Payments - Westwell Parish Council

Westwell Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
Held on Monday, 7th July 2014 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
Open Forum
Those present were informed that the layby at Potters Corner has been closed while works are being
carried out to replace the gas main. The Maidstone Road/Sandyhurst Lane junction is to be closed
from July 8th because a significant number of vehicles have ignored the traffic restrictions in the lane.
A request was made for signs to be installed at Potters Corner preventing overnight parking by HGVs;
the Chairman and Cllr Mrs Wyatt noted that these had been put in at Tutt Hill and Cades Road and are
generally observed. The Chairman further noted that government funding for Kent Highways has been
confirmed, and includes funding for 2 lorry parks – there is insufficient capacity at Waterbrook and
Stop 24 and the M20 carries 3.3 million trucks each year.
A planning application for Tutt Hill Saddlery is out for consultation; an earlier application had been for
a dwelling plus office which was thought to be a more appropriate use.
It was noted that the editor of the Westwell Eye would welcome suggestions as to content for the
magazine. The Chairman stated that the Eye is not the responsibility of the Parish Council, but because
it was being heavily subsidised by the editor and is a valuable means of communication the PC had
decided to assist with a one-off financial contribution. It was also thought that charging for the Eye
would be counter-productive. It was noted that Cllr Miss Davidson had been approached initially
about the financial situation of the Eye and is working with the editors and others on a financial review
of the Eye. Cllr Bainbridge asked if the subgroup set up by the PC had met; Cllr Mrs Wyatt replied that
it had held meetings with the editor – ideas as to input and content would be welcomed.
The Chairman was asked for an update on the Watery Lane appeal to the Planning Inspectorate; the
Chairman replied that she and Cllr Miss Davidson had attended the Inspector’s site visit. This coincided
with a visit by Ashford Borough Council (ABC) officers to the adjacent site; a number of nuisance
incidents at that site have been reported but enforcement is not possible until the ownership of the
land has been established. ABC has explained that in this instance ownership is difficult to establish,
but it will inform us when progress has been made. All Incidents should be reported via 101.
Problems regarding sunken drain covers on the A20 were reported – residents were asked to send
details (including photographs) to Cllr Butcher.
Present and Apologies
Cllr Mrs Drury (Chairman), Cllr Mrs Wyatt, Cllrs Bainbridge, Baldwin, Butcher, Hooper and Lawrence,
and Mrs S Wood (clerk). Cllr Robey (ward member) was present, arriving during agenda item 7.6. Two
members of the public attended. Apologies were received from Cllr Miss Davidson and Cllr Faulkner
(prior commitments).
Declaration of Interests
Cllr Mrs Wyatt (item 8.1) (OSI).
Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 Minutes
That the Minutes of the meeting of Westwell Parish Council held on 19th May be approved and
confirmed as a true record.
4.2 Matters Arising
4.2.1 Item 4: Cllr Faulkner has agreed to be the Neighbourhood Watch representative in Watery Lane.
4.2.2 Item 7.2.1. Watery Lane site: see the Open Forum.
4.2.3 Item 12.3. Flooding in Kingsland Lane: the meeting was suspended to allow Mrs Horne to
comment. She noted that the situation may be exacerbated by deposition of garden waste on
the verge. Cllr Butcher stated that KCC Highways is investigating, he will ask for a progress
report and arrange a site meeting with Highways and a representative of the Horne family.
The meeting was reconvened.
4.2.4 Item 7.2.4. Repairs to the new access way: the Clerk is to thank Mr Dwyer for carrying out the
repairs, and his offer to monitor the situation is welcomed. Cllr Mrs Wyatt reported similar
problems of ruts on the Downs View green; Mrs Horne’s offer to infill with topsoil was accepted
with thanks.
4.2.5 Item 7.2.5. Inspection of the white poplar: the Clerk is to ask for a progress report from Mr Tait.
4.2.6 Item 10.5.1. In hand with the Chairman – the suggested design will be that as used in Wye.
Borough Councillor’s report
Deferred until Cllr Robey’s arrival.
Clerk’s report and correspondence received
6.1 Correspondence received. The list of correspondence received had been circulated.
6.1.1 Updated Definitive Map of footpaths. The Clerk is to request 2 additional copies.
6.1.2 Clerks and Councils Direct. To be passed to Cllr Butcher.
6.1.3 Make Kent Quicker ( Broadband). Cllr Mrs Wyatt asked for an update; Cllr Bainbridge replied
that fibre-optic cables have been laid but not connected as yet. It is unknown if download
speeds will increase, and continuing difficulties were reported in Pilgrims Way.
