Buzz Words


AP Psych Name: _________________________

Date: _____________ Period: _____

7 Perspectives Chart

Psychologists look at behavior, thoughts, and emotions from different angles. Such perspectives needn’t contradict one another.

Rather, they are complementary outlooks on the same situation. It is time for you to begin your journey into the 7 Perspectives, bearing in mind that this is the foundation for this entire course.






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(if any)

Buzz Words

Hand Gesture










AP Psych Name: _________________________ Period: _____

7 Perspectives Homework Assignment

Below are some of the issues that are of interest to psychologists working from all perspectives. For each of these topics, identify which of psychology's 7 perspectives would approach each statement. Write the name of the perspective on the line provided.

Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Behavioral Cognitive Humanistic

Biological/Neuroscience Social-Cultural Evolutionary

Issue: Drug Abuse

1. _________________________ How do particular drugs affect the way the brain sends and receives messages?

2. _________________________ Does the tendency to seek stimulation through drug use indicate any survival advantage?

3. _________________________ To what extent does the body's hormones play a role toward addiction?

4. _________________________ How do different societies assess the risk of drug use?

5. _________________________ Why is there a higher rate of binge drinkers in the United States than in Sweden?

6. _________________________ Do feelings of self-hate towards oneself contribute to drug abuse?

7. _________________________ Does unconscious conflict manifest itself in the abuse of illegal substances?

8. _________________________ What reinforcing methods encourage teenagers to use heroin?

Issue: Love

9. _________________________ How are dating/courtship rituals vary in different cultures?

10. _________________________ Do the effects of repressed childhood relationship (child/parent) problems impact our ability to love as adults?

11. _________________________ A person who has been rejected repeatedly by blondes learns not to ask them out?

12. _________________________ Are people who experience love more likely to successfully find a mate and

reproduce (natural selection)?

13. _________________________ How does our society teach ways to express love?

14. _________________________ What neurotransmitters (brain’s messengers) are involved in our experience of love?

15. _________________________ Does feeling good about oneself contribute to positive loving relationships?

16. _________________________ How is thinking different when a person is in love?

17. _________________________ A person who chooses to be positive, supportive, caring, have high-self esteem and confident find love because they desire to find happiness?

Flip Over!! There are a few more on the back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Issue: Intelligence

18. _________________________ What rewards are most effective in promoting learning?

19. _________________________ Some individuals from impoverished backgrounds overcome these conditions to have successful, productive lives because they believe they have the ability to reach their fullest potential.

20. _________________________ Is there any difference in the way that highly intelligent individuals store and retrieve information? In other words, how do highly intelligent people think, analyze and use reasoning skills?

21. _________________________ Do differences in brain structures account for differences in intellectual abilities?

22. _________________________ A researcher wants to train a rat to go through a maze by giving the rat a piece of cheese each time he makes a correct turn.

23. _________________________ How does intelligence affect survival rates?

24. _________________________ How do different types of global governments view intelligence?

25. _________________________ A psychologists discovers that his patient is doing poorly in school because of a repressed childhood memory.

Summarize the buzz words that each perspective highlights when trying to explain one’s behavior.
