
I The Passive.
We form the passive with the verb to be and the past participle of the main verb.
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Past Simple
Past Continuous
Future Simple
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Perfect
Present Infinitive
Perfect Infinitive
Simple –ing form
Perfect –ing form
Modal perfects
He delivers the parcels.
The parcels are
He is delivering the
The parcels are being
He delivered the parcels. The parcels were
He was delivering the
The parcels were being
He will deliver the
The parcels will be
He has delivered the
The parcels have been
He had delivered the
The parcels had been
He will have delivered
The parcels will have
the parcels.
been delivered.
He is expected to deliver The parcels are expected
the parcels.
to be delivered.
He is said to have
The parcels are said to
delivered the parcels.
have been delivered.
I object to his delivering I object to the parcels
the parcels.
being delivered.
Having delivered the
The parcels having
been delivered,…
He must deliver the
The parcels must be
He must have delivered The parcels must have
the parcels.
been delivered.
The present perfect continuous, the future continuous, the past perfect continuous,
and the future perfect continuous are not normally used in the passive.
We can use the verb to get instead of the verb to be in everyday speech when we
talk about things that happen by accident or unexpectedly.
e.g. Four people got hurt in the car crash.
NB. However, we cannot use get to describe states.
e.g. That house is (NOT gets) owned by my uncle.
We use the passive:
a) When the person who carries out the action is unknown, unimportant or obvious
from the context (the doer (agent) of the action is not mentioned).
e.g. a) My flat was broken into last week. (We do not know who broke into the flat.)
b) Coffee beans are grown in Brazil. (It’s not important to know who grows the
c) My car was serviced yesterday. (It is obvious that a mechanic serviced it.)
b) When the action itself is more important than the person who carries it out, as in
news headlines, newspaper articles, formal notices, instructions, advertisements,
processes, etc.
e.g. The new hospital will be opened by the Queen on May 15th. (formal notice)
c) when we refer to an unpleasant event and we do not want to say who or what is
to blame.
e.g. A lot of mistakes have been made. (instead of “You have made a lot of
Changing from active into passive.
Only transitive verbs (verbs followed by an object) can be changed into the passive.
e.g. Grandma knitted my jumper. → My jumper was knitted by Grandma.
BUT: They travelled to Lisbon last summer (intransitive verb). → no passive.
Some transitive verbs such as belong, have (=own), fit (=be the right size or
shape), lack, resemble, seem, suit, cannot be changed into the passive.
e.g. I have a shower every morning (NOT A shower is had by me…)
The verb let has no passive form, so we use a passive form of allow/permit/give
e.g. The teacher let us leave early. → We were allowed to leave early.
When the verb of the active sentence is followed by a preposition, the preposition is
kept in the passive sentence as well. We never separate the verb and preposition(s)
in the passive.
e.g. They took the company over in 2001. → The company was taken over (by
them) in 2001.
The verbs hear, see, make are followed by the bare infinitive in the active, but by
the to-infinitive in the passive.
e.g. They saw him leave the building. → He was seen to leave the building.
1. Complete the sentences using words from each group.
build design direct discover discover invent name paint play write
the Ancient Egyptians
Crick and Watson
Marie Curie
Eiffel Eric the Red
Angelina Jolie
Akira Kurosawa
Marconi Picasso Philip Pullman
1 Greenland…………………………….
2 Northern Lights ..............................
3 The Pyramids ...................................
4 The wireless .....................................
5 Guernica ..........................................
6 Lara Croft ........................................
7 The Statue of Liberty.......................
8 The structure of DNA ......................
9 The Seven Samurai ..........................
10 Radium ...........................................
2. Imagine you are in a busy hotel at midday. Make sentences to say what is
being done, using words from the two groups and the present progressive
Beds are being made.
bring down
pay prepare
3. Imagine that, rich and famous, you return to your old home town after fifty
years. A lot of things are different. Make sentences, using words below and the
present perfect passive.
The Cafe Royal has been turned into a casino.
Cafe Royal
old fire station
ring road
Super Cinema
your house
new car park
new schools opera house
station streets town centre statue of you
put up in park
turn into casino /
floating restaurants / museum / supermarket / theatre / pedestrian precinct
4. Put the verbs into the correct passive form.
1 I've collected all the documents that (need) for the house sale. Can you take
them to the lawyer's office (sign)?
2 Look, this is a secret. Come into the garden where we (not / overhear).
3 If you hadn't been so late for work, you (not / sack).
4 This office is very inefficient. The phone (never / answer) promptly, no proper
records (keep), and, worst of all, no reports (written) since I started work here.
5 I was so worried about my garden while I was in hospital, but I have very good
neighbours. When I got home, I could see that the vegetables (water) every day
and the grass (cut) regularly.
6 Can you come to the police station? The man who (suspect) of stealing your
wallet (arrest) and (question) at the moment. The police hope he (identify), either
by you or another witness.
7 We had hoped to see several famous paintings, but the gallery (reorganised) at
the time of our visit and most of the really valuable works (move) for safe
8. Aunt Dinah (not like) by my father’s family; she (consider) vulgar.
9. After his brother’s departure Paul sat for a long time thinking about what
10. “I’m not prepared,” my father said, “to listen to your suggestions that you
never (treat) fairly at school.”
11. But there were signs that order (restore) in the town.
12. He went into the bedroom. The bed (turn) down for the night by the maid
many hours before.
13. Please, find out if my father (see) to leave.
14. She could have gone to Cambridge if she had wanted, she (offer) a
15. Ahead of us the port lay in a flood of lights. Two cargo ships (unload).
16. I felt I (catch) out boasting.
17. I could not tell him that I had spent the money I (leave) in order to get myself
a house.
18. She (operate) on at seven o’clock next morning.
19. The days that followed afterward (look) back on by Philip as a kind of
20. You have hardly any right to talk to me about the children. They (see) to all
right, and it will be me that sees to them, not you.
21. Somewhere from far away in the town came the sound of shots. “Somebody
(kill),” I said.
22. The boy who put a frog in the teacher’s desk (ask) to return the frog to the
23. He watched Jack while the film (run).
24. I discovered that a similar message (send) to my office.
25. Our garden was all weeds, but the one next door (look) after to perfection.
5. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Do not use by unless it is important to the meaning.
1 The teacher has marked all the homework.
All the homework .. .................................................................................................
