Tutor Request Form - Muhlenberg College

Request for Tutoring
Academic Resource Center
Please note that this request form is for weekly tutoring.
All sessions with tutors must take place on a regular basis.
Peer Tutors are a select group of students chosen for their academic standing and interpersonal
skills. A faculty member and/or department head has recommended all tutors selected. Tutors
report to the Tutorial Coordinator by whom they are trained, supervised and given tutoring
Tutor Requests will be assigned according to availability of tutors within a subject area. Every
attempt will be made to try and secure a tutor for you. However, there are no guarantees that
tutors will be available in every subject, particularly late in the semester.
Please take a moment and carefully read this information
Fill out all the information on the Request for Tutoring application (page 1).
If the supply of tutors is not adequate for individual tutoring, students may be assigned to
a small group, if available.
Take the application to the professor who is teaching the course to get his/her signature.
It is appropriate to have a discussion with the professor before asking him/her to sign the
form. The professor's signature is required (page 2).
Read the Tutor Request Contract carefully (page 3), then sign it. You will be
expected to uphold this contract. Finally, return the packet to the Academic Resource
Fill out the Pre-Tutoring Questionnaire (page 4) completely.
You will receive the tutor's name and contact information by campus mail or email.
• It is your responsibility to contact your tutor within five days to establish a
mutually agreeable meeting time and place.
• If you cannot reach your tutor within five days, or if any problems arise,
please contact Monica Cocca, Tutorial Coordinator, (x3433) mmediately.
If you fail to contact your tutor within the allotted time, you may be required to reapply for a
(Please print clearly)
Date: ___________________
Graduation Year: __________
Cell Phone#______________________________________________
Box# ________________
____ I am involved w/extra curricular activities
Indicate activity below
I would be willing to accept group tutoring
List names of possible students in your group
Tutorial Assistance requested in:
Course Title
Please add any request for a specific tutor:
(Student you request must be an active, trained tutor)
Return the completed application to the Academic Resource Center
Tutoring is NOT a substitution for class attendance. Tutoring will NOT be provided if the student does
not attend class. Please notify Monica Cocca if student has unexcused absences.
All Tutors are required to meet with the student's instructor.
Important: Indicate your office hours or most convenient time to meet with the tutor:
Office Hours
Professor's signature.
· Extension# and/or email address.
Do not write below this line; for department use only
Tutor Assigned:
You will be tutored in a small group
Tutor Cell Phone#
_____Yes _____No
Box ______
Please Advise Student to Attend Workshop
Note to Tutor ______________________________________________________________________________
Note to Tutee
1. Assignment made
2. Paperwork completed
3. Entered on ACCESS.
Tutoring is a privilege, not an entitlement. You must be
invested and prepared for the process to work.
Read through the articles carefully before signing. You will be held accountable for your
responsibilities as a tutee:
I agree to fill out and return a tutor evaluation at the end of the semester. I understand
that tutoring will not be available to me the following semester if I do not.
I agree to contact the student tutor assigned to me within five days of receiving the
assignment. I understand that it is my responsibility to contact the tutor in order to receive
I agree to come to my tutoring session prepared by completing all assignments, both reading
and written. Assignments include both those given by the instructor and the tutor.
I agree to attend classes for the course in which I am being tutored in order for tutoring to continue
(tutoring is not a substitute for class attendance). I understand that tutoring privileges will be
terminated ifl fail to attend class regularly.
I agree to notify my tutor 24 hours in advance if I am unable to attend a session. I
understand that only then will I be considered excused from my tutoring session.
I understand that if I accumulate TWO UNEXCUSED absences, I agree to meet with the
Tutorial Coordinator, Monica Cocca, if l wish to continue working with my tutor.
I understand that my tutor is assigned as a study aid and cannot be held responsible for grades I
receive on any test or in any class. Tutors may guide students through assignments but
CANNOT actually do any part of an assignment.
I will contact the Tutorial Coordinator, if I have any problems or concerns regarding
I understand that my tutor, the Tutorial Coordinator or the Director of the Academic Resource Center
might need to contact my instructor. Tutoring is a privilege. Be responsible and involved in your
tutoring sessions. Tutoring works best when there is effective communication and cooperation.
Signature of student
please print your name here
Pre-Tutoring Questionnaire
You must fill out this short questionnaire completely so that your tutor will be aware of your study habits and
the difficulties you are experiencing in this class.
Your name: ____________________________Course Title:____________________________
1. How would you describe your preparation for class?
___ always complete assignments before class ___ sometimes complete before class
___ rarely complete before class
___ never complete assignments before class
2. How would you describe your preparation for exams? (You may check more than one.)
___ review my notes daily
___ less than 5 days
___ never review my notes
___ study only the night before the exam
___ begin studying 2 weeks in advance
___ review my notes the night before the exam
___ begin studying 5-7 days before the exam
3. How would you describe how you learn best?
____ orally
___ visually
____ hands on
___ orally & hands on
___ orally & visually
___ visually and hands on
4. Rank 1-6 the importance of these study methods for you in this course. (1= most important, 6= least
___ peer study groups/workshops
___ textbook/text notes ___ lecture notes/Powerpoint
___ computer-based resources
___ notecards/flashcards
___ repetition/practice
5. Rank 1-6 what you believe matters most for a good grade in this class? (1= most important, 6= least
___ high school preparation
___ intelligence/ability
___ effort
___ peer support (friend, tutor, etc.)
___ interest in the subject
___ teacher
___ other:______________________________
6. If you are having specific difficulties with this class, please list them.
7. If you have any special learning needs you feel your tutor should know about, please list them. (By
disclosing a disability to the tutor, you enhance the effectiveness of tutoring)
8. Are you now attending or do you plan to attend workshops for this course?
___ Yes. Why? ________________________________________________________________
___ No. Why not? _____________________________________________________________
___ There are no workshops offered for this course.
I agree that my responses to the above questions can be used for assessment purposes by the College. I
understand that my name will not be connected to my responses and that only group averages will be
Signature __________________________________________