Block 1

CRS 2023 Technoscience and Culture
(Second Term 2005-2006)
Mr. Lik-kwan Cheung
We are now experiencing fast developments in technoscience in the modern world.
As everything turns electronic and hi-tech, e.g., email, ebanking, ecommerce, plus the
newly developed sciences such as cloning, biogenetic engineering, etc., it is important
to introduce to students the ways technosciences and mass media bear on our sense of
identity and subjectivity. The aim of this course is to help students make sense of
different ramifications of contemporary technosciences which have unprecedentedly
transformed their everyday life experiences, in other words, to introduce them to the
study of technoscience culture. Through a body of fiction, films, T.V. shows,
computer mediated communication devices, cybercultural forms (VR and AI), etc.,
which deal directly with new communication technologies, this class will highlight
the radical effects on the centrality of visual culture in the modern world, on the postmodernist self and on virtuality of all kinds.
 Basic references
 Other references
 Examples
Section 1. Critical Interrogation to Techno-science and New Media
1. The Social Construction of Techno-science
Bruno Latour(雷祥麟譯):〈直線進步或交引纏繞?──人類文明進
限公司,2004),頁 79-106。
David Edgerton, “From Innovation to Use: Ten Eclectic Theses on the
Historiography of Technology,” History and Technology 16: 111-36.
Langdon Winner, “Do Artifacts Have Politics,” The whale and the reactor: a
search for limits in an age of high technology (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1986), P.19-39.
2. Technology and the New Media
Jeff Lewis, “The Culture of New Communications Technology,” Cultural
studies: the basics. (London; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications,
2002), 379-418.
Roger Silverstone, “Technology,” Why study the media? (London: SAGE,
1999), 19-28.
 Mark Poster, “Words without Things,” The mode of information (Cambridge:
Polity Press, 1990), P.1-20.
 Mark Poster, “Social Theory and the New Media,” The second media age
(Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 1995), P.3-22.
Section 2. From Society of Spectacle to Control Societies
3. Society of Spectacle and Infotainment Society
Douglas Kellner, “Media culture and the triumph of the spectacle,” Media
spectacle (London ; New York : Routledge, 2003), P. 1-33.
Douglas Kellner, “Megaspectacle: the O. J. Simpson murder trial,” Media
spectacle (London ; New York : Routledge, 2003), P. 93-125.
Steven Best, “The Commodification of Reality and the Reality of
Commodification: Baudrillard, Debord, and Postmodern Theory,”
Baudrillard : a critical reader, edited by Douglas Kellner (Oxford;
Cambridge: Blackwell, 1994), P. 41-67.
Maurizio Lazzarato, “Struggle, Event, Media.” Trans. Aileen Derieg.
Film clips: 杜琪峰:《大事件》
Film clips: Peter Weir, The Truman Show (中譯:《真人 SHOW》)
4. From Disciplinary Societies to Control Societies
Mark Poster, “Foucault and Databases,” The mode of information
(Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990), P. 69-98.
Mark Poster, “Databases as Discourse, or Electronic Interpellations,” The
second media age (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 1995), P. 78-94.
Gilles Deleuze, tr. Martin Joughin, “Postscript on Control Societies,”
Negotiations (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995), 177-182.
Michel Foucault, “The Eye of Power,” Power/Knowledge, edited by Colin
Gordon (New York: Pantheon Books, 1980), 146-165.
Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, “Biopolitical Production,” Empire
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000), P.22-41.
Film clips: 深作欣二:《大逃殺》
Section 3. Virtuality and Postmodernity
5. Postmodernization, or The Informatization of Production
Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, “Postmodernization, or The Informatization
of Production,” Empire, P.280-300.
Maurizio Lazzarato ( 霍 炬 譯 , 張 歷 君 譯 校 ) : 〈 非 物 質 勞 動 〉
( “Immaterial Labor” ) 。 《 知 識份 子 論 叢》 第 四 輯 , 2006 年( 即
Mark Poster, “Postmodern Virtualities,” The second media age (Cambridge,
MA: Polity Press, 1995), P. 23-42.
Mark Poster, “Lyotard and Computer Science,” The mode of information
(Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990), P. 129-154.
TV clips: Hunter X Hunter
Film clips: David Cronenberg, Existenz
6. Psychoanalysis in cyberspace
Slavoj Zizek, “Cyberspace, Or, The Unbearable Closure of Being,” The
plague of fantasies (London; New York: Verso, 1997), P.127-170.
Slavoj Zizek, “Is it Possible to Traverse the Fantasy in Cyberspace?” The
Zizek Reader (Oxford, UK; Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 1999),
Slavoj Zizek, “The Matrix, Or, the Two Sides of Perversion,” Enjoy your
symptom! : Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and out. New York: Routledge,
Film clips: 秋山貴彥:《我愛奇諾奧》
Film clips: 岩井俊二:《青春電幻物語》
Film clips: The Wachowski brothers: The matrix (中譯:《廿二世紀殺人
7. War and Politics in the Postmodern World
Douglas Kellner, “Reading the Gulf War: Production/Text/Reception,”
Media culture (London; New York: Routledge, 1995), P. 198-230.
