Yerevan State University
State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic)
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction
Armenian State University of Economics
Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan
Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Bryusov
Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi
“National Agriculture University of Armenia” Foundation
Yerevan Physics Institute after A. AliKhanyan
“Plastpolimer” Scientific Research Institute Joint-stock Company
Institute of Applied Chemistry “Ariak”
Institute of Material Sciences
Institute of Mathematics (Mathematics)
Institute of Mechanics (Mechanics of Solid Media, Theoretical Mechanics)
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (Computer Science and
Information Technologies)
Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (Astrophysics)
Institute of Radiophysics & Electronics (Radiophysics & Electronics)
Institute of
Applied Problems
(Physics, Solid State Physics,
Acoustophysics, Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, Liquid Crystals Physics,
Semiconductor Physics, Acoustics, Material Technology, Scientific Instrumentation)
Institute for Physical Research (Physics)
Center for Ecological Noosphere Studies (Environmental Studies and Geochemistry)
Institute of Biochemistry (Neurochemistry)
Institute of Botany (Botany)
G.S.Davtyan Institute of Hydroponics Problems (Hydroponics, Biotechnology)
Scientific and Production Center Armbiotechnology (Biotechnology, Bioorganic
Chemistry, Microbiology)
Institute of Biotechnology Scientific and Production Center “Armbiotechnology”
(Biotechnology, Bioorganic Chemistry)
“Institute of Microbiology” Scientific and Production Center “Armbiotechnology”
(General and Applied Microbiology)
Division of Natural Sciences Microbial Depository Center (General and Applied
Institute of Molecular Biology (Molecular and cellular biology)
Institute of Physiology (Neurophysiology)
Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology (Zoology, parazitology, ecology,
nature protection)
Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology- Institute of Zoology (Zoology,
Parazitology, Zoogeography, Biodiversity)
Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology- Institute of Hydroecology and
Ichthyology (Hydroecology, Ichthyology)
Scientific Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(Scientific researches in sphere of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry. Development
of scientific and technological bases of organic synthesis, manufacture and realization of
drugs and chemical substances)
Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry of Scientific - Technological Center of Organic
and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Revealing the regularities of the correlation between
the chemical structure and biological activity of synthesized original compounds and
applying them in development of new drugs)
Institute of Organic Chemistry of Scientific - Technological Center of Organic and
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Organic synthesis, Polimer chemistry)
Molecular Structure Research Center of Scientific - Technological Center of
Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Molecular structure research)
Institute of Chemical Physics (Theory of chemical conversion. Chemistry of free
radicals. Chain reactions. Combustion and explosion. Combustion chemistry. Catalysis)
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (Complex pretreatment of mineral raw
materials and industrial wastes. Development of new waste treatment technologies)
Institute of Geological Sciences (Geology of the Central Segment of the AlpineHimalayan Belt)
Institute of Geophysics and Engeneering Seismology after A. Nazarov of NAS
RA (Geophysics, Engineering Seismology, Earthquake engineering, Geophysical
instrument engineering)
Institute of History (Armenian history)
Institute of Philosophy and Law (Philosophical, sociological, psychological and legal
M.Kotanyan Institute of Economics (The problems of republic's social-economic
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography (Archaeology, Ethnography, Ethnosociology, Anthropology, Epigraphy)
Institute of Oriental Studies (History and Philology of the Near and Middle East)
H. Acharian Institute of Language (Armenian Studies: History of Armenian Language
and Functioning)
M.Abeghyan Institute of Literature (History and Theory of Armenian Literature)
Institute of Art (History and Theory of Armenian Art)
Museum-Institute of Genocide (The History of Armenian Nation)
Shirak Armenology Research Center (Archaelogy, Ethnography, Folklore)
Ministry of Education and Science of RA
State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of RA (created
on October 2007) (This structure is empowered to carry out integrated S&T policy in the
country, and is responsible for development and implementation of research programs in
the country)
Ministry of Economy
Law on Scientific and Technological Activity (December 2000) (regulates the
interrelations between R&D performers, state bodies, and R&D outcome consumers, as
well as outlines general principles of formation and implementation of state policy in the
field of S&T)
Action Plan 2005-2010 directed towards the creation and development of the
innovation system in Armenia (2005) (defined around 20 measures to be implemented in
the period of 2005-2010).
Law on the State Support to Innovation Activity (May 2006) (this was the first measure
of the mentioned action plan 2005-2010), (defines the legal and economic bases of national
innovation policy formation, and forms of state support of innovation activity)
Resolution on the Priorities of Science and Technology Development for 2010-2014 in
the Republic of Armenia (May 2010)
Concept of Innovation Activity in the Republic of Armenia (January 2005)
Conception on Improvements in Science (July 2007)
The Strategy of Science Development (May 2010)
The Strategic Program and Action-Plan for the Development of the Sphere of Science
in 2011-2015 (June 2011) (it involves the measures and the table for the targets defined in
the strategy of science development).
Technology Transfer Assosiation
Incubator of Enterprises Foundation
Viasphere Technopark
In July 2011, Armenian government passed a programme for implementation of Gyumri
Technopark activities in 2011. The programme forsees a number of activities for
technopark development, specifically; creation of new laboratories, preparatory works in
the framework of cooperation with the World Bank, scientific contests. The programme
for creation of Gyumri Technopark was adopted by the government in 2006 as an
ambitious plan for accelerating the development of an IT cluster in the second largest city
of Armenia as part of a larger strategy for regional development and employment
generation. The vision for Gyumri is to help stimulate the development of various key
ingredients that will help Gyumri emerge as a “Techno-city”.