Review Sheet #6

Review Sheet #6
Chapters 10 and 11: Thinking and Language
 _____________: A label, or mental groupings of similar objects or ideas
 _____________the best or most common example of a concept
 _____________Problem solving strategy that exhausts every option in a step by step
procedure that guarantees an answer.
 _____________Sudden realization, understanding or “aha” moment
 _____________A problem solving strategy where one randomly tries one possible
solution after another
 _____________Rule of thumb problem solving strategy (“I before e, except after c.”)
o ______________A misjudgment based on the most readily available experience
or memory.
o ______________A misjudgment based on a stereotype or prototype
Obstacles to Problem Solving
 _____________The tendency to use only old patterns of problem solving (“Can’t think
out of the box” / aka mental rigidity)
 _____________When objects are seen only for their traditional use.
 Framing: when ____________ can shape perception
 _____________: When one only looks for evidence that confirms one’s beliefs
 _____________: overestimate our own judgment (“confidence is not a good indicator of
 _____________: maintain a belief or view even in the face of contrasting evidence
 _____________:Accept as more logical evidence that supports one’s beliefs
 ____________: Units of sound (40 in English language)
 ____________:Units of meaning, prefixes, suffixes (100,000)
 ____________: System of rules that govern language
 ____________: rules of grammar (adjectives before nouns etc.)
 ____________: meaning
 Stages of early language development: babbling, one word, two word (telegraphic
speech), complex language
 _____________: Theorists who proposed language is universal, language acquisition
device, critical period = 1st 7 years
 _____________: Behaviorist who argued language was learned through operant
conditioning- association / imitation / reinforcement
 Linguistic determinism: language influences how we _______________
Intelligence and Testing
 _____________ Theorists who developed idea of a mental age by calculating the
average performance level of each age, or grade
 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Quotient (IQ) = ____________________________ (formula)
 _____________Tests designed to assess what you have learned (Example: EOCT’s)
 _____________Tests used to predict your ability level to learn (SAT, IQ etc.)
 WAIS = _____________________________
 WISC = _____________________________
 ______________: tests that are piloted on a similar population as those that will take the
test. Standardized test must be:
o ______________: Consistency of the test as a means of measurement(examples
are test-retest, split ½’s, equivalent forms)
o ___________measures what it is meant to measure
 Special Needs Children
o Autism:
o Down’s Syndrome:
 Tracking vs. Mainstreaming: Educational philosophical approaches: group by ability,
achievement level or mixed group
 ________________ Spearman developed a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of
related items on a test
 ________________, or general intelligence score that Spearman argued reflected your
general intelligence (if smart on one part of test, high correlation that smart on other parts
 Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory proposed intelligence made up of three factors:
____________ , ___________________ , _________________ .
 Howard Gardner argued there were _____ intelligences, aka multiple intelligences
 ________________ : theorist who proposed the EQ theory, or emotional intelligence
 ________________ syndrome is the condition of a very low IQ, but possessing an island
of brilliance (“Rain Man”)
 _____________________ Phenomenon demonstrating a rise in IQ scores over last 80
 ___________________, or normal curve = 1sd = 68%, 2sd = 95%, 3sd = 99%