Dr. McPherson - Pathology - Virginia Commonwealth University

Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
McPherson, Richard Alan
Chairman, Division of Clinical Pathology and
Professor of Pathology
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts institute of Technology
University of California, San Diego
Virginia Commonwealth University
Life Sciences
Electrical Engineering
Clinical Research and
Please refer to the application instructions in order to complete sections A, B, and C of the Biographical
A. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
Clinical Pathology Residency, Pathology, University of California, San Diego
Assistant Professor of Pathology in Residence, University of California, San Diego
Research Associate, Laboratory of Biology of Viruses, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health
Assistant Professor of Pathology, Georgetown University
Director, Scripps Immunology Reference Laboratory, Pathology, Scripps Clinic
1994-present Chairman of Clinical Pathology and Professor of Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
Assistant Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, University of California, San Diego
Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, Georgetown University
Director, Laboratory Medicine, Georgetown University
Head, Laboratory Medicine and Vice Chairman of Pathology, Scripps Clinic
1994-present Director, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, Virginia Commonwealth University
2002 High Evaluation Teaching Award, M-II Pathogenesis Course
2003 Outstanding Teacher Award, M-II Pathogenesis Course
2003 American Society for Clinical Pathology Commission on Continuing Education
Distinguished Service Award, honoring George F. Stevenson
2007 Outstanding Teacher Award, M-II Pathogenesis Course
B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (from 124 publications)
1. McPherson RA: Commentary: advances in the laboratory diagnosis of celiac disease. J Clin Lab Anal
15:105-107, 2001.
2. McPherson RA, Karcher RE, Burritt MF, Callaghan J, DeOliveira N, LaCourt MW, Mittino ML, Nagatomi
T: Laboratory Automation: Electromechanical Interfaces; Approved Standard. NCCLS document
AUTO5-A [ISBN 1-56238-432-5]. NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, PA, 2001.
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3. Zhao S, Roseff SD, McPherson RA: Hemochromatosis. Check Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol 41, No.
CC 01-3 (CC-313), pp. 27-46. American Society of Clinical Pathology, Chicago, 2001.
4. McPherson RA, Anderson SJ, Anderson FP: Pseudohyperkalemia in acute myelocytic leukemia. Check
Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol 41, No. CC 01-4 (CC-314), pp. 47-64. American Society of Clinical
Pathology, Chicago, 2001.
5. Topaz O, Minisi AJ, Bernardo NL, McPherson RA, Martin E, Carr SL, Carr ME: Alterations of platelet
aggregation kinetics with ultraviolet laser emission: the "stunned platelet" phenomenon. Thromb
Haemost 86: 1087-1093, 2001.
6. Sanford KW, McPherson RA: Cryoglobulinemia. Check Sample. Molecular Diagnostics and
Immunopathology. Vol 5, No. MDI 01-4 (MDI-20), pp. 47-61. American Society of Clinical Pathology,
Chicago, 2001. (Published 2002)
7. Goel R, Mills AS, McPherson RA: Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. Check Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol
, No. CC 02-7 (CC-325), pp. 95-110. American Society of Clinical Pathology, Chicago, 2002.
8. Zhao S, Mills AS, McPherson RA: Gastrinoma. Check Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol 43, No. CC 03-1
(CC-327), pp. 1-17. American Society for Clinical Pathology, Chicago, 2003.
9. Hermann R, McPherson RA: Asialo Transferrin: Laboratory Detection and Clinical Relevance. Check
Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol 43, No. CC 03-3 (CC-329), pp. 39-51. American Society for Clinical
Pathology, Chicago, 2003.
10. Sanford KW, McPherson RA: Nontraditional body fluid analysis. Check Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol
43, No. CC 03-8 (CC-334), pp. 117-134. American Society for Clinical Pathology, Chicago, 2003.
11. Idowu MO, Kaliki V, McPherson RA: Antineuronal Antibodies. Check Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol
44, No. CC 04-6 (CC-340), pp. 65-82. American Society for Clinical Pathology, Chicago, 2004.
12. Riley RS, Tidwell AR, Zhao S, McPherson RA, Bode AP, Carr ME: A review in hemostasis testing, part
1. Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory 13 (9): 80-90, September 2004.
13. Riley RS, Tidwell AR, Zhao S, McPherson RA, Bode AP, Carr ME: A review in hemostasis testing, part
2. Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory 13(10): 56-62, October 2004.
14. McPherson RA: Biostatistics. Check Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol 45, No. CC 05-1 (CC-343), pp. 119, American Society for Clinical Pathology, Chicago, 2005.
15. McIvor D, McPherson RA: Chemical Warfare Agents. Check Sample. Clinical Chemistry. Vol 45, No.
CC 05-6 (CC-348), pp. 83-96, American Society for Clinical Pathology, Chicago, 2005.
16. Zhao S, Ferreira-Gonzalez, Dumur C, McPherson RA, Garrett CT: Molecular diagnosis of acute
promyelocytic leukemia by real-time PCR-7700 Sequence detection system. Check Sample. Clinical
Chemistry. Vol 45, No. CC 05-7 (CC-349), pp. 97-111, American Society for Clinical Pathology,
Chicago, 2005.
17. McPherson RA, Bidkorpeh EK, Castellani WJ, Glasser L, Griesmacher A, Hartmann AE, Ingram K,
Knight JA, Rosen MA, Sadek W, Slickers KA: Analysis of Body Fluids in Clinical Chemistry; Approved
Guideline. CLSI document C49A. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 940 West Valley Road,
Suite 1400, Wayne, PA, 2007.
Page 2
18. Do M, Ben-Ezra J, McPherson RA: Calls to clinical pathology residents in an academic institution: how
can tracking changes over time benefit resident education. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine, 132: 1317-1320, 2008.
19. McPherson RA, Pincus, MR: Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. 21st
edition. Saunder Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2007.
C. Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
51300511N Ben-Ezra (PI)
Sysmex America, Inc.
Protocol for evaluating the Sysmex UF-1000i to the Sysmex UF-100, automated urine cell analyzer
The goal of this study is to determine how a new generation urine sediment analyzer performs compared to a
previous generation instrument.
Role: Co-Investigator
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