Name________________________________________ Date_____________ Period____ Creating a Model of the Earth’s Crust Skill Builder Background: The outermost layer of the Earth’s surface is called the ________. The crust is equivalent to the ________ of an apple in ________________, relative to the entire Earth. Yet this thin tiny layer is what we think of as “________ ________,” with mountains, valleys, continents, ocean beds, etc. Although it feels solid and hard beneath our feet, the outer surface is actually ________ and fractured like an ________. The pieces of the earth are called ________ ________. The ________ is rich in ________, ________ and ________, with lesser amounts of other elements like ________ .The crusts ________ ________ enables it to ________ on the denser mantle. Beneath the crust is a complex middle region known ________. It is a broad layer of ________ ________ ________. The mantle is relatively flexible so it ________ instead of fracturing. The mantle extends to a depth of about ________. The mantle is thought to be made up of mostly ________ , ________, ________, and ________. The ________ of our planet is composed or mostly ________ and ________ and remains very hot even after ________ ________ of ________. Estimates of the core’s temperature are about 7000 K. The ________ is the densest of the Earth’s layers. The core is divided into two parts: The ________ ________ ________ and at the Earth’s center- the ________ ________ ________ ________. Despite the tremendous temperatures this layer is ________ due to immense ________ of the overlying layers. The sharp boundary between the crust and mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity or Moho. While the Gutenberg discontinuity seperates the mantle from the core. Materials Cardstock “Pie Slice of Earth” Red, orange and yellow coloring supplies Scissors Tape Procedure: Obtain and build the “Pie Slice of Earth” Answer the questions on the back Name________________________________________ Date_____________ Period____ Creating a Pie Slice Model of the Earth’s Crust: Answer Sheet Questions – Use the information found on your model to answer the following questions. 1. What are the four major layers of the Earth? 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. __________________________ Inner core: 2. What is the radius of the inner core? 3. What is the inner core made of? 4. Is the inner core a solid or a liquid? Outer core: 5. What is the thickness of the outer core? 6. What is the outer core made of? 7. Is the outer core a solid or a liquid? 8. What is the rotation of the outer core believed to create? Mantle: 9. What is the thickness of the mantle? 10. What is the mantle made of? 11. Is the mantle a solid or a liquid? Crust: 12. What is the thickness of the crust? 13. What is the crust made of? 14. Is the crust a liquid or a solid Sequencing: 15. Place the 4 layers of the Earth in the correct order from outside to inside. 16. Place the 4 layers of the Earth in the correct order from hottest to coolest. 17. Place the 4 layers of the Earth in the correct order from most dense to least dense. 18. Place the 4 layers of the Earth in the correct order from highest pressure to lowest pressure. Earth Structure: 19. What is the diameter of our planet? 20. Write a sentence or two that describes the basic structure of Earth. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________