BHCC Minutes - November 20, 2012

Bret Harte Community Club
November 20, 2012
Call to Order
A. The meeting was called to order at 9:34 AM. The meeting was attended by Cyndi Maijala,
Ramis Ahrary, Cecelia Lowe, Liz Williams, Lisa Elliott, Trupti Mehta, Paula Myers, Susan
Gaydon, Tina Lien, Katrina Healy, Sandi Geringer, Barbara Tom, Alice Sappey, Nicole Nolte,
Grace Wright, Natasha Kumar, Maya Rao and Cecily Winiecki.
II. Approval of October 30, 2012 Minutes
A. Katrina Healy moved to change the wording on the RFF portion of the October 30, 2012
minutes. Sandi Geringer seconded the motion. The change is to include an adjusted amount of
15% or $15 more than the specified amount per item and all the items together within the
budgeted amount of $40,000. Sandi Geringer moved to approve the minutes as amended. Katrina
Healy seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
III. President’s Report
A. Our first parent speaker night is next week. Lisa Medoff will speak about teen years.
1. Her fee is $250 and our budget is $3,500.
2. Grace Wright moved to release $250 to pay for the speaker. Alice Sappey seconded the
motion and it was approved.
B. Our December board meeting will be offsite in December and may be a holiday potluck.
C. Run Turkey Run is a fundraiser for the Bret Harte Booster club on Thanksgiving morning.
IV. Principal’s Report
A. All the benches have been installed.
B. LRC is empty. The district is now having the site responsible for painting and Ms. Maijala is
looking for a local contractor.
C. Mr. Berrera is in charge of the yearbook. Submit pictures to him.
D. There was a good turnout for college 101. The district provided the slide show.
V. Treasurer’s Report
A. The financials are up to date. We are still not getting the SNAC bills from the district. Alice may
have them and will check after the meeting.
VI. Committee Updates
A. Membership Drive – Some corporate matches are still coming in. The shopping bags have been
given to the teachers to distribute to their students.
B. Cultural Faire – Art and Essay contests have started. Publicity coordinator is still open but all
other positions are filled.
C. Communication & Publicity – Only one newsletter will be published next month due to the
holiday break.
D. Library Volunteers – November 28th is the day for book labeling and many helpers are needed.
E. Project Cornerstone – The last award ceremony had a great turnout. Thank you notes were on
tables after the ceremony for students and parents to thank the teachers. Smaller postcards have
been ordered to cut down on postage costs. November/December could be combined into one
ceremony. Great response from teachers to use Google docs.
F. Everyday Heroes – The table was out this week. Will add a banner to hang up on days that the
table is out in the quad. Idea given to add a sticker that says “I nominated”.
G. Staff Appreciation – Today is a lunch with a Thanksgiving theme. December 13 is next one.
H. SNAC – Quite a few volunteers have dropped and we need extra subs. Store sales are down and
Ms. Maijala believes it could be that students are buying from vending machines that have
unhealthy choices. Alice wants a new sign for the student store since the other one is very
outdated and she wants to add that it is operated by BHCC.
1. Katrina Healy moved to release $50 to pay for the new sign. Lisa Elliott seconded the motion
and the motion passed.
2. We will be giving students a treat at snack time during finals week. Cecelia Lowe moved to
release $500 from SNAC funds. Katrina Healy seconded the motion and the motion passed.
I. RFF – All the gift cards have been given to the teachers. Nicole has been buying/ordering all the
items. For the TVs requested and approved for the classrooms, the district will install and the
cost will be paid by BHCC.
*Via email the board approved additional RFF requests of $162.73. This was done by email with
all in favor so we could order the items for the classroom ASAP rather than wait for the next
board meeting to vote. 1) We approved some pocket charts for Mrs. Malaviya in the amount of
$100. After looking into this in more detail, we realized that the cost is around $152.73 ($34.95
each + shipping). We are looking to get a possible 5% discount through Lakeshore. But need to
approve an additional $52.73 to make this purchase.
2) We inadvertently left off a request from Mrs. Schweitzer for an Apple TV. Mrs. Schweitzer
teaches computers and journalism and this is something that she will use as part of her lesson
plans. We need an addition $110 to cover the Apple TV.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Submitted by Lisa Elliott