The Psychology of Leadership: Perspectives from Intellectual Disabilities Increasingly there are calls for clinical psychologists to define themselves as “more than psychological therapists” and leadership is often cited as one of the defining characteristics of the profession. It can be difficult to distinguish between leadership and management, however, and psychologists sometimes struggle to articulate their own leadership behaviours. Until recently, the literature on management and leadership, while ostensibly drawing on psychological theory, was typically not evidence-based, and lacked a credible research foundation. Instead, many books offering advice on leadership, while couched in psychological terminology, drew primarily on ‘pop-psychology’ concepts and the personal experience of the authors. In contrast, psychologists in the field of intellectual disability regularly engage in leadership behaviours. Although rarely formally recognised as leadership, psychologists contribute substantially to the welfare of their clients by harnessing and sustaining energy and motivation in other staff. Typically, such staff are not directly managed by psychologists and therefore any influence is consensual and co-constructed. This is the very essence of more contemporary perspectives on “servant-leadership” and “authentic leadership”. This presentation will outline these modern theoretical perspectives on leadership as a socially constructed phenomenon and show how a background working within complex social systems, uniquely places psychologists in intellectual disabilities in leadership roles on an almost daily basis. The challenge of how to articulate, label and record such leadership behaviours on an ongoing basis will be discussed. Professor Robert Jones is a clinical psychologist in North Wales who divides his time between his role as Head of Department for clinical psychology services for people with intellectual disability in the local Health Board, and Academic Director of the North Wales Clinical Psychology Training Programme at Bangor University. Robert is also a Chartered Manager and Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, and has an interest in how theoretical perspectives from the field of intellectual disability (particularly functional analysis and systemic interventions) can be applied to the field of Leadership. Originally from Dublin, Robert has worked clinically in ID services in Ireland, England and Wales and has published widely in the area, especially in the field of behavioural interventions for challenging behaviour.