Body and Mind Activity

Grade 3
First activity
Developed by Daniela Silva
A) Description of the topic: "Body and Mind, who am I?"
This activity provides students the opportunity to look inside yourself, and
thus encourage them to reflect on their: dreams, worldviews, affinities, interests,
feelings, skills and life goals. Thus, it’s developed in the student self-knowledge
as well as interpersonal relationships among classmates, giving the student the
ability to: identify and improve the multiple intelligence he already has, thus,
valuing your talents and abilities.
B) Learning Objective:
Develop in the learner, knowledge about yourself through activities that
involve your multiple intelligences.
C) Teacher / background materials:
Howard Gardner, a psychologist and neurologist, presents the brain with
many facets, each geared to a function or ability. In this research, Gardner gave
the name of: "multiple intelligences", classifying them into new seven
Logical-mathematical intelligence: relation with the capabilities
of thinking and reasoning. People with this intelligence have
facilities for: reasoning, problem solving, use of a useful memory
and ably perform with mental calculations;
Linguistic intelligence: it is the ability to articulate the words to
interpret the mind and the world around you. Individuals with this
intelligence, have easily orality and writing, meaning of words, as
well as learning new languages;
Musical intelligence: people with this kind of intelligence, have
affinities to recognize: sounds, tones and noises, besides
demonstrating ease in learning musical instruments, as well as
developing and singing songs and melodies;
Spatial intelligence: characterized by creativity and flexibility in
manipulating and changing objects using the visual field and
spatial field;
Corporal intelligence: this relates to the ability to use the body in
a different way, using concepts of: space, distance and depth.
People with this intelligence have easily coordination thin or thick;
Interpersonal intelligence: concerns, the ability to create and
develop relationships with other people and social groups,
influencing positively;
Intrapersonal intelligence: this is the rarest type of intelligence,
with the ability to use own feelings to resolve conflicts, and
understand yourself.
D) An activity appropriate for the classroom:
After the activity "body and mind", the educator will ask students to copy
their answers (contained in the design of the human body), for notebook (or a
blank). In the classroom, the teacher will randomly select pairs so that each
member interview your partner. Then each member of the duo, will present his
colleague (interviewed by him) for the class, using the responses obtained in
the interview.
E) Classroom / Feature Suggestions: notebook or white sheet.
F) Resources for Parents:
At home, the activity can be adapted as an interview where the questions
asked in class, should be written on pieces of paper and inserted into a plastic
bag. With the aid of a PET bottle, the activity is started, being the lid part of the
bottle related to the questions, and the back related responses.
The bottle is placed in front of participants, who should be sitting around
the object. One of the members (family) chosen to start the game, turn the
bottle. The direction in which the bottle stops spinning, the question will be
made (indicated by the lid PET), as well as the response (to the participant who
is toward the rear of the bottle).
The player chosen to ask the question, removed from inside the small
plastic bag, a question to the other player.
1. Description of activity:
The teacher will ask students to work in pairs. In the yard or outside of
class she will propose to the doubles draw your partner's body in a sheet (large
and long) brown paper, and each corresponding space design, students will
write their answers to the questions raised by the educator.
2. Bill of Materials: brown paper, felt pen, pencil, eraser and pen.
3. Activity Guide / Walkthrough:
In classroom or in the schoolyard, students divided in pairs, should
circumvent with pen marker, the body of your pair, which should be lying, over
the sheet, in corresponding size the height student's. Then, guided by the
teacher, the class should write in the spaces provided:
- On the forehead: your dream; - On the eye: what he most like to see in
the world; - In the mouth: what else enjoys talking with friends; - On the ears:
what kind of music he likes to listen; - At heart: say the name of a person he
really loves; - In belly: your favorite food; - In the hands: a skill he plays well; In
the feet: what profession he would like to have.
4. Handouts / materials as attachments: Roadmap to the interview
Before starting the activity, the teacher will distribute a script with
questions to each member of the pair. The answers must be written both in the
design of the body, such as the notebook (or sheet) of the pupil.
a) What is your dream (forehead);
b) What do you most enjoy watching the world (eyes)?
c) What is the subject you most like to chat with your friends?
d) What kind of music you like to hear (ears)?
e) Say the name of a person you love so much (heart)?
f) What is your favorite food (stomach)?
g) What is a skill you have, what you do best (hands)?
h) What profession you want to pursue when they grow up (feet)?
Second activity
A) Description of the topic: "My name is…"
This activity allows students to broaden awareness about themselves
and about their classmates, identifying the text with your corresponding
author. Moreover, it enables the development and improvement of
interpersonal intelligence through social relationships among students.
B) Learning Objective:
Expand in the student awareness about himself and about his
C) Teacher / background materials:
Social intelligence: it is characterized by the stimulation and
communication, achievement, leadership, motivation and empathy.
People who have this intelligence, have easy to get along within the
family, at school, at work and in the community where it belongs.
Additionally, he is able to understand the temperaments of others,
seeking to interact positively with each person.
D) An activity appropriate for the classroom:
In class, the teacher will randomly select one of the subjects (body parts
drawn), from pieces of paper, taken from inside a bag or case. From
theme drawn, students should respond to it, writing it on a paper strip.
After that, should deposit the slip of paper inside a balloon, filling it then.
E) Classroom / Feature Suggestions: bag or case, white paper.
F) Resources for Parents:
A member of the family will randomly select one of the themes discussed
in the design of the human body, and read aloud. Then, each member should
enter your answer on the computer, and after that, should put it into the bladder.
To music, should throw it up, playing with all of them. When the music stops,
will pop it, read the sentence aloud, saying to whom belongs the answer.
1. Description of activity:
The teacher will randomly select one of the themes discussed in the
design of the body and mind. Then, students will have to answer it, according to
the responses developed in the activity by placing them inside a balloon, filling
it, then. The sound of music, should throw it up, playing with all balls. To stop
the sound will have to pop it, and try to hit who corresponds the sentence.
2. Bill of Materials: Colorful balloons, music, stereo or IPod, pen and
white sheet.
3. Activity Guide / Walkthrough:
After hearing the theme (for the design of the human body), students will
have to answer it on slips of paper, and then put them inside a bladder and fill it.
In class, or in the outer area of the school, students should play them up, until
the teacher stops the music. To stop the sound, each student should get a
bladder, with the hands should pop it. In a circle, each player must say aloud
the word or phrase contained in your paper. Through this, children will have to
talk to who owns that answer.
4. Handouts / materials as attachments:
a) What is your dream (forehead);
b) What do you most enjoy watching the world (eyes)?
c) What is the subject you most like to chat with your friends?
d) What kind of music you like to hear (ears)?
e) Say the name of a person you love so much (heart)?
f) What is your favorite food (stomach)?
g) What is a skill you have, what you do best (hands)?
h) What profession you want to pursue when they grow up (feet)?