Romania`s report

Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
10 May 2010
Implementation of the INSPIRE Directive
National Cadastre and Real Estate Agency (ANCPI)
This report presents the stage of infrastructure implementation an duse
for Spatial Information in Romania
Members of the Council of National Infrastructure for Spatial Information
Until 10 May 2010
Modified by
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Executive summary………….……………………………………………………………………………..3
Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Co-ordination and quality assurance (Article 12) ............................................................................. 7
Coordination (Article 12.1.) ....................................................................................................... 7
Member State contact point ............................................................................................... 7
The coordination structure ................................................................................................. 8
Comments on the monitoring and reporting process....................................................... 13
Quality assurance (Article 12.2.) ............................................................................................. 14
Quality assurance procedures ......................................................................................... 14
Analysis of quality assurance problems .......................................................................... 18
Measures taken to improve the quality assurance .......................................................... 18
Quality certification mechanisms ..................................................................................... 18
5 Contribution to the functioning and coordination of the infrastructure (Article 13) ......................... 20
General overview description of the Spatial Information Infrastructure .................................. 20
INSPIRE Stakeholders ............................................................................................................ 21
Role of the various stakeholders ............................................................................................. 21
Measures taken to facilitate sharing ....................................................................................... 23
Stakeholder cooperation ......................................................................................................... 23
Access to services through the INSPIRE Geoportal ............................................................... 28
6 Usage of the infrastructure for spatial information (Article 14) ....................................................... 29
Use of spatial data services in the Spatial Information Infrastructure ..................................... 29
Use of spatial data sets by public authorities .......................................................................... 29
Use of the spatial data infrastructure by the general public .................................................... 33
Cross-border usage ................................................................................................................ 33
Use of transformation services ............................................................................................... 33
7 Data sharing arrangements (Article 15) ......................................................................................... 35
Data sharing arrangements between public authorities.......................................................... 35
Data sharing arrangements between public authorities and Community institutions and
bodies ................................................................................................................................................ 36
Barriers to the sharing and the actions taken to overcome them ........................................... 36
8 Cost / Benefit aspects (Article 16) .................................................................................................. 38
Costs resulting from implementing INSPIRE Directive ........................................................... 38
Benefits ................................................................................................................................... 39
9 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 40
Annexes ...................................................................................................................................... 42
List of members in the INIS Council – names and contact details ...................................... 42
List of organisations interested in spatial information – names and contact details ........... 45
Protocols of ANCPI ............................................................................................................. 47
References .......................................................................................................................... 49
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
1 Executive summary
This report contains information about the stage of implementation and use of the Infrastructure
for Spatial Information within Romania as a Member State of the European Union.
These efforts have materialised at the beginning of 2010 with the transposition of the INSPIRE
Directive into the national legislation and the preparation of the legal framework for the functioning of
the INIS Council.
On the date when the report was prepared, the development of the national infrastructure for
spatial data in Romania was in an implementing and testing stage.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Romanian Civil Aviation Authority
Association of Communes in Romania
Association of Municipalities in Romania
National Administration of Romanian Waters
National Cadastre and Real Estate Agency
National Agency for Mineral Resources
Association of Towns in Romania
Paying and Interventions Agency for Agriculture
Romanian Mapping Association
Council of National Infrastructure for Spatial Information
National Company of National Motorways and Roads in Romania
National Centre for Geodesy, Mapping, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Directorate for Military Topography
Research and Forestry Arrangements Institute
General Romanian Border Police Inspectorate
INSPIRE Directive
Directive 2007/2/EC
National Infrastructure for Spatial Information
National Statistics Institute
International Standardisation Organisation
Joint Research Center
Land Parcel Information System
Member State
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ministry of Administration and the Interior
Ministry of National Defence
Ministry of the Economy, Commerce and Business Environment
Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport
Ministry of Public Finance
Ministry of the Environment and Forestry
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
National Office for Preventing and Combating Money Laundering
Romanian Copyright Office
General Urban Plan
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Urban Zoning Plan
Detailed Urban Plan
Romanian Positioning System
Spatial Data Infrastructure
Specific Information System for Urban Real Estate and Databanks
Air Navigation and Aviation Information Service
Special Telecommunications Service
Reference Topographic Plan for Romania on the scale of 1:5000
Administrative – Territorial Unit
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
3 Introduction
This report is the result of the collection and analysis of the information received from the
ministries and institutions involved in the establishment of the National Infrastructure for Spatial
Information (INIS) and its integration in the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE).
Order No 4/2010 of 10 January 2010 on the establishment of the National Infrastructure for
Spatial Information in Romania transposes the INSPIRE Directive in the national legislation. The order
establishes the Council of National Infrastructure for Spatial Information (CINIS). The role of CINIS is
to coordinate the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and it comprises members of 19 ministries
and institutions.
The Monitoring Documentation and the Report on the implementing stage of INSPIRE at
national level are the result of the collaboration of all the members of CINIS.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
4 Coordination and quality assurance (Article 12)
4.1 Coordination (Article 12.1.)
4.1.1 Member State contact point
Name and contact information
Name of the public authority
Contact information:
Mailing address
Telephone number
Telefax number
Organisation’s website URL
Address of the geo-portal
Contact person
Telephone number
Email address
Contact person - substitute
Telephone number
Email address
Member State Contact Point
National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration
INSPIRE Directorate
Mihai Busuioc
Victor Grigorescu
Role and responsibilities
As regards the INSPIRE Directive, ANCPI represents the contact point and the LMO (Legally
Mandated Organisation) of Romania with the European Union and, in this respect, it has the following
 to represent the interests of Romania in the decision-making forums of INSPIRE;
 to report within the deadlines imposed by the European Commission or whenever necessary;
 to take part in the technical committees and working groups.
For the development of INIS, the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration fulfils the
following main tasks:
a) to develop and maintain the geo-portal;
b) to ensure the compatibility and interoperability of the national geo-portal with the INSPIRE geoportal of the European Community;
c) to ensure the functionality of the e-commerce service;
d) to ensure the material and human resources required for the development and update of INIS
according to the competences relevant for the field of activity;
e) to ensure the harmonisation of the efforts dedicated to the development and maintenance of
the spatial data infrastructure of Romania;
f) to submit reports to the European Commission and to make the results of the monitoring
publicly available;
g) to make available to public authorities or third parties any information, including data, codes
and technical classifications which are required for compliance with the rules implementing the
INSPIRE Directive without restricting their use to this purpose only.
In its activity, the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration is supported by the INIS
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
4.1.2 The coordination structure
Name and contact information
Coordinating structure within the Contact Point of the Member State
Name of the coordination structure
Council of the National Infrastructure for Spatial
Information in Romania
Contact information:
CINIS Secretariat
Mailing address
Telephone number
Telefax number
Organisation’s website URL
Geo-portal address
Contact person
Constantina Vatamanu
Telephone number
Email address
Contact person - substitute
Daniela Docan
Telephone number
Email address
Date and period of mandate
Role and responsibilities
Order No 4/2010 of 29 January 2010 on the establishment of the National Infrastructure for
Spatial Information in Romania provides for the general framework for the establishment of INIS, an
infrastructure that ensures Romania’s contribution to the development of the Infrastructure for Spatial
Information in the European Community, which is referred to in Directive 2007/2/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2007.
For the development and update of INIS in 2010, the Council of National Infrastructure for
Spatial Information (CINIS) was established.
The main tasks of the INIS Council are:
 to establish the Planning of activities for the development and update of INIS and to submit it
to the Government for approval;
 to report to the Government of Romania on the implementing stage of the activities listed in
the Planning of activities ;
 to establish and approve the spatial data themes, others than those referred to in Annexes 1
to 3 to Government Order No 4/2010;
 to establish the responsibilities of public authorities and third parties, as applicable, for the
creation and update of spatial data sets, of their related services and of the metadata for the
INIS themes;
 to decide with regard to the availability of spatial data sets in Annexes 1 to 3 to Government
Order No 4/2010 and of related services for the purpose of public access;
 to decide with regard to spatial data sets and to related services for which fees are applied;
 to decide with regard to spatial data sets and to related services for which licenses may be
 to approve the reports of the contact point for Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in
the European Community (INSPIRE) before their transmission to the European Commission;
 to approve the themes and sub-themes of the working groups established at the level of
members of the INIS Council;
 to establish the actions and deadlines for their completion for the working groups established
at the level of members of the INIS Council according to the Planning of activities;
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
to coordinate the activity of public institutions and of associated structures within the INIS
Council for the fulfilment of the tasks they have according to the Planning of activities.
