EML110 Portfolio

Example assessment & marking criteria
Assessment type:
Learning portfolio
EML110 English Curriculum: Understanding Language and Literacy
This subject introduces foundational concepts about language and literacy as sociocultural practices, and theories
and models of language acquisition and early literacy development. Students will explore contextual factors that
impact language and literacy development such as cultural and linguistic diversity, and the influence of globalisation
and new technologies on literacy teaching and learning. Students will critically engage with English Curriculum
documents to understand the intent and organisation of English through the strands of language, literacy and
literature. Students will develop core practices related to collecting, analysing and interpreting data in order to
understand children's early language and literacy experiences in a range of contexts. They will connect these
experiences to pedagogical approaches that support literacy learning in Years K-2.
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
 demonstrate understanding of language and literacy as sociocultural practices
 critically analyse the role of literacy
 demonstrate understanding of first and second language acquisition and early literacy development
 understand pedagogical approaches to teaching
 understand language and literacy experiences
 understand the influence of cultural and linguistic diversity
 critically engage with English curriculum documents.
Subject learning
Assessment task:
Value& length:
Task description:
1: Learning portfolio
40%; variable length
You will develop and maintain a portfolio that provides evidence of your understanding of key concepts and content
related to the subject learning outcomes. The portfolio will consist of 6 items and a 1,500 word critical reflection
essay. The portfolio will be submitted using Pebblepad.
The portfolio will consist of:
A. Six (6) tasks chosen from tasks embedded in subject content, via the first two learning modules in Interact. You
will choose three (3) tasks and your lecturer will choose three (3) tasks for inclusion in the portfolio. The tasks will
incorporate the use of a range of media and provide opportunities for you to demonstrate your competence in
multimodal communication, as well as understanding of subject content.
The tasks support subject content and are designed to scaffold your engagement with and understanding of key
concepts related to:
o theories of language and language acquisition,
o functional models of language,
o theories and models of literacy learning and teaching,
o cultural and linguistic diversity,
o the impact of technology and globalisation on language and literacy.
B. A 1,500 word essay that critically reflects on your new and developing understandings about language and
literacy teaching and learning in the 21st century, and discusses how the tasks have contributed to your meeting
these learning outcomes of the subject:
o demonstrate a critically informed understanding of literacy and language as sociocultural practices;
o explain theories and models of first and second language acquisition and early literacy development;
o explain the influence of cultural and linguistic diversity on English language and literacy
o critically analyse the role of literacy in the 21st century as shaped by globalisation and new
This essay should be written in the first person, and make reference to subject readings and materials to support
your ideas.
1. The first thing you must do is login to the Pebblepad site (via the subject Interact site), click on 'view' and go to
'gateways'. Find and click on the link to EML440 BD for the session you are enrolled in. Look for the gateway
resources and the link to 'Your name - EML440 Assessment 1'. Beside this is a button that says 'copy and publish',
click on this to save the assessment webfolio to your Pebblepad assets. Then change the name to put your own
name in so the file is saved with your name on it!
This webfolio will be the place where you will put your artefacts for the assignment, including your reflective essay.
You can do this by writing directly into the webfolio or by creating links to the completed portfolio tasks that you
have saved as assets in Pebblepad. Once saved into your assets, the webfolio will automatically update back to the
gateway any time you make changes to it. You MUST click 'copy and publish' for this to happen.
2. Throughout Modules 1 and 2 there are a range of portfolio tasks to complete that are designed to enhance
engagement with subject content. You should complete all tasks and keep them as assets in Pebblepad. You must
choose 3 portfolio tasks from the modules that will become assets to be shared as part of your e-portfolio. NOTE:
Portfolio Task 1.3 is compulsory for everyone. In the first 3 weeks of the subject, the coordinator will nominate 2
other portfolio tasks to be included in the final portfolio submitted for summative assessment.
NB: Only the portfolio tasks count towards the assessment. Other learning activities are designed to enhance your
engagement with the content, but are not assessed.
3. When you have assembled your 6 tasks, write a 1,500 - 1,800 word reflective report that justifies and critically
evaluates each task, discusses how each task contributes to your development as a teacher and describes what
each one demonstrates about your learning with regard to the points in B above.
You will submit your portfolio with reflection on two occasions:
Friday 28th March - three assets from Module One with 800 - 1,000 word reflective report for formative feedback.