2 My boyfriend kept me waiting for half an hour.
I ................................................................................................................................
3 The students must pay all their own fees for this course.
All the fees for this course ......................................................................................
4 Do you suppose your brother could have written that email?
Do you suppose that email .................................................................................... ?
5 They use a computer to do that job nowadays.
A computer ..............................................................................................................
6 During the summer, the cafe was employing more waiters every week.
During the summer, more waiters ...........................................................................
7 Nobody informed the police that there had been a mistake.
The police ................................................................................................................
8 Where will your company send you next year?
Where will you ...................................................................................................... ?
9 The news about the war worried Josephine.
Josephine ................................................................................................................
10 I've still got the camera because no-one has claimed it.
I've still got the camera because it ...........................................................................
11 Has anyone ever asked you for your opinion?
Have you ............................................................................................................... ?
12 The children shouldn't have opened that parcel.
That parcel ...............................................................................................................
13 All visitors must wear identity badges.
Identity badges ........................................................................................................
14 Someone must have changed the time of the meeting.
The time of the meeting ..........................................................................................
15 Is anyone using this computer?
Is this computer ..................................................................................................... ?
16 The managing director promised me a pay-rise.
................ …………………. ……………………by the managing director.
17 They sent me the contract by courier the next day.
The contract ..........................................................................................................
18 A multi-national company is taking over our firm.
Our firm ................................................................................................................
19 Several people noticed the man trying to climb in the window.
…………………………………………………………….by several people.
20 They awarded David a medal for bravery.
David ....................................................................................................................
21 They made Sylvia take the exam again.
Sylvia ....................................................................................................................
22 An elderly aunt gave Paul the paintings.
Paul .......................................................................................................................
23 The police are going to look into the case
……………………………………………………by the police.
24 They considered any further rescue attempts pointless.
Any further ...........................................................
25 They elected George president for a second term.
26 You can't see the house from the street.
The house ......................................................................
27 'They won't correct your papers before Friday.'
He said our papers .........................................................
28 Someone must have taken the towels out of the dryer.
The towels…………………………………………………..
29 Nobody's going to steal your books from this room.
Your books……………………………………………….
30 People were telling me what to do all the time and I didn't enjoy it.
I didn't enjoy……………………………………………….
6. Rewrite each sentence using appreciate, deny, enjoy, like or remember and
the word in capitals.
1 Thanks for taking me to the station.
2 I was shown around the school, and I enjoyed it.
3 I don't remember when they arrested me!
4 He said he liked it when people took him seriously.
5 Tina said she hadn't been paid to appear in the play.
6 I don't remember when they gave me the anaesthetic.
7 Thanks for giving me another chance.
7. Complete the text with expressions from the box.
had been given
had been told
had never been taught
was given
was offered
was promised
was sent was shown
being paid
I'll never forget my first day at that office. I (1) to arrive at 8.30, but when I got
there the whole place seemed to be empty. I didn't know what to do, because I (2)
no information about the building or where I was going to work, so I just waited
around until some of the secretaries began to turn up. Finally I (3) dirty little
office on the fifth floor, where I (4) a desk in a corner. Nothing happened for an
hour; then I (5) some letters to type on a computer by one of the senior
secretaries. This wasn't very successful, because I (6) how to use a computer. (In
the letter I (7) when I (8) the job, I (9) computer training, but they'd obviously
forgotten about this.) By lunchtime things hadn't got any better, and I decided
that I (10) enough to put up with this nonsense, so I walked out and didn't go
8. Choose one passive verb phrase for each space in these sentences (from a
report on the use of DNA testing by the police).
is also called
is believed
was released
has also been used
have been shown
had been sentenced
can he used
may have been convicted
would never have been solved
DNA is the chemical in the cells of plants and animals which carries inherited
characteristics, or genetic information. DNA testing (l) to identify each person as
a unique individual on the basis of that genetic information. It (2) 'genetic
fingerprinting'. The results of DNA testing are now being accepted as evidence in
cases where it (3) that the wrong person (4) of a crime. In recent years, more than
seventy people (5) to be innocent through DNA testing. Many of those people (6)
to life in prison. In one case, a man (7) after nineteen years in prison. DNA
testing (8) in some murder cases that (9) without it.
9. Complete this news report with these verbs in the passive.
block close
Many homes on the island of Jamaica (l) ........ by hurricane Lester yesterday.
Today, high winds (2)....................................... to bring more rain and problems
for the island's residents. Some parts of the island (3)
without electricity last
night and many roads (4)................................... by fallen trees that (5)………
down during the storm. The area around Savanna-La-Mar on the south coast
(6)…………and some residents have had (7)... ………..from the roofs of their
houses. Most businesses and schools in Kingston (8)………….today as people
emerge from their battered homes to survey the damage. More
than 100 people (9)................. , but no deaths (10) ..............
10. Put the verbs into the most suitable passive tense.
Alana has just met her boyfriend Grant at a cafe.
ALANA Hi! Sorry I'm late.
GRANT: What kept you?
ALANA: I came on the bus and it (l) (stick) in a traffic jam for forty minutes.
GRANT: Why didn't you just walk across the park as usual?
ALANA: Because the park (2) (close) since last weekend.
GRANT: Why's that?
ALANA: A film (3) (shoot) there.
GRANT: Do you know who it (4) (direct) by?
ALANA: No, but I think Leonardo DiCaprio is in it. Someone told me he
(5) (see) at the Royal Hotel at the weekend.
GRANT: Really?
ALANA: Yeah. He (6) (fly) here in a private plane by the film company.
GRANT: Well, if it's true, we're not going to the disco at the Royal this Friday.
ALANA: Why not?
GRANT: If he's there, the hotel (7) (surround) by fans and security guards.
ALANA: But we might meet him if we go.
GRANT: Don't be silly. He won't be at the disco. And we certainly (8) (not
invite) to his room.
ALANA: I suppose not. But we can go to the park gate now and see what's
happening. Perhaps we (9) (ask) to act in a crowd scene. I heard that some local
people (10) (employ) as extras yesterday, but I was too busy to go.
GRANT: OK, if you want to. But I don't think we (11) (allow) anywhere near
the filming.
11. Complete the text with a suitable passive form of the verb in brackets.
The Academy Awards Presentation (1) (first/organise) in 1929 and since
then, it (2) (hold) every year. The presentation (3) (attend) by those at the top of
the film industry and (4) (watch) on TV by millions of viewers who want to see
who (5) (present) with the golden statue which (6) (desire) by everyone in the
motion picture world.
