EEA/NSV/10/002 – ETC/ICM EEA 2012 Report: Background Document Pressures and Impacts 3.1. European overview of pressures Version: 1.1 Date: 19 July 2011 EEA activity: 1.4.3 ETC/ICM task 1.4.3.c, milestone: 1 Prepared by / compiled by: Hana Prchalova, Renata Filippi, Silvie Semeradova, Pavla Chyska Organisation: CENIA EEA Project Manager: Peter Kristensen Version history Version Date Author Status and description Distribution 0.1 03/07/2011 HPR Pre-draft for ETC To: ALS, CIRCA 0.2 05/07/2011 HPR Pre-draft for ETC after comments from To: ALS, CIRCA ALS 0.3 06/07/2011 HPR Pre-draft for ETC after further comments To: ALS, CIRCA from ALS to draft v.0.2 1.0 06/07/2011 HPR/ALS First draft for EEA after minor amendments To: PKR, AKU by ALS 1.1. 19/07/2011 SHU First draft for EEA after check of English To: PKR, AKU, Circa Abbreviations HPR: Hana Prchalova ALS: Anne Lyche Solheim PKR: Peter Kristensen AKU: Anita Künitzer Chapter 3.1. European overview of pressures Key messages The most common pressures in rivers and lakes come from the diffuse sources of pollution, water flow regulations and morphological alterations, and point sources of pollution. The share of morphological pressures is more significant in heavily modified and artificial water bodies – especially for lakes. The smallest share of freshwater bodies with at least one significant pressure was reported by Austria (lakes), Finland, Greece (rivers), Bulgaria (HM and A lakes) and Lithuania (rivers). The greatest share of freshwater bodies with at least one significant pressure was reported by Belgium, Sweden, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic and Greece (for lakes only). Main diagrams 0,01% 16% 0,4% 1,6% 0,04% 11% 20% 18% 21% 32% 31% 34% 9% Point Abstractions River management Other morphology 6% Diffuse Morphology TCW management Point Abstractions River management Other morphology Diffuse Morphology TCW management Figure 1a, b: Proportional share of significant pressures in natural rivers (left panel) and heavily modified and artificial rivers (right panel). All information presented here is related to river length and represents the proportion of all pressure entries reported for rivers. Several pressure entries are reported for single rivers in many cases. Note: Slovakia reported no significant pressures. Morphology represents water flow regulations and the morphological alterations of surface water. Other morphology represents barriers or land sealing. 0,3% 0,01% 11% 0,2% 17% 6% 18% 0,08% 3% 16% 3% 34% 2% 33% 54% Point Abstractions River management Other morphology Diffuse Morphology TCW management Other 3% Point Abstractions River management Other morphology Diffuse Morphology TCW management Other Figure 2a: Proportional share of significant pressures in natural lakes (left panel) and heavily modified and artificial lakes (right panel). All information presented here is related to lake area, and represents the proportion of all pressure entries reported for lakes. Several pressure entries are reported for single lakes in many cases. Note: Slovakia reported no significant pressures; Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands have no or almost no natural lakes. Morphology represents Water flow regulations and the morphological alterations of surface water. Other morphology represents other morphological alterations – barriers or land sealing. Impacts on rivers Relative distribution by length Impacts on lakes Relative distribution by count Nutrient enrichment Nutrient enrichment Organic enrichment Organic enrichment Contamination by priority substances Contaminated sediments Acidification Contamination by priority substances Contaminated sediments Acidification Saline intrusion Saline intrusion Elevated temperatures Elevated temperatures Altered habitats Altered habitats Other Significant Impacts Other Significant Impacts Figure 3a and b: Relative distribution of impacts on classified European rivers (by length) and lake water bodies (by count). Assessment The analysis shows that the most common pressures in natural rivers come from the diffuse sources of pollution (34%), point sources of pollution (20%), and water flow regulations and morphological alterations (21%). The proportion of morphological pressures is more significant in heavily modified and artificial rivers (32%), although such rivers are also exposed to many other pressures (Figure 1a, b). Pressures in lakes vary greatly in natural versus heavily modified or artificial water bodies. The most common pressures in natural lakes are represented by diffuse sources of pollution (54%), followed by equal shares of point