World Bank Series Courses

World Bank Series Courses
Urban Transport Sustainable Development, Energy
Saving and Emission Reduction
World Bank Beijing Office
Institute of Transportation Engineering of Tsinghua University
Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Centre
May 24-27th, 2010
China is in the process of rapid urbanization. The urban transportation problem caused
by the urbanization process has become hot issues in people’s daily life. Total vehicle
population has increased rapidly in the past decade. The Improvement of economic
condition enhances the mobility of urban resident and increases their daily travel needs.
Faced with these issues, how to effectively guide the development of urban transportation
and achieve win-win economic and social benefits becomes a critical topic.
On the other hand, from climate change perspective, motor vehicle has become the
focus as it is both natural resource consumer and greenhouse gas emission source. Issues on
how to further develop and implement China's urban transport strategies, promote energysaving and emission-reduction and achieve the Chinese Government's commitments on the
emission reduction has become certer of concern by China’s policy makers and
This course mainly discusses China’s urban transport development, the challenges,
sustainable transport strategy, public transport, road safety, energy saving and emission
reduction, which are hot issues both in China and abroad.
Target Participants
Participants will include officials from urban government, urban planning department
and urban transport department (Transportation Bureau, Construction Commission and
Public Security Department), urban transportation planner and designer, and participants
from public transport companies as well.
By analyzing domestic and international cases, exchanging experiences and conducting
policy dialogue in this course, at the end of the course participants will be able to
o Learn basic concepts in urban transport;
o Analyze experience of success and failure of the cases;
o Identify local main constrains;
o Identify possible strategies and measurements for the governments.
Teaching Methods
o Expert’s lectures on the basis of theory,
o Participants interaction with experts;
o Case analysis. Participants are requested to take part in the group discussion and
report the discussion result;
o Self-learning, reading materials (World Bank Report)
o The teachers of each site will submit a formal written summary of discussion
contents, and provide feedback from the participants.
Duty of Distance Learning Center
o Trainee recruitment based on the requirements
o Recommendation of 1-2 local qualified teachers by each site. Teachers will
facilitate group discussion and WBI will work closely with teachers.
In charge of all logistical and technical support
Collecting participant’s feedback and conduct end-course evaluation
Course Contents
1. Energy Saving and Emission Reduction: Practice and Challenge in Urban Transportation
Lecture points:
Summarize current situation (CO2 emission and etc.) on energy saving and emission
reduction on urban transportation and the commitments on these issues made by
Chinese government. Thus, China is facing big challenges on urban transportation. Video
clips could be used on the current situation analysis in this lecture.
Speaker: World Bank Specialists Dr. Liu Zhi and Dr. Shomik Mehndiratta.
2. City Planning and Urban Transportation Planning
Lecture points:
Discuss the problems of urban transportation from perspective of urban planning,
propose possible transportation strategies which could support sustainable urban
development and the related specific measures. such as building a compact city, mixed
land use, and etc.
Speaker: Professor Ma Qiang, Transportation Planning Institute, Tsinghua University
3. Urban Transportation’s Future: Public Transit
Lecture points:
Take the problems that Chinese urban transport is facing (road congestion, air pollution,
greenhouse gas emissions, the Government’s hidden debt, public transportation sector
financial difficulties, sustainable development, etc.) as a starting point, and reference
success cases from home and abroad (London Transport Planning, China's rapid transit,
etc.), to prove the need for the development of urban public transportation, and system
levels in the planning and development of public transport to provide specific measures,
such as land use planning, diversification of investment, competition in public transport
Speaker: Associate Professor Yang Xinmiao, Tsinghua University
4. Road Traffic Safety
Lecture points:
Congestion and green house gas emissions issues of China’s transportation turns to be
more severe because of complexity of transportation condition and the poor safety
condition. Identify the current situation of road traffic safety and all reasons, provide the
corresponding suggestions and actions for the government.
Speaker: Professor Lu Huapu, Tsinghua University
5. Comparison of Urban Transportation in Asia
There are many similarities between Asian cities and China’s cities, and they are facing
same issues. Based on the World Bank’s regional work in Asian, describe experience of
energy saving and emission reduction of other cities (big cities in India, and etc.)
Speaker: World Bank Senior Specialist Dr. Fang Ke
6. Cases Discussion
This case study will primarily introduce how to adopt Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
model to develop and operate subway, public buses and trams. Based on Beijing Subway
Line 4 case, discuss how to understand and implement the PPP in public transit
Speaker: Mr. Li Wei, Senior Advisor of MRT Subway Co.
7. Climate Resilient Cities
This lecture focuses on current China’s rapidly urbanizing cities in how to address
climate change challenges. The lecture will combine the various cities in the world, which is
conducting a series of practical adaptation and resilient strategies, and introduce the
following questions:
Climate change can exacerbate the vulnerability of urban areas;
How Climate change and natural disasters cause the threats to the urban activities
and resident population;
In order to build resilient community with sustainable development, the city
authorities of East Asian region and the rest of the world are taking what kind of
active learning strategy and strengthen capacity building and making the plans for
capital development.
Day 1
Day 2
DLC Report Back
Day 3
DLC Report Back
Day 4
DLC Report Back
Energy Saving and Urban Public Transport Road Traffic Safety
Emission Reduction:
Energy Saving and
Strategy for Resilient
Practice and Challenge Emission Reduction in
Cities on Climate
on Urban
Asian Cities
Transportation in China
Fang Ke
Lu Huapu
Liu Zhi
Wang Shenhua
Shomik Mehndiratta
Sr. Transport Specialists
World Bank
Tsinghua University
World Bank
World Bank
City Planning and Urban Transportation’s
Urban Transportation Future: Public Transit
PPP Case Study:
Subway Line 4
in Beijing
Yang Xinmiao
Ma Qiang,
Li Wei,
Transportation Planning
Institute, Tsinghua
Tsinghua University
Senior Advisor of
MRT Subway Co.
Local discussion at DLC Local discussion at DLC
Local discussion at
Local discussion at