1 Chapter 11 – Glaciers & Glaciation Study Guide #1 – Types and Movement of Glaciers (40 points total) pgs. 211-215 Directions. Answer each question as completely and concisely as possible and in complete sentences. (RAP - Restate, Answer, & Prove) . 1. Define the term glacier and describe the conditions under which it originates. (3 pts.) 2. Define the term valley (or alpine) glacier. (3 pts.) 3. Define the term ice sheet (or continental ice sheet). (3 pts.) 4. Where in the world are the 2 remaining large continental ice sheets? (3 pts.) 5. Explain the difference between an ice cap and an ice sheet. (3 pts.) 6. Define the term piedmont glacier. (3 pts.) 7. List and explain the 2 ways in which a glacier moves. (4 pts.) 1) 2) 8. What are crevasses and how are they created in a glacier? (3 pts.) 9. Explain the rate differences in ice flow as it moves down a mountain. (3 pts.) 10. Define the term Zone of Accumulation. How is its outer limit defined? (3 pts.) 11. Define the term Zone of Wastage. How is it related to the zone of accumulation? (3 pts.) 12. What is calving and where and how does it happen? (3 pts.) 13. Explain the relationship between a glaciers glacial budget and ablation. (3 pts.) Chapter 11 – Glaciers & Glaciation Study Guide #2 – Glacial Erosion (40 points total) pgs. 215-220 Directions. Answer each question as completely and concisely as possible and in complete sentences. (RAP - Restate, Answer, & Prove) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What does the enormous competence of a glacier allow it to do that a stream or wind can not? (3 pts.) List and explain the 2 primary processes glaciers use to erode land surfaces. (4 pts.) 1) 2) Define the term rock flour. (3 pts.) What are glacial striations and how are they created? (3 pts.) List and explain the 4 factors that control the rates of glacial erosion. (4 pts.) 1) 2) 3) 4) What are the general characteristics of areas carved by erosion from alpine glaciers. (3 pts.) What are the general characteristics of areas carved by erosion from continental ice sheets. (3 pts.) Based on the diagram on page 218 (Figure 11.8, C. Glaciated Topography) list and explain the 7 glacial erosional features shown for an alpine glacier. (14 pts.) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) What is a roche moutonnÄ—e, how is it formed, and how does it indicate direction of glacial movement? (3 pts.) 2 Chapter 11 – Glaciers & Glaciation Study Guide #3 – Glacial Deposition (40 points total) pgs. 221-225 Directions. Answer each question as completely and concisely as possible and in complete sentences. (RAP - Restate, Answer, & Prove) 1. Describe the general effects of continental ice sheets on surface topography and places where it has occurred in the United States. (4 pts.) 2. Define the term glacial drift. (3 pts.) 3. List and explain the two types of glacial drift. Explain the difference in their sorting of deposited sediment. (4 pts.) 1) 2) 4. What is a glacial erratic and what does its presence say about the source area of this type of rock. (3 pts.) 5. Define the term moraine. (3 pts.) 6. List and describe the 4 categories of moraines. Determine if they are associated with alpine glaciers, ice sheets, or both. (8 pts.) 1) 2) 3) 4) 7. Describe an example of a feature formed during the last ice age by a continental ice sheet end moraine (Figure 11.8). (3 pts.) 8. What is an outwash plain and how is it related to a retreating glacier. (3 pts.) 9. What is a kettle lake and how is it formed. (3 pts.) 10. List and describe the 3 types of till deposits left behind by a retreating continental ice sheet. (6 pts.) 1) 2) 3) Chapter 11 – Glaciers & Glaciation Study Guide #4 – The Ice Age (42 points total) pgs. 225-230 Directions. Answer each question as completely and concisely as possible and in complete sentences. (RAP - Restate, Answer, & Prove) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain whether the Pleistocene Ice Age glaciation was a single or multi-staged event and the evidence supporting it. (3 pts.) What do oceans drill core sediments show about the existence of glaciers during the ice age. (3 pts.) Explain why glaciers during the last ice age were more extensive in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. (3 pts.) Give examples of major US rivers and how they have been altered by glaciation. (3 pts.) Give examples of how sea level drop by glaciation affected exposed land areas of the world. (3 pts.) What is a Pluvial Lake and why is it formed. Name the large pluvial lake that was formed in the Western US and the name of the present lake that still remains (Figure 11.21). (3 pts.) 3 7. In relationship to plate tectonics why is it believed that ice ages have only occurred a few times in the geologic past. (3 pts.) 8. Explain how Continental Ice Sheets on the supercontinent of Pangea gives evidence which supports plate tectonic movement (Figure 11.22). (3 pts.) 9. Explain why glacial and interglacial periods cannot be attributed to plate tectonic movement. (3 pts.) 10. What does Milutin Milanovich believe is the primary force which controls the Earth’s climate. (3 pts.) 11. List and describe the 3 elements of Milanovich’s model. (6 pts.) 1) 2) 3) 12. What types of information can be retrieved from glacial ice core samples (Box 11.2). (3 pts.) 13. Explain the oxygen isotope analysis process and how it is used to determine past temperature changes. (3 pts.)