AGENDA OF THE GOVERNING BOARD The Learning Excellence Foundation of East Broward, Inc. D/B/A IMAGINE CHARTER SCHOOL AT NORTH LAUDERDALE ELEMENTARY August 25, 2014 6:00 pm Located in Room 201 1. Call to Order – Roll Call The Governing Board Meeting for the Learning Excellence of East Broward County, Inc. was called to order at 6:20 pm by Ms. Melvern Atencio. Ms. Joyce Ferguson, Ms. Evelyn Graves, and Ms. Julie Klahr, Board Attorney were present. Ms. Rena-Rae Kaufman was not present. 2. Notice of Public Meeting The meeting was properly and publicly noticed. The meeting was announced via Parent Link, morning school announcements, a banner was displayed on the front gate, and an agenda was posted outside the office. 3. Executive Summary Academic Growth Imagine North Lauderdale earned a B school grade. The school also remained off of the state’s lowest 300 schools in reading. There was a teacher task force that helped make the decision to decrease the instructional day to retain staff. This year the school is employing several unique instructional models. In second and third grade, there are cluster teachers to help with the achievement gap between the grades. Each child has two teachers, one for English/Language Arts and one for Math, Science, and Social Studies. Additionally, each teacher teaches one section of reading or math for both 2nd and 3rd grade students. There are four cluster models in 2nd and 3rd grade. There are two 1st grade co-teach models and one 4th grade co-teach model. 5th grade continues to departmentalize. The staff attended the Imagine mini forum and Imagine North Lauderdale won the Academic Growth runner-up award for the national group of Imagine schools, based on SAT-10 scores. The staff also attended 2.5 trade days. Ms. Erin Kelly and Ms. Ashley Sweeton attended and facilitated two of the sessions. Teachers then participated in five days of preplanning onsite. Imagine’s National Literacy Focus has a 3 year plan to prioritize various literacy initiatives that the school is responsible for implementing. This semester’s focus is objective setting and providing feedback. Shared Values This year, Imagine celebrates its tenth anniversary. The theme for the year is The Power of 10. All Imagine campuses are focused on celebrating the achievement of the schools. Imagine’s Academic Excellence Framework outlines the roles for governing board members, which include informing and advising stakeholders to ensure a culture of positive character development and academic growth is evident. Positive Character Development The Character Development self reflection for the previous year was given at the last meeting. The national team gave feedback and agreed that the Positive Character Development grade raised from B+ to A-. The school continues to strive to improve in order to continue to improve the culture. Ms. Garren was a decision maker as she wanted to find a way to bring more positivity to campus and to help students resolve conflicts. She attended a Responsive Classroom conference and developed PD for staff. Each week she compiles weekly scope and sequence calendars for teachers to use in their morning meetings. The school is also implementing a program called Student Success Skills (SSS). With the suggestion of Ms. Atencio, the school partnered with FAU professor Dr. Rios during the process of the 21st century grant application. Dr. Rios connected the school with Dr. Brigman, a professor who helped develop SSS, a research-based character program. Students who master these character traits perform better in school and on assessments. The research was used in the grant application. Ms. Mary Lord, the schoolwide enrichment coordinator, is rolling out SSS to entire school Parent Satisfaction The school held the annual Title I Meet and Greet on August 15, 2014. Parents and community partners came to the school. Community partners set up tables, while parents and students toured classrooms and met teachers. Ms. Jai Matthews worked every Saturday to host open houses for families that wanted to come in to tour. These events helped grow the school’s enrollment. Next Thursday is Title I Annual Meeting and Open House. Additionally, Monday, September 8, will be the first Breakfast with the Principal. During these meetings, the Parent Advisory Council will give input into Imagine North Lauderdale’s School Improvement Plan goals and initiatives. School Development The Broward County School Board approved the 21st Century grant application. The school is waiting to hear which schools will be awarded the grant. In the application, $255,000 was requested per year for five consecutive years. If it is received, the grant will fund tutoring after school, Saturdays, summer academic enrichment programs. Enrollment will be limited to 100 students. Imagine North Lauderdale is the only charter school that applied in Broward County. The grant application outlines a very research-based and structured program. During the grant writing process, Ms. Mary Lord worked to secure community partnerships for the school. She continues to build upon these partnerships. The school opened a Pre-K room for a staff daycare. Currently there are three staff members’ kids enrolled in the program. The school is in the process of completing the Family Central Application which will allow the program to accept children who benefit from Family Central services. The daycare’s current capacity is ten kids. It is an investment in our school and also supports one of Superintendent Runcie’s priorities of bringing early childhood education to schools. The teacher is bilingual and teaches one hour of Spanish daily. An outside company, After School Providers (ASP), took over aftercare for the school. Additionally, the school switched caterers. SLA now provides hot food and also provided the equipment needed to cook onsite. The students are pleased with the meals because they get a choice of meals. The decision was decided by a rubric and was approved through the Department of Agriculture. Economic Sustainability At this time, the school is slightly over the budgeted enrollment of 514 students. Currently, there are 518 students enrolled. Last year the school had 430 students at this time. At the end of year, 465 students were enrolled. At the end of last school year, the school administered a survey to parents to assess the impact of a shortened day. Each full time staff member will be in charge of one after school club that will run weekly for an hour after school. Ms. Mary Lord will set up and organize the clubs. 