Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt, 2008 1 Warentest(comparing test) of the fattening pigs from 7 different breeding lines Pig farms of the hybrid and crossing type. Origin BHZP DanBred Hülsenberger JSR LRS PIC TOPIGS Boar Piétrain Piétrain Rheinhybrid Piétrain Camborough23 Piétrain db-Naima Piétrain Hülsenberger LW x LL Piétrain Sow Piétrain Danhybrid Gena 90 TOPIGS20 2 Results of the tested breeding lines Effectiveness of the fattening and parameters of carcasses in Warentest (comparative test) Origine BHZP Dan- HülsenBred berger JSR LRS PIC TOPIGS Average 2.1 Effectiveness of the fattening Daily gain g 877 942 906 851 875 875 878 614 659 633 604 623 615 619 624 2,58 2,43 2,51 2,58 2,56 2,55 2,58 2,54 Consumption of feed per 1 kg growth,net kг 3,68 Daily gain, net кг Consumption of feed per 1 kg growth 3,48 3,59 3,64 3,60 3,63 3,66 3,61 2,25 2,28 2,26 2,19 2,23 2,22 2,26 2,24 % 77,5 77,4 77,4 78,3 78,4 77,7 77,8 77,8 кг Daily usage of the feed 887 2.2 Carcass values Slaughter weight Layer of the fat on the back 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 cm2 55,7 55,4 55,8 57,8 57,4 54,7 53,5 55,8 1 : 0,31 0,3 0,31 0,29 0,31 0,31 0.34 0,31 Proportion of the muscle meat by Autofom 58,6 A pure gammon of bacon by Autofom % кг 18,2 58,9 58,7 59,4 58,5 58,3 57,2 58,5 18,3 18,1 18,4 18,1 18,0 17,7 18,1 Area of the dorsal(back) muscles cm Proportion of fat to meat Rump steak by Autofom кг 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,1 7,0 6,9 6,8 7,0 Доля мяса брюшины (формула Gruber) % 57,4 57,4 57,9 58,8 57,5 57,5 56,3 57,5 2.3 Parts of the carcass in the under the relevant system boundaries by Autofom (%) Rump steak (кг) – Westfleisch < 6,2 6,2–7,8 > 7,8 4 4 3 3 1 9 12 5 93 93 94 91 92 90 87 92 3 3 3 6 7 1 1 3 Rump steak (кг) – Tönnies / Vion < 6,2 4 4 3 3 1 9 12 5 ≥ 6,2 96 96 97 97 99 91 88 95 A pure gammon of bacon (кг) – Westfleisch < 16 16–20 > 20 5 3 7 3 8 6 7 5 87 90 87 88 87 89 93 89 8 7 6 9 5 5 0 6 A pure gammon of bacon (кг) – Tönnies < 15 2 0 0 1 4 1 3 2 15–19 70 67 78 70 69 77 85 73 > 19 28 33 22 29 27 22 12 25 2 0 0 1 4 1 3 2 15–19,5 83 83 88 80 82 85 92 84 > 19,5 15 17 12 19 15 14 5 14 A pure gammon of bacon (кг) Vion < 15 A pure gammon of bacon (%) Westfleisch < 47 9 5 7 7 14 11 17 10 47–52,99 38 43 36 31 34 33 49 38 ≥ 53 53 52 57 62 52 56 34 52 A pure gammon of bacon (%) Tönnies/Vion < 45 5 3 1 4 8 7 11 5 45–50,99 23 19 31 20 25 21 35 25 ≥ 51 72 78 68 76 67 72 54 70 2.4 Index point/kg Slaughter weight by Autofom Without taking into account system boundaries Westfleisch 1/08 1,042 1,044 1,041 1,048 1,040 1,035 1,022 1,039 Westfleisch 1/08 0,993 1,001 0,998 1,002 0,990 0,988 0,967 0,991 Tönnies 1/08 1,000 1,005 1,003 1,006 0,998 0,992 0,976 0,997 Vion 2007 0,990 0,993 0,989 0,993 0,988 0,985 0,971 0,987 Taking into account system boundaries 3 Meat quality Quality of the content of the meat showed as average number in the origin, according as share quantity of the animals in one spesial class and comparative results to resistant to stress. BHZP DanBred Hülsenberger JSR LRS PIC TOPIGS Average 6,64 96 3,1 % 91 % 90 % 2,08 0,99 6,60 93 3,2 90 88 2,85 1,00 6,62 94 3,2 93 92 2,13 1,06 6,47 81 3,6 88 77 3,21 0,92 6,56 87 3,3 94 86 2,65 1,09 6,62 96 2,9 99 95 2,26 1,07 6,64 93 2,9 98 93 2,08 1,07 6,59 92 3,3 93 