residential and commercial/industrial land uses, respectively. Redefine surface soil as being 0-5 feet for both residential and commercial/industrial land uses. Also, change Figure 30 TAC 350.77 (Tier 1: Exclusion Criteria Checklist). '350.34(1) The procedures for attaining no further action status for Remedy Standard A currently refers in part to '350.31(g), which in turn mentions only commercial/industrial land use relative to institutional controls. Language should be broadened to capture other institutional control triggers such as non-standard exposure areas and occupational inhalation risk-based exposure limits (RBELs). Amend rule to read: For Remedy Standard A, such confirmation will be issued subsequent to approval of the RACR by the executive director, and when applicable, receipt by the agency of proof of the filing of all necessary institutional controls. Expand to capture full applicability that may have been triggered by '350.31(g), '350. 51(l)(3) or (4), '350.74(b)(1) or '350.74(j)(2). '350.34(2) The procedures for attaining no further action status for Remedy Standard B currently refers in part to '350.31(g), which in turn mentions only commercial/industrial land use relative to institutional controls. Language should be broadened to capture other institutional control triggers such as non-standard exposure areas and occupational inhalation risk-based exposure limits (RBELs). Amend rule to read: For Remedy Standard B, such confirmation will be issued subsequent to approval of the RACR by the executive director, and when applicable, receipt by the agency of proof of the filing of all necessary institutional controls. Expand to capture full applicability that may have been triggered by '350.31(g), '350. 51(l)(3) or (4), '350.74(b)(1) or '350.74(j)(2). 8 9 10 11 '350.4(a)(78) Potential Solution **Items 22 and 33 do not require revisions to the rule and will be removed from the list of proposed revisions. Additional details will be provided during the August 17, 2005 meeting. Page 2 Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) 30 TAC 350 Regulatory Issues and Potential Solutions Revised: August 9, 2005 No. Citation 12 '350.37(k) Intermittent stream sediment may need to be evaluated for both soil and sediment pathways for both human health and eco, or at least the most sensitive of the two. Add text that states that for intermittent streams, sediment points of exposure apply. 13 '350.51(j) Sample representativeness should not be limited to groundwater. Amend to refer to samples from all environmental media. Paragraph refers to surface water but not to sediment. Add Aand sediment@ to each of the two occurrences of Asurface water@ in the sentence. 14 15 '350.51(k) '350.51(m) and Figure 30 TAC '350.51(m) Regulatory Issue Potential Solution The text refers largely to the Implementation Procedures as the source for guidance on sampling and handling surface water samples. This document offers limited guidance on this topic. Take out reference to Implementation Procedures and replace with reference to Surface Water Quality Monitoring Procedures. 1. Add the word Asoil@ into the rule paragraph to clarify that the Texas-specific background concentrations are for soil. 1. Amend first sentence of subsection to read: AIf a person does not desire to determine a site-specific soil background concentration...@ 2. Figure: 30 TAC '350.51(m) has a column titled AMetals@ yet it includes fluorine, which is a gas, not a metal. 2. Check the original USGS data base to determine if fluorine the element or fluoride the ion was the constituent. Either change the heading and revise the entry if it was fluoride, or delete fluorine from the list. 3. The table in Figure: 30 TAC '350.51(m) does not indicate that the background values described are for soils and the units are milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). 4. The value listed in the table for thallium is actually for thorium. 3. Amend the title of the table to ATexas-Specific Soil Median Background Concentrations, milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).@ 4. Replace Athallium@ value of 9.3 with 0.7 and add new row for Athorium@ with value of 9.3. **Items 22 and 33 do not require revisions to the rule and will be removed from the list of proposed revisions. Additional details will be provided during the August 17, 2005 meeting. Page 3 Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) 30 TAC 350 Regulatory Issues and Potential Solutions Revised: August 9, 2005 No. 16 Citation Regulatory Issue Revise the rule to specify that the laboratory shall meet the standards set by NELAC and reference 30 TAC 25. '350.54(d) The existing rule states that laboratories should be Agenerally consistent “ with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAC) or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Since 30 TAC 350 was adopted, 30 TAC 25 rules requiring conformance with NELAC have been adopted. The rule