The voting for the Academy Awards (7) (conduct) secretly and the results
(8) (not/reveal) to anyone until the envelope (9) (open) on stage in front of the
audience. Awards (10) (give) for the best individual and collective work and (11)
(separate) into different categories. Up to five nominations (12) (make) in each
category. The awards, which (13) (know) as Oscars, (14) (consider) to be the
highest honour anyone in the film industry can (15) (give).
Wangari Maathai
Wangari Maathai (1) (award) the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. She (2)
(praise) by the Nobel committee as 'a source of inspiration for everyone in Africa
fighting for sustainable development, democracy and peace'. When she started her
Green Belt movement in 1977, Kenya was suffering from deforestation and
desertification. Thousands of trees (3) (cut down) and many families (4) (leave)
in poverty as a result. Since then, her successful campaign to mobilize women to
plant some 30 million trees (5) (copy) by other countries. During that time the
movement (6) (transform) into a campaign on education, nutrition and other
issues. Her campaign has not always been popular. Mrs Maathai (7) (arrest)
several times for campaigning against deforestation in Africa, and once she (8)
(beat) unconscious by heavy handed police. But in elections in 2002, she (9)
(elect) as an MP as part of an opposition coalition which swept to power, and she
(10) (appoint) as a deputy environment minister in 2003.
Blocked drains shut gallery link
A multi-million pound underground tunnel connecting two of
Edinburgh's art galleries (1) (close) for two weeks so that blocked drains which
have dogged the building from the outset can be fixed. The repair work (2)
(estimate) to cost around £100,000 but it is unclear who will foot the bill. Major
losses (3) (expect) at the museum and at the gallery restaurant, which
(4) (house) in the link and (5) (force) to shut whilst the work (6) (carry
out). The head of buildings said it was likely that the fault had occurred while the
tunnel (7) (construct) 'It probably happened while it (8) (build) because we have
had blockage problems since it opened. We (9) (tell) it will cost around
£100,000 - who will pay for it will be the issue.' A spokeswoman for the
National Galleries said: 'Everything (10) (do) to ensure minimal disruption to
visitors. Many of the educational workshops and events (11) (accommodate)
elsewhere in the galleries. The National Gallery of Scotland and the Royal
Scottish Academy Building (12) (not affect) by the work, and will open as
normal throughout.' The work to the faulty drainage system at the Weston Link,
which (13) (only complete) in August 2004, will take eight weeks from midFebruary until the start of March.
12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive or active tense.
Coffee (1) (say) to originate from Kaffa in Ethiopia and most species of
coffee plant (2) (find) in the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere. The species
which (3) (think) to be the earliest coffee plant (4) (ever/cultivated) by man is
Coffea arabica. Today it (5) (grow) mostly in Latin America.
The coffee shrub (6) (reach) a height of 8 – 10 metres and (7) (have) white
scented flowers. It (8) (produce) a red fruit which (9) (call) a cherry. The cherry
(10) (contain) two seeds which (11) (join) together. These seeds, which (12)
(also/know) as beans, (13) (first/roast) and then they (14) (grind) to make coffee.
The grounds (15) (then/process) in a variety of different ways. Sometimes they
(16) (filter) and sometimes they (17) (soak) in water to make the drink which is
popular with so many people. Coffee is available as grounds or as instant coffee
powder and (18) (drink) by one third of the world’s population.
Slowly but surely the coastline of Britain (1) (wear away) by an advancing
sea. The country which once 'ruled the waves' now (2) (rule) by them, with huge
forces threatening to destroy vast areas of human and wildlife habitat. Already
some of Britain's last wild, natural areas (3) (disappear), and experts (4) (fear)
that this is just the beginning. It (5) (estimate) that there will be a 38-55 cm rise
in average sea levels by the year 2100. According to the Department of the
Environment, during the next 50 years at least 10,000 hectares of farmland (6)
(turn into) mud flats and salt marshes by the increases in sea levels. Rather than
trying to prevent the erosion, the present government (7) (use) a method of
'managed retreat' by creating new defences further inland and allowing low-lying
coastal farm land (8) (abandon) to the sea. However, many of the country's major
cities could also (9) (affect). London, Bristol and Cardiff all (10) (expect) severe
flooding as our sea defences (11) (destroy) by the rising tides.
Local cheeses
Traditional cheeses (1) (produce) in many regions of the UK and (2)
(name) after the area in which they (3) (first develop) Cheddar, a hard cheese
with a strong, nutty taste, is the most popular and (4) (now make) all over the
world. A 'true' Cheddar must come from the counties of Somerset, Dorset or
Devon in southwest England or specifically from the Somerset village from
which it (5) (take) its name. Wensleydale (6) (come) from the Yorkshire Dales
(valleys) in northern England. Originally made from sheep's milk, it (7) (base) on
a recipe introduced by the Cistercian monks in the 11th century and has a mild
refreshing flavour. Traditional Lancashire, from northwest England, has a light,
salty flavour. During the Industrial Revolution (around 1760-1830), Lancashire
cheese (8) (become) the staple food of the mill workers. Caerphilly, a crumbly
cheese, (9) (first produce) in the Welsh town of that name in about 1831. The
cheese (10) (soak) overnight in salt water to seal in the moisture. It was popular
with the local coalminers who (11) (lose) a lot of salt during their work
underground. Blue Stilton, made only in the counties of Leicestershire,
Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, (12) (prize) as the 'king' of British cheeses.
NB Hearsay reports describe what people say, report, believe, think, consider,
know, etc., and are often used in news reporting. They are introduced by a
passive form of the report verb, either in present simple or past simple form with
a to-infinitive. The report can refer to the present or past, or a time before the
time of reporting. Different forms of the infinitive are used to show the relation
of the report to the report verb:
e.g. The patient is said to be as well as can be expected. (That’s what people say
now about the present situation).
The robbers are thought to have stolen more than £3 million. (That’s what
people say now about the past situation).
Last week the Prime Minister was said to be undecided (That’s what people said
in the past about the situation then).
Mr Smith was believed to have taken the car by mistake (That’s what people said
then about something that had happened earlier).
13. Rewrite each sentence so that it begins with the words underlined.
1 People say that the company's European division is having a good year.
2 In contrast, they say that the Far East division has been suffering from rising
3 People believe that the company has been talking to a competitor about a
possible merger.
