Name: Teacher: Oh! The Memories! Physical Geography – Natural

Name: _______________________________
Teacher: __________________________________
Oh! The Memories!
Physical Geography – Natural
Disasters Project
Objective: To educate the viewer on a famous natural
disaster in history (modern or ancient).
Task: You will research a famous natural disaster, pretending that you survived it. Your “memories” and information
about that day or days will be presented in the form of a scrapbook.
Remember: a scrapbook is a creative combination of stories and facts (words) and imagery (pictures and colour).
Your scrapbook should include:
 A title page with your names, a title (ex. the name of the natural disaster with date), and decorations (ex.
pictures, borders, etc).
 A minimum of five scrapbook pages.
 How did it happen? Was it caused by another natural disaster or humans?
Make sure you include the following (this is the minimum):
 When did it happen? Date?
 Where on earth did it happen?
 What did it affect? Ex. the natural habitat, animals, etc.
 Who did affect? Deaths? Injuries?
 What did it affect in the human world? Ex. villages, cities, personal property, etc.
 What was the cleanup like?
 Where any preventative measures put in place? Ex. warning systems
 What type of Landforms were around the disaster zone?
 How did the World Health Organization help?
 Interesting facts
Scrapbook Suggestions:
 Keep things fun to look at: lots of colour and creativity.
 Pictures: images off the internet to tell your survival story? Magazine cut outs, newspaper clippings
 Layer your items and show them off in creative ways (ex. stickers, layered coloured paper, real-life items like a
leaf or brochure from your ‘trip’, etc).
 You don’t have to rush out and buy a scrapbook: put holes in the papers with a hole puncher and tie your pages
together with string or ribbon.
 The paper can grow heavy as you place more things on it, keep this in mind while handling the pages so they
aren’t wrecked.
 Don’t overdo! Be creative but plan before you glue.
Natural Disaster Suggestions
*This is not a comprehensive list, other options are available*
 Wellington Avalanche, USA
 Blons Avalanche, Austria
 Galtur Avalanche, Austria
 Indian Ocean Earthquake, Indonesia
 Kashmir Earthquake, Pakistan
 Java Earthquake, Indonesia
 Sichuan Earthquake, China
 Pakistan Floods of 2010
 Queensland Flood, Australia
 Great Flood of 1931, China
 Great Flood of 1993, USA
 Red River Flood, Canada
 1998 Yangtze River Floods, China
Volcanic Eruptions:
 Mount St. Helen’s
 Mount Tambora
 Mount Vesuvius
 Iceland Eruption
 Boxing Day Tsunami, Indonesia
 Lituya Bay, Alaska
 Messina, Italy
 Kantos, Japan
Hail, Ice, or Snow Storms:
 Great Blizzard of 1888
 Armistice Day Blizzard, USA
 Storm of the Century, 1993
 Hail Storm, Munich, Germany
Hurricanes, Cyclones, or Typhoons:
 Hurricane Katrina, USA
 Hurricane Andrew, USA
 Hurricane Wilma
 Hurricane Ioke
 Cyclone Inigo
 Bangladesh, 1989 (many others occurred in
this region)
 Waco, Texas 1953
 Elie, Manitoba, Canada, 2007
Droughts or Extreme Heat:
 1900 India
 1921-1922 Soviet Union
 1928-1930 China
 2006 Australia
 2006 China
** There are many options, do your
research and find one that interests you
the most and has enough information
available to fulfil the requirements of the
project **
Oh! The Memories! – Natural Disaster Scrapbook Assignment
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Natural Disaster: _____________________________________________________________________________
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Ideas: Use of Information
• communicates relevant
information with limited
effectiveness to the
intended audience.
• communicates relevant
information somewhat
appropriately to the
intended audience.
• communicates relevant
information appropriately to
the intended audience.
• communicates relevant
information in a highly
effective manner to the
intended audience.
• information is rarely
organized and limited flow.
• information is somewhat
organized and flows
• information is well
organized and flows
• information is creatively
organized and flows with
high effectiveness.
Visual Appeal: Graphics
and Decoration
• graphics and decorations
rarely go well with the text
and are used with limited
• graphics and decorations
go well with the text and
are used effectively some
of the time.
• graphics and decorations
go well with the text and
are used effectively.
• graphics and decorations
go creatively with the text
and are used with a high
degree of effectiveness.
• few or no resources were
used or presented.
• some resources were
used and presented
• a variety of resources
were used and presented
in an organized manner.
• a large variety of
resources were used and
presented in a highly
organized manner.
Conventions: Editing
• limited editing of work is
• some editing of work is
• editing of work is evident.
• a high degree of editing of
work is evident.