The INIS Council comprises State Secretaries or staff treated as such and presidents or their
The President’s office of CINIS is held by the Ministry of Administration and the Interior (MAI)
through the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI), and the vice-President’s
office is held by the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry (MMP).
As the President of the INIS Council, the tasks that the director general of ANCPI fulfils are the
 to direct the works of the INIS Council;
 to propose the agenda of the INIS Council’s work meetings;
 to submit the Planning of activities and the half-yearly reports on the stage of achievement of
such planning to the Government for approval;
 to request from the representatives in the INIS Council the reports on the stage of completion
of tasks they are have according to the Planning of activities;
 to sign the decisions of the INIS Council;
 to request reports on the stage of implementation by public institutions and associated
structures, as referred to in Article 1(2), of the provisions set out in the decisions;
 to convene the Technical Group whenever necessary;
 to submit to the directors of public institutions and of associated structures within the INIS
Council the report on the implementation of the activities listed in the Planning of activities
after such planning has been submitted to the Minister of Administration and the Interior prior
to its transmission to the Government.
The tasks of the vice-President of the INIS Council are the following:
 to ensure the presidency of the INIS Council in the absence of the President;
 to direct the meetings of the INIS Council in the absence of the President;
 to coordinate the preparation of the report on the implementing stage of the activities listed in
the Planning of activities.
The CINIS Secretary's Office is held by the Ministry of Administration and the Interior through
ANCPI and its tasks are the following:
 to call the members of the INIS Council for the meetings thereof;
 to convene the members of the Technical Group by an order from the President;
 to prepare minutes, to archive original versions and to communicate them in computerised
form to the members of the INIS Council;
 to prepare the minutes of meetings held by the Technical Group;
 to keep the record of decisions adopted by the INIS Council;
 to send in computerised form, five days prior to the meeting, the materials which are
necessary for the debates in the subsequent meeting, as well as the decisions of the INIS
Council to the representatives thereof;
 to ensure the technical conditions for the meeting held by the INIS Council;
 to make available to the President the documents which are required for the preparation of
reports on the implementation of the activities listed in the Planning of activities;
 to keep special records of the reports of the INIS Council’s members and of reports submitted
to the Government, as well as of minutes of meetings held by working groups;
 any other tasks established by the President of the INIS Council.
In its activity, the INIS Council is assisted by a technical group. The technical group comprises
experts appointed by the directors of public institutions. The technical group ensures the specialised
support to the members of the INIS Council and fulfils the tasks established by the council.
Owners and holders of data maintain all their rights with regard to that data and, in this respect, they
establish policies for licences granted, fees charged and access given in respect of such data, as
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Organisation chart of the coordination structure ensuring the contact point
of the Member State
The functional structure of the Council of National Infrastructure for Spatial Information in
Romania is represented in the figure below:
Figure 1. Functional structure of CINIS
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Figure 2. Organisation chart of ANCPI
Consiliul de Administraţie
Direcţia Juridică
Direcţia Resurse Umane
Corpul de Control şi Protecţia Informaţiilor
Director General
Direcţia Managementul Proiectelor
Centrul Naţional de Geodezie, Cartografie,
Fotogrammetrie şi Teledetecție
Serviciul Audit Intern
Director General Adjunct
Direcţia Operativă
Direcţia Cadastru
Direcţia Economică
Direcţia INSPIRE
Direcţia Publicitate Imobiliară
Direcţia Achiziţii Publice
Oficiul de Cadastru şi Publicitate Imobiliară 1
Direcţia Geodezie şi Cartografie
Oficiul de Cadastru şi Publicitate Imobiliară 2
Fondul National Geodezic
Serviciul Comunicare şi Relaţii cu Publicul
Legal Directorate
Secretary’s Office
Directorate of Human Resources
Control and Classified Information Protection
Director General
Directorate for Projects Management
National Centre for Geodesy, Cartography,
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Internal Audit Service
Deputy Director General
Operational Directorate
Cadastre Directorate
Economic Directorate
INSPIRE Directorate
Land Registry Directorate
Public Procurement Directorate
Cadastre and Land Registration Office 1
Directorate for Geodesy and Cartography
Directorate for European Integration and
International Relations
Cadastre and Land Registration Office 2
National Geodetic Fund
Communication and Public Relations Service
Direcţia Informatică
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Informatics Directorate
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Relations with third parties
As a coordinator, the INIS Council establishes the responsibilities of public authorities and
third parties, as applicable, for the creation and update of spatial data sets, of their related services
and of the metadata for the INIS themes.
Pursuant to Government Decision No 1210/2004 of 29 July 2004 on the organisation and
functioning of the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, it is organised as a public
institution, with legal personality, and is the single authority in the area of cadastre, geodesy,
topography, photogrammetry and mapping, which is subordinated to the Ministry of Administration and
the Interior.
In the exercise of their tasks, the members of CINIS collaborate with the authorities of central
and local public administration, with other public institutions and with other Romanian or foreign legal
persons governed by public or private law.
Overview of working practices and procedures of the coordinating body
The representatives of public institutions and of associated structures are appointed within
CINIS by the directors thereof under an administrative act, as appropriate.
The INIS Council organises meetings on a monthly basis and whenever necessary on the
initiative of the President or at the reasoned request of one-third of the number of members of the INIS
The representatives appointed in the INIS Council have the obligation to participate in all the
meetings thereof. In the absence of the full member, the substitute member participates with full rights
in the meetings of CINIS.
The members of the INIS Council may express observations in writing or during the meeting,
which are subject to debate for the purpose of their approval as regards their integration in the initial
document. The decisions of the INIS Council are binding for all the members. For the implementation
of the decisions of the INIS Council, the directors of the coordinating and collaborating public
authorities listed in Annex 4 to Government Order No 4/2010 issue their own administrative acts.
The decisions of the INIS Council are supported by the technical working groups which meet
at the request of the President of CINIS. The activity of technical working groups is registered in a
report prepared during every meeting. Each public institution and associated structure holding
membership within CINIS may organise groups of technical experts for specific fields of activity.
Other persons may also be invited to participate in the meetings of the INIS Council within the
public institutions and associated structures listed in Article 1(2), including persons within
establishments subordinated to, coordinated by or governed by such institutions and structures,
persons within the academic environment, the private sector, representatives of non-governmental
organisations and other structures having an advisory function.
Following the meetings, the CINIS Secretariat prepares the corresponding minutes, archives
original versions and communicates them in computerised form to the members of the INIS Council.
4.1.3 Comments on the monitoring and reporting process
The monitoring activity made it possible, under a joint effort by the members of the INIS
Council, to identify important and reference spatial data sets at national level. As regards the stage of
the geo-portal which will ensure the spatial data services, it is under development and negotiations will
be launched with JRC with regard to the connection of the national geo-portal to the INSPIRE geoportal.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
4.2 Quality assurance (Article 12.2.)
ANCPI is the State authority which ensures the supervision and control of the application and
compliance with the rules in force in the area of cadastre, geodesy, topography, photogrammetry and
mapping. Thus, Order No 108/29 March 2010 of the General Director of ANCPI approving the Rules
for the endorsement, control and acceptance of specialised works in the area of cadastre, geodesy,
topography, photogrammetry and mapping, provides for the general framework whereby ANCPI
ensures the approval, control and acceptance of specialised works. Article 1 of Regulation No 108 of
29 March 2010 provides that the provisions of the regulation are binding for all the natural and legal
persons who are entitled to execute specialised works in the area of cadastre, geodesy, topography,
photogrammetry and mapping within the territory of Romania in accordance with the legal rules in
force. The acceptance of specialised works is aimed at checking the compliance with the execution
requirements imposed by the norms, methodologies and guidelines prepared by the National Agency
and Land Registration, the technical standards in force and the endorsements issued. In accordance
with Chapter III, Article 9, the acceptance of specialised works is undertaken only if the contractor
proves that the work has undergone internal control within the internal quality control process. The
results of the control are set out in the internal quality control report accompanying the documentation
submitted for the acceptance of that work.
4.2.1 Quality assurance procedures Ministry of Administration and the Interior/National Agency for
Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI)
One of the reference products at national level is the spatial data set TOPRO5 created by the
National Centre for Geodesy, Mapping, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (CNGCFT) within the
National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. The source of information was ensured by
the ortho-photo plans prepared as a result of the flight between 2003 and 2005 which covers 80% of
the country area. The difference was covered by satellite images. The reference system used in the
definition of the data sets is “The Coordinates System 1942” (Krasovski ellipsoid in 1940,
stereographical projection in 1970). The system of elevations “Black Sea 1975” is used for altimetry.
For the creation of the spatial data set TOPRO5, specific and detailed technical specifications
have been prepared to enable the design of a comprehensive and functional database.
