KRUPAJAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE Applied Electronics & Instrumentation COURSE PLAN LECTURER(S): Ambarish G Mohapatra Year/Semester : 8th Subject Code : PEEN 5402 Subject Name : Industrial Instrumentation Credit Points : 3 Module (Name/Number): Subject over view Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following: Understand the principle and operation of industrial instrumentation technology in nuclear power plants, petrochemical industries and measurement of chemical compositions using various techniques. This course covers almost all the industrial instrumentation technologies and control process plans. 3 Total number of classes required: 42 LECT. NO TOPIC(S) TO BE COVERED IN CLASS PRIMARY REFERENCE (BOOKS/NOTES) ASSIGNMENT S DUE & INCLASS ACTIVITIES PLANNED MODULE-I BelaG.Liptakt Instrumentation in the processing Industries, Chillon Book Company, 1973. M. Douglan Constidine and S.P. Ross: Handbook of Applied Instrumentation, M. C Graw Hill 1964. 1. PART–A: INSTRUMENTATION IN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRIES. (1.1) Instrumentation and Control in reactors and distillation column , 2. (1.2) Temperature and pressure control , Optimization ---do--- (1.3) Elementary idea of batch reactors ---do--- 3. OLD EXAM QUESTIONS/E XPECTED QUESTIONS TO BE COVERED REMARKS 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (1.4) Measurement and control of column pressure ---do--- (1.5) Control of feed, reboiler, Reflux rates ---do--- (1.6) Optimization distillation columns. ---do--- of (2.1) Instrumentation and Control in dryers ---do--- (2.2) Batch and continuous dryers. ---do--- (3.1) Instrumentation and Control in evaporators ---do--- BPUT old question paper discussion (3.2) Types of evaporates ---do--11. 12. (3.3) Measurement and control of pressure, density, conductivity , differential pressure Expected examination question discussion ---do--- 10 marks of objective test ---do--MODULE-II 13. PART–B:POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION (4.1) Instrumentation for thermal power plants 14. (4.1) Instrumentation for thermal power plantstesting, monitoring and control instrumentation coal handling/ crushing units 15. (4.1) Instrumentation for thermal power plantstesting, monitoring and control instrumentation coal handling/ crushing CEGB: Modern Power Station Practices : V-6 and V-8, Pergaman, Process, 1971 H. V. Morse : Nuclear Power –Cambridge University press. ---do--- ---do--- Expected question discussion units [Continued…] 16. 17. (4.1) Instrumentation for thermal power plantstesting, monitoring and control instrumentation coal handling/ crushing units [Continued…] ---do--- boiler, turbines, condensers ---do--18. boiler, turbines, condensers [Continued…] 19. boiler, turbines, condensers [Continued…] ---do--- generators and auxiliary systems ---do--- (5.1)Nuclear reactor instrumentation ---do--- 20. 21. 22. ---do--- Diffusion , Moderation ---do--23. 24. Absorption and delay processes ---do--- Neutron flux measurement ---do--25. Control rod calibration ---do--26. 27. 28. 29. Nuclear fuel inspection and testing including poisoning [Continued…] ---do--- Nuclear fuel inspection and testing including poisoning [Continued…] ---do--- Radiation energy measurement ---do--- Remote control Instrumentation ---do--- Expected question discussion 10 marks of objective test BPUT old question paper discussion 30. Nuclear Instrumentation ---do--31. Maintenance ---do--32. 33. Expected examination question discussion ---do--- 10 marks of objective test Class Test II ---do--MODULE-III 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. PART–C: MEASUREMENT OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Chemical Analysis : Introduction, Spectroscopy X-Ray Introduction, Spectroscopy X-Ray Photo acoustic Microwave Mass spectrometers Electrochemical Techniques – Conductivity Jones : Instrument Technology ; Vol : 2 Butterworths. ---do-----do-----do-----do--- P. H. Potentiometry ---do--40. 41. 42. Gas Analysis : Chromatography Moisture Measurement Expected examination question discussion Previous year question paper discussion Sign BPUT old question paper discussion Expected question discussion ---do--- H.O.D