Newsletter December 2015 - St.Michael`s Community Nursery

Star of the day list is in the nursery
Parents Newsletter 30th November 2015
Dear Mums, Dads and carers,
WOW we are all still reeling from our wonderful Christmas Fair! Please look out on the white
board and our facebook page for the final total! If you have not already joined the facebook
page, please do…it is a useful way for us all to communicate together. It is a closed page, and
access is given once Barbara, our committee chairperson and Hilary agree to add you!
Thank-you for the offers with ‘handyman’ help and chicken sitting. The chickens now have a new
roof over their heads and the other ‘bits’ are in process!
We have a busy final fortnight before the end of term on Wednesday 16th December. Firstly
apologies.. as we meant to get these out last week…. But you will find a white box in your child’s
tray; we would like you to decorate the inside of the box with your child, as a typical advent
calendar scene. This could be as simple as painting the inside black and gluing in a glitter star,
sticking in a miniature cracker, or for those of you with more time….creating a full crib scene!
Please bring them in as soon as possible (and before 16th!) The outside of the box and lid should
remain plain. We will open up the boxes daily and create our own advent calendar. If you would like
the box back, please write your child’s name clearly on the back. (staff have made examples on the
register tree!)
Parents of our new starters will find a slip in their tray detailing a time slot for 2 year
developmental checks or settling in chats. These should take no more than 15 minutes of your
time, but are statutory. If the time allocated is inconvenient, we will try to reschedule it for you.
The Children are busy practicing for our end of term play Busy, Busy Bethlehem. A slip will be in
your child’s tray detailing any costume requirements. The play will be on Wednesday 16th. It
usually starts at around 11.20a.m. and will last for about half an hour. All children are invited to
participate, even if Wednesday is not their normal nursery day. Children who are providing their
own costume should bring it in on the day of the play in a named carrier bag. Children who do not
normally attend nursery on a Wednesday should arrive at nursery, in costume and toileted, at
11a.m. I have spoken to Mr Smith, the head at St. Michael’s, and he has a list of siblings who will
be excused from school to come and watch the play, he may need parent helpers to walk them
across. Father Christmas has agreed to come back to nursery to give out some presents to the
children at the end of the play. Grandparents, special family friends are also welcome and
refreshments will be available. There will be no Lunch Club on Wednesday 16th.
If you are in the process of buying Christmas gifts please also remember to use our easy
fundraising link
Finally, please can we ask you to ENSURE… and double double check…that your child’s coat, shoes
and wellies are named. Biro is fine, but may need rewriting if it has faded. We cannot store
unnamed and unclaimed clothing! May we also remind you that we are a shoelace free zone! They
usually come undone at some point in a morning, get tripped over and generally impede a child’s
play time. If shoelaces are for ‘decorative’ purposes… a stitch is usually sufficient to prevent
them coming undone. For our older children, skirts/dresses are unsuitable for forest school days.
Many thanks,
Hilary, Dana, Anna, Bev, Debbie, Jennie, Jo, Lisa, Sophie and Tracy.