Figure 3. Development stages for TOPRO5
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Specificatii produs
Product specifications
Proiectarea bazei de date
Database design
Plan QA
QA Plan
Standarde, proceduri, rapoarte
Standards, procedures, reports
In accordance with ISO 19113:2002 (E)-Geographic information-Quality principles, the
elements relating to the quality of data are:
 The exhaustive nature of the spatial data;
 The logical sequencing of spatial data;
 The accuracy of position/geometric accuracy;
 Time accuracy;
 Thematic accuracy.
A substantial part of these quality issues were ensured from the very stage of production, the
rest being ensured in the stage of primary (visual) and final control of the data set created. Primary
and final control was intended for:
 The identification and correction of geometry errors;
 The identification and correction of errors in attributes.
The primary level of data control was meant to ensure the control with regard to photointerpretation (geometry and attributes) and to the presence/absence of elements.
The final control of the data consisted in the control of geometry and attributes through the topological
rules in place between elements or between the various classes of elements, and by the combination
of various selection methods (on the basis of attributes or location) within the spatial database. The
use of pre-defined values of attributes within the spatial database contributed to ensuring the quality of
spatial data in terms of attributes.
Figure 4. Control of spatial relations between elements and the correction
of errors identified (Buildings Must Not Overlap)
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Figure 5. Control of accuracy of attributes and the correction of errors identified
(for example, control of photo-interpretation)
As regards time accuracy, the information on the spatial objects included in the databases was
updated between September and December 2009 on the basis of the ortho-photo plans resulting from
the flight in 2008 in the southern area of the country (21 counties). The spatial data set is being
permanently updated.
ANCPI prepared a document setting out coherent procedures for the creation, update and
administration of metadata at internal level in accordance with Directive 2007/2/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information
in the European Community (INSPIRE) and in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No
1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council as regards metadata. After the preparation of this document, ANCPI created metadata in
accordance with INSPIRE for the most important spatial data sets held. Within ANCPI, the content of
the metadata shall be updated by the administrator of the metadata every six months or whenever
Figure 6. Administration of metadata within ANCPI
Member State Report: Romania, 2010 Ministry of National Defence/Directorate for Military Topography (DTM)
The Directorate for Military Topography within the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) is
one of the most important producers and users of spatial data at national level. MApN/DTM ensures
the quality of geographical information in accordance with the NATO standards (for example,
STANAG 3809 - DTED, STANAG 2213 - Gazetteers) and performs quality control through its own
specialised structure. Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
Another producer and user of spatial data is the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure by
the relevant subordinated institutions (institutions operating in the area of railway, shipping, road, air
Thus, in the road area, all the data used is supplied by agents authorised by ANCPI to carry
out measurement works. The procurement, processing, archiving and transmission of data is in
compliance with the quality assurance requirements. We set out below the main legislative acts
governing the activities in the road area at national level:
1. Government Order No 43/1997 on the system of roads, as republished, as subsequently amended
and supplemented;
2. Order No 43/1998 of the Ministry of Transport approving the rules on the classification of national
roads by categories;
3. Order No 45/1998 of the Ministry of Transport approving the technical rules on the design,
construction and modernisation of roads;
4. Order No 959/17 September 2009 of MTCT approving the guidelines for the registration of road
traffic on public roads;
5. Rules of the Technical – Economic Council of CNADNR on the endorsement of technical
In the air area, all the data used in civil aviation is provided by aviation agents authorised by
the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority to carry out measurement works in areas used for aviation
purposes. The procurement, processing, archiving and transmission of data are in compliance with the
quality assurance requirements set out in the aviation regulations.
We set out below the main regulations in the area of civil aviation:
1. Civil Aviation Regulation – Authorisation of Civil Aviation Agents in the Airport Area, RACR –
2. Civil Aviation Regulation, RAC – WGS 84, Measurement of aviation interest points in the World
Geodetic System WGS 84/1995;
3. Civil Aviation Regulation RACR – CADT, Conditions for the endorsement of technical
documentations for the facilities in the areas used for aviation purposes/2003;
4. Civil Aviation Regulation, RACR – SACZ, Determination of civil aviation services and of areas used
for civil aviation purposes/2007;
5. Civil Aviation Regulation, RACR – AD – PETA, Design and technical exploitation of runways/2008. Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development/Paying and
Interventions Agency for Agriculture (APIA)
APIA purchased ortho-photo plans and vector data by public procurement. The specifications
imposed tolerances and technical accuracies to ensure compliance with the requirements of EC
regulations. The products purchased were also subject to external quality control which was the object
of a public procurement procedure; following this control, APIA carried out its own control and
acceptance with regard to the products concerned. Data is updated on a regular basis by the same
public procurement procedures.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
4.2.2 Analysis of quality assurance problems
At national level, technical norms and guidelines are in place for the preparation of analogue
topographical plans on the basis of the topographical measurements and photogrammetry works
carried out between 1970 and 1980, such as:
 Technical norms for the preparation of the basic topographical plan on the scale of 1:2000,
1:5000 and 1:10000, Part I – Field works and calculations;
 Technical norms for the preparation of the basic topographical plan on the scale of 1:2000,
1:5000 and 1:10000, Part II – Photogrammetry works;
 Implementing rules for the general mapping of maps pertaining to the State Mapping Fund of
MAIA-IGFCOT (Institute for Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Mapping and Territory Organisation).
All these norms are still being used as a reference by the specialists in the field for the
creation of spatial data and the establishment of quality criteria for the newly-created products. Some
modern technical norms adapted to the new spatial technologies need to be prepared on the short and
medium term in order to ensure compliance with the international and European standards in force. To
this end, ANCPI took some important steps by the preparation of some draft norms entitled: Norms for
the development of the reference topographical plan in digital format according to the scale of 1:5000
In general, the spatial data acquired in Romania were mainly based on the old plans and
maps in the analogue format. The updates of spatial data sets based on measurements were sporadic
in nature. Each institution prepared its own specifications and procedures for quality assurance and
control of spatial data. They are sometimes insufficiently documented and generally intended for draft
acts prepared at a given moment within the institutions in question.
4.2.3 Measures taken to improve the quality assurance
The INIS Council and its members shall create the legislative framework needed for the
implementation of the INSPIRE specifications by subsequent regulatory decisions and acts.
ANCPI proposes to improve the quality assurance procedures and the control stages relating
to spatial data for the TOPRO5 product and for other products which will be developed internally in
compliance with ISO 19113:2002 - Geographic information - Quality principles, ISO 19114:2003 Geographic information - Quality evaluation procedures, ISO 19115:2003-Geographic information Metadata and with the present and future specifications prepared by INSPIRE for the themes listed in
Annexes I, II and III.
4.2.4 Quality certification mechanisms
ANCPI designed and implemented a Quality Management System according to Certificate No
C.2883.1/23 December 2009, which meets the requirements of the European Standard SR EN ISO
9001:2008 and which is applicable to the main field of activity, i.e. cadastre and land registration, and
to related fields that contribute significantly to the achievement of specific objectives.
The aforementioned certificate was granted by the certification body SIMTEX-OC which was notified
by the European Commission following an external audit, and the validity of such a certificate is
subject to annual surveillance audits.
The whole set of geographical information of MApN/DTM which is to be made available to
INSPIRE/INIS is/will be registered by ORDA. ORDA (Romanian Copyright Office) is a specialised
institution of the central public administration, with legal personality and subordinated to the
Government, acting as the single authority within the territory of Romania as regards the recordkeeping, observation and control of the application of rules in the area of copyright and related rights.
The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has also implemented the quality certification
mechanism referred to in the SR EN ISO 9001:2001 Standard. The Air Navigation and Aviation
Information Service (SNAIA), which is the structure within AACR (the Romanian Civil Aviation
Authority) that manages aviation information (including spatial information), has implemented and
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
keeps in place a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001:2001
Standard. The certification body of this Service is: SC SIMTEX SRL.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
5 Contribution to the functioning and coordination of the
infrastructure (Article 13)
5.1 General overview description of the Spatial Information
In recent years, there has been a growing number of activities related to the development and
implementation of a National Spatial Information Infrastructure, i.e. INIS, across the world. Generally,
the objectives of INIS promote the principle of “single collection, multiple use”. There are a few
reasons for spatial information sharing through an INIS.
In order to avoid the multiplication of costs incurred with the production and management of
information and its integration with other information, spatial information needs to be shared by the
development of an infrastructure at national level. The use of spatial information for special
applications at regional level requires enormous amounts of up-to-date and accurate digital
information. Consequently, if spatial information and its maintenance are shared, significant savings
can be made in terms of time, money and effort.