Financial report
7.1 Progress against Budget. Expenditure for the financial year was circulated. Office expenses were
slightly higher than expected; this was due to costs of the Annual Parish Meeting.
7.2 Payments in accordance with the Budget.
That the following payments be agreed in accordance with the Budget.
Broker Network Ltd (insurance premium)
Countrywide Grounds Maintenance
S Wood (salary June)
S Wood (salary July)
S Wood (expenses) [home allowance 11.31]
Lloyds Bank interest
Balance including reserves: (cheque and deposit accounts): £ 27171.94
Balance (No 2 account): £ 2472.10
7.3 Report on works to which the Parish Council is committed
Iden signs will be asked to change the lettering on the sign to the Cemetery.
The cemetery fencing will go in after harvest. A grant of £1000 towards the project was given by Cllr
Robey from the Member Community Fund, the balance of the costs will be shared by the PC and Horne
and Son.
7.4 Subscription to the Westwell Eye for the PCSO and the Community Warden
The PC discussed subscribing to the magazine on behalf of the PCSO and Community Warden; Cllr
Baldwin suggested that they be sent complimentary copies by the editor, given the recent donation by
the PC to the magazine.
That the editor of the Westwell Eye be asked to send complimentary copies to the PCSO and
Community Warden.
7.5 Additional grass cutting
The contractors were congratulated on the high standard of work. It was noted that work is needed to
cut back overhanging vegetation on the cemetery approach; a working party will be organised. The
verges on the new access way are overgrown. The contractors will be asked to quote for a one-off
7.6 Repairs to the playing field youth shelter
Damage to the rear panel was reported. Monsterplay will be asked to quote for the repairs and an
insurance claim submitted.
Mr Stokes was thanked for providing the planters, trellis and honeysuckle on the parish hall wall.
7.7 Donation to the Kent Air Ambulance
The Chairman stated that requests for similar donations are received on a regular basis but most are
declined. It was noted that the Air Ambulance is an extension of the emergency services and may be
needed by any resident. The request suggested a donation of £250 but £100 was proposed.
That a donation of £100 be made to the Kent Air Ambulance.
A request for donations will be put in the Westwell Eye on behalf of the Kent Air Ambulance.
5. Borough Councillor’s report
Cllr Robey distributed copies of the Borough Council’s Annual Report.
The meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to raise concerns with Cllr Robey.
Mrs Horne reported that stones in Elwick Road have been dislodged. Cllr Robey stated that repairs are
in hand, and regretted that unsuitable materials had been used but lessons had been learned. The
reduction in the number of accidents since the introduction of the shared space was welcomed, this is
due (it is thought) to the ambiguities of the space, causing traffic to slow down.
Lorry parking: The Chairman reported that the Potters Corner layby has been closed under a
Temporary Traffic Order; HGVs which ignored the closure on the first night were ticketed, but there
have been no further infringements, showing the effectiveness of enforcement orders with follow-up
enforcement. The Chairman is to ask the PCSO how many enforcements have been carried out. Cllr
Robey reported that clamping is to be introduced at Orbital Park and Henwood. An additional site is
being sought by KCC somewhere near Dover, and Stop 24 is being expanded.
The Chairman asked when the shortlist of Local Plan submitted sites will be published; Cllr Robey
replied that this is unknown, but the initial consultation will probably be before the May 2015 elections
and the whole process will likely be completed in 2016. Cllr Mrs Wyatt noted that the existing
situation has led to blight; Cllr Robey noted that not all sites will be accepted. The Chairman agreed
but stated that the blight will not be removed until the shortlist is known.
The Chairman stated the process for Local Needs Housing will run in parallel.
Cllr Robey reported that funding for the full J10A will be forthcoming from central government, this will
lead to expansion in the area near the junction thereby reducing pressure elsewhere.
Mrs Horne asked for an update on the Dance Academy. Cllr Robey replied that this will be in the Stour
Centre and is being facilitated by an Arts Council grant of £3,000,000, match-funded by ABC. He
further noted that if the proposed Hall of Residence is built it will improve the town centre by the
increased demand for services and amenities. There is a possibility that K College will be taken over by
Hadlow College, made more likely given that the K College debt will not follow. There is little input
from ABC because the project is a KCC initiative.
The Dark Skies SPD is to reduce light pollution arising from new developments, with particular regard
to street lighting.
The meeting was reconvened.
