Introduction to Economics

Department Syllabus - Social Studies
Diligent and focused completion of all reading assignments, as and when assigned, is the foundation for understanding and success in every
Social Studies course. Students are responsible for all information in reading assignments and should be aware that not all information in the
reading is covered during class time. Valuable class time is used to expand upon and deepen student understanding beyond the simple
foundation provided for in the reading assignments. Perusal of on-line digital or another student’s notes is not a substitute.
The mission of Introduction to Economics is to ensure students understand the basic details, theories, and mechanisms of microeconomics and
Textbooks and Resources:
Economics: Principles and Practices, Gary E. Clayton, Glencoe, 2008.
Course Outline:
Unit 1: Introduction to Economics
Unit 2: Microeconomic Strategies
Unit 3: Economics & the Environment
Unit 4: Role of Government in the Economy
Unit 5: Monopoly, Oligopoly & Antitrust Laws
Unit 6: Economics of Gender & Race
Unit 7: Federal & International Economic Bodies
Unit 8: Current Issues in Economics
Unit 9: Personal Economics
Grading Policy:
In calculating marking period averages the following point system will be used for all graded work:
Point value per assessment
Homework and class work
Do nows
Between 1 - 5
Quiz or minor project
Exam or major project
Class participation and preparation (graded twice per marking period)
Group Presentation
Final Project
Example: First marking period the following assessments were completed by Student X:
9 Homework & 2 Class work assignments
3 Do Nows
2 quizzes
1 exam
Total possible points
Actual earned
9 x 10
2 x 10
9+ 8
2 x 50
40 + 42
1 x 100
Group Presentation
2 x 50
35 + 45
1 x 150
First marking period percentage grade = 497 ÷ 575 = 86%
Google Classroom and Power School:
Google Classroom will be used extensively in this course. I will post homework, long-term assignments, scheduled quizzes, and test dates on
Google Classroom & Calendar in a timely fashion. It is your responsibility to check Google Classroom and Calendar each day for calendar
updates, homework assignments and new postings. All grades will be posted to Power School. It is your responsibility to check Power School
regularly to make sure you are not missing grades. It is NOT the responsibility of the teacher to track you down if you are missing assignments.
Teacher Availability:
Please check sign posted to Rm. 117 door for ‘office hours’.
1. Come to class prepared! It is essential that you complete all homework prior to the beginning of class. In addition, each day you should
come to class with your book, binder, paper, pencil/pen, and planner. Failure to come to class prepared will result in a reduction of your
class participation grade.
Follow the Rules! I strictly enforce all GLHS policies as stated in the student handbook. In addition, I would like to emphasize the
following classroom rules:
No eating, drinking, using cell phones, or other electronic devices during class.
Do not do assignments from other courses during this class or risk having the work confiscated.
Be respectful and responsible in all of your actions.
3. Behave Appropriately. By collectively demonstrating respect for each other and following the class rules, we can achieve a relaxed and
pleasant classroom environment. I do not like to yell, assign detention or issue disciplinary referrals but I will not hesitate to do so when the
situation requires it.
Texting/Cell phones: 1st – Warning, 2nd – Confiscate phone, teacher detention, 3rd – referral & call home.
4. Tardiness Policy. I expect you to arrive to class and be seated at the beginning of the period each day. Note: If you are late to a first period
class (or arrive late to school thereby missing class) you are required to meet me during lunch on the same day to submit work due, make up
missed work, or complete assessments. It is your responsibility to see me to arrange a time to make up the work. Failure to do so will result
in a zero for the assignments. This is in addition to the tardiness policy below:
Tardiness: 1st – Warning, 2nd – detention & call home, 4th – administrative referral
Note: detentions will be assigned for each late following the first one of the year.
5. Homework & Make Up Work:
All assignments given as homework are to be completed prior to the beginning of class – homework will be checked regularly and
you should be prepared to share your homework solutions with the class!
If you are absent due to an excused absence, it is your responsibility to get any make-up work from the teacher and make it up within
the allotted time. I will not chase you down with work you missed due to absence. Note: In the event of field trips, you must make up
assignments and tests/quizzes before the event. This is your responsibility to arrange with me in advance. Failure to do so will result
in a zero for the assignments.
If you are present when a test or quiz is announced and absent the day it is administered, you will be required to take the test or quiz
the day you return to school. (Unless it is an absence of two or more consecutive days)
In the case of an excused absence:
● Students are responsible for making up missed work.
● Students are expected to make up missed work, including tests and quizzes, on the day they return to school.
● In the event of field trips, students must make arrangements with the instructor regarding tests and quizzes before the event.
● Students that are late to school or class will not provided with extra time for work and students that are late to school and miss class
should make be prepared to make up work that same day.
● Exceptions will be made for extended illness or other extenuating circumstances that arise.
In the case of an unexcused absence (Cutting Class):
● Students who cut class receive no credit for the day and receive a zero on missed work, including tests and quizzes.
Late Assignments:
In general, major assignments, projects, papers will drop one full letter grade (10 points) for every late day.
Cheating and Plagiarism Policy:
Cheating or plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. Instances of plagiarism will be reported to the Assistant Principal.
All formal writing assignments will be submitted via hard copy AND electronically to This is an online document depository that
can assist in detecting instances of plagiarism. Registration information will be provided prior to the first formal writing assignment.
Act with Academic Integrity:
Cheating, copying, plagiarism (using someone else’s words or ideas without citation), falsifying data, and other unauthorized use of materials is
dishonest and will not be tolerated. Most universities will expel a student who is caught cheating. In this class we will use an honor code similar
to that found in many universities. Any major assignments, (not submitted through, quizzes, or tests you turn in must contain the
following statement handwritten and signed by you at the top of the first page before it will be accepted or graded.
“On my honor I certify that this assignment is my own work and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this (test, exam,
Students will be expected to bring their iPads to class, charged, on a daily basis. Not having your iPad is to be unprepared for the day. Student
use of iPads in the classroom is restricted to topics and materials which,per the instructor, further the implementation of the day’s lesson.
Students who are off topic with their iPads risk negatively impacting their grade for the assignment and potentially face disciplinary