Moreover, information sharing may improve the quality of that information by the increase in
the number of individuals who may detect or correct errors. The resources which would be used to
collect repetitive information can be focused on quality control and the collection of other spatial
information required.
In conclusion, INIS fosters and coordinates the exchange and sharing of spatial information between
the parties involved in the community of spatial information. The purpose will be to provide relevant
spatial information in order to support decision-making factors in connection with the regional, national
and international policies and activities integrating environment protection as well.
Some of the strategy’s objectives are: to encourage partnerships and the cooperation between
the parties involved, to integrate information, to reduce overlaps, to use resources more efficiently and
to create a spatial information database in order to be used as a basis for the extension of the
productivity of the industry, the market of geographical information and information management. It
should be useful for suppliers, in terms of information concerning the promotion of the access to
geographical (public) information and the turning towards improved efficiency, as well as for users who
should be taken into account when developing an INIS.
For the purpose of developing and implementing INIS in Romania, Directive 2007/2/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 has been transposed by the establishment
of the legal framework by Order No 4/2010 establishing the national infrastructure for spatial
information in Romania, and by the creation of the coordination structure, referred to as the Council of
National Infrastructure for Spatial Information, which comprises representatives of public authorities
and institutions.
One of the tasks of the INIS Council is to establish and submit the Planning of activities to the
Government for approval for the development and update of the national infrastructure for spatial
information. Likewise, it establishes and approves the spatial data themes, others than those listed in
Annexes 1 to 3 to Government Order No 4/2010;
In order to ensure the financial resources required, the public authorities coordinating the
spatial data sets listed in Annexes 1 to 3 to Government Order No 4/2010 and collaborating in this
respect have included in their own budget the amounts required for the achievement of objectives.
The strategy for the development and update of the national infrastructure for spatial
information is to be prepared by the INIS Council through the Planning of activities which will be
subject to approval by the Government.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
5.2 INSPIRE Stakeholders
On the date of this report, co-stakeholders have been identified for the development and
implementation of INIS, such as central public authorities that are members in the INIS Council, the
academic environment, the private environment, non-government organisations. They are listed in
Annex 9.1 and 9.2.
The main producers of spatial data are:
- The Ministry of National Defence by the Directorate for Military Topography
- The Ministry of the Environment and Forestry by the subordinated institutions (“Apele
Romane” National Undertaking, National Meteorology Undertaking, Delta Dunarii Biosphere
Reserve Undertaking, Research and Forestry Arrangements Institute etc)
- The Ministry of Administration and the Interior by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development by the Paying and Interventions Agency for
Agriculture and the National Institute for Research and Development in Soil, Agro-Chemistry
and Environment Protection.
Most of the stakeholders interested in spatial information have worked independently and
each of them has created spatial data sets for internal use; they are both producers and users of
spatial data sets.
The communication services required for the interconnection of the systems of coordinating and
collaborating public authorities, as well as the access to the national geo-portal, are made available by
the internal infrastructure of the Special Telecommunications Service.
5.3 Role of the various stakeholders
The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration is the contact point with the European
Commission as regards the INSPIRE Directive and holds the President’s Office of the INIS Council;
the vice-President’s Office of the Council is held by the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry.
As a coordinating body, the main tasks that the National Agency for Cadastre and Land
Registration fulfils are the following:
- to develop and maintain the geo-portal;
- to ensure the compatibility of the geo-portal with the INSPIRE geo-portal of the European
- to ensure the functionality of the e-commerce service;
- to ensure the material and human resources required for the development and update of INIS
according to the competences relevant for the field of activity;
- to monitor the implementation and use of INIS, to ensure the reporting to the European
Commission and to make the results of the monitoring publicly available;
- to make available to public authorities or third parties any information, including data, codes
and technical classifications which are required for compliance with the rules implementing the
INSPIRE Directive without restricting their use to this purpose only;
- to organise groups of experts;
- by the geo-portal, to develop, to operate and maintain services of search, view, download,
transformation, call and others;
- to ensure the access to services by the INSPIRE geo-portal of the European Community and
by the national geo-portal;
- to ensure the technical conditions for public authorities to connect their spatial data sets and
related services to the network of services;
- to create the technical framework required for the sharing of spatial data sets and related
services by public authorities;
- to ensure the access of Community institutions and bodies to spatial data sets and services in
conditions of harmonisation with the other Member States in compliance with implementing
rules governing such conditions, which are prepared by the European Commission;
- to monitor the implementation and use of INIS and to ensure permanent access to the results
of this monitoring for the European Commission and the public.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
In accordance with Government Order No 4/2010, public authorities and institutions that are
members of the INIS Council must:
- create and update the metadata for the spatial data sets and services related to themes;
- take action to ensure the availability of all newly-collected and massively-restructured spatial
data and of their related spatial data services in compliance with the norms prepared by the
European Commission;
- take action to make available any information, including data, codes and technical
classifications, to all public authorities and third parties.
In Annex 4 to Government Order No 4/2010, coordinating and collaborating roles are assigned
to public authorities and institutions responsible for spatial data sets in accordance with the themes in
the INSPIRE Directive.
Thus, the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry is a coordinator for 12 INSPIRE themes:
I.8 Hydrography;
I.9 Protected sites;
II.2 Land cover;
III.7 Environmental monitoring facilities;
III.8 Production and industrial facilities;
III.11 Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units;
III.13 Atmospheric conditions;
III.14 Meteorological geographical features;
III.16 Sea regions;
III.17 Bio-geographical regions;
III.18 Habitats and biotopes;
III.19 Species distribution.
The Ministry of Administration and the Interior is a coordinator for 8 INSPIRE themes:
I.1 Coordinate reference systems;
I.2 Geographical grid systems;
I.4 Administrative units;
I.5 Addresses;
I.6 Cadastral parcels;
II.3 Orthoimagery;
III.2 Buildings;
III.6 Utility and governmental services.
The Ministry of National Defence is a coordinator for 2 INSPIRE themes:
I.3 Geographical names;
II.1 Elevation.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is a coordinator for 2 INSPIRE themes:
III.3 Soil;
III.9 Agricultural and aquaculture facilities.
The National Statistics Institute is a coordinator for 2 INSPIRE themes:
III.1 Statistical units;
III.10 Population distribution – demography.
The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism is a coordinator for 2 INSPIRE themes:
III.4 Land use;
III.12 Natural risk zones.
For the themes:
I.7 Transport networks, the coordinator is the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure;
II.4 Geology, the coordinator is the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport;
III.5 Human health and safety, the coordinator is the Ministry of Health;
III.20 Energy resources, the coordinator is the Ministry of the Economy, Commerce and
Business Environment;
III.21 Mineral resources, the coordinator is the National Agency for Mineral Resources.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
The roles concerning the update of data, the processing of future data and the related services
will be established by the INIS Council.
By its Law No 92/1996 on the organisation and functioning, the Special Telecommunications Service
is empowered to provide services relating to data communication within public and private networks
and to related security to all the public institutions in Romania.
STS is a provider of internet services for public authorities in addition to complementary services:
- broadband access in international and national exchange;
- IP resources administration (AS number, IP class);
- hosting web, email, ftp, videostream;
- registration of .eu domains.
5.4 Measures taken to facilitate sharing
An important step in order to facilitate the sharing of data and spatial data services was the
establishment of the INIS Council which has improved communication between public authorities and
institutions holding and using spatial data and providers of services.
The creation of this legal framework enabled a first general evaluation of the spatial data and
services held by every public institution and authority. This evaluation (monitoring) is a ground for the
identification of the current spatial information and of the producers of spatial data.
The sharing of data was recommended within the meetings of the INIS Council by the
conclusion of agreements between the authorities and institutions holding spatial data.
The Ministry of National Defence, by its Directorate for Military Topography, either directly or in
collaboration with other institutions, undertook the responsibility to achieve some INSPIRE themes. To
this end, collaboration protocols are to be concluded between MApN/DTM, as the
Coordinator/Collaborator, and the other institutions with responsibilities relating to the implementation
of the INSPIRE Directive.
5.5 Stakeholder cooperation
In the framework of the Institutional Twinning Project RO 2006/IB/OT-01 PHARE 2006/018147.02.01.03, the experts of the project unit in the area of spatial information infrastructure in the
Netherlands, together with the partners in Romania, organised two workshops in January 2008.
The first workshop on 22 and 23 January 2008 focused on debating strategic issues with the
representatives of the most important partners, including the options for the organisational structure of
INIS. The second workshop on 24 and 25 January 2008 was more technical in nature and focused on
the stages that must be followed for the development of INIS in Romania.