4. School Improvement Plan Update Because of the improved school grade, the school is not required by Broward County to develop a SIP, but will still receive onsite visits. The school is in the beginning phases of completing the 2014-2015 SIP. Students will be targeted using a plethora of data. Title I funds are used to employ an Instructional Coach, the School-wide Enrichment Coordinator, and the STEM teacher. 5. Parent Involvement Plan Update At last meeting, the Governing Board approved the Parent Involvement Plan. The plan discusses how the school will spend Title I parental involvement funds. The money will fund the Title I agenda and Wednesday folders which are used to communicate regularly communicate students’ progress to parents. Additionally, Title I dollars limited refreshments for parent nights. The school staff plans family involvement nights once a month. Ms. Jai Matthews is Parent and Community Liaison. At the last meeting the strengths and weaknesses of the parent nights were discussed. The school is working to ensure Ms. Jennie Gabriel, fluent in Creole, is at each Title I Family Night in order to translate. There is always a Spanish translator present. Ms. Melvern Atencio suggested adding a grandparent and/or senior citizen night. Ms. Erin Kelly asked for parent input into the Parent Involvement Plan. A mother of a 4th grader stated that her daughter loves the school and is happier at Imagine North Lauderdale than in the past. Kathy Widner, a parent of a 3rd grade student said that Ms. Michele Garren adds value to STEM and that the Title I money that supports the STEM position is money well spent. She gave the examples of the hydroponic garden and the building of electric cars. Her daughter is excited for cheerleading. She also stated that Ms. Ashley Sweeton knows all students and loves them. 6. Approval of June 10, 2014 Minutes Ms. Joyce Ferguson made a motion to approve the June 10, 2014 minutes, as amended. The motion was seconded by Ms. Evelyn Graves and was unanimously approved. 7. Approval of A1A Contract Ms. Erin Kelly explained that there are a total of 4 buses this year. Adding two buses allowed the school to grow enrollment. Ms. Evelyn Graves made a motion to approve A1A Contract. The motion was seconded by Ms. Joyce Ferguson and was unanimously approved. 8. Approval of Venture Design Services Ms. Joyce Ferguson made a motion to approve the Venture Design Services contract for Broward Assessment for Florida Standards (BAFS) assessments. The motion was seconded by Ms. Evelyn Graves and was unanimously approved. 9. Approval of Family Central School Readiness Signature Authorization Form Ms. Evelyn Graves made a motion to approve the Family Central School Readiness Signature Authorization Form. The motion was seconded by Ms. Joyce Ferguson and was unanimously approved. 10. Approval of Amendment of 2013-14 Budget Imagine North Lauderdale’s 2013-2014 budget resulted in over $18,000 of surplus. The school successfully made it through the year without Imagine contributing money in order to prevent a deficit. Additionally, the school made a $20,000 maintenance accrual. Additional revenue due to increased enrollment and lower-than-projected fringe benefit expenses led to the surplus. Ms. Evelyn Graves made a motion to approve the final amendment of the 2013-2014 budget. The motion was seconded by Ms. Joyce Ferguson and was unanimously approved. 11. Approval of 2014-2015 School Policies a. Staff Handbook Ms. Joyce Ferguson made a motion to approve the 2014-2015 Staff Handbook. The motion was seconded by Ms. Evelyn Graves and was unanimously approved. b. Emergency Handbook Ms. Evelyn Graves made a motion to approve the 2014-2015 Emergency Handbook. The motion was seconded by Ms. Joyce Ferguson and was unanimously approved. 12. Approval of Potential Board Members Ms. Kathy Widner is a parent to a third grade student and has a child who attended the school for 4th and 5th grade. She participates in all family events and she willingly agreed to join the governing board. Ms. Kathy Widner introduced herself to the group. Her daughter is in the advanced placement 3rd grade class. She works and is a parent full time. She currently teaches her son at home through the K-12 Virtual Academy. Her daughter loves Imagine, as does Kathy. The family moved to Florida in 2006 from Michigan. She stated that her daughter will be at Imagine North Lauderdale until she is through fifth grade because the family loves the school, Ms. Kelly and all the staff. Ms. Widner wants to see the change that Imagine can offer and someday hopes her grandchildren will go to the school. She wants to be an active role model for her children and other students who go here Ms. Julie Klahr informed Ms. Kathy Widner that she is required to take four hours of governance training and complete a background screening. Additionally, contact information will be given to the public. Ms. Joyce Ferguson made a motion to approve Ms. Kathy Widner as a new board member for Imagine North Lauderdale. The motion was seconded by Ms. Evelyn Graves and was unanimously approved 13. Board Input Ms. Joyce Ferguson congratulated Ms. Erin Kelly on the B school grade. Ms. Melvern Atencio stated that she has to step down from her position, but will attend the next board meeting. 14. Public Input Ms. Jacky Vernon thanked Ms. Melvern Atencio for her time and welcomed the new board member, Mrs. Kathy Widner. She also recognizes the school and Ms. Kelly for her work in moving the school academically. She noted all of the work for the trade days for the region and Erin and Ashley took initiative for the school (rigor and relevance). She also completed a walk through and stated that the kids were actively engaged, the 4E board configuration was posted in rooms, and classes were practicing rules and procedures. Ms. Vernon said that Ms Kelly worked hard to retain teachers by implementing the preschool program. She also congratulated the school for the Donors Choose projects that were funded for the several teachers at the school. 15. Dates of Future Meetings An upcoming Board meeting is scheduled for September 17, 2014 at 6:00 pm. 16. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm by Ms. Melvern Atencio.