is not sufficiently clear on how to handle nondetected results for analytes not identified as COCs. Revise '350.71(k)(3)(A) and (B) to clarify the flexibility to eliminate analytes for which all results are not detected and the appropriate method is used, then the chemical is not a COC. The toxicity factor hierarchy list needs updating to reflect new data sources. Update hierarchy list based on current sources of toxicity values. Thallium has a range of applicable Kds based on the range of pHs presented in Figure: 30 TAC '350.73(e)(1)(C). However, thallium does not have a Kd listed in Figure: 30 TAC '350.73(e). Add the proper Kd for thallium to the table. The rule does not provide pH-dependent Kd values for antimony and vanadium Provide pH-dependent Kd values for antimony and vanadium. Incorrect cross-reference citation. For the relative bioavailability factor (RBAF) and the reference concentration (RfC*), the citation should be '350.74(j)(1)(C). Missing word - Athe@. Add Athe@ to read A...is the protective...@. 17 '350.71(k)(3) 18 '350.73(a) 19 Figure: 30 TAC '350.73(e) 20 Figure: 30 TAC '350.73(e)(1)(C) 21 Figure 30 TAC '350.74(a) 22** '350.74(d) Potential Solution **Items 22 and 33 do not require revisions to the rule and will be removed from the list of proposed revisions. Additional details will be provided during the August 17, 2005 meeting. Page 4 Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) 30 TAC 350 Regulatory Issues and Potential Solutions Revised: August 9, 2005 No. 23 Citation '350.74(h) and '350.37(i) and (j) 24 '350.74(h)(3) 25 '350.74(h)(4) 26 '350.74(h)(6)(A-C) Regulatory Issue Potential Solution People are not aware that multiple risk-based exposure limits (RBELs) and protective concentration levels (PCLs) may have to be developed for a single chemical of concern (COC) to address changes in the classification and use of a given surface water body as it flows downstream. Additionally, the fact that points of exposure are impacted by the downgradient changes in surface water bodies should be considered. Add language '350.74(h) to make persons more aware that they may have to develop multiple RBELs or PCLs depending on the distance downstream COCs are expected to be present in the watershed, and that the RBELs and PCLs will vary with the different uses and exposure pathways within the watershed (e.g., intermittent vs perennial, drinking water designation). Chapter 321, Subchapter H is no longer valid. For discharges of petroleum fuel contaminated waters, refer the person to the limits in the forthcoming Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) general permit TXG830000, and define the scope of applicability. Reference to Afederal guidance criteria@ is too vague. Add specificity [a maximum contaminant level (MCL), or equivalent agency guideline as appropriate, or derive a human health value in accordance with 307.6(d)]. This section refers to modifications of the surface water riskbased exposure limit (RBEL) based on many things (aesthetics, nutrients, chlorides, adverse toxic effects, etc.). True, in some instances you might modify a RBEL to satisfy one of these (lower semivolatile chemicals of concern to satisfy aesthetics, for example), but some of these parameters (such as nutrients, total dissolved solids, sulfates) may in fact be chemicals of concern (COCs) themselves. Clarify language. Add conforming explanatory text to the end of each of '350.37(i) and (j). **Items 22 and 33 do not require revisions to the rule and will be removed from the list of proposed revisions. Additional details will be provided during the August 17, 2005 meeting. Page 5 Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) 30 TAC 350 Regulatory Issues and Potential Solutions Revised: August 9, 2005 No. Citation 27 '350.74(h)(6)(B) Regulatory Issue The specified analytes should be treated as a COC. That is not clear due to the rule structure. Elevate to form a new paragraph '350.74(h)(5) and shift subsequent numbering and cross references. 1. The numerator of the groundwater to surface water (SWGW) equation is not comprehensive. 1. Add Aand/or@ SWSWEco. 2. The dry soil bulk density term (ρb) in the numerator of the volatilization factor (VFss) equation is wrong. 3. The tau (τ) value in the list of terms is incorrect. Revised value is already in use via guidance. 28 Figure 30 TAC '350.75(b)(1) 4. For the Koc term, the table should only reference Figure: 30 TAC '350.73(e)(1)(B), as other referenced tables are K d, not Koc, values. 5. LDF is defined incorrectly as Lateral Dilution Factor. 29 '350.75(i)(4) Potential Solution 2. Replace the ρb term with H=/Kd and recalculate Tier 1 PCL values for the AirSoilInh-V and TotSoilComb exposure pathways. 3. Value should be amended to 9.5 x 108 (30 years) to replace 1.0x109 (33 years). 4. Amend rule striking reference to figure (A) and (C). 5. Define as Leachate Dilution Factor. 