After the approval of Order No 4/2010, a number of five working meetings were held by the INIS
- on 17 February 2010, the first meeting of the INIS Council was held. The purpose of this
meeting was to create connections between the representatives of the INIS Council and to
establish principles for the organisation of the Council and of its activities. The discussions
held within this meeting focused on the principles of Order No 4/2010 establishing the national
infrastructure for spatial information, the objectives proposed within the INIS Council and the
deadlines imposed by the INSPIRE Directive; within the same meeting, the participants
received a multimedia material containing all the relevant materials on INSPIRE.
- On 8 March 2010, the second meeting of the INIS Council was held. Its purpose was to
present the Draft Government Decision approving the Organisation Chart and the Rules of
organisation and functioning of the INIS Council, and the questionnaire of spatial data; within
the same meeting, the Monitoring and Reporting stage included in the INSPIRE Directive was
- On 19 March 2010, the third meeting of the INIS Council was held. Its purpose was to present
the final version of the Draft Government Decision approving the Organisation Chart and the
Rules of Organisation and Functioning of the INIS Council, and the registration of spatial data
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
On 12 April 2010, the fourth meeting of the INIS Council was held. Its purpose was to present
to participants the report that had to be submitted on 15 May to the European Commission
and to complete the questionnaires of spatial data. Two technical working meetings were held
within the same meeting on 14 April 2010 (for the themes in Annex III) and on 16 April 2010
(for the themes in Annex I and II).
- On 12 April 2010, the fifth meeting of the INIS Council was held. The purpose of this meeting
was the approval of the Report on 15 May.
The Secretary’s Office of the INIS Council ensures communication with the public institutions
and authorities holding spatial data.
The communication and the transfer of documents between the CINIS members are also
ensured by the FTP public server (file transfer protocol) at the address .
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
The national geo-portal
Romania will ensure access to the appropriate metadata, spatial data services and sets by an
infrastructure accessible via the internet, which is created in compliance with the requirements of
Directive 2007/2/EC.
The national geo-portal is in the process of implementation and testing.
It may be accessed at the following address:
Figure 6. National geo-portal
The current version of the geo-portal complies with the following standards:
 Standards for metadata, such as: ISO 19139/19115/19119, Inspire Profile, Dublin Core,
 Standards for interface for integration with external map services, such as: WMS, WFS, WCS,
ArcGIS Server, GeoRSS, KML/KMZ;
 Standards for interface: Z39.50, OAI, WAF, CSW;
 Interfaces for communication, such as: OGC CSW 2.0.2, REST, SOAP, Open Search
The current version of the Romanian geo-portal offers the following functionalities:
 Search services – making it possible to discover spatial data sets and services on the basis of
the content of the corresponding metadata.
The search may be performed by using:
- a keyword;
- a type of resource;
- a data set category;
- an area (spatial search);
- a combination of several criteria.
 Metadata view
 Validation of the metadata user by using the ISO TC211 scheme;
 View of map services online and directly from metadata (zoom/pan);
 View of map services online by using the view option which enables the user:
- to navigate: (zoom/pan);
- to identify and interrogate data;
- to overlay viewable multiple spatial data sets;
- to adjust the properties of map services (transparency, visibility etc)
- to search both repositories of geo-portals or any other repository connected to the
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
- to add map services discovered by the metadata search form;
Registration of external metadata;
Search for external metadata connected to the geo-portal;
Following the monitoring of data sets and spatial data services, thematic geo-portals have
been identified:
One example of a thematic geo-portal is the one held by the Paying and Interventions Agency
for Agriculture that may be accessed at the address by using the following
identification details:
user: lpisweb and password: apia2008. It provides functions of viewing ortho-photo plans, physical
blocks, searching physical blocks also by coordinates, as well as information about physical blocks
and the possibility to list such information.
Figure 7. APIA Geo-portal
The National Heritage Institute subordinated to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
developed a thematic geo-portal in collaboration with representatives of the private domain, which can
be accessed at the address .
The eGISpat national programme was established by Order No 2408/2005 of the Minister of
Culture and Cults by the development of a geographic information system (GIS) for the protection of
the national real estate cultural heritage (archeology and historical monuments). The system offers
viable and modern solutions for:
 the administration of complex information for the purposes of the Ministry;
 the optimisation of data exchange with the other State-owned institutions;
 the optimum information of the population within limits which are established by legal rules;
 the provision of access and of other services to external users of information.
In addition to these internal actions, the programme proposes to collect, to structure and to
present information in the area of environment and spatial planning within the territory of Romania.
The interpretation and correlation of these categories of information will enable the
procurement of new data concerning areas of a major importance for the protection of the real estate
heritage: the influence of natural factors on the real estate heritage, categories of risks to which the
real estate heritage is exposed, methods of efficient risks management, the correlation with actions of
other institutions of the central administration.
The application has two components:
1. The public application, intended for the general public, which makes it possible to search a
historical monument following indicators such as: the monument code, the monument
address, the monument designation and date.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
2. The expert application is dedicated to specialised bodies, i.e. the National Historical
Monuments Institute (INMI) and the Ministry of Culture and Cults (MCC), the Directorate for
Culture in Bucharest, which are provided with the possibility to edit the spatial database.
These functionalities are intended for authorized persons only, and access is granted through
a user name and password.
Figure 8. eGISpat Application
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Other examples of thematic geo-portals: held by the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry held by “Apele Romane” National Undertaking subordinated to the Ministry of
the Environment and Forestry held by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land
Registration subordinated to the Ministry of Administration and the Interior
The Directorate for Military Topography within the Ministry of National Defence prepares
technical specifications for the definition of services that will be developed in order to ensure
compliance with the requirements referred to in Article 11 of the INSPIRE Directive. It will be possible
to use such services by way of the INIS geo-portal.
The Directorate for Military Topography within the Ministry of National Defence will make publicly
available and free of charge search/discovery, view and transformation services in compliance with
the rules in force.
Download services will be ensured by MApN/DTM by its internal geo-portal for consideration in
compliance with the rules in force on copyrights and related rights.
5.6 Access to services through the INSPIRE Geoportal
Until the date when this report was prepared, there has been no access to services through the
INSPIRE geo-portal.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
6 Usage of the infrastructure for spatial information
(Article 14)
6.1 Use of spatial data services in the Spatial Information
Following the process of information collection for the monitoring of spatial data and spatial
data services, a reduced number of spatial data services have been identified at national level.
Thus, access to:
- metadata through search services has a weight of 5%;
- spatial data sets through view services has a weight of 16%;
- spatial data sets through download services has a weight of 4%;
- spatial data sets through view and download services has a weight of 1%;
These services are provided independently on the websites of public institutions and authorities and
are set out in the INSPIRE monitoring document.
6.2 Use of spatial data sets by public authorities
Until the date when this report was prepared, owing to the absence of a legal framework for
coordination as well as to the weak cooperation between public institutions, most of them had to
develop spatial data for internal use only.
By the establishment of the legal coordination body, referred to as the INIS Council, Order No
4/2010 provides for the fostering of partnerships and cooperation between public institutions and
authorities in the use of spatial data.
The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism develops and coordinates the Programme
on the development of the “Information System pertaining to the area of Urban Real Estate and
Databanks”, legally supported by Law No 7/1996 on cadastre and real estate. The programme is
designed and organised to include the built area of all urban and rural localities of the country, namely
320 towns and municipalities and 2,855 communes with an area of about 18,000 square kilometers.
Figure 9. Structure of the Information System pertaining to the area of Urban Real Estate and
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
A. Lucrări tehnice de identificare, măsurare şi
inventariere a imobilelor
A. Technical works relating to real estate
identification, measurement and inventory
Lucrări geodezice
Geodetic works
Lucrări topografice
Topographical works
Cartare imobiliara
Real estate mapping
PLAN cadastral - digital şi analogic
Digital and analogical Cadastral PLAN
FISA bunului imobil
Banca de date atribut imobile
Attribute databank for real estates
Extras carte funciara digital
Digital land register transcript
C. Banca de date urbane
C. Urban databank
Încărcare-prelucrare date grafice şi textuale
Graphical and text data upload/processing
Banca de date atribute imobile şi reţele edilitare
Attribute databank for real estates and urban
Banca de date grafice imobile şi reţele edilitare
Graphical databank for real estates and urban
B. Lucrări tehnice de identificare, măsurare şi
inventariere a reţelelor edilitare
B. Technical works relating to urban works
identification, measurement and inventory
Lucrări inventariere reţele edilitare
Works relating to urban works inventory
Culegere date trasee si caracteristici reţele
Data collection for routes and urban works
PLAN tehnic edilitar - digital şi analogic
Digital and analogical technical LAYOUT of urban
Banca de date atribut reţele edilitare
Attribute databank for urban works
Cadastral GIS for
Platforma GIS
GIS Platform
Sistem gestiune baze de date
Database management system
Stație grafica
Graphical station
Server baze de date
Database server
Server Internet
Internet server
Conectare On-line
Online connection
Conectare Off-line
Offline connection
Baza pentru planificare si dezvoltare durabila a
Base for the planning
development of localities
Management eficient al administraţiei publice
Utilizări / Aplicaţii GIS
GIS uses/applications
Taxe & Impozite
Taxes and fees
Publicitate imobiliara
Real Estate
Aviz unic urbanism
Single urban planning endorsement
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Evidenta reţele edilitare
Record of urban works
Evidenta populaţiei
Population register
Servicii sociale
Social services
The programme on the development of the “Information System pertaining to the area of
Urban Real Estate and Databanks” is designed to ensure a specific informational base in order to
develop the urban and rural infrastructure as a support in the decision-making process for the
elaboration of policies on sustainable territory development at local level and at regional level, to
create the conditions for the free movement of lands and constructions, to raise capital, to develop and
consolidate mortgage credit. It is also designed for the purpose of determining the value of immovable
goods, which is required in order to have an accurate system of taxes and fees in place.