4 People know some directors have been thinking on these lines for some time.
5 People believe the CEO. Carl Graham, is making an attempt to focus the
business more sharply in some areas.
6 People say he is also looking at the possibility of job cuts.
7 People think the company is holding a top-level meeting about these matters
next week.
14. Complete the sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.
1 It is said that house prices are too high.
House prices . ...........................................................................................................
2 It is thought that the hospital is short of money.
The hospital .................................................................................................. , ..........
3 It was alleged that the athlete had cheated.
The athlete ................................................................................................................
4 It is reported that the prime minister is resigning.
The prime minister ..................................................................................................
5 It is expected that the new sports stadium will be finished soon.
The new sports stadium ............................................................................................
6 It is generally considered that sixteen is too young to get married.
Sixteen ......................................................................................................................
7 It was thought that the book had been destroyed.
The book ..................................................................................................................
8 It is believed that the children had been hiding for two weeks.
The children.............................................................................................................
1 Oak Island in Canada is one of many places in the world which people think is
the site of buried treasure.
Oak Island in Canada is one of many places in the world which …….........
2 People say that the treasure is in a place called 'the money pit'.
The treasure ………………………………………………
3 People think that pirates buried the treasure centuries ago.
Pirates ………………………………………………………
4 The money pit story dates back to 1795, when people report that a local youth
fell into a hole at the foot of a large tree.
The money pit story dates back to 1795, when a local youth………………
5 People believe that he and a friend discovered traces of treasure in the hole.
He and a friend ………………………………………….
6 People say that the two men found a treasure chest in later excavations.
The two men …………………………………………….
7 However, before they could open the chest, people say that water flooded in.
However, before they could open the chest, water ………………………..
8 Since then, people believe that more than a dozen groups of treasure hunters
have searched for the treasure.
Since then, more than a dozen groups of treasure hunters …………………..
9 People think that some explorers found old pieces of metal in the hole.
Some explorers ……………………………………….
10 However, people now report that the pit is a natural phenomenon, or the
remains of old colonial fortifications.
However, the pit is now……………………………….
15. Rewrite each sentence so that it is a hearsay report, using a form of the
verb in capitals.
1 Two suspects have been arrested.
2 The plane crashed into the sea near a small island.
3 The minister is considering changing the laws on smoking in public. SAY
4 Yesterday the situation had improved.
5 Whales have been seen in the area for the first time.
6 The fire broke out at 3 am.
7 Last year the company recorded rising profits.
NB Verbs such as give, hand, lend, offer, send, throw, ask, teach, etc. take two
objects and have two corresponding passives:
e.g. Alice gave us that vase. → 1) We were given that vase (by Alice). 2) That vase
was given (to) us (by Alice).
The verbs announce, demonstrate, describe, dictate, explain, introduce, mention,
point out, propose, repeat, report, suggest also take two objects (direct (referring
to a thing) and prepositional (with the preposition “to”) (referring to a person)).
These verbs have only one passive form.
e.g. He explained the problem to me. → The problem was explained to me (NOT I
was explained the problem).
16. Make one corresponding passive sentence or two, if possible. Look carefully
at the tense in the sentences given.
1 Someone handed me a note.
2 Someone offered her a second-hand bicycle
3 Someone has proposed improvements to the developers.
4 Someone suggested some interesting changes to me.
5 Someone awarded him a prize.
6 Someone will announce the President's arrival to the waiting journalists.
7 Someone had mentioned the password to the thieves.
8 Someone has lent me some skis.
9 Someone is sending him threatening letters.
10 Someone is going to explain the changes to the students.
11. He explained to me that almost everything the children were taught at school
was unnecessary.
12. I mentioned the fact to my friends.
13. The lawyer explained the new law to us.
14. People expect you to meet the boss.
15. A guide pointed out the Pyramids to us.
16. They gave his little daughter a present.
17. At lunch somebody mentioned to me that the Johnsons had come from
18. Somebody reported the accident to the police.
19. They promised the workers higher wages.
20. Someone pointed out to us that the camp was deserted.
21. Then someone suggested that we drop the discussion and talk about
something else.
22. They will show the visitors all the new pictures.
23. It was not easy to see what to do about Jack, and someone proposed that he
should come and stay with us.
24. They explained to us that the men in those days had almost no chance of
protecting themselves against such monsters.
25. They gave me two shillings change at the shop.
17. Choose an appropriate form of one of these verbs to complete the sentences
and write a corresponding passive sentence starting with the word(s) given. Use
each verb once only.
1 People ....... …..Bobby to his feet after the accident.
2 Tony ...................... me to Mrs Jennings at his birthday party.
I ……………………. .......................................................
3 Has anyone .....................Chris this morning?
Has Chris. ..........................……………………………?
4 The Romans may .................. rabbits to Britain as a source of food.
5 People ...................... the story of Father Christmas to young children to explain
the presents they receive.
The story of Father Christmas……………………………….
6 They ....................... Martin Johnson team captain for the whole of the World
Martin Johnson……………………………………………
7 I am certain that Sarah..................……her suitability as company director to
those who still have any doubt.
I am certain that Sarah’s suitability as company director……………………
8 They ....................... Alan Watson winner of the election after a recount.
Alan Watson…………………………………………
NB. When we need to mention the agent of the action, we use the preposition by to
say who or what carries out the action. We use with +
instrument/material/ingredient to say what the agent used to perform the action.
e.g. The pancakes were made by Clair. They were made with eggs, flour and milk.
18. Fill in by or with.
1. She was woken up … a loud noise.
2. Our newspaper is delivered … a boy every morning.
3. The parcel was tied up … string.
4. John was told off … his mother.
5. This picture was painted …a famous artist.
6. The chair was covered … a woolen blanket.
7. The walls were decorated … posters.
8. My car was repaired … my father.
9. This dessert was made … fresh cream.
10. A leaky faucet can be repaired … a wrench.
11. Preparations are being made … event organizers.
12. Signals to the dog can be given … a whistle.
13. If the dog does as it is asked, it can be rewarded … a treat.
14. When I’m away, my plants are watered … my neighbor.
15. Hot water is provided … the hotel 24 hours a day.
II. So vs. Such. As vs. Like. (Study the grammar reference in Language
Summary 9, p. 134).
