Unit Plan Template Note: Type in the gray areas. Unit Author First and Last Name Melissa Johnston Author's E-mail Address mjj1@muw.edu Course Name(s) Instructional Technology Course Number(s) ED 503 Course Section(s) Fall 2011 School City, State, Zip Mississippi University for Women 1100 College Street Columbus, MS 39701 Instructor Name(s): Dr. Richard Holden Unit Overview Unit Plan Title Wild and Wacky Weather Curriculum-Framing Questions What weather related natural disasters could Mississippi be susceptible to? Essential Question What makes up Earth’s atmosphere? How do air masses affect weather? How is weather predicted? What type storms are we susceptible to? How can we track these weather systems? How will we prepare for them? What should we include in a safety kit to have ready for severe weather incidents? Unit Questions Unit Summary I N T E L ® T E A C H T O © 2001 Intel. All rights reserved. T H E F U T U R E 1 Air masses form, move, and change in predictable ways. Observing these patterns of changes in Earth’s atmosphere is essential to weather prediction. We will also investigate weather in relation to our state specifically. Subject Area(s): (List all subjects that apply) Science Grade Level (Click boxes of all grade levels that apply) K-2 6-8 ESL Gifted and Talented 3-5 9-12 Resource Other: Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks Mississippi Standards: 4th Grade Science 5a Describe how external forces including heat, wind and water affect the Earth’s surface. 6 Explore changes that occur in the Earth’s atmosphere. 6a Analyze and predict the weather using the thermometer, anemometer, rain gauge, barometer and hygrometer. 6b Recognize and collect data of extreme weather conditions. 8 Investigate the changes in the states of matter. 8b Demonstrate transformations of the states of matter. 10 Develop the process of measurement and the concepts related to units of measurement. 10a Measure a given object using specified scientific measurement. I N T E L ® T E A C H T O © 2001 Intel. All rights reserved. T H E F U T U R E 2 Procedures •Review and analyze theories about processes that take place in Earth’s atmosphere as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information. •Describe the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. •Explain what is meant by air pressure. •Compare and contrast the layers of the atmosphere. •Identify the sun as the major source of energy for Earth and recognize that this star provides the energy needed to generate wind and weather. •Explain what causes the greenhouse effect. •Compare and contrast air masses, and explain what happens when they pass over an area. •Explain how different weather conditions are measured. •Recognize symbols on weather maps. •Discover some weather related natural disasters our state could be susceptible to. •Develop a family safety plan for emergencies. •Discuss what should go into and “build” a safety kit. Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 5 days, 50 minute class period per day Prerequisite Skills Students should have completed weather related science content for grades 1 – 3. Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Laser Disk Computer(s) Printer Digital Camera Projection System DVD Player Scanner Internet Connection Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Power Point Presentation prepared by teacher. Textbook Used: Harcourt Science, Mississippi Edition Grade 4 Printed Materials Chapter Title: Weather Conditions I N T E L ® T E A C H T O © 2001 Intel. All rights reserved. T H E F U T U R E 3 Supplies Textbook, paper, pencil, graphic organizers provided by teacher, printed safety plan template provided by teacher http://www.theweatherchannelkids.com/ Internet Resources http://www.geography4kids.com/files/atm_intro.html http://www.ready.gov/kids Others Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Resource Student Students who are working below grade level will receive one-on-one and small group instruction from the teacher and also from the 4th grade RTI interventionist. Students may also come to the teacher during activity period or recess for additional help and explanation. Gifted Student Students showing mastery of requirements can complete the following activity as time allows: Students will locate seven destinations on a world map, one for each continent. They must record the high and low temperatures of each location for one week. They will also research the cultures of the various locations. If a location has only plants and animals and no native people, students should make note of what lives there. Students will the write and illustrate a picture book for younger students titled, “If I Lived in a Place Like This.” Students should use the title as a repeating phrase in the picture book as they tell about each location. Students should include information about weather patterns, the clothes they would wear, the home they would live in, etc. Student Assessment Unit test; safety plan, graphic organizers completed, preview guide Page 4 of 4