Journal of Service Research Editor: A. Parasuraman University of Miami A Brief Overview of JSR Founded by Roland Rust in 1998 Published by SAGE Publications Sponsored by Center for Excellence in Service, University of Maryland Four issues per year First issue: Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug. 1998 Most recent issue: Vol. 10, No. 2, Nov. 2007 Achieved SSCI-journal status in March 2005 JSR’s inaugural impact factor is 1.722, placing it 13th among all business journals 2 Top Business Journals Ranked by Impact Factor Rank Journal Impact Factor 1 Journal of Marketing 4.831 2 Academy of Management Review 4.515 3 Marketing Science 3.977 4 Academy of Management Journal 3.353 5 Strategic Management Journal 2.632 6 Administrative Science Quarterly 2.455 7 Journal of Marketing Research 2.389 8 Journal of International Business Studies 2.254 9 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 2.123 10 Journal of Consumer Research 2.043 11 Journal of Management Studies 2.000 12 Journal of Management 1.954 13 Journal of Service Research 1.722 What Type of Journal is JSR? Methodologically rigorous Managerially relevant Open to all research paradigms – i.e., methodologically diverse Multidisciplinary International JSR’s Global Readership Africa, 0.82% Asia, 9.80% Mexico, 0.41% Canada, 4.49% Australasia, 5.31% US, 44.49% South & Central America, 0.82% Europe, 33.47% Middle East, 0.41% Why Submit to JSR? Constructive, helpful feedback from reviewers and editor Median total turnaround time for reviews = 45 days Time from acceptance to publication = 6 months JSR’s worldwide recognition as a premiere service journal JSR Best Article Award sponsored by IBM (includes a substantial cash award!) JSR Author & Article Profiles: 2005-2007 Characteristic US-based authors Non-US authors B2C articles B2B articles Primarily mktg. Cross-functional Conceptual Empirical Modeling Number 47 68 43 4 35 12 2 42 3 Percentage 41% 59% 91% 9% 76% 24% 5% 89% 6% JSR especially welcomes these types of articles! Manuscript Review Process at JSR Initial evaluation by the editor If a manuscript is deemed appropriate for further review, it is sent to three reviewers Typically at least two of the three reviewers are members of JSR’s ERB Current statistics (approximate): Initial submissions: 150 per year Sent out for review: 90 (60% of 150) Conditionally accepted after 1st round: 4 (4.4% of 90) Invited to revise after 1st round: 36 (40% of 90) Conditionally accepted after 2nd (or later) round: 20 (56% of 36) Overall acceptance rate: 16% (24 out of 150) November 2007 Issue (In Press) “Healthcare: a Fertile Field for Service Research” Leonard L. Berry, Neeli Bendapudi “A Hierarchical Model of Health Service Quality: Scale Development and Investigation of an Integrated Model” Tracey S. Dagger, Jillian C. Sweeney, Lester W. Johnson “Identifying Cross Channel Dissynergies for Multichannel Service Providers” Tomas Falk, Jeroen Schepers, Maik Hammerschmidt, Hans H. Bauer “The Impact of Customer Orientation of Call Center Employees on Customers’ Affective Commitment and Loyalty” Alison M. Dean “Understanding Customer Switching Behavior in a Liberalizing Service Market” Jaap Wieringa, Peter Verhoef “Recovery Voice and Satisfaction after Service Failure: An Experimental Investigation of Mediating and Moderating Factors” Kiran Karande, Vincent P. Magnini 9 Submitting to and Getting Information about JSR JSR has just switched over to a completely webbased manuscript submission and review process Visit to: Get more information about JSR and manuscriptsubmission instructions Register to receive in advance via email JSR’s table of contents Comments and inquiries about JSR are welcome – please send them to the attention of: Katherine McGrath, Editorial Assistant: You can also contact me at: Thank You!