6. Theta tau (ΘT ) is incorrectly shown as an exponent in the Res.sat equation. A revision is already in use via guidance. 6. Amend to make ΘT a multiplier 7. Incorrect Res.sat value (0.0167 in original final rule). Revised value already in use via guidance. 7. Value should be 0.04514. The introductory paragraph infers that the use of a dilution factor for the groundwater-to-surface water pathway is related only to the SWRBEL; or, to Texas Surface Water Quality Standards pathways alone. Need to modify this section to make it clear to set the SWGW protective concentration level (PCL) equal to the lower of the (a) SWRBEL established in accordance with '350.74(h), or the (b) SWSWEco PCL. Also, cross-reference to other parts of **Items 22 and 33 do not require revisions to the rule and will be removed from the list of proposed revisions. Additional details will be provided during the August 17, 2005 meeting. Page 6 Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) 30 TAC 350 Regulatory Issues and Potential Solutions Revised: August 9, 2005 No. Citation Regulatory Issue Potential Solution the rule. The text, A. . . divide the SWRBEL by the dilution factor. . . ,@ is too specific. This omits other pathways where a dilution factor is applicable. Modify text to say SWRBEL or surface water PCL. '350.75(i)(4)(C) '350.76(c) Additional regulatory flexibility is needed for establishing lead protective concentration levels (PCLs). The EPA integrated exposure uptake biokinetic model (IEUBK)Cfor lead in childrenCshould be available for use in establishing a site-specific residential lead PCL under Tier 3. New language (c)(1): The Tier 1 TotSoilComb PCL for residential lead is 500 mg/kg. New language (c)(2): Subject to prior approval by the executive director, the person may use the US EPA IEUBK model for lead in children to calculate a Tier 3 residential TotSoilComb PCL for lead. Modify any existing cross-reference to '350.76(c)(1) or (c)(2). 32 '350.76(d) Total PCB concentrations need to be determined on a PCB congener basis, not on an arochlor basis, as is commonly done. Additionally, the rule addresses only soils, being silent on the subject of PCBs in groundwater. Revise the rule to specify that total PCB concentrations shall be determined using a PCB congener method to quantify total PCBs for comparison to the PCB PCLs. Add rule language to describe how groundwater PCLs should be developed using PCB congener data. Figure: 30 TAC '350.76(g)(2) The wrong oral reference dose surrogate is referenced for >C7-8 aromatics. The correct chemical/physical properties are used, however. Replace Aethylbenzene@ with Atoluene@. 33** 1. An expedited stream evaluation process has been implemented via the ecological risk assessment guidance that is not acknowledged in rule. 1. To clarify the role of the expedited stream evaluation, amend the rule at '350.77(a) to adopt the process. 2. The language of '350.77(a) is too limited in referring to response actions taken to address human health-based response actions. Satisfactory response actions may have been performed for other reasons. 2. Amend '350.77(b) to explain that response actions conducted for any reason may be sufficient to eliminate the need to conduct the ecological risk assessment. 30 31 34 '350.77(a-b) **Items 22 and 33 do not require revisions to the rule and will be removed from the list of proposed revisions. Additional details will be provided during the August 17, 2005 meeting. Page 7 Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) 30 TAC 350 Regulatory Issues and Potential Solutions Revised: August 9, 2005 No. Citation 35 '350.77(c) 36 '350.77(c)(7) 37 Regulatory Issue Potential Solution The rule implies that there is no ecological risk assessment guidance. Amend to reference the existing guidance document. For ecological risk assessments, the no observed adverse effects level (NOAEL) is not being consistently considered along with the low observed adverse effects level (LOAEL). Amend '350.77(c)(7) to clarify that both the NOAEL and LOAEL must be considered at this step of the ecological risk assessment. '350.95(b) Institutional controls may be established for reasons other than commercial/industrial land use. Expand to capture full applicability that may have been triggered by '350.31(g), '350. 51(l)(3) or (4), '350.74(b)(1) or '350.74(j)(2). 38 '350.96(a) Typo: using the plural Areports@ is incorrect. Change Areports@ to Areport.” 39 '350.111(e) Incorrect cross reference to '350.33(f)(3)(E). Amend to cross reference '350.33(f)(3)(F). 40 '350.134(b) New agency rules 30 TAC Chapter 60, adopted post-30 TAC 350, establish additional criteria for evaluating compliance history. For clarification, a citation for the new 30 TAC Chapter 60 rules can be added to this subsection, similar to a conforming rule change. **Items 22 and 33 do not require revisions to the rule and will be removed from the list of proposed revisions. Additional details will be provided during the August 17, 2005 meeting. Page 8