sources of pollution (17%) and morphology pressures (16%). In heavily modified and artificial lakes, the proportion of morphological pressure is dramatically higher than in natural lakes (33%), although diffuse pressure is still important (34%). Point source pollution pressure is also more important in natural lakes (17%) than in heavily modified and artificial lakes/reservoirs (6%) (see Figures 2a and b). Impact information shows that altered habitats are the most important impact in rivers (natural and heavily modified and artificial combined), followed by nutrient and organic enrichment, and contamination by priority substances, while the latter is by far the most important impact in lakes (see Figures 3a and b). This indicates that the pollutants coming from the diffuse and point source pressures on rivers are almost equal proportions of nutrients, contaminants and organic matter, while in lakes most of the diffuse and point source pollutants seem to be contaminants. The large importance of contaminants in lakes is mainly due to diffuse pollution of mercury in Swedish lakes. If Sweden is excluded from the analyses, the importance of contaminants is largely reduced at the European scale (see background document on Ecological Status). The European results for lakes are affected by the great number of lakes occurring in the Northern “low pressure” countries Sweden and Finland and almost no natural lakes in several central and Eastern European countries Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. The analysis provides a general picture, showing the high share of hydro-morphological pressures in heavily modified and artificial bodies, and the significant share of diffuse and point sources of pollution in all rivers and natural lakes. When comparing the distribution of pressures between different countries it is clear that diffuse pollution is often the most significant pressure on rivers in most countries, while Austria and Sweden have very little point source pollution. The morphological pressures are most important in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany and also notable in Sweden and the UK. River management is most important in France and Lithuania, while water abstraction is most important in Bulgaria, France and Greece (fig. 4a). In the heavily modified and artificial rivers, the morphological pressure is higher in most countries, as expected, except in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, where it is lower than in natural rivers. In both these countries the river management is higher than in natural rivers. These differences may be related to differences in reporting methodology, and not to real differences in pressures (fig. 4b). For lakes, the most important country differences are the higher importance of morphological pressure in Austrian natural lakes than in the other countries, as well as the importance of water abstraction in France (fig. 5a). For heavily modified and artificial lakes/reservoirs, most countries report morphological pressures as of higher importance and also the category “other pressures”, which can be a variety of difference single pressures (see methodology section) (fig. 5b). The impacts of these pressures in the different countries will be presented and discussed in the update of this document. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 17,9 0,5 16,2 14,6 65,6 9,1 167,4 4,2 6,0 0,1 77,3 0,0 56,5 AT BE BG CZ DE FI FR GR LT NL SE SK UK Point Diffuse Abstractions Morphology River management TCW management Other morphology Other Figure 4a: Proportional share of significant pressures in natural rivers by countries for rivers with pressures reported. Note: Numbers below columns represent length of rivers with pressures in thousands of km. Slovakia reported no significant pressures. 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 3,7 2,0 5,0 3,2 50,5 2,0 12,7 0,8 1,5 4,6 2,0 0,0 25,2 AT BE BG CZ DE FI FR GR LT NL SE SK UK Point Diffuse Abstractions Morphology River management TCW management Other morphology Other Figure 4b: Proportional share of significant pressures in HM and A rivers by countries for rivers with pressures reported. Note: Numbers below columns represent length of rivers with pressures in thousands of km Slovakia reported no significant pressures. 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0,003 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,24 4,39 0,85 0,65 5,26 0,002 0,00 24,16 0,26 AT BE BG CZ DE FI FR GR LT NL SK SE UK Point Diffuse Abstractions Morphology River management TCW management Other morphology Other Figure 5a: Proportional share of significant pressures in natural lakes by countries for lakes with pressures reported. 