89 2,47 1,02 77 27 0 79 25 0 64 37 3 78 25 0 87 17 0 544 176 3 Origin Of meat quality pH1-value Share with pH1 ≥ 6,2 LF24- value Share with LF24 < 5 Share with pH1 ≥ 6,2 и LF24 < 5 Losses of the meat juice Intamuscular fat content % % Resistant by MHS-results (amount of the animals) NN- homozygous stable 76 83 NP- heterozygous stable 24 21 PP- homozygous sensitive 0 0 4 Parameters of the productivity during fattening Results of the productivity during fattening in tested pig farms Hülsenberger DanBred JSR LRS PIC TOPIGS Average Origin BHZP Quantity of alive born piglets 11,74 13,63 11,70 11,75 11,43 11,80 12,31 12,05 Quantity of dead born/litter праFerkelverluste/Прасило Weaned piglets/ litter 1,71 1,86 10,03 11,04 1,55 1,74 1,52 10,04 10,14 9,96 1,69 10,27 1,99 9,93 1,48 10,74 5 How farmers are satisfired ? Results of the interview Origin BHZP Supply of the young pigs 2,2 25 %* Quality of the young pigs 50 %* 2,1 Claims 15 %* 2,1 Services 10 %* 2,1 Total 100 %* 2,14 * DanBred Hülsenberger JSR LRS PIC TOPIGS 2,3 1,9 2,2 1,6 2,2 1,9 2,0 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,12 2,0 2,0 1,6 1,94 2,2 2,3 2,3 2,22 2,1 2,0 1,8 1,93 2,2 2,0 1,9 2,13 2,0 1,9 1,9 1,98 2,1 2,1 2,0 2,06 Average part in the total amount 6 Calculation of profitability Calculation of profitability (without system borders), model Westfleisch, Level, January 2008), in €/animal Dan- HülsenBred berger Origin BHZP Surplus of the feed costs Plusses/minuses* for feeding days Pluses/minuses* for meat composition 65,54 69,72 –0,29 1,21 –1,20 3,84 4,49 4,42 67,37 67,44 66,82 65,45 0,40 –0,73 –0,15 –0,31 –0,69 –1,17 –1,39 –1,95 4,60 3,87 4,32 4,75 63,48 –0,18 1,51 4,66 Total exceeding (according to feeding days) without meat composition without productivity with meat composition with productivity without meat composition with productivity with meat composition without производительности 65,25 68,54 64,05 69,74 67,77 71,68 67,08 72,37 63,30 69,47 64,81 67,96 Plusses-/minuses* for effective production * Ca l cul a t ed wi t h m or e pr eci s e n um ber than sh owed i n th e ta bl e 70,93 79,19 74,77 75,35 JSR 66,71 69,41 65,54 70,58 LRS 66,67 69,60 65,28 70,99 PIC 65,14 67,94 63,19 69,89 TOPIGS 8 Advantages and disadvantages Grade tested product on individual parameters and the overall assessment Origin BHZP DanBred Hülsenberger JSR LRS PIC TOPIGS Satisfactory + Good Good Good Good Good Good Good + Good Satisfactory Separated parameters Daily gain Good Feed use Carcass Resistant to stress сссстрессу стрессу Meat composition productivity Satisfaction of clients Good Very good хорошо Very good Good о + Good Good + Good + Good Very good Very good – Good + Good – Very good Good Good Good + Good Good Very good хорошо Good Satisfactory Good Very good Very good хорошо Good – – Satisfactory + Good Very good Very good Good – Satisfactory Good – Good Good + Good – Good + Good Good + Good (2,0) Good (1,9) Good (2,2) Good (2,2) Good (2,0) Good (2,1) Good (2,2) Good (2,0) Good (2,2) An overall assessment Without production/ Without clients consideration Good (2,0) With production/ With clients consideration Good (2,0) With production/ Without clients consideration Good (2,1) Very good – Good + (1,7) Good (1,8) (1,3) Very good – Good (1,8) Good (2,0) (1,3) Very good – (1,3) Good (1,9) Good (1,9)