Pakistan Central Cotton Committee OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, Directorate of Marketing & Economic Research, Phone No. 021-99244474, 021-34963921, Fax No. 021-99244472 Daily Cotton Market Report 6th September, 2013 Market Current Prices Prices on same Date last year I. Cot look Index (Cents/lb) (05.9.2013) ‘A’ Index 88.75 85.40 II. New York Cotton Market Contract No. 2 (cents/lb) (05.9.2013) ‘Oct’ 2013 Contract ‘Dec’ 2013 Contract 82.40 82.30 74.89 75.35 19,149 132.34 18,666 128.66 48,500 91.80 - 7,180 6,700 77.62 6,055 5,650 72.51 III. China Cotton Index (05.9.2013) Yuan/M. Ton (Cents/lb.) IV. Indian Cotton Index (05.9.2013) Shankar-6 Rs. Per Candy (Equivalent Cents/lb.) V. Karachi Cotton Association Ex-gin Price (05.9.2013) Rs. per 40 kgs. Rs. per maund (Equivalent Cents/lb.) NEW YORK COTTON MARKET CLOSING DELIVERY CONTRACT No. 2 Dated: 5th September, 2013 Contract Oct-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 May-14 July-14 Oct-14 Dec-14 Open High Low Previous Close Change 82.71 82.91 82.25 82.24 82.23 77.25 82.30 82.95 82.31 82.24 82.26 77.25 82.30 82.11 81.76 81.83 81.88 77.25 82.83 82.75 82.32 82.37 82.38 77.87 77.43 82.40 82.30 81.89 81.98 82.05 77.70 77.30 -0.43 -0.45 -0.43 -0.39 -0.33 -0.17 -0.13 SEED COTTON ARRIVAL IN 2013-14 AND 2012-13 AS ON 3rd September, 2013 (Qty in Bales) Arrivals Sales to TCP Sales to Exporters Sales to Textile Mills Unsold Stock Un-ginned Stock 2012-13 Punjab - Source: Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association. Sindh - Total 1,725,853 69,654 1,435,769 220,430 148,863 Punjab - 2011-12 Sindh - Total 1,731,245 221,478 - SEED COTTON PRICES, CROP 2012-13 Market Seed Cotton Raw Cotton (Lint) Hyderabad Mirpur khas Sanghar Rahim Yar Khan Khanewal Mian Channu Sahiwal Vehari Burewala 05.9.13 3075 3050 3050 3150 2900 2900 2900 2900 2975 05.9.13 7287 7287 7287 7341 6600 6216 7180 Cotton Seed Cotton Seed Cake Spot (Rs. Per 40 Kgs) 05.9.13 943 932 932 938 965 938 965 884 890 05.9.13 873 804 884 911 1018 964 929 929 929 CCAC’s Estimates on Production for the Cotton Crop Year (2013-14) S. NO Province 1 Punjab 2 Sindh 3 Khaber Pakhton Khawa 4 Baluchistan 5 Pakistan Source: CCAC’s 2nd, meeting held on 26.8.2013. Production (million bales) 9.00 3.54 0.007 0.108 12.655 PROVISIONAL STATEMENT OF EXPORT AND IMPORT OF COTTON (Quantity in Bales) (Value in Million-Rs.) Exports July -2013 Imports June-2013 % change July-2013 June-2013 % change Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value 30,859 880 25,418 705 (+) 21.04 (+) 24.08 90,482 3369 128,612 4858 (-) 29.06 (-) 30.06 Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. REGISTRATION & SHIPMENTS OF COTTON Registration Period 01.8.2012 to 31.8.2013 01-8-2012 to 31.8.2013 Shipments Crop 2012-13 2013-14 Total:- Bales 39,772 61,495 Period 01-8-2012 to 31.8.2013 01-8-2012 to 31.8.2013 101,267 Total:- Source: - Trade Development Authority of Pakistan. Crop 2012-13 2013-14 Quantity (Bales) 28,026 8,205 36,231 Source: - Trade Development Authority of Pakistan. DOMESTIC SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION POSITION OF COTTON Balance Sheet during 2011-12 and 2012-13 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Position Carryover Production Imports Total Mill Consumption Exports End Season Stocks Total 2011-12 ‘000’ Bales 692 14,813 1,015 16,520 14,178 1,509 833 16,520 *Provisional Note: Exports and Imports (July, 2012-June, 2013). Mill Consumption (July, 2012 to June, 2013). ‘000’ M/Tons 117 2,518 173 2,808 2,408 257 143 2,808 2012-13* ‘000’ Bales 833 12,966 2,528 16,327 14209 544 1574 16,327 ‘000’ M/Tons 143 2,204 430 2,777 2416 92 269 2,777