One example of Information System pertaining to the area of urban real estate and databanks
(SISDIEBU) is the Information System of the Town Hall in Timisoara (TimSig).
Figure 10. Information System of the Town Hall in Timişoara (TimSig)
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
It is the first project of this kind in the country, which was designed to be developed in
partnership with the undertakings subordinated to the Town Hall and with public utilities companies in
order to obtain a unitary and comprehensive GIS system at locality level. The Urban Databank can be
interrogated by the Intranet Network of the Town Hall so as to enable any office or directorate to use
the data submitted.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
6.3 Use of the spatial data infrastructure by the general public
According to Chapter 6.1, a small number of public institutions and authorities provide spatial
data view and download services that are available to the public as well.
There has been no centralised system yet to provide specific information on how the public
may use spatial data.
APIA made available to the public a part of the data held (an ortho-photo plan and vector data
describing physical blocks) by LPIS WEB. It is mainly intended for farmers who wish to submit aid
applications for agriculture.
6.4 Cross-border usage
The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration participates in mixed RomanianUkrainian cross-border committees for the purpose of carrying out cross-border control works at the
border between Romania and Ukraine and of settling current issues. In the framework of this
cooperation, meetings have been held and the following issues were approached:
- The analysis of cross-border checks at the State border between Romania and Ukraine;
quality assessment with regard to the development of the first edition of ortho-photo plans for
the Romanian-Ukrainian State border by the Romanian party and the establishment of the
method for their processing in the future;
- The analysis of topographical and geodetic measurements and the establishment of the
method for the elaboration of the draft List of coordinates and elevation marks for border
The observation in situ of the first edition of ortho-photo plans.
ANCPI has concluded agreements for border delimitation with neighbouring countries such as:
 Serbia and Hungary – signed;
 Ukraine – in progress;
Agreements are in place for data exchange from GNSS permanent stations with:
 Moldova and Hungary – signed;
 Bulgaria and Ukraine – under discussion;
Because the Ministry of National Defence has concluded, through its Directorate for
Topography and under a Government Decision, collaboration protocols with all the neighbouring
countries, it can develop spatial information for use at cross-border level.
The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, as a member of EuroGeographics
(, has been involved in the development and update of the following
products: EuroGlobalMap (a set of topographic data that is representative for the scale of
1:1,000,000), EuroBoundaryMap (administrative limits corresponding to the scale of 1:100,000) and
EuroRegionalMap (a set of data that is representative for the scale of 1:250,000). In the framework of
these projects, the continuity of geographical elements corresponding to the scale of 1:250,000 and
1:1,000,000 has been ensured by information exchange with technical correspondents in neighbouring
The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure ensures data exchange in the area of aviation in
compliance with the requirements of Annex 15 of the International Civil Aviation Organisation.
6.5 Use of transformation services
On the date when this report was prepared, no transformation services were available in order
to achieve the interoperability of data, but they are planned to be developed and integrated in the
national geo-portal.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
TransDatRO software application is being developed by the National Agency for Cadastre and
Land Registration, an application which is free of charge for users and can be downloaded from the
website of ANCPI.
On the basis of some grids for planimetric corrections and abnormalities (in the case of quasi-geoid),
they ensure the transformation of coordinates from the European reference system ETRS89 to the
national reference systems Krasovski 1942 (S-42) with the Stereographical projection in 1970 (for the
whole territory of Romania), Hayford 1910 with the Stereographical projection in 1930 (for Bucharest
municipality) and to the system of normal altitudes for the Black Sea in 1975.
The transformation of coordinates is carried out in two stages:
 Helmert global transformation for the procurement of approximate transformed coordinates;
 Interpolation, by the mechanism of bicubic spline surfaces, of corrections in the grids of
planimetric corrections and abnormalities with the procurement of accurate transformed
The accuracy of transformation of planimetric coordinates is around 10 to 15 cm, and of
altitudes around 15 to 30 cm (depending on the accuracy of the quasi-geoid in the area of points
subject to transformation).
The transformation of coordinates may be achieved by using source files of the ASCII type, or
interactively, point by point.
In 2008, the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) launched the
Romanian Satellite Positioning System – ROMPOS on the market in Romania. This system provides
users who use satellite positioning equipments (GPS/GNSS receivers) with services enabling the
determination of coordinates in post-processing mode or even in situ in real time (RTK measurement
mode – Real Time Kinematic) with centimeter accuracies within seconds. Real Time ROMPOS
services (RTK) are currently supported by TransDatRO software.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
7 Data sharing arrangements (Article 15)
7.1 Data sharing arrangements between public authorities
The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration has concluded agreements for the
sharing of data with other public authorities.
On 11 November 2008, ANCPI concluded a framework collaboration protocol with the
administrative-territorial units (ATU) for the development of general cadastre, approved by Order No
601/2008, which was published in the Official Gazette, Part I, No 823 of 8 December 2008. The
signatories thereto agree to collaborate in accordance with the provisions of this protocol for the
purpose of developing the general cadastre map in ATU and of entering all buildings in the real estate
ANCPI concluded in 2009 an inter-institutional collaboration protocol with APIA (the Paying and
Interventions Agency for Agriculture) with regard to:
 The availability of data and information (at the request of one party, the other party shall
supply free of charge data or information held within the deadline and format agreed);
 The allocation of human resources (at the request of one party, within the limit of the available
qualified staff, for the period and tasks agreed on under the protocol. The corresponding staffrelated costs shall be borne by the party holding the employed staff);
 The allocation of logistic resources (by ANCPI for the printing of graphical materials at the
request of APIA).
Having regard to the provisions of Article 3(9) of Order No 39 of 2009 of the Minister of
Administration and the Interior, ANCPI made available to local public authorities free of charge the
ortho-photo plan mosaic with 0.5 to 10 m resolution for the fulfilment of specific duties.
ANCPI concluded an inter-institutional collaboration protocol with the Paying and Interventions
Agency for Agriculture on the access to the topographic reference plan of Romania on the scale of
1:5,000 in digital format (view and use on the web, VPN network). The final product is represented by
the spatial database developed on the TOPRO5 structure and made official by Order No 80 of 26
February 2010 of the General Director of ANCPI approving the detailed rules for the development of
the reference topographic plan corresponding to the scale of 1:5,000. At the level of ANCPI, a
database was created for Romania by the migration of all databases covering areas outside the built
area, which were structured by counties.
A more detailed list of protocols concluded by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land
Registration with other public institutions is set out in Annex 9.4.
The Ministry of National Defence / Directorate for Military Topography has concluded
collaboration protocols with certain public institutions and it has planned to conclude other agreements
as well with all the responsible public institutions for the sharing of data. To this date, the Directorate
for Military Topography has concluded collaboration protocols for the implementation of INIS in
Romania with the following institutions:
 The Ministry of the Environment and Forestry – on the exchange and update of geographic
information on the hydrographical network in Romania;
 The Ministry of Administration and the Interior – on the exchange of geographic information;
 The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration – for the establishment of the
national infrastructure for spatial information in Romania and of the INIS Council – the
participation of the head of the Directorate for Military Topography as a permanent member
and representative of the Ministry of National Defence;
 The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – on services of aerial survey and
development of ortho-photo plans.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
The National Agency for Mineral Resources – has concluded concession contracts
(referred to as mining permits/licenses, oil agreements) with private institutions for mining/oil activities.
By the conclusion of these contracts, the respective private institutions are granted the right to
prospect/explore/exploit the respective site under the law. In addition, they also receive
data/information/documents concerning the respective site, which are held by ANRM on the date
when the contract is signed and which are the object of data sets included in Annex III.8, 11, 20, 21.
