Private Industry & the Market BBR


Private Industry & the Market BBR


Name a negative aspect of a proprietorship

How many people are required to form a partnership?

What is a riskier investment? (Common stock or bonds)

What is a merger of Companies in the same industry? (horizontal, vertical conglomerate)

What is a merger of two unrelated companies? (horizontal, vertical, conglomerate)

What is a merger of two companies at different stages of production? (horizontal, vertical, conglomerate)

What is the word for a single producer in the market?

Do monopolies eliminate choice in the market?

Name one of the benefits of the free market system?

What is an example of a positive externality?

Name one factor which influences interest rates.

What is desirable a higher interest rate, or rate of return?

A subsidy for producers affects which curve?

A higher interest rate will have what affect on monthly & total payments?


Name a positive characteristic of a proprietorship

Who owns a corporation?

If you invest in a corporate bond and that business loses money, do you get your money back?

What does AFL stand for?

What tool do unions use to negotiate with management?

What industries are natural monopolies?

What is an example of a negative externality?

How are people outside of the market helped by public transportation?

How are people outside of the market helped by public health care?

What is one way the government can correct the market for negative externalities?


What are profits called when a stockholder receives them?

What is a negative aspect of corporate profit?

Why is it hard to punish a corporation?

What is the word for a single consumer in the market?

Why are natural monopolies beneficial?

How can the government encourage positive externalities?

What is the discount rate?


What was the Wagner act also known as?

Why are patents necessary in a free market economy?

How do externalities show flaws in the market system?