Monday 27th April - completed portfolio of 6 assets, 3 each from Modules 1 and 2, with 1,500 - 1,800 word
reflective report for summative marking.
Literacy is a multifaceted and complex part of teaching and learning. Competence in teaching writing can be
demonstrated in a number of ways linked to the range of skills and understandings required. A portfolio is an
effective way of representing individual understandings and skills. Teachers are also required to be reflective
practitioners who are able to think critically about their own practice, in order to continuously improve. This
assignment will build students’ skills and understandings about teaching literacy through a range of tasks linked to
subject outcomes that students will critically reflect on. Pebblepad is a digital tool that is part of the BTch Course. It
offers an effective and efficient way for students to maintain artefacts that demonstrate their growing competence as
teachers. This assignment will build and develop students’ skills in using Pebblepad for an authentic purpose.
This assignment meets the following learning outcomes:
o demonstrate a critically informed understanding of literacy and language as sociocultural practices;
o explain theories and models of first and second language acquisition and early literacy development;
o explain the influence of cultural and linguistic diversity on English language and literacy development;
o critically analyse the role of literacy in the 21st century as shaped by globalisation and new
Marking criteria & standards of performance
Developed by Dr Jae Major
Marking criteria
Task completion
reflects familiarity with
and understanding of
subject content and
Six tasks are completed
with attention to the
instructions and
requirements. All tasks
are completed to a high
standard reflecting an
in-depth understanding
of the relevant concepts
and content related to
each of the subject
outcomes. Connections
to and beyond relevant
subject materials are
Evidence of critical
reflection on own
learning and
understandings in
relation to subject
outcomes and
portfolio tasks.
Own learning is critically
discussed with
connections to wider
experiences and
learning. Connections
between tasks, own
learning, and subject
outcomes are
meaningful and
synthesised in the
discussion. Implications
for classroom practice
are discussed with clear
and useful detail.
Professional standard
High level of accuracy
Six tasks are completed
with attention to the
instructions and
requirements. The
majority of tasks are
completed to a high
standard, and the
majority reflect an indepth understanding of
the relevant concepts
and content related to
each of the subject
outcomes. Some
connections beyond
subject materials are
Own learning is critically
discussed, and some
connections are made
beyond the immediate
subject context. The
subject outcomes are
addressed clearly with
some integration and
connections to tasks
and own learning;
however there may be
lapses. Implications for
classroom practice are
discussed with some
High level of accuracy
Six tasks are submitted
and all are complete in
terms of the instructions
and requirements.
There are minor lapses
in detail or relevance,
but solid evidence that
subject concepts and
content related to most
of the subject outcomes
are understood.
Relevant subject
materials have been
used to complete the
Six tasks are submitted
although there maybe
responses which are
limited or lacking detail
and relevance. There is
sufficient evidence that
most subject concepts
and content related to
the subject outcomes
are understood, and
some relevant subject
materials have been
used to complete the
Some tasks are
There is little evidence
that subject content
related to the outcomes
is understood and few
relevant materials have
been used in task
Own learning is
discussed with some
evidence of critical
reflection. All subject
outcomes are
addressed but some
may lack detail, and
connections to own
learning and tasks tend
to be discrete rather
than integrated.
Implications for
classroom practice are
described in general
Ideas are clearly
Own learning is
described with limited
levels of critical
reflection. Connections
to subject outcomes
tend to focus on tasks
rather than learning/
understanding, and
some links are tenuous
or not clearly explained.
Obvious implications for
classroom practice are
described but may lack
Own learning is not
described or is
described in limited
ways. There are limited
connections made to
the subject outcomes
and not all outcomes
are addressed.
Implications for
classroom practice are
not considered, or are
considered in a brief
and superficial way.
Lack of clarity in places.
Lack of clarity that
of presentation
including academic
literacy and the use of
APA referencing.
and control in
articulation of ideas.
Logical and coherent
text structure. Sustained
evidence of correct
citation and referencing.
and control in
articulation of ideas.
Logical and coherent
text structure.
Consistent approach to
citation and
articulated using
accurate sentence
structure. Text structure
is clearly organised.
Consistent approach to
citation and referencing
with few errors.
Text structure may lack
clear organisation.
Minor spelling,
punctuation or
grammatical errors.
Mostly consistent
approach to citation and
referencing with few
impedes understanding
of ideas. Significant
number of spelling,
punctuation or
grammatical errors per
page. Text structure
lacks appropriate
Inadequate citation and