These contracts also include clauses concerning the obligations of ANRM and of its collaborating
private institutions regarding spatial data. The mining permits/licences, oil agreements signed by
ANRM with private and public institutions may be found on the website ANRM does not
have other types of agreements, such as data sharing agreements, with other private institutions.
Special Telecommunications Service
Spatial data sharing between the IT infrastructures of collaborating and coordinating
authorities is achieved through the private networks made available and administered by the Special
Telecommunications Service (STS). Services of data communication and access to public and private
networks are provided by STS for public authorities on the basis of Government decisions, protocols
and conventions concluded bilaterally. For coordinating and collaborating authorities in the area of
INSPIRE, the communication services are made available free of charge pursuant to Government
Order No 4/2010. STS has concluded protocols with ANCPI and MApN for the use of geo-spatial data
in emergency situations, command and control centres, critical infrastructures and the single
emergency call number 112.
7.2 Data sharing arrangements between public authorities and
Community institutions and bodies
In general, these data sharing arrangements between public authorities were not available on
the date when they were requested, but collaborating protocols as well as other types of arrangements
have been concluded.
The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure – In the area of aviation:
The Decision of the Permanent Committee of Eurocontrol on the creation of the European AIS
Aeronautical Database (EAD), and the Provisional Council of Eurocontrol on the transition and
migration of States to EAD, which has become a binding objective in the European Convergence and
Implementation Plan. Romania is in full compliance with the European objectives.
7.3 Barriers to the sharing and the actions taken to overcome them
National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration
 The legal framework has not been sufficiently developed in order to enable/require the sharing
of data between public institutions;
 Central authorities do not have a record of spatial data at local level and they do not have an
adequate institutional capacity in the area of GIS for the coordination and management of
spatial information at local level;
 There has not been any technical possibility to publish on the internet, on a shared platform,
spatial information and data in the area of activity of central public authorities.
Steps taken:
 ANCPI has initiated a series of bilateral meetings culminating with the conclusion of
collaboration protocols by specific fields of activity. These protocols also make reference to
data sharing methods or provide for collaboration in the area of spatial information;
 ANCPI has initiated the development of a geo-portal application for its internal data and for the
data of other institutions. The geo-portal provides users with access to the services defined in
the INSPIRE Directive;
 ANCPI made available the ortho-photo plan of Romania on the scale of 1:5,000 to public
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
ANCPI made available to public authorities the Database of Equity Instruments issued
pursuant to the provisions of property rules (Law No 247/2005).
The National Agency for Mineral Resources – the data sets included in Annex III.20 and III.21
are regarded as classified information and are subject to Law No 182/2002 on the protection of
classified information and, in addition, they are also subject to the provisions of the Law on mining and
of the Law on oil.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
8 Cost / Benefit aspects (Article 16)
8.1 Costs resulting from implementing INSPIRE Directive
The costs incurred and estimated by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land
Registration (ANCPI) for the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive are:
2009 - 2010
estimated in
estimated in
Data production (TOPRO5)
Update of TOPRO5
in Eur
Data verification and integration for
the geo-portal
Creation of spatial data and
services in accordance with the
annexes to the INSPIRE Directive
Hardware and software equipment
TOTAL 2011-2013:
The costs estimated by the National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANRM) for the
implementation of the INSPIRE Directive – about EUR 1 million (the construction of a geo-portal of
ANRM, the purchase of IT equipment and software, implementation, monitoring etc).
The costs estimated by the Paying and Interventions Agency for Agriculture (APIA) for the
implementation of the INSPIRE Directive – for the update of LPIS – for the development of the orthophoto plan and the update of physical blocks are:
estimated in
estimated in
in Eur
Update of ortho-photo
Update of LPIS
External Quality Control
Costs estimated by the Directorate for Military Topography for the implementation of the
INSPIRE Directive: for the development of the internal geo-portal, costs are estimated to RON 56,000,
about EUR 12,444 and for the creation of spatial information and the acquisition of technical equipment
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
and specific technology between 2001 and 2010, costs are estimated to RON 85,500,000 (EUR
The costs estimated by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure for the implementation
of the INSPIRE Directive: a total cost of about RON 55,230,112 (about EUR 12,273,358) is estimated
for the public procurement programme for services concerning the development of the cadastre map
for the entire network of national roads.
The costs incurred with the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive can be established
following some appraisals from specialised consultants under a services contract signed for this
8.2 Benefits
Considering that a legal framework was established only at the beginning of 2010 for the
implementation of a national infrastructure for spatial information, direct benefits from the
implementation of the INSPIRE Directive have not been visible yet.
The benefits pursued to be obtained by the implementation of a national infrastructure for
spatial information are in general:
reduced duplication of spatial data sets
reduced costs for the creation of spatial data
improved quality of spatial data
enhanced access to spatial data of public authorities and institutions and of the general public
Some examples of direct benefits identified within ANCPI:
The TOPRO5 reference topographic plan of Romania developed by ANCPI is the cartographic
support dedicated to data integration at national level. It will be part of the single geo-spatial
information management system in compliance with Directive 2007/2/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial
Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). CNGCFT will publish official maps and
plans on different scales on the basis of the Reference Topographic Plan of Romania on the
scale of 1:5,000.
The activity carried out by ANCPI with regard to the creation of metadata (instrument used,
profile, format, information collection) in accordance with INSPIRE may also be regarded as
an example of good practice for the other organisations involved in the production of spatial
data. The metadata created in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications is already used
within the ANCPI geo-portal.
 The activity carried out for the purpose of centralising all the information required for the
preparation of the monitoring and reporting documents entailed the establishment of new
contacts with the ministries and institutions/organizations/agencies involved in the creation of
spatial data and opened up the way to some close and lucrative collaborations between
ministries as regards the creation and exchange (sharing) of spatial data at national level.
The Information System for Urban Real Estate and Databanks specified in Chapter 6.2 will
enable quality improvement and the diversification of the services provided to citizens, maximised
efficiency, an increase in the transparency of the activities carried out by the staff, the creation of new
access and communication channels for citizens, companies and institutions, a fast and secure
information sharing and dissemination.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
9 Conclusions
Spatial data sharing is required at national level in order to avoid additional costs incurred with
the information production and management and the integration of that information with other
information. Likewise, if the spatial data produced for an application can be used in other applications
as well, money, time and effort can be equally saved.
institutions/organizations/agencies/ministries holding spatial data, it was found that interoperability
needs to be ensured. Thus, certain competences were required to enable the analysis with regard to
the specific field of activity of the different institutions/organisations/agencies/ministries and
understanding of how they created their own spatial data sets. Technical differences were identified in
terms of the construction/format of databases as well as semantic differences in the definition of
A significant part of the data used within the institutions/organizations/agencies/ministries is in
analogue format or is based on the information included in the old plans and maps scanned and georeferenced. This agreement includes not only technical or database construction-related differences
but also semantic differences relating to the definition of terms.
In the medium and long term, it will be necessary to employ or train a sufficient number of
“INIS staff” (execution and coordination) within the institutions/organisations/agencies/ministries
involved in the CINIS activity.
Following the centralisation of information at national level, the themes left uncovered with spatial data
 Annex I: Addresses;
 Annex III: Human health and safety.
There is metadata for 32% of the data sets identified. The producers of this metadata are:
 The Ministry of National Defence (Directorate for Military Topography);
 The Ministry of Administration and the Interior (National Agency for Cadastre and Land
 The Ministry of the Environment and Forestry;
 The Ministry of the Economy, Commerce and Business Environment (“TRANSELECTRICA”
SA National Electricity Transport Undertaking).
13% of this metadata is in compliance with the INSPIRE requirements. The producers of this
metadata are:
 The Ministry of Administration and the Interior (National Agency for Cadastre and Land
 The Ministry of the Economy, Commerce and Business Environment (“TRANSELECTRICA”
SA National Electricity Transport Undertaking);
As regards the spatial data sets identified, the coverage rate at territory level is 95%.
For Annex I, not a single spatial data set has been identified to be in compliance with the
INSPIRE requirements.
As regards spatial data services:
 16% of the total data sets identified can be viewed;
 4% thereof can be downloaded;
 1% of the spatial data sets can be viewed and downloaded.
Transformation and invoke services have not been identified at national level.
The compliance with the INSPIRE requirements as soon as possible at the level of all the
institutions involved entails the allocation of additional funds for the development of some WEB
applications for metadata editing and verification.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
For a successful meeting of the INIS objectives, the legislative framework needs to be updated
for a better collaboration between the local and central public authorities and the rest of data
producers/managers, such as utilities undertakings.