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0,01 0,04 0,02 0,25 0,24 0,34 0,83 0,21 2,02 3,04 0,00 5,03 1,22 AT BE BG CZ DE FI FR GR LT NL SK SE UK Point Diffuse Abstractions Morphology River management TCW management Other morphology Other Figure 5b: Proportional share of significant pressures in heavily modified and artificial lakes by countries for lakes with pressures reported. Note: Numbers below columns represent area of lakes with pressures in thousands of km2 Slovakia reported no lakes. Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands have no or almost hardly any natural lakes. Morphology represents water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water. Other morphology represents other morphological alterations – barriers or land sealing. Background information Water Framework Directive, Annex II, Art. 1.4: Member States shall collect and maintain information on the type and magnitude of the significant anthropogenic pressures to which the surface water bodies in each river basin district are liable to be subject. This information includes: Estimation and identification of significant point and diffuse source pollution, in particular by substances listed in Annex VIII of the WFD, from urban, industrial, agricultural and other installations and activities. Estimation and identification of significant water abstraction for urban, industrial, agricultural and other uses, including seasonal variations and total annual demand, and of loss of water in distribution systems. Estimation and identification of the impact of significant water flow regulation, including water transfer and diversion, on overall flow characteristics and water balances. Identification of significant morphological alterations to water bodies and estimation and identification of other significant anthropogenic impacts on the status of surface waters. According to Annex VII of the WFD, the RBMP should include: A summary of significant pressures and impact of human activity on the status of surface water and groundwater, including: o estimation of point source pollution, o estimation of diffuse source pollution, including a summary of land use, o estimation of pressures on the quantitative status of water including abstractions, o analysis of other impacts of human activity on the status of water. Specific Guidance documents were established for the 1st RBMP cycle - Analysis of Pressures and Impacts (Policy summary) and Analysis of Pressures and Impacts – Guidance Document No. 3. Pressures and impacts analysis have a central role in the River Basin Management planning process. Their principal aim is to identify where and to what extent human activities may be placing the achievement of the Directive’s environmental objectives at risk. In this Guidance document, significant pressures were unequivocally understood as those anthropogenic pressures which can cause not reaching good status (and so they were reported within Characterisation). The inventory of pressures is likely to contain many that have no, or little, impact on the water body. In the case of surface waters, the WFD recognises this by only requiring significant pressures to be identified, and within this Guidance significant is interpreted as meaning that the pressure contributes to an impact that may result in the failing of an objective. (Pressures and Impacts – Guidance document No. 3, ch. 3.3.1) Although Guidance Document No. 21: Guidance for Reporting Under the Water Framework Directive referred to significant pressures as only those pressures which caused not reaching good status (i.e. not which can cause), this was not explicitly mentioned in the Guidance Document. Methodology Surface water pressures are assigned to a water body and chosen from the relevant enumeration list. Values in the enumeration list can be divided into three levels of detail. The enumeration list consists of 65 values; therefore the data used in the analysis were aggregated at the highest level (Table 2). One water body can be assigned with more pressures. To avoid a multiple inclusion of one water body - or its length/area - in the statistics, which can be misleading, every aggregated pressure was included only once. Example: if the water body was assigned with 1.1.2 Point - UWWT_10000 and 1.3 Point IPPC plants (EPRTR), the aggregated point source pressure was included only once. For pressures from diffuse and point sources, both the highest level pressure (e.g. Diffuse Source) and lower level pressure (e.g. Diffuse – Agricultural) are given