Douglas Kellner, “Presidential Politics, the Movie,” Media spectacle
(London ; New York : Routledge, 2003), P. 160-178.
Douglas Kellner(史安斌譯):〈「9.11」恐怖奇觀和媒體操控〉《媒
體奇觀》(北京:清華大學出版社,2003),頁 210-236。
John Fiske, “News, History and Undisciplined Events,” Reading the popular
(Boston : Unwin Hyman, 1989), P.149-184.
Slavoj Zizek, “A cyberspace Lenin: why not?” INTERNATIONAL
Film clips: Oliver Stone, JFK.
8. From Cinematic City to City of Bits
Michael J. Dear, “Postmodern Urbanism,” The postmodern urban condition
(Oxford; Malden, Mass: Blackwell, 2000), P. 140-165.
Michael J. Dear, “Film, Architecture and Filmspace,” The postmodern urban
condition (Oxford; Malden, Mass: Blackwell, 2000), P.176-198.
Michael J. Dear, “From Sidewalk to Cyberspace (and back to Earth again),”
The postmodern urban condition (Oxford; Malden, Mass: Blackwell, 2000),
P. 208-230.
Michael J. Dear, “Postmodern Bloodlines: From Lefebvre to Jameson,” The
postmodern urban condition (Oxford; Malden, Mass: Blackwell, 2000), P.4769.
Film clips: 押井守:《攻殼機動隊》
Film clips: Paul Anderson, Resident Evil(中譯:《生化危機之變種生還
Section 4. Postmodern Science and Posthuman Condition
9. Is Science Multi-cultural?
Sandra Harding(蔡麗玲譯):〈多元文化與後殖民世界中的女性主義
2004),頁 171-198。
Emily Martin(顧彩璇譯):〈卵子與精子:科學如何建構了一部以男
群學出版有限公司,2004),頁 199-224。
David Arnold(蔣竹山譯):〈醫學與殖民主義〉《科技渴望社會》吳
嘉苓等編(台北:群學出版有限公司,2004),頁 183-218。
Ziauddin Sardar(許全義譯):《孔恩與科學戰爭》,台北市:貓頭鷹
Steven Best & Douglas Kellner, “Entropy, Chaos, and Organism in
Postmodern Science,” The postmodern turn (New York: Guilford Press,
1997), P. 195-253.
10. Patent on Life and Our Posthuman Future
施鵬翔等:〈新世紀的圈地運動:生命專利〉《視界》第 7 輯
(2002):頁 2-29。
Stephen A. Marglin(卜永堅譯):〈農民、種籽商和科學家:農業體系
社,1999),頁 145-222。
Neil Badmington, “Approaching Posthumanism,” Posthumanism, edited by
Neil Badmington (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York:
Palgrave, 2000), P. 1-10.
William J. Mitchell, “Cyborg Citizen,” City of bits: space, place, and the
Infobahn. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1995), 26-45.
George Myerson(吳秀瑾譯):《唐娜・哈樂葳與基因改造食物》,台
Film clips: 押井守:《攻殼機動隊之無邪》
Section 5. Science Fiction, Technologized Visuality and Hypertext
11. From Dystopia to Cyberpunk: On Some Motifs in Science Fiction
Tom Moylan(劉思潔譯):〈一九八0以降的科幻小說:烏托邦、反面
烏托邦、電腦叛客及最新發展〉,《中外文 學》22.12(民 83 年 5
《電影欣賞》總第 124 期,2005 年 7-9 月,頁 90-92。
Douglas Kellner, “Mapping the Present from the Future: From Baudrillard to
Cyberpunk,” Media culture (London; New York: Routledge, 1995), P. 297330
層」〉,《中外文學》26.11(民 87 年 4 月):51-77。
Charles Elkins(宋德明譯):〈循環論心理歷史學:艾西莫夫《銀河帝
國三部曲》中歷史唯物論之扭曲〉,《中外文學》22.12(民 83 年 5
Film clips: 手塚治虫:《大都會》
Film clips: 大友克洋:《Akira》
12. Cinema, Photography and the Origins of Modern Chinese Literature
社,2003),頁 279-311。
影欣賞》,第 20 卷第 4 期(總號第 112 期),2002 年 9 月,頁 18-29。
安徽教育出版社,2000),頁 141-180。
社,2000),頁 87-118。
Film clips: Dziga Vertov, Man with a Movie Camera.
13. From Text to Hypertext
Mark Poster, “Derrida and Electronic Writing: The Subject of Computer,” The
mode of information: poststructuralism and social context (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1990), P. 99-128.
 Silvio Gaggi, “Hyperrealities and Hypertexts,” From text to hypertext:
decentering the subject in fiction, film, the visual arts, and electronic media
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997), 98-139.
 Silvio Gaggi, “Calvino and the Traveling Subject,” From text to hypertext:
decentering the subject in fiction, film, the visual arts, and electronic media
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997), 50-63.
 Italo Calvino, If on a winter's night a traveler. (selected chapters)
 中野獨人著、李曉光譯:《電車男》。上海:學林出版社,2005。(節
Final Paper (English: 10 – 15 pages, Chinese: 4,000 – 7,000 words)
Group Project or Creative Writing
Class Participation