Legislative amendments are also required for the mandatory publication through the geoportal of restrictions regarding the civil society in the area of spatial data.
(for example, urban restrictions, the functions established by various regulations such as the General
Urban Plan, the Urban Zoning Plan, the Development Urban Plan).
The successful implementation of INIS involves a realistic assessment of the necessary
resources as far as possible from the part of responsible public authorities and their inclusion in the
consolidated State budget.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
10 Annexes
10.1 List of members in the INIS Council – names and contact
Contact data
The Ministry of Administration and the Interior
National Agency
Mihai Busuioc, Director General,
Ministry of the Environment and Forestry
Mircea Ioan Cotoşman, State
Secretary (004)021.311.71.59
Dorina Simona Mocanu, Director,
Ministry of National Defence
Col. Eng. Marin Alniţei, Head of
Directorate for Military Topography
Col. Cătălin Grădinaru, General Staff,
Ministry of Public Finance
Daniela Şchiopu, Director,
Alina Mihaela Toma, Head of Service,
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Paying and Interventions Agency for Agriculture
Nicolae Sterghiu, Deputy Director
General of the Paying and
Interventions Agency for Agriculture, ,
Georgeta Luca, Councillor, ,
Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism
Ion Andreica, State Secretary,
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Anca Ginavar,
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
Rodica Ionică, Director
(004)021.319.61.26 ,
Rodica Lăncrănjan, Councillor,
Ministry of the Economy, Commerce and
Business Environment
Bianca Niţă, Deputy Director General,
(004) ,
Nicoleta Neacşu, Councillor,
Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and
Marius Piso, President and Executive
Director, Romanian Spatial Agency,
Ministry of Health
Raed Arafat, State Undersecretary,
Iuliu Todea, Councillor,
, (004)021.307.26.62
Information Society
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Iosif Moldovan, State Secretary,
(004)021.311.41.47 , ,
Mircea Angelescu,
Emilian Gamureac,
The Romanian Academy
Univ. Prof. Dr. Cornel Ionescu,
Director General,
Dumitru Dinu, ,
National Statistics Institute
Victor Dinculescu, Director General,
Celu Daniel Vârdol,
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
National Agency for Mineral Resources
Alexandru Pătruţi, President
Magdalena Stoia,
Special Telecommunications Service
Gl. bg. Ionuţ Axinia,
Dănuţ Dimofte, (004), ,
Association of Communes in Romania
Elis Bianca Enescu, Director General
Sergiu Ţâra, Director General,
Association of Municipalities in Romania
Andrei Voloşevici, Mayor of Ploieşti
Municipality, (004)0244.516.699,
Association of Towns in Romania
Adrian Teban, Mayor of Cugir
Dan Popescu, Head of Urban
Planning Compartment, Mioveni
Town Hall
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
10.2 List of organisations interested in spatial information –
names and contact details
“Delta Dunarii” National Research and Development
Research and Forestry Arrangements Institute
National Hydrology and Waters Management Institute
National Authority for Meteorology
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, the Romanian
Geologic Institute in Romania
Standardisation Association in Romania
Federation of Local Authorities in Romania (FALR)
National Association
Employers’ Association in Cadastre, Geodesy and
Union of Geodetic Engineers in Romania
Romanian Cartography Association
Universities and research institutes
(for example, the Polytechnical University in Bucharest,
University in Cluj-Napoca, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
University in Iaşi, the Technical University of Civil
Engineering in Bucharest, etc.)
Private organisations (for example, ESRI, Intergraph)
Photogrammetry companies (for example, Geodis)
Voluntary initiatives
Utilities undertakings (for example, EON gaz Romania,
GDF Suez Energy România)
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
„Apele Romane” National Undertaking
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
10.3 Protocols of ANCPI
 Decision No 31/2007 on the approval of the justification note for the placing of cadastral maps
– ortho-photo plans related to tourist localities/resorts on the Black Sea shore at the disposal
of the Central Unit for Information Analysis within the General Inspectorate of the Romanian
Police in the form of a collaboration protocol to be concluded between OCPI Constanta and
IPJ Constanta. The object of such protocol will be the availability of ortho-photo plans for a
fixed period on the basis of an acceptance report subject to the observation of intellectual
property rights of ANCPI;
 Decision No 36/2007 on the approval of the Collaboration Protocol between MIRA - IGPR and
ANCPI for the purpose of developing the capacity of IGPR in the mapping of criminality; the
subject of this protocol is the collaboration of parties in the development of some joint projects
in the area of geo-spatial exploitation;
 Decision No 38/2007 on the approval of the placing of data and information free of charge at
the disposal of the Town Hall in Iasi Municipality in order to be uploaded to the urban
databank of Iasi Municipality on magnetic media;
 Decision No 40/2007 on the approval of the change in the tariffs charges, meaning the supply
of ortho-photo plans free of charge to all the prefectures in Romania for the issue of equity
instruments by virtue of real estate laws;
 Decision No 42/2008 on the approval of the collaboration protocol with the General
Inspectorate for Emergency Situations on the supply of ortho-photo images for the territory of
 Decision No 42/2008 on the approval of the protocol with MDLPL on the use of the
Programme on the information system pertaining to the area of urban real estate and
databanks. On the basis of this protocol, ANCPI makes available the data registered by the
permanent GPS stations and entered into the specific augmentation systems free of charge,
to the information system pertaining to the area of urban real estate and databanks;
 Decision No 47/2008 on the approval of the protocol with MApN, MIRA, SRI, SIE, STS, SPP,
for the use of plans, maps and inventories with the coordinates of points in the support
network in the preparation of cadastral documents for the real estates owned or administered
by these institutions. Such plans, maps and inventories are made available free of charge by
ANCPI in the case of first-time entry in the cadastre and land register;
 Decision No 52/2008 on the approval of the protocol with MADR on the basis of which ANCPI
makes available free of charge the digital cartographic information dedicated to the forestry
fund, which resulted from the use of ortho-photo plans on the scale of 1:5,000 and which was
brought in accordance with the information in the ICAS archive supplied by MADR;
 Decision No 1/2009 on the approval of the protocol with STS on the supply free of charge of
ortho-photo plans on the territory of Romania;
 Decision No 3/2009 on the approval of the protocol with APIA for the free of charge availability
of the observations recorded in the GNSS network of permanent stations, cadastral data on
the large vineyard areas registered in the system in digital format, the reference topographic
plan on the scale of 1:5,000 in digital format, cadastral plans on the scale of 1:5,000 and
1:10,000, which were geo-referenced from the OCPI archive;
 Decision No 4/2009 on the approval of the protocol with ROMATSA for the supply by ANCPI
free of charge of the product 1.2.15 Land Numeric Model with the density of points below 20 m
from Order No 39/2009 of the Ministry of Administration and the Interior;
 Decision No 5/2009 on the approval of the protocol with the Directorate for Logistics in MAI on
the availability of GNSS data registered in permanent stations free of charge, with a 24-hour
preliminary notice;
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
Decision No 6/2009 on the approval of the protocol with the Border IGPR on the supply of
GNSS data registered in permanent stations from the ROMPOS Romanian Positioning
Decision No 8/2009 approving the protocol with ONPCSB for the transmission by ANCPI of
the particulars of persons who are or have been holders of equity instruments over an
immovable asset, of the price of the transactions, of the burdens and disputes in connection
therewith free of charge, from its internal database, by connection with the central
Decision No 2/2010 on the approval of the collaboration protocol with the Directorate for
Logistics within MAI on the availability of GNSS data registered in permanent stations free of
charge, with a 24-hour preliminary notice;
Framework protocols for the development of general cadastre for the territory of administrative
territorial units by the availability of the OCPI database free of charge: Iaşi, Certeju de Sus,
Bistriţa, Deteşti, Arad, Slobozia, Puieşti, Remetea Chioarului, Parva, Năsăud, Botiza, Craiova,
Târgu Mureş, Ţăndărei, Constanţa, Slănic Moldova, Cluj Napoca.
Member State Report: Romania, 2010
10.4 References
1. Rodolphe Devillers – Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality; ISTE Ltd, UK, 2006;
2. James B.Pick-Geo-Business: GIS in the Digital Organization; John Wiley&Sons, Inc, 2008;
3. Institutional Twinning Project RO 2006/IB/OT-01 PHARE 2006/018-, Strategy and Plan
for the Implementation of INIS in Romania;
4. ESRI Inc., QA/QC for GIS Data, Lecture notes;
5. Daniela Docan, Doctoral Thesis „Contributions to the Improvement of the Spatial Data Quality in
GIS”, 2009, Faculty of Geodesy, Bucharest, Romania.