1. Complete the sentences with so or such.
1. She is ______funny! She always makes me laugh.
2. Sarah and Ed are _______ crazy people! I never know what they are going to
do next.
3. James has _______ much money that he could actually buy that Ferrari.
4. Although most of the audience had never been exposed to _______ music,
they thoroughly enjoyed the performance of the Tibetan folk choir.
5. The movie was _______ good that I saw it five times.
6. Terry speaks English _______ fluently that I thought he was American.
7. Most students never discuss ________ topics in class, but I think it is
important to teach our children to question the media.
8. Jerry had never seen _______ high mountains. He thought they were
9. Fred is _______ a clown! He is always telling jokes and making people laugh.
10. There was ________ little interest in his talk on macroeconomics that the
room was half empty by the time he stopped speaking.
11. How could you say _______ horrible things to me?
12. He is ________ a jerk! He hasn't said one nice thing since he started working
13. That new song is ________ cool that it hit the top ten within a week of being
14. Martha is _________ a good cook that she is writing her own book of family
15. I don't know if that is ________ a good idea. Maybe we should try something
16. She has _________ many hats that she needs two closets to store them all.
17. That takes _________ little time and effort that you might as well do it
18. I had to pay $140 for books for my new Spanish class. I don't know why my
professor has to choose _________ expensive books for her course.
19. Please, don't drive ________ fast! I'm terrified we're going to have an
20. I really wish you wouldn't smoke ________ much! It's destroying your
2. Choose the correct answer.
1. They had ___ a bad night that they couldn't sleep.
a. so
b. such
2. She gave him ___ good advice that he was very grateful to her.
a. so
b. such
3. I'm having ___ a wonderful time in Belem that I don't want to go home.
a. so
b. such
4. The day was ___ hot that everybody went to the beach.
a. so
b. such
5. It was ___ cold weather that nobody could go outside.
a. so
b. such
6. There are ___ good jobs in Fortaleza that people are looking for jobs in other
a. so many
b. so few
c. so little
d. so much
e. such
7. The hotel has ___ comfortable room that I don't want to go out.
a. so much
b. so a
c. such a
d. such
8. It was ___ dark that I couldn't see his face.
a. so
b. such
c. such a
d. so a
9. That restaurant has ___ delicious food that you can't stop eating.
a. so
10.They were ___ talented singers that the concert was a hit.
a. so
b. so few
c. so little
d. such
e. such a
11.He is ___ student that he is going to win a scholarship
a. so
b. so good
c. so good a
d. such
e. such good
12.We had ___ horrible day that we felt depressed.
a. so
b. so a
c. such
d. such a
13.The earthquake caused ___ damage that most people lost their homes.
a. so
b. so much
c. so many
d. so few
14.The novel is ___ exciting that I can't put it down.
a. so
b. so a
c. such
d. such a
15.We had ___ long and tiring day that we just wanted to go home.
a. so
b. so a
c. such
d. such a
16.Most TV programs are ___ boring that nobody watches them.
a. so
b. so much
c. so many
d. such
e. such a
17.She has ___ nice voice that she should try to become a professional singer.
a. so
b. so much
c. so little
d. such
e. such a
18.The party was ___ organized that everybody had a great time.
a. so well
b. so good
c. such an
d. such
19.It was ___ fast car that nobody could catch it.
a. so
b. such
c. so a
d. such a
20.This quiz was ___ easy that I don't need to check my answers.
a. such
b. so
c. such much
d. so much
3. Complete the sentences with as or like.
She sings ______ an angel.
I'm much better ______ you can see.
My sister is not at all ______ me.
My daughter is just ______ my sister.
I'm attending the meeting ______ an observer
I use one of the bedrooms ______ an office.
You are very ______ your mother.
I hope to qualify ______ an engineer.
My friend Rob looks ______ John Travolta.
10. There is too much traffic in London ______ in New York.
11. We're late for the train. We'll have to run ______ the wind.
12. I'm your friend and, ______ a friend, I advise you to think again.
13. I don't know you as well as he does but, ______ your friend, I advise you
to think again.
14. You don't like confrontations, ______ me.
15. I want to join the air force ______ a pilot.
16. We need a strong leader ______ Winston Churchill.
17. He has gone to our competitors ______ marketing manager.
18. I've appointed Simon Williams ______ the new trustee.
19. I've done the work ______ we agreed.
20. I was sure, ______ was everybody else, that you would do well in this job.
21. Why can't economists see the damage that legislation _______ this one has
done in the past decade.
22. Taxes on capital are _________ taxes on job.
23. The common customs tariff, together with protective measures _______
the anti-dumping regulations, are still not sufficient to solve all the union's
24. There are only a few exceptions, notably ________ regard the common
agricultural policy.
25. The results obtained have been described _________ satisfactory.
26. They chose Delhi ________ the host city for the conference on mass
production in industrialised countries.
27. He made it clear that he didn't want to end up in a company ________ the
one which he visited last week.
28. They seem unable to react to changes at world level in the same way
_________ their competitors.
29. The business students talked about the Lomé convention, which many
regarded ________ a model of development cooperation.
30. ...and ________ a consequence, their raw material is of substandard
31. I think that what he really meant was the shares looked _______a
promising long term gamble.
32. The whole thing looks _______common sense to me!
33. The flow of foreign exchange is regarded nowadays _________ the
principal factor influencing development.
34. It is results _________ that which are very encouraging especially when
you've worked hard.
35. Countries ________the ones we visited have been having economic
problems lately.
36. He said that the threat of insolvency was ________a sentence of
immediate hanging ...
So, where's the Cannes Film Festival
being held this year?
Christina Aguilera
1. a) Study the following words and idioms and use them in your own sentences.
