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Psychology Worksheet: Perspectives & Research

Psy 150 Module 1 Worksheet
Part I
Discuss two of the major psychological perspectives that interest you the most and explain
why. Your response should be 100-200 words.
Two of the major psychological perspectives that interest me the most are the behavioral
perspective and the cognitive perspective. Behavioral perspective concerned with how
environmental factors (called stimuli) affect observable behavior (called the response).
The behaviorist perspective proposes two main processes whereby people learn from their
environment: namely classical conditioning and operant conditioning. The cognitive
perspective is concerned with “mental” functions such as memory, perception, attention, etc.
It views people as being similar to computers in the way we process information (e.g., inputprocess-output). These two perspectives mainly interest me because I use these two
perspectives in my daily life. Over the past couple years I’ve come to adapt to my
environmental surroundings, wheather it be something big or small. I also can remember
only certain events and people that have had any interactikons with my life. Sometimes the
way I approach problems might not be the best way to do so is perception and it either gonna
come out a mess or a masterpiece.
Part II
Select a research method, such as case studies, surveys, or experimental, from the text that
interests you. Then, respond to the following questions in 100 to 200 words each.
1. Describe how you would use this method in researching human behavior and what
topics you might study.
In researching human behavior I would use the experimental research method to analysts could
play out an investigation to see whether a lack of sleep disables execution on a driving test. The
experimenter could handle different factors that may impact the result, however then shift the
measure of rest that members get the night prior to a driving test. The entirety of the members
would then step through a similar driving exam by means of a test system or on a controlled
By investigating the outcomes, specialists would then be able to decide whether it was changed
in the autonomous variable (a measure of rest) that prompted contrasts in the reliant variable
(execution on a driving test). Experimentation stays the essential norm, yet different strategies,
for example, contextual investigations, correlational examination, and naturalistic perception are
as often as possible used in mental exploration. I might study animal behavior next that would be
a topic.
2. Explain why you chose this method and where it fits in using the scientific method.
I chose this method because Experimental psychologists work in a wide assortment of
settings including schools, colleges, research focuses, government, and private organizations.
A portion of these experts may zero in on showing exploratory strategies to understudies,
while others direct examination on intellectual cycles, creature conduct, neuroscience,
character, and numerous other branches of knowledge. The individuals who work in
scholarly settings frequently instruct brain science courses notwithstanding performing
examinations and distributing their discoveries in expert diaries. Other test therapists work
with organizations to find approaches to make representatives more gainful or to make a
more secure working environment, a claim to fame zone known as human variables brain
research. Experimental psychologists use scientific methods to collect data and perform
research. They can work in varied settings, including universities, research centers, the
government and private businesses.