for some bodies. Specifically it concerns 7 water bodies in France for point sources and 1750 bodies in Sweden and 4 in France for diffuse sources. This also needed to be taken into account for the statistics. Each water body can have up to 8 aggregated pressures. Therefore, if the share of diffuse point sources in natural lakes is 54% and in heavily modified lakes 34%, it does not necessarily mean that only 54% (or 34%) of the bodies have a diffuse source or that diffuse sources affect significantly lower share of heavily modified and artificial lakes then natural ones. In reality, diffuse sources affect 85% of natural lakes an 77% heavily modified an artificial lakes, but for the latter category they occur in 74% of bodies simultaneously, which means that the total share of diffuse sources gets significantly lower. The shares of surface water bodies with or without pressures are different in individual countries as well as in natural or heavily modified and artificial bodies (especially in lakes). Some countries reported significant pressures only for water bodies with less then good status (Austria, Belgium, most of Finland, Greece and Lithuania). All other countries reported pressures also in bodies with good status (except for Slovakia which had not reported any significant pressure). Still, in a large number of water bodies with less then good status no significant pressure was reported (Greece and Lithuania). Morphology should be significant pressures for all heavily modified and artificial water bodies. About 21% of rivers and one half of natural lakes do not report any significant pressure, while in heavily modified and artificial rivers it is only 9% and HM and A lakes 20% with no significant pressure - see Figures 6 a, b and 7 a, b. The highest share of natural rivers with no significant pressure was reported by Finland (65%), Greece (59%) and Lithuania 50%), but all the countries have a large share of HM and A rivers without any pressures as well. The situation in lakes is similar: the highest share of natural of lakes with no significant pressure was reported by Austria (cca100%), Bulgaria (100%), Finland (83%), Lithuania (70%), UK (62%) and Germany (38%). However all mentioned countries except the UK have a large share of heavily modified and artificial lakes without pressures (39 – 79%) – see Figures 8a, b and 9a, b. It indicates that only the UK reported enough pressures and the low proportion of freshwater bodies with significant pressures in other countries can be affected by missing information. All other outputs are more likely to be affected by the assessment and reporting methodologies (incl. data gaps) than by natural characteristics and anthropogenic activities within the countries. It can be demonstrated by the fact that e.g. Austria, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Germany and France reported on the average 1 - 1,5 pressures in every heavily modified and artificial lake with at least one significant pressure, whereas Sweden, Finland or the Netherlands reported 2 – 3,4 pressures in every heavily modified and artificial lake. 9% 23% 77% 91% Natural rivers with pressures HM and A rivers with pressures Natural rivers without presures HM and A rivers without presures Figure 6a, b: Natural rivers, HM and A rivers with and without pressures 22% 50% 50% 78% Natural lakes with pressures HM and A lakes with pressures Natural lakes without presures HM and A lakes without presures Figure 7a, b: Natural lakes and HM and A lakes with and without pressures 100% 100% 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% AT BE BG CZ DE FI FR GR LT NL SE SK UK 0,0 29,3 2,0 4,7 2,2 1,0 2,6 14,9 3,2 52,0 5,4 2,0 0% 3,7 70,4 18,0 0,1 77,4 12,0 10,5 26,3 214,9 74,2 15,3 0,5 20,1 27,6 0% AT BE BG CZ DE FI FR GR LT NL SE SK UK Natural rivers without presures HM and A rivers without presures Natural rivers with pressures HM and A rivers with pressures Figure 8a, b: Natural rivers, HM and A rivers with and without pressures by countries Note: Numbers below columns represent length of rivers in thousands of km Slovakia reported no pressures. 100% 100% 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% AT BE BG CZ DE FI FR GR LT NL SK SE UK 1,25 5,03 0,00 3,04 4,00 0,21 1,05 1,57 0,40 0,25 0,07 0,04 0% 0,04 0,68 24,16 0,00 0,00 0,68 17,26 0,91 26,48 2,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,89 0% AT BE BG CZ DE FI FR GR LT NL SK SE UK Natural lakes without presures HM and A lakes without presures Natural lakes with pressures HM and A lakes with pressures Figure 9a, b and c: Natural lakes, HM and A lakes with and without pressures by countries Note: Numbers below columns represent area of lakes in thousands km 2 Slovakia reported no lakes. Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands have no or hardly any natural lakes. Apart from a different natural environment (which determines the vulnerability of a water body towards pressures) and the extent of anthropogenic activities, the total share of diffuse and point pressures in individual countries or RBDs is affected (often more significantly) by the different methodology of determining significant pressures, different understanding of what is a significant pressure, number of bodies in a less then good status, and the quality of reporting. Enumeration list of SW pressures 1 Point Source 2 Diffuse Source 3 Water Abstraction 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water 5 River management 6. Transitional and coastal water management 7 Other morphological alterations 8 Other Pressures 1.1 Point - UWWT_General 1.1.1 Point - UWWT_2000 1.1.2 Point - UWWT_10000 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000 1.1.4 Point - UWWT_150000 1.1.5 Point - UWWT_150000PLUS 1.2 Point - Storm Overflows 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR) 1.4 Point - Non IPPC 1.5 Point - Other 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural 2.3 Diffuse - Transport and infrastructure 2.4 Diffuse - Abandoned industrial sites 2.5 Diffuse - Releases from facilities not connected to sewerage network 2.6 Diffuse - Other 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply 3.3 Abstraction - Manufacturing 3.4 Abstraction - Electricity cooling 3.5 Abstraction - Fish farms 3.6 Abstraction - Hydro-energy not cooling 3.7 Abstraction - Quarries 3.8 Abstraction - Navigation 3.9 Abstraction - Water transfer 3.10 Abstraction - Other 4.1 FlowMorph - Groundwater recharge 4.2 FlowMorph - Hydroelectric dam 4.3 FlowMorph - Water supply reservoir 4.4 FlowMorph - Flood defence dams Aggregated SW pressures Point Source Diffuse Source Water Abstraction Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water River management Transitional and coastal water management Other morphological alterations Other Pressures Point Source Point Source Point Source Point Source Point Source Point Source Point Source Point Source Point Source Point Source Diffuse Source Diffuse Source Diffuse Source Diffuse Source Diffuse Source Diffuse Source Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water Abstraction Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water 4.5 FlowMorph - Water Flow Regulation 4.6 FlowMorph - Diversions 4.7 FlowMorph - Locks 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs 5.1 RiverManagement - Physical alteration of channel 5.2 RiverManagement - Engineering activities 5.3 RiverManagement - Agricultural enhancement 5.4 RiverManagement - Fisheries enhancement 5.5 RiverManagement - Land infrastructure 5.6 RiverManagement - Dredging 6.1 TRACManagement - Estuarine/coastal dredging 6.2 TRACManagement - Marine constructions 6.3 TRACManagement - Land reclamation 6.4 TRACManagement - Coastal sand suppletion (safety) 6.5 TRACManagement - Tidal barrages 7.1 OtherMorph - Barriers 7.2 OtherMorph - c 8.1 OtherPressures - Litter/fly tipping 8.2 OtherPressures - Sludge disposal to sea 8.3 OtherPressures - Exploitation/removal of animals/plants 8.4 OtherPressures - Recreation 8.5 OtherPressures - Fishing 8.6 OtherPressures - Introduced species 8.7 OtherPressures - Introduced disease 8.8 OtherPressures - Climate change 8.9 OtherPressures - Land drainage 8.10 OtherPressures- Other Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water River management River management River management River management River management River management Transitional and coastal water management Transitional and coastal water management Transitional and coastal water management Transitional and coastal water management Transitional and coastal water management Other morphological alterations Other morphological alterations Other Pressures Other Pressures Other Pressures Other Pressures Other Pressures Other Pressures Other Pressures Other Pressures Other Pressures Other Pressures Table 1 Aggregated pressures in surface waters References DIRECTIVE 2000/60/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 October 2000 Establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy POLICY SUMMARY to Guidance Document No 3 Analysis of Pressures and Impacts Guidance Document No. 3 Analysis of Pressures and Impacts Guidance Document No. 21 Guidance for reporting under the Water Framework Directive Annual nitrogen load from diffuse sources per km2 of RBDs