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Chapter 1 Study Guide – The First Civilizations

Section 1 – Early Humans

When did history begin?

5,500 years ago

Peleolithic means what in Greek?

“old stone”

What kinds of things did people in the Paleolithic Era hunt and gather?

Animals, fish, insects, nuts, berries, fruits, grains, plants

How did Paleolithic people adapt to their environment?

Created shelters, tamed fire, cooked food, used animal hides for clothing

Explain what early humans used to make tools with? How were these tools used?

Animal bones, stones – tools were used as food choppers, meat scrapers, spear points, knives

Another name for the Paleolithic Era is the “____Old__________ ___Stone____ ____Age__”

Another name for the Neolithic Era is the “_____New_____ ______Stone______ _____Age___________”

What two major changes separated people in the Neolithic Era from people before them?

Farming and domestication

Compare the Neolithic and Paleolithic Ages using the chart on page 14.

Paleolithic cave paintings

Neolithic pottery, carved objects, shelters, tombs Arts & Crafts

Food hunted animals, gathered

Nuts, berries, grains farming, domestication

Adaptation made fire, created language

Simple tools, shelters mud-brick houses, places of worship specialization of jobs, copper/bronze tools

Work of Men hunted herded, farmed, protected the village

Work of Women gathered food, cared for children performed household tasks



Historians – people who study and write about the human past

Archaeologists – scientists who hunt for evidence of human past, artifacts

Artifacts – weapons, tools, and other man-made objects

Fossils – plants or animals preserved in rock

Anthropologists – scientists who study human development

Prehistory – time before the invention of writing

Nomads – people who move place to place

Bands – groups of 30 or so members who move together


Technology – tools and methods to help humans perform tasks easier

Domesticate – taming animals and plants for human use

Revolution – changes that greatly affect many areas of life

Specialization – development of different kinds of jobs

Section 2 – Mesopotamian Civilization

The earliest known civilizations developed between what two rivers?

Tigris and Euphrates

What are the two nicknames for this area? (You can find them in “quotations”)

“Land between the rivers” “Cradle of Civilization”

What present-day country is this area located?


How and why did Sumerians control the twin rivers?

They built walls, waterways and ditches for irrigation in order to grow food and increase population

What material did Sumerians use to build their houses? Why was this material used?

Sun-dried mud brick was used because reeds and mud were easy to get from the rivers

What were the main rights of women?

They could buy and sell property and run businesses

How did men hold power in Sumerian families?

They were head of the household and only boys could attend school

Describe how the following people were influential in Mesopotamia.

Sargon I – King of the Akkadians, he setup the worlds first empire, ruled for over 200 years

Hammurabi of Babylon – Babylonian King, known for his law code or collection of laws

Gilgamesh – Sumerian king who traveled the world performing great deeds

List the contributions/achievements of the Mesopotamian people.

Wagon wheel, plow, sailboat, geometry, number system based on 60, calendar

Why did the first civilizations arise in river valleys?

Good farming conditions, rivers provided freshwater and trade routes

List the groups of people who were found in the classes listed below.

Upper Class Middle Class artisans, merchants, farmers, fishers Kings, priests, government officials

Lower Class enslaved people


Irrigation – a way of diverting water and to crops

City-state – a city and the land around it that had it’s own government

Ziggurat – “mountain of god” or “hill of heaven”

Artisans – skilled workers who made metal products, cloth, or pottery

Cuneiform – Sumerian writing made of hundreds of wedge-shaped marks

Scribes – people who learned the skill of writing and became record keepers

Empire – group of many different lands under one rule

Section 3 – The First Empires

How did the Assyrians organize their army and what weapons did they use?

They had foot soldier with spears and daggers and others with bows and arrows, others were chariot riders or fought on horseback


What technique did the Assyrians learn from the Hittites? Describe this process?

Iron making; iron ore was heated, hammered in shape and rapidly cooled

How did Assyrians attack cities and what did they do to people they conquered?

They tunneled walls or climbed them using ladders, used trees as battering rams and set buildings on fire. Conquered people and goods were carried away

How was the Assyrian government setup? What did they do to keep their lands safe?

Provinces were setup and they built roads and stations to protect traders from bandits

Where was the first library built? How many stories/songs did it have inside?

Ninevah, 25,000 tablets of stories and songs

Describe the city of Babylon by writing or drawing.

World’s largest and richest city at the time, surrounded by brick walls, watch towers, palaces, temples, ziggurat, hanging gardens

Why were the Hanging Gardens created? Describe the gardens and how they were maintained.

The gardens were created by Nebuchadnezzar to please his wife, who missed the mountains and plants of her homeland in the northwest


Provinces – political districts that divided empires

Nebuchadnezzar – Chaldean king who controlled Mesopotamia, built Hanging Gardens

Caravans – groups of traveling merchants

Astronomers – people who study the stars, planets, and moons