A-level (or A-list)
usually refers to top-tier actors/actresses who are paid upwards of $20 million per
feature film; can also refer to producers, directors and writers who can be
guaranteed to have a film made and released
B-film (or B-movie, B-picture) (cf. A-pictures)
an off-beat, low-budget, second-tier film, usually from an independent producer,
shot quickly with little-known, second rate actors. B-films are often characterized
by sensational and catchy titles, campy acting, cheesy special effects, and
gratuitous violence and sexuality
behind the scenes
without receiving credit or fame; out of public view. (Referring originally to those
who worked on a theatrical piece but do not appear on the stage.)
building a scene
using dramatic devices such as increased tempo, volume, and emphasis to bring a
scene to a climax
cast against type (cf. typecast)
an actor playing a role distinctly different from roles previously played
a film characterized by scenes of great tension, danger, adventure, suspense, or
high drama, often climaxing at the end of a film, or at the end of a multi-part serial
episode, where the plot ending and the fate of the protagonist(s) are left unresolved
deadpan humour
a specific type of comedic device in which the performer assumes an
expressionless (deadpan) quality to her/his face demonstrating absolutely no
emotion or feeling.
disneyfication or disneyfied (derog.)
refers to the making of an adapted, sanitized, 'family-friendly' version of a book or
play, by removing objectionable elements (such as crude language, sexuality, or
violence) and modifying plot elements to make the tale more acceptable,
entertaining, predictable and popular for mass consumption by audiences, as first
exercised by the Disney studios in the 50s
“feel good" film
usually a light-hearted, upbeat comedy or romance that ends with an audiencepleasing conclusion; sometimes used derogatively
flash in the pan
transitory, impermanent success or recognition; ‘fifteen minutes of fame’.
ham something up
Fig. to make a performance seem silly by showing off or exaggerating one's part.
(A show-off actor is known as a ham.)
hoot (boo) someone off the stage
[for an audience] to boo and hiss until a performer leaves the stage.
in a stage whisper
Fig. in a loud whisper that everyone can hear.
An actor who draws attention from or overshadows other actors in the same
production, as by charm or quality of performance.
usually a comedic film that pays tribute to an earlier film in a humorous way;
parody (e.g. a spoof horror film)
stage fright
nervousness or panic that may beset a person about to appear in front of an
take the stage
Fig. to become the center of attention; to become the focus of everyone's attention.
films popular with women, but also used in a derogatory sense to marginalize films
with heavy, sappy emotion and numerous female characters, aka ‘chick flicks’
walk on stage and off again
Fig. to play a very small role where one goes on stage and quickly leaves again.
a mystery/detective film
b) Fill the gaps with the suitable words and expressions from the list above.
1. The dark Dickens novel Oliver Twist was … as a light musical Oliver!
2. Humphrey Bogart, as good-guy Rick Blaine, was an example of…. Bogart had
played gangster figures in dozens in films before Casablanca (1942)
3. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are … directors.
4. Imelda Staunton is a … as Dolores Umbridge, playing the callous teacher to
5. The major or lead character in a … is a crime-solving detective, such as in the
Sherlock Holmes series of films.
6. The next … is WNO's production of Madam Butterfly with American tenor
Russell Thomas as Pinkerton, Judith Howarth as the heartbroken Cio-Cio-San and
Claire Bradshaw as Suzuki.
7. As far as I can tell, the physical symptoms of … are caused by the release of
8. The actor was supposed to fall over and die, but he … too much and got fired
2. Describing films
Would you go and see a film which was described in any of the following ways?
Why / why not?
Choose four of the adjectives to describe films or TV programmes you've seen.
Now complete these sentences about films with the words in the box.
1. My girlfriend found it quite
……………..- she was in tears by the end but I just thought it was ………….. sentimental rubbish!
2. It's a horror film, but it's not that ………….It works on more of a
psychological level. There's this one …………….where this woman
emerges from a TV screen that scared me to death!
3. It's a film that defies…………, but at a push, I guess I'd describe it as a
…………… between an art-house film and a comedy!
4. It'd been so .......….. by everyone that I found it a bit disappointing, to be
honest - a bit of a…………..
5. I think at best you could say the plot was a bit………….- and at worst it was
just totally………………! I didn't believe any of it myself!
3. Render the following review into English using at least 20 active words and
expressions both from the Active Vocabulary list and the exercises above. Feel
free to add your own comments.
О, дивный новый мир! ("Аватар")
Давным-давно в нашей вселенной Джеймс Кэмерон задумал снять фильм о
прекрасной планете Пандора, населенной разумными существами,
живущими в полной гармонии с окружающим их миром. К своему несчастью
планета оказалась богата чрезвычайно редким минералом, привлекшим
внимание безмерно жадных корпораций с Земли. И спокойствие Пандоры
было нарушено. Давным-давно Кэмерону не удалось реализовать свой
замысел, ныне же его стараниями на экраны всего мира выходит "Аватар" 22
фильм который, без всякого сомнения, войдет в историю мирового
Сразу расставим все точки на "и". "Аватар" - это лучшее из того, что
выходило на экраны со времен "Властелина колец", и вот почему. Масштаб
постановки и техническое совершенство видеоряда действительно поражают.
В картине нет спецэффектов в привычном для современных зрителей
понимании. Весь фильм - это один большой спецэффект.
"Аватар" велик не только технически. Фильм демонстрирует невиданную
доселе детализацию. Известная всем дотошность Кэмерона в этом случае
достигает своего апогея. Продумано буквально все. От дизайна и, что самое
главное, принципиального устройства техники, которую используют люди,
до отдельных элементов флоры и фауны Пандоры. Титанические усилия
режиссера трудно переоценить.
Но, безусловно, самое главное - это завораживающая красота видеоряда.
Переливающийся в темноте всеми цветами радуги животный и растительный
миры Пандоры, помноженные на невероятную глубину и четкость картинки,
не оставят даже самых придирчивых зрителей равнодушными. Все
инопланетные биосферы, которые были представлены ранее в самых лучших
фантастических фильмах, являются лишь жалким подобием этого
Что касается сюжетной линии, то она весьма незамысловата и напоминает о
множестве хороших голливудских постановок. Наиболее близкий аналог это, конечно же, "Пакахонтас", хотя временами действие больше смещается в
сторону "Танцев с волками". Однако простота основной идеи ничуть не
сказывается на общем восприятии картины. "Аватар" принадлежит к тому
редкому типу фильмов, которые в полной мере оправдывают характеристику
Голливуда как "фабрики грез".
Джеймсу Кэмерону удалось создать новую сказку, которая не только окажет
огромное влияние на развитие всего кинематографа, но и на два с лишним
часа вырвет зрителей из обыденной, в основном серой, реальности, раскрыв
перед ними удивительный мир гармонии и красоты.
4. Now write a review of a film that you particularly like (or dislike) using as
many active words as you can.
