1 AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY Non-core units. For CH201, CH202, OT201, OT202, NT201, NT202, see Diploma Moderation. Diploma Scanners All results in essays and exams are subject to an ACT statistical moderation of student results in all units in the fields of OT, NT, TH, CH and PE. The Assessment and Moderation Committee review the data at their meetings at the end of each semester. A check will continue to be made by the Assessment and Moderation Committee on the averages achieved by all students in the minor assessed work. Differences of more than 10% between assessment marks and exam marks in each college are highlighted. Any significant (and inexplicable) variations are followed up by the dean in a letter to the college, with the added sanction of reducing marks on scrutiny of minor assessed work. Diploma exam papers in the fields of OT, NT, TH, PE and CH will be viewed by the relevant member of the Diploma Scanning Committee. Any suggested change in the paper will be conveyed to the examiner. Colleges teaching diploma biblical exegesis units are required to submit to the relevant Diploma Scanner details regarding the assessment procedures for that unit. Colleges should make such submissions on the relevant assessment procedures form (attached) to the scanner, who will approve the assessment methods proposed. Submissions should be sent to the scanners by the due dates listed on the forms. The Dean, who is the Chair of the Scanning Committee, will mediate in any conflict between an examiner and the Scanning Committee. Units in the field of LA are subject to the moderation process that applies to the undergraduate degree sand the Master of Divinity. Assessment proposal forms are to be sent to the LA Moderator, Dr Max Davidson, on the relevant form. Diploma Scanners All colleges are required to submit exam papers and essay questions in all units including Type B electives delivered in OT and NT and in the Department of Christian Thought (TH, CH, PE) to the relevant scanner on a semester by semester basis. The scanner ensures that— the paper covers the unit outline, the questions are free of grammatical and spelling mistakes, the questions asked are appropriate to diploma level, and they do not overlap with an essay topic set that semester. Where colleges have not submitted the required material, final results will be withheld by the Assessment and Moderation Committee until the scanner grants approval. The ACT office will forward to all scanners a checklist of units that are being delivered across the network in the relevant unit fields after the census date each semester. College registrars are responsible for ensuring that exam papers and essay questions are sent to the relevant scanner by email by the due dates. 2 The scanners are as follows: Philosophy/Ethics (PE) Rev John McClean, B.Sc., B.D. C/- Presbyterian Theological Centre Burwood NSW 2134 02 9744 1977 PE.dip.scan@actheology.edu.au New Testament (NT) Murray Smith, B.A., M.A., M.A., Grad.Dip.Ed. 20 Arthur Street Carlton NSW 2218 02 9594 0364 NT.dip.scan@actheology.edu.au Old Testament (OT) Dr Janson Condren, B.A., M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D. C/- SMBC PO Box 83 CROYDON NSW 2132 02 9747 4780 OT.dip.scan@actheology.edu.au Theology (TH) Ms Rhonda Barry, B.A., Dip.Ed., Dip.Lib.Sc., B.Th. PO Box 1637 Ashfield NSW 2131 02 9577 9934 TH.dip.scan@actheology.edu.au Church History (CH) Mr Bill Gilliver, BA, DipEd, BDiv, GradDipMin, MTh 48 Calala Drive STRATHPINE QLD 4500 07 3897 2706 CH.dip.mod@actheology.edu.au Please note that all LA units offered by diploma colleges are moderated by the Undergraduate Degree/MDiv LA Moderator, the Rev Dr Max Davidson. Dr Davidson’s contact details are: 13 Spur Court NARANGBA QLD 4504 LA.moderator@actheology.edu.au 3 ACT Scanning Schedule 2015 15 April Submission to scanners of first semester examination papers and essay topics 15 May Submission to the OT and NT scanners assessment proposal forms for second semester exegesis units 15 May Final date for scanners’ approval of first semester examination papers 15 September Submission to scanners of second semester examination papers and essay topics 15 October Final date for scanners’ approval of second semester examination papers 15 December Submission to the OT and NT scanners assessment proposal forms for first semester exegesis units Ref: wpdocs/Moderation/diploma moderation/diploma scanners 2015