High School Plot Diagram

High School Plot Diagram
Assignment: Create a plot diagram on a blank sheet of paper of one of the major actions and/or
conflicts of your high school life so far. Each section below should have a sentence or two that gives
detail about the specifics of your story. It does not have to be overly profound or personal, pick a
situation that you are comfortable with sharing.
 Exposition: Who are the major characters of your story? Where does it take place? What does
the reader need to know?
o Inciting Incident: Was there a specific event that led to the creation of the conflict?
 Rising Action: What led to the initial conflict? How did the conflict build? How were the
characters affected?
 Climax: At what point did the conflict reach its peak? Be specific?
 Falling Action: What was the immediate aftermath of the conflict? Who was affected and how?
 Resolution/denouement: How did things change for you or for anyone else? What did you
High School Plot Diagram
Assignment: Create a plot diagram on a blank sheet of paper of one of the major actions and/or
conflicts of your high school life so far. Each section below should have a sentence or two that gives
detail about the specifics of your story. It does not have to be overly profound or personal, pick a
situation that you are comfortable with sharing.
 Exposition: Who are the major characters of your story? Where does it take place? What does
the reader need to know?
o Inciting Incident: Was there a specific event that led to the creation of the conflict?
 Rising Action: What led to the initial conflict? How did the conflict build? How were the
characters affected?
 Climax: At what point did the conflict reach its peak? Be specific?
 Falling Action: What was the immediate aftermath of the conflict? Who was affected and how?
 Resolution/denouement: How did things change for you or for anyone else? What did you
High School Plot Diagram
Assignment: Create a plot diagram on a blank sheet of paper of one of the major actions and/or
conflicts of your high school life so far. Each section below should have a sentence or two that gives
detail about the specifics of your story. It does not have to be overly profound or personal, pick a
situation that you are comfortable with sharing.
 Exposition: Who are the major characters of your story? Where does it take place? What does
the reader need to know?
o Inciting Incident: Was there a specific event that led to the creation of the conflict?
 Rising Action: What led to the initial conflict? How did the conflict build? How were the
characters affected?
 Climax: At what point did the conflict reach its peak? Be specific?
 Falling Action: What was the immediate aftermath of the conflict? Who was affected and how?
 Resolution/denouement: How did things change for you or for anyone else? What did you