1. Find the key words in the article and write them into the sentences below.
1. a verb which describes how well a film did _________________________ (para
2. a verb which describes how badly a film did _________________________
(para 1)
3. A film _________________________ is an intellectual property involving the
characters, setting and trademarks of an original work of fiction, such as a film
or a series of books, e.g. Harry Potter, James Bond. (para 1)
4. two inexact methods of measuring things based on experience and feeling
_________________________ (para 2)
5. When somebody is _________________________ they are involved in a
project. (para 3)
6. to earn a particular amount of money before taxes or costs have been taken out
_________________________ (para 3)
7. to fail financially and lose all your money _________________________ (para
8. a film without a sequel or an ongoing storyline _________________________
(para 6)
9. Something that makes a large amount of money is
_________________________. (para 7)
10. the process of becoming successful or popular again
_________________________ (para 9)
11. a four-word phrase meaning a good reputation based on what has happened
before _________________________ (para 9)
12. a phrase meaning to make someone very angry _________________________
(para 11)
13. a new blended word made up of two known words to describe the unwanted
growth in the number of sequels _________________________ (para 11)
The formula for a hit film sequel
Katie Allen
Ever wondered why Spider-Man 2 triumphed and Basic Instinct 2 bombed? Now a group of academics have
come up with a formula to predict the fortunes of a film sequel.
Hollywood has long known a follow-up is a fairly safe bet and franchises
from Pirates of the Caribbean to Star Wars have dominated cinema schedules
for years. But, until now, decisions about what to invest in a film sequel or
how much to pay for the rights to a franchise have been based on some simple
rules of thumb and gut feeling.
Based on factors such as whether key stars are still on board, how long it has
been since the last film and how that performed, the researchers now say they
can calculate what producers can expect to gross relative to a film in the same
genre that is not a sequel.
“It is the industry of dreams, an industry of illusions, and lots of people go
bust. The idea here is to put some more analytical thinking into the process,”
says Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, of Cass Business School in London.
With follow-up films enjoying widespread box office success and strong
DVD sales, financial investors and film companies compete aggressively to
acquire sequel rights. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise was
recently sold for $60 million (£36 million). “I want this industry to recognize
that it is not as different to other sectors as it thinks it is. What we are talking
about here is brand extension,” says Hennig-Thurau.
The research, which will be published in the Journal of Marketing this month,
examined data from all 101 movie sequels released in North American
cinemas between 1998 and 2006 and a sample of stand-alone films with
similar characteristics. According to the formula, upcoming sequel The
Twilight Saga: New Moon should be expected to return $34 million more for
the producers in its US run than a comparable vampire/ teen romance movie
with the same characteristics that is not a sequel.
“Movies like the Twilight sequel New Moon are highly lucrative and relatively
safe bets if key parameters, such as original cast, are maintained,” explains
Hennig-Thurau. Star continuity is where Basic Instinct 2 went wrong – no
Michael Douglas. “The time difference between the two films was very, very
long and actor continuity was halved in that you only had (a much older)
Sharon Stone.”
On the whole, however, sequels do well and often outperform the original.
That is especially true now studios are presenting films as a franchise with a
narrative woven throughout several instalments. “We are not really talking
about sequels any more. We are talking about films that are conceived of as
longer plays than one film. You are saying to the audience: ‘This is a story,
you have got to stick with it’,” says David Hancock, head of film and cinema
at media research company Screen Digest. Underlining that audience loyalty,
Hancock notes that in the US last year, just 4.2% of releases were franchise
films but they accounted for 20.6% of box office takings.
The revival of the Star Trek franchise this summer saw JJ Abrams’s new film
gross £21 million in UK cinemas, which is more than double the return of any
of the previous 10 Star Trek feature films. “There is clearly a public appetite
for new stories taking favourite characters on new adventures and from an
industry point of view, there is less risk in investing in the production and
release of a film which has a proven track record,” says Mark Batey, chief
executive of the Film Distributors’ Association.
For film producers fighting poor DVD sales, sequels bring an added benefit.
Hennig-Thurau’s research showed that DVD sales of the original movie often
peak when a sequel hits the cinema screens. Once that sequel is out on DVD it
also has a good chance of strong sales.
DVD charts and cinema rankings containing sequels such as Shrek the Third,
Transformers 2 and Ice Age 3 have, of course, incited the wrath of film critics
worried about a lack of creativity. Cinema-goers have also complained of
“sequelitis”. Such criticism may have been justified in the days when making
a sequel was a relatively lazy process but sequels are now produced in a more
thoughtful manner.
The Film Distributors’ Association is keen to argue that sequel mania does
still leave room for original stories. Slumdog Millionaire is one of the top
films of 2009 while The Full Monty remains one of the most successful
British films ever released. “With 500 films released in UK cinemas each
year, the blockbuster sequels tend to do well but there’s plenty of other choice
for film fans during the year,” says Batey.
© Guardian News & Media 2009
First published in The Observer, 08/11/09
2. Write answers to these questions based on the information in the article.
What qualities does a film sequel need to make it success?
What attracts the public (movie-goers) to watch sequels?
What effect do sequels have on DVD sales?
What did the researchers compare in order to come to their conclusions?
How is the film industry described?
Is this the end for original stories and stand-alone films?
3. Find words and phrases from the article that relate to ‘film’ and ‘finance’ and
write them in two columns. Write words that relate to both subjects in the third
column. Retell the article using all these words.
4. Discussion.
a) Do you like to watch sequels? Why / Why not?
b) Are there any stand-alone films that do not have a sequel but that you would
like to have a sequel?
5. Comment on the following famous quotes about films:
All you need for a movie is a gun and a girl.
Jean-Luc Godard
Curiosity doesn't matter any more. These days people don't want to be transported
to emotional territories where they don't know how to react.
Hector Babenko
I guess I think that films have to be made totally by fascists -- there's no room for
democracy in making film.
Don Alan Pennebaker
Pictures are for entertainment, messages should be delivered by Western Union.
Samuel Goldwyn
The movies today are too rich to have any room for genuine artists. They produce a
few passable craftsmen, but no artists. Can you imagine a Beethoven making $100,
000 a year?
H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)
There's only one thing that can kill the movies, and that's education.
Will Rogers
I pity the French Cinema because it has no money. I pity the American Cinema
because it has no ideas.
Jean-Luc Godard
I came out here with one suit and everybody said I looked like a bum. Twenty
years later Marlon Brando came out with only a sweatshirt and the town drooled
over him. That shows how much Hollywood has progressed.
Humphrey Bogart
A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the
babysitter were worth it.