Planning matters
8.1 Planning application
14/00706/AS Tutt Hill Saddlery, Westwell Lane, Westwell
It was reported that a previous application for 2 dwellings on the site to the rear had been refused. An
application to convert the saddlery to a live/work unit had been approved. It was noted that the floor
plans had been omitted from the hard copy of the planning application received by the PC.
The poor quality of the drawings was regretted. The plans do not comply with the minimum space
standards. There is inadequate living curtilage for Barn A, and no scope to extend. Concerns were
expressed re drainage and possible water run-off, and the use of tarmac questioned. [Post meeting
note: tarmac rather than a porous material can be used but requires planning permission.]
Cllr Mrs Wyatt withdrew from the room.
It was proposed that the Parish Council object to the application. Given the concerns, it was further
proposed that if the Planning Officer is minded to Permit, the application should be referred to the
Planning Committee for determination.
That the Parish Council objects to the application.
That if the Planning Officer is minded to Permit, the application be referred to the Planning
Committee for determination.
Cllr Mrs Wyatt returned to the room.
Reports from Parish Council representatives
9.1 KALC Minutes of the meeting of 21st May had been circulated. Cllr Mrs Wyatt asked if a map of
J10A is available; the Clerk is to contact Cllr Robey.
9.2 ACRK Cllr Butcher’s report had been circulated. Cllr Butcher noted that ACRK is on a sounder
financial footing, subject to continuing to obtain European contracts.
9.3 Highways Cllr Butcher reported that the footway at Tutt Hill is to be delineated on the west side of
Westwell Lane, that on the east is dependent on the outcome of the Mercury Windows planning
application. Potholes at Nash Court, Eastwell Lane and Watery Lane are to be reported to Highways.
Residents are asked to text the Chairman and/or email the Clerk with photographs of potholes in order
that they are reported to Highways.
9.4 Tree Warden Cllr Lawrence advised that overhanging vegetation on the cemetery approach needs
cutting back (see Item 7.5). The Ash tree is in leaf but less vigorous than others, it will continue to be
monitored. A report on the White Poplar is awaited (see Item 4.2.5). Cllr Lawrence and Cllr Miss
Davidson will carry out an inspection of all trees on PC-owned land. Mrs Faulkner has the WWI
commemorative tree, and it has been suggested that it be planted on the Church green (subject to the
suitability of the variety). It was recognised that the planting ceremony in August is possibly too early,
but should be successful if the tree is pot-grown and kept well watered.
9.5 Playing Field Association (PFA) Cllr Butcher’s report had been circulated. The PFA has not met
and therefore no decision has been made re the provision of a bin for the shelter. It was agreed that
the bin by the hall be relocated, as this is the least used. If it is not possible to move the bin, the PFA
will purchase a bin with a contribution from the PC.
10. Permitted style of memorial stones in the cemetery Garden of Remembrance
The Clerk reported that Mrs Edwards (Country Funerals) is drawing up the preferred style: the stones
would be of the same size, material and colour, but a choice of 3 fonts offered. The stones will be inset
to allow for mowing. The current fee for interment of ashes is £138, cemetery charges will be
reviewed at the September meeting.
11. Review of new Model Standing Orders
NALC has issued new Model Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. These will be reviewed by a
working party comprising the Chairman, Vice-chairman, Cllr Mrs Wyatt, Cllr Butcher and the Clerk for
adoption at the September meeting.
12. Any Other Business
12.1 Cllr Lawrence noted that the Clerk’s annual appraisal is due in July.
12.2 Cllr Mrs Wyatt regretted the lack of participation by residents in the Citizenship Award and
suggested that the Terms of Reference be amended so as to encourage greater involvement. Ideas
should be brought to the next meeting, but any changes would have to be agreed with the Horne
family. Cllr Butcher and the Chairman noted that KALC and ABC have similar awards, the relevant
criteria will be brought to the next meeting.
12.3 The Chairman noted that work will shortly begin on preparing the Budget for 2015-2016. Cllr
Bainbridge stated that a number of hall improvements are being considered, eg updating the
lavatories, providing storage for the Players and the Fete (given that there is no longer space to store
Fete materials in the Nash Court barn) and an extension. The structure of the hall creates difficulties
with regard to an extension, but the advice of a structural engineer is being sought.
12.4 The PC agreed to a request from Court Lodge for permission to remove the self-sown elder
adjacent to the garden wall on the Church green.
13. Date of next meeting
Monday, 1st September, 7.30pm in the parish hall.
The meeting closed at 9.50pm.