Alfred Hitchcock
Every great film should seem new every time you see it.
Roger Ebert
Every single art form is involved in film, in a way.
Sydney Pollack
If my films don't show a profit, I know I'm doing something right.
Woody Allen
An actor's a guy who, if you ain't talking about him, ain't listening
Marlon Brando
Keeping your options open.
1. Match the five sentence starters to the endings.
I've vaguely arranged
I was vaguely thinking
I should really try to
I'm toying with the idea of
I'm supposed
of going to the cinema tonight.
maybe going ice-skating tomorrow.
to be going out with some people from work later.
to go out somewhere with Ben tonight.
go to the gym today, I suppose.
We often follow sentences like those above with an extra comment. Put the words
in order to make five common follow-up comments.
6. suggestions / to / I'm / but / open
7. looking / it / out / I'm / for / to / but / get / excuse / of / an
8. do /I / suppose / with / anyone / don't / fancies / me, / they / coming?
9. confirmed / yet / haven't / we / but / anything / got / definite
10. the / if / the / wouldn't / be / world / didn't / it / but / end / of / I
Spend three minutes thinking of your plans for the rest of today / tomorrow / this
weekend. Make sure you use at least two of the sentence starters from Activity 1
when you report your plans - even if you need to lie! Then have conversations
with some other students like this:
A: So what're you up to tonight?
B: I'm not really sure. I should probably try to do a bit of studying, I suppose ...
but it wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't, though! Why? What've you got
A: Well, I was vaguely thinking of maybe going bowling. I don't suppose you
fancy coming with me, do you?
B: Oh, yeah. I'd love to. Where were you thinking of going?
Continue each conversation until you have sorted out where and when to meet.
2. Complete the dialogue with ONE word in each space.
A: So what're you up (1) ... tonight?
B: Well, I'm supposed to be (2) ... out with some people (3) ... work. They're going
to some techno club, but I'm not really in the (4) ... , to be honest. I'm looking for
an excuse to get (5) ... of it. What've you got on then?
A: Well, I was (6) ... with the idea of going to the theatre. There's this play on
called Cyprus, which I read a review (7) ... - it sounds pretty good. I don't suppose
you (8) ... going?
B: Maybe. What's it about?
A: The secret service and the (9) ... it's corrupted by politicians.
B: It sounds a bit heavy (10) ... my liking.
A: Apparently, it (11) ... have its funny moments and it's supposed to be very
gripping. You sure I can't persuade you?
B: Maybe. I'm not usually (12) ... that kind of thing, but it might make a change.
Where's it (13) ... ?
A: The Whitehall Theatre, but I could give you a (14) ... , if you like. I'm driving
B: Oh, go on then. You've twisted my (15) ... .What time?
A: Will you be back from work by six?
B: It's pushing it a bit. Can't we (16) ... it later?
A: We could. But I haven't got the tickets, so I wanted to get there a bit earlier to
be on the (17) ... side.
B: Yeah. OK. Listen, it's fine. I'll just have to make sure I leave on the (18) ... of
1. Grammar. Choose the correct answer.
1 We were told to put it where it was usually ____ .
a belonged b fit с had d stored
2 It wasn't the first time they had been _____ how it worked.
a taught b reported с explained d described
3 DNA tests __________ accepted in court cases.
a are known b were used с have been d will have
4 Something __________ happened or they would be here by now.
a must b must be с must have d must have been
5 There ___________ to be serious flaws in the design.
a claimed b reported с were said d were told
6. I’ve never owned _______ independent cat as this one.
a a more than b such an c a so d as much an
7. Sam was _____ lazy that he lost his job.
a so b such c a so d such a
8. There was _____ much noise that we couldn’t hear the speech.
a such b so c too d as
9. ________ I said at the beginning of my presentation, sales have been very good.
However, the situation has not been ________ last year.
a as/as b like/like c as/like d like/as
10. Some sports _________ motor racing can be dangerous.
a like b as c so as d as if
2. Vocab. Suggest active vocabulary units corresponding to the following
1. translation of a foreign-language film which appears at the bottom of the
2. record a new soundtrack for a film or tape (often in a different language)
3. one who performs a secondary role in a film
4. a social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and
fostering of a desire to purchase goods or services in ever greater amounts.
5. store which sells almost every type of product
6. test given to a performer (musician, actor, etc.) to determine the level of his
7. very funny, amusing
8. a happening that occurs only once and is not repeated
9. help or support, especially with money
10. (phr.v.) to educate and care for a child until grown-up.
11.(phr.v.) to suffer something annoying or unpleasant without complaining
12.(phr.v.) to discourage someone from something
13.(phr.v.) to begin a usually long or difficult course of action with a clear
14.(phr.v.) to establish or arrange (an organization, business, plan, etc.)
15.(phr.v.) to come out or gather for a meeting, public event, etc.
p. 70
(Learn the words and phrases in V9.1 p. 133), a plot, nominate for an award/ an
Oscar, be awarded (an Oscar)
p. 71
be good at, be rewarded, get publicity, hold a ceremony, postpone, an assassination
attempt (on smb), keep smth secret, (mysteriously) vanish, in recognition of smth,
origin, confirm, a metal alloy, gold-plated, weigh, compete with, big-budget films
p. 72
(Learn the adjectives in V9.2 p133)
p. 73
gorgeous, classic films, an extra, walk out, reality TV programmes, a sad ending,
get to sleep
p. 75
a mixed reaction to, consumerism, (learn the words in V9.3 p133), a department
store, put on (an exhibition), throw smb out, handle emotions, unacceptable, feel
no guilt, span (15) years, offer smb counseling, be eroded (by the everyday
concerns of life), remains of smth, give smb financial backing for, have a change
of heart, end up doing smth, pour in, point out, (a) one-off
p. 77
a drama school, an audition, perform a speech, shop assistant
Don’t get us started., You can say that again., Whatever makes you think that?
Get time off work, be piled on top of one another, a load of rubbish, Say no more!,
rave reviews
Give smth a try, feel up to doing smth, give smth a miss, go out for a meal, I’m
easy., It’s up to you., come to think of it, make up one’s mind, It’s all the same to
me., be better off doing smth, It’s pouring with rain., on second thoughts
Vocabulary Plus: phrases with set, turn, put and bring.
Set out to, bring up, put away, set up, bring around, bring back, put down, put up
with, put off, turn out.